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Issue 28 - 26 August 2013

Articles - Nursing Economics [Journal]

1. The Cost of Care in America: $2.7 Trillion
By Nickitas, Donna M. Nursing Economic$. Jul/Aug 2013, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p161-170
The article focuses on the 2.7 trillion dollars cost of medical care in the U.S. It is claimed that the cost of undergoing colonoscopy in the U.S. is the best example to display why the country is the leading health care spender in the world. According to The International Federation of Health Plans, the U.S. is on the top of the most expensive drug, scan and procedure costs, with Americans spending four times higher compared to Swiss or French patients..

2. Specialized New Graduate RN Pediatric Orientation: A Strategy For Nursing Retention And its Financial Impact
By Friedman, M. Isabel; Delaney, Margaret M.; Schmidt, Kathleen; Quinn, Carolyn; Macyk, Irene. Nursing Economic$. Jul/Aug 2013, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p162-170
: The article explores the Pediatric Nurse Fellowship Program (PNFP) of the Cohen Children's Medical Center (CCMC). The program started after CCMC experienced a 1-year retention rate of 65 percent and 50 percent 2-year retention rate in its pediatric intensive care unit from 2005 - 2007. Focusing on new graduates, PNFP offers specialized pediatric orientation programs. The program's use of simulation was also found to be effective for making mistakes in a safe environment..

3. Transitional Orientation: A Cost-Effective Alternative To Traditional RN Residency Programs
By Guthrie, Kimberly; Tyrna, Jaime; Giannuzzi, Donna. Nursing Economic$. Jul/Aug 2013, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p172-183
The article explores a cost-effective alternative to traditional registered nurse residency programs. Lee Memorial Health System nurse leaders saw the need to start proactive strategies addressing challenges faced by the nursing sector in 2013 and with the Performance Based Development System, they were provided with foundations on their needed critical thinking and interpersonal skills. Their program makes use of an intern development specialist who are responsible for inexperienced nurses..

4. Cost Effectiveness of a Palliative Care Program in a Rural Community Hospital
By McGrath, Lori S.; Gargis Foote, Dorothy; Frith, Karen H.; Hall, W. Michael. Nursing Economic$. Jul/Aug 2013, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p176-183
: The article explores the cost-effectiveness of a palliative care program in a 145-bed rural community hospital in the U.S. General medical, surgical and hospices services are some of the healthcare services offered by the hospital, which is located between two major urban southern cities. A study was conducted on the said community hospital and it found that cost reductions in aggressive treatments can be used to cover costs of palliative care services.

5. Comparing Nurses' Perceptions Of Governance Related to Hospitals' Journeys to Excellence Status In the Middle East
By Mouro, Gladys; Tashjian, Hera; Bachir, Rana; Al-Ruzzeih, Majeda; Hess, Robert. Nursing Economic$. Jul/Aug 2013, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p184-189
The article discusses the serious nursing shortage faced by countries in the Middle East. In 1983, a group of American nurse researchers conducted a study aimed at understanding the shortage, which findings were in the book "Magnet Hospitals Revisited: Attraction and Retention of Professional Nurses." The authors conducted a study in 2013 and found that many of the nurses in the so-called magnet hospitals believe that decision making should be shared between nursing management and staff nurses..

6. Human Factors Engineering, Bar Coding Medication Administration, and Nursing: An Interview With Drs. Richard Holden and Laurie L. Novak
By Buerhaus, Peter I. Nursing Economic$. Jul/Aug 2013, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p190-197
: An interview with Vanderbilt University School of Medicine's assistant professor of medicine Richard Holden and assistant professor of biomedical informatics Laurie L. Novak is presented. Holden defines Human Factors or ergonomics as a science that seeks to apply Human Factors knowledge to improve the design of work systems. Novak shares the findings of Emily Patterson and colleagues on workarounds in bar code medication administration (BCMA) that is practiced on long-term care facilities..

