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Issue 8 - 27 March 2013

Articles - Patient Safety

1. Scotland's Successful National Approach To Improving Patient Safety In Acute Care
By Haraden, Carol; Leitch, Jason. Health Affairs 30. 4 (Apr 2011): 755-63
What does it take to transform the safety of health care across a nation, even a small one? The Scottish Patient Safety Programme, mandated by the government, began in January 2008 with the aim of reducing mortality in Scotland's hospitals by 15 percent in five years. At the halfway point, in-hospital mortality rates have declined by 5 percent, and infection rates for certain hospital-associated infections have been cut by more than half. The Scottish Patient Safety Programme continues to prove that a national strategic approach can lead to unprecedented improvements in patient safety. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]

2. Nurses' perceptions of patient safety climate in intensive care units: A cross-sectional study
By Ballangrud, Randi; Hedelin, Birgitta; Hall-Lord, Marie Louise. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing 28. 6 (Dec 2012): 344-54
Abstract :
To investigate registered nurses' perceptions of the patient safety climate in intensive care units and to explore potential predictors for overall perception of safety and frequency of incident reporting RNs in ICU are most positive to patient safety climate at unit level, hence improvements are needed concerning incident reporting, feedback and communication about errors and organisational learning and continuous improvement.

3. Increasing patient safety event reporting in 2 intensive care units: A prospective interventional study
By Ilan, Roy; Squires, Mae; Panopoulos, Christina; Day, Andrew. Journal of Critical Care 26. 4 (Aug 2011): 431.e11-8
The aims of this study were to increase the reporting of patient safety events and to enhance report analysis and responsive action After the introduction of this new approach, reporting rates have increased significantly throughout the first year. Differences in reporting rates among workers and units may reveal priorities and barriers to reporting. The integrated approach facilitated prompt response to selected reports.

4. Personal Nursing Care Experiences Provide Lessons on Patient Safety
By Pashley, Helen Starbuck. Association of Operating Room Nurses. AORN Journal 94. 2 (Aug 2011): 194-8.
Having been both a patient and the family member of a patient recently, Pashley feels compelled to comment on the nursing care and general health care as she experienced it. She discovered that having a degree, advanced or otherwise, does not guarantee good care. She urges all nurses to focus on the essentials of nursing care and not to let technology get in the way of patient care

5. Hospital-Based Comparative Effectiveness Centers: Translating Research into Practice to Improve the Quality, Safety and Value of Patient Care
By Umscheid, Craig A; Williams, Kendal; Brennan, Patrick J. Journal of General Internal Medicine 25. 12 (Dec 2010): 1352-5
Hospital-based comparative effectiveness (CE) centers provide a model that clinical leaders can use to improve evidence-based practice locally. The model is used by integrated health systems outside the US, but is less recognized in the US. Such centers can identify and adapt national evidence-based policies for the local setting, create local evidence-based policies in the absence of national policies, and implement evidence into practice through health information technology (HIT) and quality initiatives

6. Nursing Patient Safety Research in Rural Health Care Settings
By Thornlow, Deirdre K. Annual Review of Nursing Research 26 (2008): 195-218
Adverse events occur in virtually all health care arenas, and while rural health care settings are no exception, these facilities often face unique financial burdens and personnel shortages. That may hamper patient safety efforts. Many of the interventions recommended to improve patient safety have largely been based on research conducted in urban hospitals. This chapter demonstrates the extent and type of nursing research being conducted to advance rural-specific patient safety research.

Selected articles -
Perspectives in Public Health ; Jan 2013
[UK Journal]

7. Hand washing vital for controlling disease 
Perspectives in Public Health 133. 1 (Jan 2013): 3
Published to promote this day, research conducted by scientists from Queen Mary, University of London and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has shown that, for many of us, our hands are as "grossly contaminated" as a dirty toilet bowl

8. IFH dispels hygiene hypothesis in new report 
Perspectives in Public Health 133. 1 (Jan 2013): 3
The myth that there is an increased number of allergies due to the public being 'too clean' and living in sterile homes has been disproved by the latest report released by the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene, as reported on the RSPH website

9. Music: a therapy for all?
Gray, Emma. Perspectives in Public Health 133. 1 (Jan 2013): 14.
: In one particular study by Sylvain Clément et al., which looked at both the short and long term effects that music therapy has on patients suffering from Alzheimer's, findings suggested that music had a greater effect in the long term on the patients' wellbeing than other tested activities, such as cooking.. Whilst the success of musical therapy depends on factors such as duration of treatment and the severity of the patient's condition, surely even if it could help only a fraction of the population, more programmes like that of Making Music should be developed and research into new types of therapy encouraged.

10. Is there a place for the arts in our modern healthcare system? 
Adeane, Madeline. Perspectives in Public Health 133. 1 (Jan 2013): 19-20
The intention now is to train carers, group leaders, health practitioners and museum and gallery professionals to take the skills that have been developed over seven years by programme coordinators at the Gallery back to their institutions, to help community groups run their own creative and wellbeing sessions beyond their visits to Dulwich Picture Gallery

Selected Articles -
Australian Nursing Journal, Mar 2013

11. Social determinants of health alliance launched
Australian Nursing Journal. Mar 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 8, p7-7.(2/3p)
The article presents information on the Social Determinants of Health Alliance, an alliance of Australian health, social service and public policy organizations, including the Australian Nursing Federation, which has been launched in 2013 and is calling on the Australian government to tackle health inequities by addressing the social determinants of health. Information on the Commission on Social Determinants of Health, which was created by the World Health Organization in 2005, is offered..

