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Issue 34 - 10 October 2012

NEW NZNO Educational Resource 
Challenges Discriminatory Attitudes

Nursing is not exempt from discriminatory attitudes, despite 25 years of cultural safety in the nursing curriculum and the Nursing Council’s Code of Conduct. Yet frequently nurses do not challenge colleagues’ prejudicial attitudes and, by their silence, condone them. To challenge some nursing attitudes and to equip nurses with some skills to counter them, NZNO has produced an educational resource package – a 15 minute-long DVD and facilitator notes. Harmless nursing chat or alienating attitudes? comprises six scenarios based around tearoom and corridor conversations. Three of the scenarios cover racist attitudes; one explores sizeism, while two look at homophobic attitudes and behaviours. Production of the DVD and facilitator notes was supported by the Nursing Education and Research Foundation.
Order copies now: $100 (GST included)  from NZNO National Office, PO Box 2128, Wellington or email: [email protected].

Books Available for Borrowing

1. Te Hononga 2015: Connecting for greater well-being
Mental Health Commission

Te hononga means to connect physically, socially and spiritually. It is about achieving connectedness and synergies whenever people come together, whether as families/wha¯nau and communities, or as part of services, systems and sectors. This publication provides a single, unifying picture of the sector in 2015 from the perspective of the Mental Health Commission. This picture is derived from Te Ta¯huhu – Improving Mental Health 2005–2015: The Second New Zealand Mental Health and Addiction Plan1 (Te Ta¯huhu) and Te Ko¯kiri: The Mental Health and Addiction Action Plan 2006–20152 (Te Ko¯kiri), both of which were developed by the Ministry of Health (Ministry).

2. When lightning strikes: An illustrated guide to stroke prevention and recovery
By Dr Valery Feign

At any one time, 80 million people are living with the aftermath of stroke, with 13 million new victims every year. The good news is that stroke is highly predictable and can be prevented in 85% of the population, with effective treatments now able to substantially improve stroke outcomes. Leading stroke specialist, Dr Valery Feigin provides a fully illustrated handbook for stroke victims, their family and carers, with clear concise explanations of what stroke is and how it can be prevented anmd managed.

3. Where there is no psychiatrist: A mental health care manual
by Vikram Patel

Mental illnesses are common and cause great suffering in every part of the world. This book is a practical manual of mental health care for community health workers, primary care nurses, social workers and primary care doctors, particularly in developing countries.

4. Women's business: the story of the New Zealand College of Midwives 1986-2010
by Karen Guilliland and Sally Pairman

This book tells the story of the development of the midwifery profession in New Zealand over 24 years, through the eyes of two midwifery leaders. In recording the story of the College of Midwives the authors have drawn extensively on minutes of meetings, letters, newsletters and annual reports and have sought assistance from many other midwives and women who also played important roles in the development of the midwifery profession.

Conferences, Workshops and Training

5. 20th Hospice New Zealand Palliative Care Conference
The conference will be strategic, practical and forward thinking, it will challenge your thoughts & inspire you in your work caring for people with a life limiting condition. Community, choice & collaboration are the corners stones of the conference.
Date: 14th   to  16th November 2012
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand
Contact person: Arna Wahl Davies

6. Mental Health Day
13 October 2012
Venue: Wellington Public Library
Time: 10:00am-5:00pm
The NZCCP Wellington Branch is running a free to the public mental health day on Saturday 13th of October. This event will consist of a series of talks given by clinical psychologists, and consumers of mental health services. It will aim to enhance mental health awareness, reduce stigmatization, quash common misconceptions, and introduce ways to maintain wellness. It will be an opportunity to provide relevant information to the public in a relaxed, informal environment.
Contact: Caroline Greig
Email: [email protected]
Organisation: NZ College of Clinical Psychologists


7. The role of information in supporting self-care in vascular conditions: a conceptual and empirical review
By Blickem, Christian; Bower, Peter; Protheroe, Joanne; Kennedy, Anne; Vassilev, Ivaylo; Sanders, Caroline; Kirk, Sue; Chew-Graham, Carolyn; Rogers, Anne. Health & Social Care in the Community. Sep 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 5:p449-459
: Self-care has the potential to make a significant contribution to vascular conditions, but engagement with self-care support has been limited. Lack of relevant information is highlighted by patients and policy-makers as an important barrier to effective self-care, and information provides a potentially efficient platform for changing behaviour. However, work within the social sciences has generally seen information as a necessary but insufficient driver of health behaviours. Furthermore, some groups (such as the socially disadvantaged) are expected to be less amenable to information interventions. We conducted an integrated conceptual and empirical review on information-based interventions for people with vascular disease (diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease). We reviewed conceptual and empirical work concerning the role and impact of information in self-care support to generate an explanatory framework to determine why information was effective or ineffective in encouraging self-care in patients with vascular conditions. This involved mapping relevant theories and models linking information and self-care. We also explored published systematic reviews of educational interventions in diabetes, coronary heart disease and chronic kidney disease to examine the role of information and evidence concerning its effectiveness and impact in different patient populations. The conceptual review identified variation among information interventions in terms of type, function, and their relationship to behaviour change techniques and psychological mediators of behaviour change. Key moderators of the effect of information included types of disorder, and patient capacity and resources. A wealth of educational interventions exists for diabetes and heart conditions, but the precise components of these interventions that are effective are difficult to identify. There is little evidence concerning optimal ways of tailoring interventions for socially disadvantaged groups other than ethnic minorities. A focus on printed information may not provide access to effective methods of information delivery (e.g. tailored information, use of narratives and user generated content). Developing a framework for the effective use of information needs to take account the full range of the factors identified. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