7.  The Financial and Clinical Benefits of a Hospital-Based PhD Nurse Researcher
By Staffileno, Beth A.; Wideman, Marilyn; Carlson, Elizabeth. Nursing Economic$. Jul/Aug 2013, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p194-197
The article discusses the advantages presented by a hospital-based PhD nurse researcher. One of the benefits brought by an in-house PhD nurse researcher is cost and efficiencies of patient care delivery as well as high-quality patient care outcomes. A PhD nurse researcher also helps in providing necessary skills and support through research that will help direct-care nurses to design, implement and disseminate key projects related to hospital-acquired conditions (HAC)..

8. Self-Care Is a Lifelong Journey
By Richards, Kim. Nursing Economic$. Jul/Aug 2013, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p198-202
: The article discusses self-care, which is described by the author as a behavior that balances the impacts of emotional and physical stressors. According to the author, self-care is not self-indulgence as the latter is characterized by avoidance of effort and substitution of quick and easy antidotes. Good Think chief executive Shawn Achor shared improving the happiness of employees is one of the keys in creating physical health and wellness.

9. Increasing Acuity, Increasing Technology, and the Changing Demands on Nurses
By Needleman, Jack. Nursing Economic$. Jul/Aug 2013, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p200-202
The article explores the changing demands on nurses. With the increasing patient acuity in hospitals, nurse leaders and nurses are expected to lead the re-engineering of the workflow of healthcare delivery. The nursing work environment is also faced with the challenge of adopting electronic health record (EHR) into acute and other settings, which demands active lobbying and involvement of nurses. Nurses are also faced with the responsibility for four different dimensions of care delivery..

10. How Can We Obtain Data on the Demand for Nurses?
By Spetz, Joanne; Kovner, Christine T. Nursing Economic$. Jul/Aug2013, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p203-207
The article explores gathering data about demand for nurses. According to the authors, the inseparability of demand and supply in a complication in measuring demand as the supply of workers and demand for them interact, which results in the level of employment. The Bureau of Labor Statistics employment of data, the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) program and the Current Employment Statistics (CES) program were named by the authors as great sources for this kind of data..

Articles - Asthma

11. Improvements in Health Care Use Associated With Community Coalitions: Long-Term Results of the Allies Against Asthma Initiative
By Clark, Noreen M.; Lachance, Laurie L.; Doctor, Linda Jo; Gilmore, Lisa; Kelly et al. American Journal of Public Health. Jun 2013, Vol. 103 Issue 6, p1124-1127
We assessed changes in asthma-related health care use by low-income children in communities across the country where 6 Allies Against Asthma coalitions (Hampton Roads, VA; Washington, DC; Milwaukee, WI; King County/Seattle, WA; Long Beach, CA; and Philadelphia, PA) mobilized stakeholders to bring about policy changes conducive to asthma control. 
Results. In most of the assessment years, children in Allies communities were significantly less likely (P < .04) to have an asthma-related hospitalization, ED visit, or urgent care visit than children in comparison communities. During the entire period, children in Allies communities were significantly less likely (P < .02) to have such health care use.
Conclusions. Mobilizing a diverse group of stakeholders, and focusing on policy and system changes generated significant reductions in health care use for asthma in vulnerable communities.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

12. Asthma exacerbations
By Bostock-Cox, Beverley. Practice Nurse. 5/17/2013, Vol. 43 Issue 5, p15-18
The article discusses the immediate treatment of asthma exacerbation via accurate assessment and management. Based on the British Thoracic Society/Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network guidelines, pulse rate and rhythm, respiratory rate and oxygen saturations must be observed in the event of an acute asthma exacerbation. Areas to be addressed by health personnel before treatment include checking inhaler technique and identifying untreated co-morbidities..

