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Issue 36 - 30 October 2013



People’s Select Committee hearings - The Employment Relations Bill

  • The Select Committees will be made up of Union Officials and Labour and Green MPs
  • Be part of these hearings and make a submission.
  • Contact NZNO 0800 28 38 48 or Georgie McLeod ([email protected], 0275016880 )

8 Nov 2013


PSA/NZNO training room, Munro State Building, 190 Bridge Street



15 Nov 2013           


YWCA, 28 Pembroke Street Hamilton



15 Nov 2013           


Terrace Room, Baycourt, Durham Street



22 Nov 2013           


NZNO training rooms, 10th floor, John Wickliffe House, 265 Princes Street

10am- 2pm           

5 Dec 2013           


Details TBC    



12 December 2013
Release of our Majority Report on the Bill - a visual and written summary of union members’ concerns

Articles - Pain Management

1. Working out where it hurts.
By Knight, Jenny. Nursing Standard. 10/9/2013, Vol. 28 Issue 6, p64-65
: Jenny Knight discovers what it takes to work in services that support people living with chronic pain.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

2. Effect of Therapeutic Exercise on Pain and Disability in the Management of Chronic Nonspecific Neck Pain: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials.
By Bertozzi, Lucia; Gardenghi, Ivan; Turoni, Francesca; Villafañe, Jorge Hugo; Capra, Francesco; Guccione, Andrew A.; Pillastrini, Paolo.
Physical Therapy. Aug 2013, Vol. 93 Issue 8, p1026-1036. 11p
: Given the prevalence of chronic nonspecific neck pain (CNSNP) internationally, attention has increasingly been paid in recent years to evaluating the efficacy of therapeutic exercise (TE) in the management of this condition. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to conduct a current review of randomized controlled trials concerning the effect of TE on pain and disability among people with CNSNP, perform a meta-analysis, and summarize current understanding.

3. Pain Management. Observational Pain Scales in Critically Ill Adults
By Stites, Mindy. Critical Care Nurse. Jun 2013, Vol. 33 Issue 3, p68-79. 12p
Pain is a common and distressing symptom in critically ill patients. Uncontrolled pain places patients at risk for numerous adverse psychological and physiological consequences, some of which may be life-threatening. A systematic assessment of pain is difficult in intensive care units because of the high percentage of patients who are noncommunicative and unable to self-report pain. Several tools have been developed to identify objective measures of pain, but the best tool has yet to be identified. A comprehensive search on the reliability and validity of observational pain scales indicated that although the Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool was superior to other tools in reliably detecting pain, pain assessment in individuals incapable of spontaneous neuromuscular movements or in patients with concurrent conditions, such as chronic pain or delirium, remains an enigma. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

4. Managing Pain in Opioid-Dependent Patients in General Hospital Settings
By Liberto, Lindsay A.; Fornili, Katherine S. MEDSURG Nursing. Jan/Feb 2013, Vol. 22 Issue 1, p33-37. 5p
Opioid-dependent patients have unique pain management and psychosocial needs. Inadequate staff training, the absence of addiction screening and intervention protocols, and stigma related to opioid use can impact outcomes negatively for these patients in general hospital settings.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

5.  Shoulder pain
By Selby, Mary. Practice Nurse. 11/19/2010, Vol. 40 Issue 9, p26-30. 5p.
: The article offers information on shoulder pain. Ways to examine the shoulder joint involve assessing the neck, axilla, and chest wall, inspect shoulders for swelling, wasting and deformity, and looking for painful arc. History of cancer, red skin, and unexplained sensory or motor deficit are the indicators for shoulder pain. The different types of shoulder pain are rotator cuff tendonitis, rotator cuff tears, frozen shoulder and shoulder osteoarthritis..

6. Knee pain
By Selby, Mary. Practice Nurse. 9/17/2010, Vol. 40 Issue 5, p22-26. 4p.
: This article provides information on examination of the knee. The knee is composed of two parts, namely the patellofemoral joint and the tibiofemoral joint. Before examining the knee, the general practice nurse needs to listen to the patient during knee consultation. Examination of the knee begins with observation on various factors, such as the range of movement and the tenderness of the knee. Common problems of the knee include knee injury, knee pain which may be caused by diseases, such as osteoarthritis and bone tumor..

Selected Articles - Journal of Reproductive & Infant Psychology

7. The impact of paternity leave and paternal involvement in child care on maternal postpartum depression.  
By Séjourné, N.; Vaslot, V.; Beaumé, M.; Goutaudier, N.; Chabrol, H. Journal of Reproductive & Infant Psychology. Apr 2012, Vol. 30 Issue 2, p135-144
The aim of the study was to explore the impact of paternity leave and paternal involvement and notably paternal participation in infant care on the development of symptoms of maternal postpartum depression.
Method: At 2–5 days postpartum, a sample of 119 couples completed the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), assessing postpartum depression. Mothers also completed the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS).