8.Good intentions, increased inequities: developing social care services in Emergency Departments in the UK
By Bywaters, Paul; McLeod, Eileen; Fisher, Joanne; Cooke, Matthew; Swann, Garry. Health & Social Care in the Community. Sep 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 5: p460-467
: Addressing the quality of services provided in Emergency Departments (EDs) has been a central area of development for UK government policy since 1997. Amongst other aspects of this concern has been the recognition that EDs constitute a critical boundary between the community and the hospital and a key point for the identification of social care needs. Consequently, EDs have become the focus for a variety of service developments which combine the provision of acute medical and nursing assessment and care with a range of activities in which social care is a prominent feature. One approach to this has been the establishment of multidisciplinary teams aiming to prevent re-attendance or admission, re-direct patients to other services, or speed patients through EDs with the aim of providing improved quality of care. This study, carried out between September 2007 and April 2008, was the first UK national survey of social care initiatives based in EDs and aimed to determine the objectives, organisation, extent, functions, funding and evidence on outcomes of such interventions. Eighty-three per cent of UK Type I and II EDs responded to the survey. Approximately, one-third of EDs had embedded social care teams, with two-thirds relying on referrals to external social care services. These teams varied in their focus, size and composition, leadership, availability, funding and permanence. As a result, the unintended effect has been to increase inequities in access to social care services through EDs. Three further conclusions are drawn about policy led, locally-based service development. This survey adds to international evidence pointing to the potential benefits of a variety of social care interventions being based in EDs and justifies the establishment of a research programme which can provide answers to key outstanding questions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

9. Exploring the potential of refugees and asylum seekers for social care work in England: a qualitative study
By: Hussein, Shereen; Manthorpe, Jill; Stevens, Martin. Health & Social Care in the Community. Sep 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 5: p468-475
Literature highlights the potential for refugees to contribute to the labour force of receiving countries. Such a contribution may be welcomed in sectors, such as social care, where demand for labour is increasing and high vacancy rates exist. This article reports on empirical data examining the potential of refugee communities to work in social care in England. The analysis is based primarily on 20 interviews with refugees and asylum seekers and five representatives of refugee support groups, conducted in 2008-2009. The findings of this sub-study are set within results obtained from other interviews as part of a multi-methods study examining the contribution of migrants to the English care sector. In-depth interviews were analysed thematically, guided by a theoretical framework linking employment, migration and the nature of care work. The findings highlight a general willingness of refugee participants to join the care workforce. Individual and structural barriers to increased employability were identified, as well as possible strategies to overcome them. Although the findings and discussions presented are based on data collected in England and are specific to the care sector, most are more generalisable and may inform strategies aiming at maximising refugees' employability in other sectors and in other developed states. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

10. Counselling teenage girls on problems related to the 'protection of family honour' from the perspective of school nurses and counsellors
By Alizadeh, Venus; Törnkvist, Lena; Hylander, Ingrid. Health & Social Care in the Community. Sep 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 5: p476-484
Approximately 1500 young immigrant women living in Sweden sought help from various public organisations during 2004 due to problems related to Protection of Family Honour (PFH). Often they seek help from school nurses and counsellors. Information on how the school nurses and counsellors manage this complex PFH phenomenon is limited in Sweden. The aim was to generate a theoretical model that illuminates the experiences of school counsellors and school nurses counselling teenage girls, who worry about problems related to protection of family honour. Data were collected through individual interviews of the school welfare staff. The study subjects included welfare staff from six upper-secondary schools consisting of four nurses and six counsellors. Grounded theory methods were used to generate new knowledge as this is a new field of research. The staff's main goal was to provide the best support and help for the teenage girls. In addition, they wanted to be true to their professional ethics and values. However, this was difficult and created professional dilemmas because some teenage girls prevented them from doing what they thought was needed to support the teenage girls and protect them from violence. As a result, staff sometimes felt hampered, unable to help or able to help only in ways hidden from the teenage girls' families. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

