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Issue 35 - 18 October 2013

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Articles - Sugar and Effects on health

1. How to break the sugar habit- and help your health in the process.   Harvard Women's Health Watch. Jul 2013, Vol. 20
Issue 11, p4-5
The article discusses the importance of making smarter food choices so one can eat less sugar and lose weight without being deprived. The American Heart Association has guidelines for how much sugar a person actually needs. The idea of artificial sweeteners is described as controversial. Sucralose is advised for people who are concerned about the safety of their artificial sweetener..

2. Water Fluoridation and the Association of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Dental Caries in Australian Children.
By Armfield, Jason M.; Spencer, A. John; Roberts-Thomson, Kaye F.; Plastow, Katrina. American Journal of Public Health. Mar 2013, Vol. 103 Issue 3, p494-500.
: Objectives. We examined demographic and socioeconomic differences in the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), its association with dental caries in children, and whether exposure to water fluoridation modifies this association. 

3.  If Sugar Is Addictive...What Does It Mean for the Law?
By Gearhardt, Ashley; Roberts, Michael; Ashe, Marice.
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. Spring 2013 Supplement, Vol. 41, p46-49. 4p.
: Newly emerging links between sugar and addiction raise challenging issues for public health policy. What was once a naturally occurring food ingredient is now a highly concentrated food additive. If foods containing artificially high levels of sugar are capable of triggering addictive behaviors, how should policymakers respond? What regulatory steps would be suitable and practical? This paper explores the concept and definition of addiction and presents evidence of the addictive potential of sugar. It also explores the legal implications if sufficient evidence demonstrates that sugar is indeed addictive.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

4. The Bittersweet Truth About Sugar Labeling Regulations: They Are Achievable and Overdue
By Pomeranz, Jennifer L.  American Journal of Public Health. Jul 2012, Vol. 102 Issue 7, pe14-e20. 7p
The recent Institute of Medicine recommendation to the Food and Drug Administration to include added sugar in a new front-of-package system provides new justification for reviewing outdated regulations pertinent to sugar and analyzing whether the government's previous resistance to sugar labeling remains valid given new and robust science. .

Articles - Leg Ulcers

5. Best practice in the management of venous leg ulcers
By Regmi, Sharada; Regmi, Krishna. Nursing Standard. 4/11/2012, Vol. 26 Issue 32, p56-66. 6p
Leg ulcers are wounds or open sores, often chronic in nature (long-lasting and non-healing), which cause damage to the skin. Appropriate management of chronic venous leg ulcers is essential to prevent further deterioration of the wound, improve patients' quality of life and reduce any healthcare costs associated with treating complications of such ulcers, including infection. However, management of leg ulcers can be challenging, particularly in patients who do not adhere to treatment regimens, cannot tolerate compression therapy, or have increased pain and infection. This article aims to identify best practice in the management of venous leg ulcers.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

6. Healing of chronic venous leg ulcers could be affected by an interaction of the hemochromatosis gene polymorphism HFE H63D with the strength of compression treatment-A re-analysis of patients from previous studies.
By Blättler, Werner; Lüscher, Dieter; Brizzio, Eugenio; Willenberg, Torsten; Baumgartner, Iris; Amsler, Felix. Wound Repair & Regeneration. Jan/Feb 2012, Vol. 20 Issue 1, p123-124
: A letter to the editor is presented regarding the effect of the interaction between hemochromatosis gene polymorphism HFE H63D and the strength of compression treatment in healing patients with chronic venous leg ulcers..

7. Relationships between preventive activities, psychosocial factors and recurrence of venous leg ulcers: a prospective study
By Finlayson, Kathleen; Edwards, Helen; Courtney, Mary. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Oct 2011, Vol. 67 Issue 10, p2180-2190. 11p
  The aim of this study was to identify relationships between preventive activities, psychosocial factors and leg ulcer recurrence in patients with chronic venous leg ulcers.

8. A randomized-controlled trial comparing cadexomer iodine and nanocrystalline silver on the healing of leg ulcers.  
By: Miller, Charne N.; Newall, Nelly; Kapp, Suzanne E.; Lewin, Gill; Karimi, Leila; Carville, Keryln; Gliddon, Terry; Santamaria, Nick M. Wound Repair & Regeneration. Jul/Aug2010, Vol. 18 Issue 4, p359-367. 9p
Chronic leg ulcers are a debilitating, often painful, and costly condition. Leg ulcer healing may be impaired by bacterial colonization, which, unless effective intervention is instigated, can lead to infection. Although it is generally agreed that an antimicrobial dressing is clinically indicated when a wound becomes critically colonized, there is currently no agreement on what constitutes the best practice in the use of antimicrobials.

