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Issue 7 - 12 March 2013

Books available for borrowing

These books can be borrowed by NZNO members for a period of up to 4 weeks.

1. The baby business: What's happened to maternity care in New Zealand?
By Dr Lynda Exton
In this book Lynda outlines the history and background of maternity care in New Zealand and then analyses the dramatic changes since 1990.

2. Dementia: A positive approach
By Lynne Phair and Valerie Good
Dementia is a complex condition that causes devastating results in those it afflicts and those that care for them. the emphasis of this book is on a positive examination of the care of older people with a dementing illness and of the key aspects of this care.

3. Occupational health and safety in New Zealand : Contemporary Social research
By Lloyd, Michael, ed
This book provides general conceptual guidelines for understanding OHS, more specifically providing examples of contemporary social research on New Zealand OHS matters.

4. Oranga waha : oral health research priorities for Maori : low income adults, kauma¯tua and Maori with disabilites, special needs or chronic health condition
By Bridget Robson
The Ministry of Health and the Health Research Council of New Zealand funded Te Ropu Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pomare (University of Otago, Wellington) and seven community group partners to identify research priorities that would lead to improved oral health for Maori and reduced inequalities, with particular reference to low income Maori adults, older Maori, and Maori with disabilities, special needs or who are medically compromised.

Articles - BMC Nursing Journal

5. A case study of nurse practitioner role implementation in primary care: what happens when new roles are introduced?  [PDF] 
By Sangster-Gormley, Esther; Martin-Misener, Ruth; Burge, Fred. BMC Nursing 12. 1 (2013): 1.
: At the time of this study (2009) the role of the nurse practitioner was new to the province of British Columbia. The provincial government gave the responsibility for implementing the role to health authorities. Managers of health authorities, many of whom were unfamiliar with the role, were responsible for identifying the need for the NP role, determining how the NP would function, and gaining team members' acceptance for the new role.

6. The effect of foot massage on long-term care staff working with older people with dementia: a pilot, parallel group, randomized controlled trial  [PDF] 
By Moyle, Wendy; Cooke, Marie; O'Dwyer, Siobhan T; Murfield, Jenny; Johnston, Amy; et al. BMC Nursing 12. 1 (2013).

Background: Caring for a person with dementia can be physically and emotionally demanding, with many long-term care facility staff experiencing increased levels of stress and burnout. Massage has been shown to be one way in which nurses' stress can be reduced. However, no research has been conducted to explore its effectiveness for care staff working with older people with dementia in long-term care facilities.
Methods: This was a pilot, parallel group, randomized controlled trial aimed at exploring feasibility for a larger randomized controlled trial. Nineteen staff, providing direct care to residents with dementia and regularly working = two day-shifts a week, from one long-term care facility in Queensland (Australia), were randomized into either a foot massage intervention ( n =9) or a silent resting control (n =10).

7. An investigation into the spiritual needs of neuro-oncology patients from a nurse perspective  [PDF] 
By Nixon, Aline Victoria; Narayanasamy, Aru; Penny, Vivian. BMC Nursing 12. 1 (2013): 2
Spiritual needs of cancer patients should be assessed and discussed by healthcare professionals. Neurosurgical nurses need to be able to assess and support neuro-oncology patients with their spiritual needs from diagnosis and throughout their hospital stay.

8. Leg ulcer nursing care in the community: a prospective cohort study of the symptom of pain  [PDF] 
By VanDenKerkhof, Elizabeth G; Hopman, Wilma M; Carley, Meg E; Kuhnke, Janet L; Harrison, Margaret B. BMC Nursing 12. 1 (2013).

