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Issue 33 - 1 October 2013

Get the latest NZ nursing research

Look no further than NZNO’s own research journal Kai Tiaki Nursing Research. The fourth issue - just off the press - is topical and the biggest yet, with five strong  peer-reviewed articles.
Two research studies glean new information about the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake. Another article looks at the value of critical care outreach nurses and the early warning score tool, while a meta-study tries to find whether support for palliative care nurses leads to better quality of care. Finally, why do Maori nurses smoke and what would make them stop? The first part of a two-part study examines the conflicted roles of smoker and health-care role model.
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Articles - Patient Advocacy

By Seal, Marion. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing 24.4 (Jun-Aug 2007): 29-36
The aim of this study was to explain the role of patient advocacy in the Advance Care Planning (ACP-ing) process. Nurses rate prolonging the dying process with inappropriate measures as their most disturbing ethical issue and protecting patients' rights to be of great concern (Johnston et al 2002). Paradoxically ethical codes assume nurses have the autonomy to uphold patients' health-care choices. Advance Directives (AD) designed to improve end-of-life care are poorly taken up and acute hospitals are generally not geared for the few they receive. The Respecting Patient Choices Program (RPCP) improves AD utilisation through providing a supportive framework for ACP-ing and primarily equipping nurses as RPC consultants. Assisting patients with this process requires attributes consistent with patient advocacy arising out of nursing's most basic tenet, the care of others

2. Patient Advocacy in the Perioperative Setting
By Boyle, Heather J. Association of Operating Room Nurses. AORN Journal 82.2 (Aug 2005): 250-62
Advocacy is at the heart of nursing's professional commitment, and it plays an essential role when nurses are caring for patients and patient's family members. Boyle describes a qualitative study that was undertaken to define patient advocacy and perioperative nurses' role as advocates in the perioperative setting and to investigate perioperative nurses' perceptions of behaviors that represent advocacy in the perioperative setting.

3. Individual patient advocacy, collective responsibility and activism within professional nursing associations
By Mahlin, Margaret. Nursing Ethics 17.2 (Mar 2010): 247-54
The systemic difficulties of health care in the USA have brought to light another issue in nurse--patient advocacy -- those who require care yet have inadequate or non-existent access. Patient advocacy has focused on individual nurses who in turn advocate for individual patients, yet, while supporting individual patients is a worthy goal of patient advocacy, systemic problems cannot be adequately addressed in this way. The difficulties nurses face when advocating for patients is well documented in the nursing literature and I argue that, through collective advocacy, professional nursing associations ought to extend the reach of individual nurses in order to address systemic problems in health care institutions and bureaucracies.

4. Patient Advocacy: Roles for Nurses and Leaders
By Smith, Alison P. Nursing Economics 22.2 (Mar/Apr 2004): 88-90
: Smith discusses the roles of nurses as patient advocates. She points out that defining patient advocacy in specific terms and creating measurable means to assess performance are keys to meeting the expectations of patients.

5. Recognising the impact of social exclusion: The need for advocacy and activism in health care
By Jackson, Debra; Saltman, Deborah C, AM. Contemporary Nurse : a Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession 40.1 (Dec 2011): 57-9
: Social exclusion has been identified as an issue of concern in Australia and internationally, and describes the inability to fully engage in society because of social characteristics that reduce opportunities for successful social engagement (Ferguson, 2008; Saunders, Naidoo, & Griffiths, 2008). It has been linked with a range of health and social outcomes, including disconnectedness, violence, drug and alcohol use, depression, stress and reduced perception of life as meaningful (Hardiman & Lapeyre, 2004; Mao et al., 2009; Morgan, Burns, Fitzpatrick, Pinfold, & Priebe, 2007; Saunders et al., 2008; Stillman et al., 2009), and is associated with multiple factors including family breakdown, unemployment, social security dependence, educational disadvantage and loss of identity (Hardiman & Lapeyre, 2004).