11. The impact of chronic illness on workforce participation and the need for assistance with household tasks and personal care by older Australians
By Laurann Yen; McRae, Ian; Yun-Hee Jeon; Essue, Beverley; Herath, Pushpani. Health & Social Care in the Community. Sep 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 5: p485-494
People, along with their families, feel the impact of chronic illness in many areas of their lives. It has been known that those with chronic illness leave the workforce earlier than their peers, have lower incomes and often need additional support to manage their health and lives. However, limited information is available about whether chronic illness is already present prior to retirement, or has developed subsequently. Similarly, we know little about what personal and household assistance is needed by people with chronic illness. In this study, a random sample of 10 000 members of National Seniors Australia, stratified by age and state of residence, were surveyed by post between August and September 2009 and asked about their chronic illnesses along with their age at diagnosis. In addition, participants were asked about their need for assistance with everyday household tasks and personal care. Responses were received from 4574 respondents, a response rate of 45.7%. Of those responding, 82.2% reported having at least one chronic illness at the time of the survey. The study confirms that ill health leads to earlier retirement from the workforce, and those who are sickest require more assistance with their household tasks and personal care. Each additional chronic illness present at age 50 reduced working life by a year, and each present at age 60 by 0.7 years. Diabetes, arthritis and depression were significantly related to earlier retirement. The impact was greatest for both continued workforce participation and need for assistance for those suffering from depression or anxiety. The relationships between health, workforce participation and need for assistance in daily activities are complex. Further research is required to uncover this complexity; nevertheless, the findings highlight the need to review the adequacy of current social and health policy for this particular population. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

12. Organisation and delivery of home care re-ablement: what makes a difference? 
By Rabiee, Parvaneh; Glendinning, Caroline. Health & Social Care in the Community. Sep 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 5: p495-503
: Home-care re-ablement or 'restorative' services are a cornerstone of preventive service initiatives in many countries. Many English local authorities are transforming their former in-house home-care services to provide intensive, short-term re-ablement instead. The focus of this paper is on the organisation and content of re-ablement services and the features of their organisation and delivery that have the potential to enhance or detract from their effectiveness. Qualitative data were collected from five sites with well-established re-ablement services. Data included semi-structured interviews with senior service managers in each site; observation of 26 re-ablement visits to service users across the five sites (four to six in each site) and a focus group discussion with front-line staff in each site (in total involving 37 front-line staff). The data generated from all three sources were analysed using the framework approach. All five services had developed from selective pilot projects to inclusive 'intake' service, accepting almost all referrals for home-care services. A number of features were identified as contributing to the effectiveness of re-ablement services. These included: service user characteristics and expectations; staff commitment, attitudes and skills; flexibility and prompt intervention; thorough and consistent recording systems; and rapid access to equipment and specialist skills in the team. Factors external to the re-ablement services themselves also had implications for their effectiveness; these included: a clear, widely understood vision of the service; access to a wide range of specialist skills; and capacity within long-term home-care services. The paper argues that re-ablement can be empowering for all service users in terms of raising their confidence. However, the move to a more inclusive 'intake' service suggests that outcomes are likely to be considerably lower for service users who have more limited potential to be independent. The paper discusses the implications for practice. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Journal - Table of Contents

13. From Nursing Times, Vol 108, no. 40, 2-8 October 2012
Risk of needlestick injury from injecting needles [A new law to protect workers from needlestick injury is being implemented, but many trusts misundersatnd which needles pose the greatest risk]
13B. Improving wellbeing with cardiac rehabilitation [Cardiac rehabilitation can improve both physical and psychosocial wellbeing in people with cardiovascular disease - yet fewer than half of patients access it]
13C. Modernising cardiac rehabilitation services [There is a need to tackle issues around access and uptake for cardiac rehabilitation services]
13D. Specialist nurses improve outcomes in heart failure [Research has demonstrated solid evidence for heart failure specialist nursing. The article outlines findings of key studies and how to promote best practice]
13E. Humanising nursing care: A theoretical model [The first in a series of two articles about humanising care explores a theoretical framework based on eight aspects of what it is to be human
13F. Making a real difference [Macmillan palliative care specialist Alison Foster]
13G. A day in the life of an intensive practitioner

News - National

14. Legal high makers stung with new regimes
TVNZ - 10 October 2012

Manufacturers of legal highs face hefty regime costs and penalties under new guidelines announced by Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne today. An estimated $180,000 in application fees is now expected for any new products being made, as well as $1 million to $2m in testing costs for each product.

15. Help New Zealand get cooking
Generation Zers play name that veggy 

SAY NO TO NUGGETS: Kiwis need to eat healthier foods. Too much junk on our plates. Do you know your courgettes from your cucumbers? According to a new survey four out of five Generation Z youths - those born from 1990 - don't use any fresh ingredients in their daily evening meals and 39 per cent are unable to correctly identify staple veggies such as leek or zucchini. More than half think that throwing chicken nuggets in the oven counts as cooking

News - International

16. UV photos drive home dark side of soaking up the sun
The Age - 10 October
When SunSense ambassador and TV presenter Carrie Bickmore had her face screened for sun damage she was horrified by the results. Before you get it done, you think it will be fine,'' she says. ''The average [UV rating] is 60 or 66 [100 being best and 0 being worst]. I was 42 … which means I have a lot of sun damage and haven't looked after my skin.''

17. Rare Gene Deletion Tied To Psychiatric Disease And Obesity
Medical News Today - 09 Oct 2012

The authors of a new study published online in the Archives of General Psychiatry this week, conclude that a rare deletion of a small region of the genome that codes for BDNF (short for brain-derived neurotrophic factor) plays a role in the development of psychiatric disease and obesity.

Archives, by date