Articles - Canadian Journal of Public Health

9.Bed Bugs and Public Health: New Approaches for an Old Scourge 
By Shum, Mona; Comack, Elizabeth; Stuart, D Taz, MSc; Ayre, Reg; Perron, Stéphane; et al. Canadian Journal of Public Health 103. 6 (Nov/Dec 2012): 399-403
To share four Canadian cities' experiences with bed bug infestations and to explore public health roles in managing them. We summarize presentations from a workshop at the 2010 Canadian Public Health Association Conference which examined the re-emergence of bed bugs in Canada and compared management approaches of municipal and public health authorities in four large Canadian cities

10. Increasing Use of Pyrethroids in Canadian Households: Should We Be Concerned? 
By van Balen, Erna C, MSc, MPhil; Wolansky, Marcelo J, PhD; Kosatsky, Tom. Canadian Journal of Public Health 103. 6 (Nov/Dec 2012): 404-407
: Pyrethroids are a class of plant-derived insecticides and their man-made analogues that are increasingly applied in Canada as first choice for pest control in many agricultural and residential settings. Their popularity is partly due to their alleged safety compared to the older organochlorine and organophosphate insecticides. Application of pyrethroids is expanding because of recent increases in the level of pest infestations - such as bed bugs - and the decreased susceptibility of target species to many pest control products. Pyrethroid residues have been documented in homes, child care centres and food. While pyrethroids are considered of low health risk for humans, their increased use is of concern. Our current understanding of the adverse effects of pyrethroids derives mainly from studies of short-term effects in laboratory animals, case reports of self- and accidental poisonings, and high-dose occupational exposures, for which the levels and formulations of pyrethroid products differ from those relevant for long-term exposure in the general population. The available data suggest that the reproductive and nervous systems, endocrine signalling pathways, and early childhood development may be targets for adverse effects in the case of repeated exposure to pyrethroid formulations. Given uncertainty about the existence of long-term health effects of exposure to pyrethroids, particularly under realistic scenarios, we should be cautious when promoting pyrethroid products as safe methods for pest control. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT

11. A Shelter-associated Tuberculosis Outbreak: A Novel Strain Introduced Through Foreign-born Populations 
By Moreau, Danusia; Gratrix, Jennifer; Kunimoto, Dennis; Beckon, Avril; Der, Evelina; et al. Canadian Journal of Public Health 103. 6 (Nov/Dec 2012): 408-412.
: An outbreak of tuberculosis (TB) in a large urban apartment building and three homeless shelters within a one-block radius in Edmonton, Alberta occurred between 2008 and 2009. The purpose of this report is to describe the transmission dynamics of this multiethnic, multicentre inner-city TB outbreak. A retrospective chart review was conducted through the Integrated Public Health Information Systems (iPHIS) to extract demographic, clinical and treatment data as well as data for contacts for all 19 cases involved in the outbreak.

12. Optimizing Canadian Breast Cancer Screening Strategies: A Perspective for Action 
By Barisic, Andriana; Taghipour, Sharareh; Banjevic, Dragan; Miller, Anthony B, MD, FRCP; Montgomery, Neil; et al. Canadian Journal of Public Health 103. 6 (Nov/Dec 2012): 417-419.
While controversies regarding optimal breast cancer screening modalities, screening start and end ages, and screening frequencies continue to exist, additional population-based randomized trials are unlikely to be initiated to examine these concerns. Simulation models have been used to evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of various breast cancer screening strategies, however these models were all developed using US data. Currently, there is a need to examine the optimal screening and treatment policies in the Canadian context. In this commentary, we discuss the current controversies pertaining to breast cancer screening, and describe the fundamental components of a simulation model, which can be used to inform breast cancer screening and treatment policies. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]

13. False-positive Screening Mammograms and Biopsies Among Women Participating in a Canadian Provincial Breast Screening Program 
By Coldman, Andrew J, PhD; Phillips, Norman. Canadian Journal of Public Health 103. 6 (Nov/Dec 2012): 420-424
: Mammography screening results in false positives that cause anxiety and utilize scarce medical resources for their resolution. Determination of screening recommendations requires knowledge of the population risk of false positives. Data were extracted from the Screening Mammography Program of British Columbia and analyzed to determine the influence of personal factors including age, ethnic group and screening history, and the centre where screening was performed, on the likelihood a new screen would result in a false positive and whether a biopsy was required.