Selected Articles - Public Health Nutrition [Journal]

6. Making soft drinks the dietary version of the cigarette 
By Yngve, Agneta; Haapala, Irja; Hodge, Allison; McNeill, Geraldine; Tseng, Marilyn. Public Health Nutrition 15.8 (Aug 2012): 1329-30
Like any pursued criminal, they have aliases (a.k.a. soft drinks, a.k.a. soda, a.k.a. pop); researchers in nutritional epidemiology and public health nutrition have put the finger on them as contributors to the obesity epidemic; authorities on dietary recommendations are bearing down on them; law makers are scrambling to make them feel unwelcome.

7. Sociodemographic, behavioural and environmental correlates of sweetened beverage consumption among pre-school children 
By Pabayo, Roman; Spence, John C; Cutumisu, Nicoleta; Casey, Linda; Storey, Kate. Public Health Nutrition 15.8 (Aug 2012): 1338-46.
Objective - To identify sociodemographic and environmental correlates of sweetened beverages (regular soft drinks, fruit juice) among children of pre-school age.

8. Is maternal nutrition knowledge more strongly associated with the diets of mothers or their school-aged children? 
By Williams, Lauren; Campbell, Karen; Abbott, Gavin; Crawford, David; Ball, Kylie. Public Health Nutrition 15.8 (Aug 2012): 1396-401
Objective - Maternal nutrition knowledge has frequently been identified as an important target for nutrition promotion interventions. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether maternal nutrition knowledge is more strongly associated with the mother's own diet or that of her child.

Articles - Maori Health

9. The impact of socio-contextual, physical and lifestyle variables on measures of physical and psychological wellbeing among Maori and non-Maori: the New Zealand Health, Work and Retirement Study
This article provides an overview of the New Zealand Health, Work and Retirement Study (HWR), the focus of which is on determinants of cultural-contextual factors on physical and mental health among 6,662 New Zealand citizens, a nationally representative sample of adults between 55 and 70 years of age. The HWR was initiated in 2006 with two-year re-assessment intervals. The health and wellbeing of older Maori was a study priority as previous research has shown large health disparities between Maori and non-Maori in New Zealand

10. Effects of self-reported racial discrimination and deprivation on Maori health and inequalities in New Zealand: cross-sectional study
By Ricci, Harris; Martin, Tobias; Jeffreys, Mona; Waldegrave, Kiri; et al. The Lancet 367.9527 (Jun 17-Jun 23, 2006): 2005-9.
Inequalities in health between different ethnic groups in New Zealand are most pronounced between Maori and Europeans. Our aim was to assess the effect of self-reported racial discrimination and deprivation on health inequalities in these two ethnic groups. We used data from the 2002/03 New Zealand Health Survey to assess prevalence of experiences of self-reported racial discrimination in Maori (n=4108) and Europeans (n=6269) by analysing the responses to five questions about: verbal attacks, physical attacks, and unfair treatment by a health professional, at work, or when buying or renting housing.

11. The nurse's role in improving health disparities experienced by the indigenous Maori of New Zealand
By Theunissen, Katherine Evelyn. Contemporary Nurse : a Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession 39.2 (Oct 2011): 281-6.
: Many countries across the globe experience disparities in health between their indigenous and non-indigenous people. The indigenous Maori of New Zealand are the most marginalized and deprived ethnic group with the poorest health status overall. Factors including the historical British colonization, institutional discrimination, healthcare workforce bias and the personal attitudes and beliefs of Maori significantly contribute to disparities, differential access and receipt of quality health services.