8. Fatigue, parenting stress, self-efficacy and satisfaction in mothers of infants and young children.  
By Dunning, Melissa J.; Giallo, Rebecca. Journal of Reproductive & Infant Psychology. Apr 2012, Vol. 30, Issue 2, p145-159
: Fatigue is a common health concern reported by mothers of infants and young children, yet little is understood about how fatigue may impact on parenting.
Objective: The aim of the study was to explore the associations between fatigue, parenting self-efficacy (PSE) and parenting satisfaction, where parenting stress mediates this relationship. The moderating influence of several contextual factors was also assessed.

9.  Mothers’ own weight concerns predict early child feeding concerns
By: Markey, Charlotte N.; Markey, Patrick M.; Schulz, Jessica L. Journal of Reproductive & Infant Psychology. Apr 2012, Vol. 30 Issue 2, p160-167. 8p
: This research examined children’s birth weight and maternal weight concerns as predictors of mothers’ concerns about their infants’ eating behaviours.

Selected Articles - Australian Occupational Therapy Journal

10. Sensory interventions for children: Where does our profession stand?
By Rodger, Sylvia; Ashburner, Jill; Hinder, Elizabeth.
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. Oct 2012, Vol. 59 Issue 5, p337-338
: The authors discuss the sensory interventions for children in occupation therapy. The authors state that use of terms such as sensory integration, sensory based problems and sensory processing without clear and proper definitions has created confusion for occupational therapists, other professionals, and parents. According to the authors, occupational therapy researchers have an ethical responsibility to investigate the efficacy of interventions..

11. Children who experience difficulties with learning: Mother and child perceptions of social competence.  
By Carman, Sarah N.; Chapparo, Christine J. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. Oct 2012, Vol. 59 Issue 5, p339-346. 8p
: There is an emphasis on the social competence of children who have difficulties with learning as a significant percentage also experience reduced social skills. Social competence in the classroom is becoming increasingly important as the school curriculum incorporates group work and socially directed activities for purposes of learning. A goal of occupational therapy for children with learning difficulties and their parents is that they 'fit' into their social group and form friendships. While teachers are able to identify social skills that are required for life at school, less is known about how children perceive their interactions. This study aimed to explore social interaction during occupational performance at school and at home from the perception of children with learning difficulties and their mothers

12. Inter-rater reliability of three adult handwriting legibility instruments
By Au, Eunice H.; Mccluskey, Annie; Lannin, Natasha A. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. Oct 2012, Vol. 59 Issue 5, p347-354. 8p
 Legibility is important for functional, handwritten communication. Deficits in legibility can impair occupational performance following stroke or trauma. Few instruments are available to assess adult handwriting legibility during rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to compare inter-rater reliability of a new four-point legibility rating instrument with two existing instruments, and describe scale structure and item difficulty of each instrument.

Journal - Table of Contents

13. From Journal of Infection Prevention, September 2013
Cooking up a storm: developing an infection prevention training recipe book
Peer reviewed articles
Chlorhexidine for the prevention of ventilator associated pneumonia in critically ill adults
13C. Impact of a multi-hospital intervention utilising screening, hand hygiene education and pulsed xenon ultraviolet (PX-UV) on the rate of hospital associated meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection
13D. Continuous decontamination of an intensive care isolation room during patient occupancy using 405 nm light technology
13E. Outbreak Column 10: What causes outbreaks – questions of attribution 

Conferences & Seminars

14. 7th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2013)
: Dec 3 to 5, 2013
Venue: Wellington, New Zealand
More info:

15. Free Online Conference
Maternal and Child Health
: 2 November 2013
Participants need to pre-register for the conference by clicking on the link:

News - National

16. Battle over tea breaks brewing
TVNZ -  October 30, 2013

Thousands of workers are expected to take part in a nationwide tea break this morning to protest against proposed employment law changes. The Employment Relations Amendment Bill has sparked fierce opposition, with unions saying the proposed changes will cut wages and remove basic worker rights - including regular meal breaks

17. Third of US adults get news from Facebook
NZ Herald - 25/10/2013

One in three Americans get news through Facebook, according to a study from the Pew Research Center released on Thursday. Almost 80 per cent of those surveyed happen upon news when they are checking up on friends or sharing photos. Heavy news consumers did not describe Facebook as an important source of news, the study found

News - International

18. Gardening as good as exercise in cutting heart attack risk, study shows
Guardian Weekly - 28 October 2013

Study of almost 4,000 people shows regular gardening or DIY can prolong life by as much as 30% in 60-plus age group

19. PIP breast implants do not increase cancer risk, study finds
Guardian Weekly - 29 October 2013

There is no evidence that women who have PIP breast implants are at higher risk of cancer, European regulators have concluded. Women also do not need to have the faulty implants removed as a precaution although they may wish to have them taken out if they feel anxious, according to a review of PIP safety published by the European Commission's Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR).

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