Articles on Needlestick Injuries

14. Needlestick and sharps injuries among theatre care professionals
By Al-Benna, Sammy. The Journal of Perioperative Practice 20. 12 (Dec 2010): 440-5
Health care professionals are exposed to blood and other body fluids in the course of their work: (Al-Benna et al 2008). The World Health Organisation (2003) estimates that 9% of the 35 million healthcare professionals worldwide will experience percutaneous exposure to bloodborne pathogens each year (WHO 2003). In the U.K. about 100,000 sharps injuries occur in NHS hospitals each year (Trim & Elliott 2003). This is 17% of all accidents involving NHS staff (NAO 2003). Four percent of NHS staff sustain from 1 to 6.2 sharps injuries each year. These injuries occur mainly in clinical areas such as wards and theatres, but also in non-clinical areas due to accidental handling of inappropriately discarded sharps (Trim & Elliott 2003, Waterson 2004). Percutaneous injuries involving hollowbore needles remain the most commonly reported occupational exposures in the healthcare setting (HPA 2010). Consequently, workers are at risk of infection with bloodborne viruses including human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and bacterial infections (Al-Benna et al 2008).

15. Risk of needlestick injury from injecting needles
By Strauss, Kenneth. Nursing Times 108. 40 (Oct 2-Oct 8, 2012): 12, 14, 16
EU legislation to reduce needlestick injury and consequent infections will come into force in May 2013. The law will oblige healthcare organisations to take measures to prevent needlestick injuries to staff, and strongly recommends the use of safety-engineered medical devices. Some healthcare organisations have already converted to using safety devices, recognising the need to improve staff safety, reduce the cost of treating injured workers, and avoid expensive legal actions. The main focus of the directive seems to be on safety-engineered devices for blood collection and infusion, as healthcare organisations often ignore or see the risk of injections into tissue as minimal. There is still a need for further education on the risks of injection. This article reviews a number of commonly held views regarding the risk of needlestick injury and discusses whether the statements are supported by the evidence. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]

16. Needlestick and sharps injuries: practice update
By Adams, Debra. Nursing Standard 26. 37 (May 16-May 22, 2012): 49-57; quiz 58
Member states of the European Union have until May 11 2013 to implement the Council Directive 2010/32/EU Implementing the Framework Agreement on Prevention from Sharps Injuries in the Hospital and Healthcare Sector. The aim of this legislation is to achieve a safe working environment and prevent injuries to healthcare professionals caused by all medical sharps, including needlesticks. This article examines the issues surrounding needlestick and sharps injuries, including risk assessment and prevention, information provision, raising awareness, use of safety devices, training and reporting procedures.

17. Needlestick and sharps injuries in the nursing student population
By Hambridge, Kevin. Nursing Standard  25. 27 (Mar 9-Mar 15, 2011): 38-45.

Journal - Table of Contents

18. From The Outlet New Zealand Stomal Therapy Nurses, March 2013
. Bernadette Hart Award - Jackie Hutching 2012 Recipient
Education Section
. Fathoming Fistula
18C. Enterocutaneous Fistula: wholistic assessment and care planning, the whole journey
18D. Clinical stories normalacy with a pouch


19. The Integrated Care Conference
29–30 May 2013
Venue: Spencer on Byron Takapuna, Auckland§ion=8959

News - National

20. Clear link between processed meat and health problems
One News - Friday March 08, 2013
A new international study reveals a direct link between eating processed meat such as sausages, ham and bacon, and an alarming increase in the risk of heart disease and cancer.
The extensive study followed half a million people for up to 13 years and found a solid link between the extra fat and salt in processed meat and early death

21. Father criticises 'teenage accident fatigue'
New Zealand Herald -  Wednesday Mar 13, 2013
The father of a teenager injured in an alcohol-fuelled crash early on Sunday says the way his son was treated made him wonder whether emergency services are suffering "teenage accident fatigue".

News - International

22. Articles calling for the resignation of Sir David Nicholson posted on Pinterest by Health officials
The Telegraph - 11 March 2013
Department of Health officials have used a social networking website to repost a series of damning articles calling for the resignation of Sir David Nicholson, the NHS chief implicated in the Mid Staffs scandal.

23. Mid Staffs scandal: who buried the damning NHS reports?
The Telegraph - 8 March 2013
An MP has made a series of damning claims about Labour failings that led to the Mid Staffs scandal, where up to 1,200 patients may have died needlessly.

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