12. Disparity in Mental Health Provision for Maori and Pacific: A Nursing Response
By Gunther, Shelley. Whitireia Nursing Journal 18 (2011): 39-43
Furthermore, 38 per cent of Maori referrals come from law enforcement or welfare services. [...] in order to reduce the number of Maori entered into crisis and forensic services, primary, early intervention and general mental health services need to be more accessible and appropriate to their needs (Simpson, Brinded, Fairley, Laidlaw, & Malcolm, 2003

13. Higher risk of zinc deficiency in New Zealand Pacific school children compared with their Maori and European counterparts: a New Zealand national survey
By Gibson, Rosalind S; Bailey, Karl B; Parnell, Winsome R; Wilson, Noela; Ferguson, Elaine L. The British Journal of Nutrition 105.3 (Feb 14, 2011): 436-46
: Few multi-ethnic national surveys have examined Zn nutriture, despite its importance for optimal growth and development during childhood. We assessed the Zn status of urban and semi-urban children aged 5-15 years from three ethnic groups in New Zealand (NZ) in the 2002 Children's National Nutrition Survey and investigated the factors predisposing them to Zn deficiency. In a 10-month cross-sectional survey, Pacific and Maori children were over-sampled permitting ethnic-specific analyses. Anthropometry, serum Zn and Zn intakes via 24 h recalls were measured. Anthropometric z scores were highest in Pacific

Journal - Table of Contents

14. From The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, August 2013, Volume 44 · Issue 8
CNE Article
Continuing Education and Self-Assessment of Knowledge of Nurse Leaders
CNE Quiz
Continuing Education and Self-Assessment of Knowledge of Nurse Leaders
Original Article
Development of an Online Orientation Course for Preceptors in a Dedicated Education Unit Program
14D. Nurses and Nutrition: A Survey of Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Nutrition Assessment and Care of Hospitalized Elderly Patients
14E. Stabilizing and Retaining a Quality Nursing Work Force Through the Use of the Married State Preceptorship Model
14F. Critical Thinking of Registered Nurses in a Fellowship Program
Administrative Angles
The Accreditation Process: A Virtual Visit Experience
Clinical Updates
Revising Oxygen Targeting for Very Low Birth Weight Infants
Teaching Tips
Transition to an Electronic Professional Nurse Portfolio: Part II


15. The First “Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System User Group Seminar
Date: 3 – 4 December 2013
Venue: Nashville, Tennessee, USA
More information:

16. 10th Australasian Lymphology Association Conference
: 3rd to 5th April 2014
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand

Privacy Commissioner - New Resources

17. Health privacy toolkit
The toolkit brings together new guidance material with material we've already produced, and puts it all together in one convenient place. Health information privacy is about making sure patients and staff know what's being done with their health information, and why. Collecting, using and disclosing health information to provide care should never be a problem. But when you do get questions about privacy, the information in this kit will help to give you the answers you need.

ICN - New Position Statements 2013

18. Cultural and linguistic competence

19. Nursing Regulation

20. Breastfeeding

News - National

21. New drugs hold hope of 'clinical cure' for skin cancer
TVNZ - Saturday September 28, 2013
A new generation of drugs designed to trigger the immune system to fight cancer is offering the prospect of a "clinical cure" for some melanoma skin cancer patients who until a few years ago were more likely to be facing a swift death

22. Kids at risk of rheumatic fever top priority in housing policy
NZ Herald - Friday Sep 27, 2013
Children at risk of rheumatic fever will become the top priority in a new state housing policy announced today. Housing Minister Nick Smith said families with at-risk children would be fast-tracked to the top of the waiting list for state housing, to reduce their risk of contracting the preventable disease

News - International

23. Radical plan to fix health crisis
The Age - September 30, 2013
Pharmacists would give vaccinations, issue repeat prescriptions and play a greater role in managing chronic diseases under a radical proposal by a former top health bureaucrat to overcome doctor shortages in the bush. In a report to be released on Monday, Stephen Duckett, a former head of the federal Health Department, also argues for the introduction of a new class of health workers: physician assistants, who have completed a two or three-year degree and practice medicine under the supervision of a doctor

24. Children as young as five suffering from depression
Thousands of children as young as five are suffering from depression with cases surging in the last decade, according to official NHS guidance

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