Articles - Child: Care, Health & Development [Journal]

9. Disruptive behaviour disorders: a systematic review of environmental antenatal and early years risk factors.
By Latimer, K.; Wilson, P.; Kemp, J.; Thompson, L.; Sim, F.; Gillberg, C.; Puckering, C.; Minnis, H.
Child: Care, Health & Development. Sep 2012, Vol. 38 Issue 5, p611-628
Disruptive behaviour disorders (DBDs), including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD) are chronic disorders with significant overlap in aetiology and presentation. An integrative examination of environmental risk factors is lacking. Six literature searches of web-based bibliographic databases were completed to identify literature on DBDs in general and five disorders in particular: CD, ODD, ADHD, deficits of attention, motor control and perception, and reactive attachment disorder

10. Assessing psychosocial well-being of adolescents: a systematic review of measuring instruments
By Tsang, K. L. V.; Wong, P. Y. H.; Lo, S. K.
Child: Care, Health & Development. Sep 2012, Vol. 38 Issue 5, p629-646. 18p
: The paradigm shift from the clinically deficit-oriented approach to that of educationally strength-based model in assessing adolescents' psychosocial well-being has brought about a recent increase in school-based health promotion and prevention initiatives. This prompted this systematic review of measuring instruments designed to assess psychosocial well-being of children and adolescents.

11. Information and professional support: key factors in the provision of family-centred early childhood intervention services
By Fordham, L.; Gibson, F.; Bowes, J.
Child: Care, Health & Development. Sep 2012, Vol. 38 Issue 5, p647- 653. 7p
Much has been written on the principles of family-centred practice and on the service delivery methods and skills required of its practitioners. Far less has been written from the perspective of families whose children have a disability. The aims of this study were twofold: firstly to understand families' experiences of family-centred early childhood intervention services and secondly to explore other factors that might impact on these experiences.

12. Parental fatigue and parenting practices during early childhood: an Australian community survey
By Cooklin, A. R.; Giallo, R.; Rose, N.
Child: Care, Health & Development. Sep2012, Vol. 38 Issue 5, p654- 664. 11p
 Parenting behaviours are influenced by a range of factors, including parental functioning. Although common, the influence of parental fatigue on parenting practices is not known. The first aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between fatigue and parenting practices. The second aim was to identify parental psychosocial factors significantly associated with fatigue

Journal - Table of Contents

13. From L.O.G.I.C: The Official Journal of the New Zealand College of Primary Health Care Nurses, NZNO
Vol 12, No.3, October 2013
Guest Editorial
Integrating nursing into the "whole of the system" agenda: What can you and I do about it?
Chair's report
.The Way ahead [Rosemary Minto]
13C. Editor's report - LOGIC Update and meet the new LOGIC committee members
In My Opinion
. Primary thinking [Practice nurses and improving health within the context of primary care]
13E. College News
13F. New College structure
13G. Letter to the editor [From Ak Regional Public Health Service re article entitled Tuberculosis Case Study in June 2013 edition of L.O.G.I.C
Feature articles
Mercy Ships: Palliative Care in West Africa
13I. The gift we call prayer: Faith nursing
Conference 2013
Leading the winds of change - conference report
13K. Awards: Recognising our achievers
13L. Engaging patients in behaviour change
13M. Working across primary and secondary care
13N. Forget me not: The case for improved palliative care for people with dementia
Chronic hepatitis support in the community
To sleep, perchance to dream... of clean undies?
Prevention of stroke with older adults
Medicines management in the elderly


14. 10th Australasian Lymphology Association Conference
: 3rd to 5th April 2014
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand
More info:

15. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Information Management 2014
20th - 23rd January 2014
Venue: Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

News - National

16. WHO agency: Air pollution causes cancer
NZ Herald - Friday Oct 18, 2013

LONDON (AP) What many commuters choking on smog have long suspected has finally been scientifically validated: air pollution causes lung cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer declared on Thursday that air pollution is a carcinogen, alongside known dangers such as asbestos, tobacco and ultraviolet radiation. The decision came after a consultation by an expert panel organized by IARC, the cancer agency of the World Health Organization, which is based in Lyon, France

17. Ill homeless people worry health board
The Press - 18/10/2013

A surge in homelessness in Christchurch among people with mental health issues has become an "extreme concern" to the city's health professionals. Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB) records show 146 mental health service users are either homeless, living in unsafe housing or waiting in services they no longer need - and the figure has been increasing for months

18. Success for cancer diagnostic company
ODT - 18 Oct 2013

An excellent week for Dunedin-based cancer diagnostic company Pacific Edge got even better last night when it won the supreme award at the New Zealand Innovators Awards in Auckland. The Dunedin company had earlier enjoyed a big spike in its share price after it announced that it was signing up a key United States client, FedMed, a national health network servicing 40 million Americans

News - International

19. Screen for disadvantage to cut deaths: health chief
The Sydney Morning Herald - October 14, 2013

GPs should routinely screen patients for poverty to cut deaths from preventable diseases, the chief executive of Catholic Health Australia says. Martin Laverty says not only do people living in poverty have a greater risk of disease, they sometimes receive worse treatment at the hands of the health system

20. Britain's forgotten million old people
The Telegraph 17 Oct 2013

Hundreds of thousands of older people are left lonely and without any regular social contact, Jeremy Hunt will say, describing it as Britain’s “national shame”.

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