12. Close the Gap on track.
Australian Nursing Journal. Mar 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 8, p7-8.(2p)
The article discusses a 2013 progress report and shadow report which has been published by Australia's Close the Gap Campaign Steering Committee and suggests that the campaign's efforts to to reduce mortality rates for Indigenous children under the age of five appear to be showing signs of success.

13. Registration body lacks resources.
Australian Nursing Journal. Mar 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 8, p8-8. (1/2p)
The article reports on a 2013 decision which the Australian Nursing Federation and its federal secretary, Lee Thomas, made to make a submission the Victorian Government Legislative Council's Inquiry regarding the over all performance of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.

14. Nurses and midwives rally to stop budget cuts
Australian Nursing Journal. Mar 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 8, p13-15 (2p)
The article reports on a rally which Victorian nurses and midwives held on February 10, 2013 to protest against massive budget cuts to health which have led to widespread hospital bed closures across Victoria..

15. New GP super clinic for Canberra.
Australian Nursing Journal. Mar 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 8, p15-15. (1/7p)
The article reports that in 2013 work has begun on the site of a $15 million general practitioner super clinic at the University of Canberra in Australia which will have general practitioners, nurses, a pharmacy and several other services.

16. 2013: three years of national registration
By FOLEY, ELIZABETH. Australian Nursing Journal. Mar 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 8, p21-21 (1/2p)
: In this article the author reflects on Australia's National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for nurses and midwives, which was established in 2010, and discusses the role that the Australian Nursing Federation played in the development of the scheme. In the article the author offers her opinions on the main roles of nurses, on the three year anniversary of the scheme and on the benefits that it has provided to the nursing and midwifery professions..

17. Dementia research vital, says Australian of the Year
Australian Nursing Journal. Mar 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 8, p37-38 (2p)
: The article presents information on Australian medical professional Ita Buttrose, who was recognized as Australian of the Year in 2013, and discusses her experience of caring for her father with dementia. The opinions that Buttrose has about the care of dementia patients in Australia and the need for additional funding for research on dementia are discussed..

Journal - Table of Contents

18. From Nursing Times, 19-25 March 2013, Vol 109 no 11
CNO translates 6Cs into action [A detailed programme of actions to make the 6Cs a reality across the NHS has been unveiled by England's chief nurse]
18B. Cure the NHS group backs our SOS campaign to protect nurses; Stafford children's nurse cleared of misconduct
18C. Top nurse joins Obama's health adviser on patient safety group; Minister hints at mandatory HCA training
18D. JANE BALL: The Francis inquiry tells us inadequate staffing costs lives
18E. Comment - Information systems are now a fundamental part of care; Spotlight - Commit to supporting staff who speak out
18F. Informatics - Working with industry to improve IT
18G. How mobile technology can improve healthcare
18H. Does staff eRostering boost patient outcomes?
18I. Bullying in nursing and ways of dealing with it
18J. Cranberry to prevent urinary tract infections
18K. Continence care for neurological conditions
18L. Implementing positive changes [The Productive Series allowed change to be driven from the bottom up, giving frontline staff the power to shape their working environment for the better]
18M. The advantages of being Productive [Implementing the Productive Series has proved so beneficial for many NHS services, the initiative is now seen as a springboard to drive forward further impovements]


19. 8th National Immunisation Workshop and Conference
The conference will present recent research from areas of disease control, global approaches to immunisation, post marketing surveillance, immunisation communication using social media, adult vaccination and specialised programmes and future vaccines
Organized by: Immunisation Advisory Centre
Date: 10th   to  12th September 2013
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 22nd May 2013

News - National

20. Have the lives of those with disabilities improved?
Five years on from sweeping recommendations by a select committee, have the lives of those with disabilities improved? Disability advocates and family members say disabled people are still being routinely abused and neglected in both residential care and in the community. (27′24″)

21. Mitigating the impact of sports related head injuries
Does more need to be done to reduce the impact of repeated head injuries in sport? We hear from: a New Zealand researcher who is the director of the Injury Prevention Research Centre at the University of North Carolina, Steve Marshall; an emergency nurse and health researcher who is conducting a second PhD into head injuries in sport in NZ, this time focussing on rugby, Doug King, and; a sports physician, the Medical Director for NZ Rugby and NZ Cricket, Dr Ian Murphy. (18′45″)

22. DHB backs down over proposed service cuts in Blenheim
Published: 8:50PM Tuesday March 26, 2013
Source: ONE News
A plan to cut services at Wairau Hospital in Blenheim will not go ahead, it has been revealed.

News - International

23. Saying no is good for your health
The Age - 25 March 2013
It may be time to learn how to say no to others and yes to yourself. Eugenie Pepper admits she struggles to say no. "I have never wanted to let anyone down, so if I am asked to do anything to help someone out even if I am really tired I would find it almost impossible to say no" says the 44-year-old from Randwick.

24. Build it and they will walk: the suburbs that foster good health
The Age - 19 March 2013

25. Mid Staffs scandal: Failed NHS managers now face blacklisting
The Telegraph - 26 Mar 2013
Failing NHS managers could be blacklisted and barred from ever working in the UK healthcare system again, Jeremy Hunt has said Responding to the Francis Inquiry into poor care at the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, the Health Secretary said the Government wants to introduce a barring system to ensure that “there is a mechanism in place which prevents unsuitable board level executives and non-executives from moving to new senior positions elsewhere in the system”.

26. New care czar to protect elderly after Mid Staffordshire report
The Telegraph - 26 March 2013
A powerful new post aimed at protecting the elderly and other vulnerable adults in care homes is to be created as ministers prepare to react to the report into the failings of Mid Staffordshire hospital

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