13. Asthma and allergic rhinitis. This practice profile is based on NS638 Burns D (2012) Management of patients with asthma and allergic rhinitis. Nursing Standard. 26, 32, 41-46
By Mooney, Tracy. Nursing Standard. 5/1/2013, Vol. 27 Issue 35, p59-59.
: After reading a learning zone article, Tracy Mooney recognises the relationship between asthma and allergic rhinitis.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

14.  Help patients control their asthma
By Broders, Jennie; Desai, Krishna; Wilson, Stephen A. Journal of Family Practice. Apr 2013, Vol. 62 Issue 4, p184-190
The article presents a case of a 34-year-old female patient who has asthma with recurrent exacerbations. The patient has been taking her low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) and an albuterol inhaler, when experiencing shortness of breath or wheezing. The article also tackles the importance of frequent monitoring and aggressive medication management for long-term symptom control of the disease..

Journal - Table of Contents

15.  From Registered Nurse, June 2013
SARA: A transformative event for all
. Expanded scope of practice on the horizon; Explaning the role of NPs; Using evidence to eliminate the risk of falls
. Former RNAO president to lead ICN [Judith Shamian]; Yukon welcomes first NP [ Hazel Booth]
15D. SARS: A decade later
. Access to legal counsel is critical
Funding cuts to Health Council of Canada prompt RNs to respond; Health policy reolutions for CNA to consider


16. South Island Nursing Information Technology Symposium
As core users of IT systems nurses are key to the choice and development of technology used in health care. Nurses understanding of the use of and future opportunities for IT within their clinical settings is vital for the success of the New Zealand IT strategy.
: Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Venue: The Chateau On The Park, Christchurch
More information:,listing,459,nursing-it-conference-

17. 2013 NZ Respiratory Conference
Whakanui Oranga – Making a Difference
September 19-20
Venue: InterContinental Wellington
More information:

18. IM2013: Enabling the mobile and digital workforce
30 - 31 Oct, 2013
Venue: Rydges Hotel, Wellington
More information:

News - National

19. Reliance on immigrant doctors 'huge problem'
Waikato Times - 25 August 2013

Immigrant doctors are filling more than half the new positions in New Zealand hospitals, prompting warnings that the medical system is being "propped up" by doctors who may not be suited to New Zealand's health needs. International medical graduates make up 60 per cent of new doctors hired since 2008, with almost all senior doctors hired during that time coming from other countries

20. Dairies switch to sell drugs
The Press - 26 Aug 2013
Christchurch dairies banned from selling synthetic drugs are transforming themselves into R18 stores to comply with new regulations. The Psychoactive Substances Act, which came into effect last week, makes it illegal for dairies, convenience stores, liquor outlets and supermarkets to sell herbal highs such as Kryptonite and Tai High

21. Whooping cough epidemic grips South
TVNZ - Thursday August 22, 2013
Southland and Otago are in the midst of a whooping cough epidemic, which medical experts say could have been prevented by subsidising immunisations for all ages. In 2012 there were 261 confirmed cases of pertussis - whooping cough - in the Southern District Health Board area compared with just 61 cases in 2011. The health board has confirmed 208 cases so far this year.

22. Charity has saved the lives of thousands of youngsters
NZ Herald - 22 Aug, 2013
Profitable investments give Cure Kids the ability to provide money for research into cancers, heart disease. Cure Kids began life as the Child Health Research Foundation in 1975. Chief executive Vicki Lee said its founders, who were from the Rotary organisation, wanted to do something to bring down New Zealand's infant mortality rate, which at the time was high for a developed country.

News - International

23. Quebec decides to reduce number of HPV vaccine doses, saying 2 is enough
Calgary Herald -  23 Aug, 2013
TORONTO - Girls in Quebec will become the first in the country to benefit from new research that suggests the HPV vaccine is so effective that two doses — rather than the recommended three — may be all that's needed.

24. Treatment often a matter of taste
The Age - 26 Aug 2013
Sweet and bitter foods taste unpleasant to patients having chemotherapy but their tastebuds return to normal two months after treatment is complete, new research has found.
Melbourne dietitian Anna Boltong tested the tastebuds of 52 women with breast cancer before, during and after chemotherapy treatment after becoming frustrated by a lack of knowledge about its effect on taste

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