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Issue 29 - 6 Sept 2012

Books Available for borrowing

1.  The baby business: What's happened to maternity care in New Zealand
By Lynda Exton
In this book Lynda Exton outlines the history and background of maternity care in New Zealand and then analyses the changes since 1990.

2. Our children's health: Key findings on the health of New Zealand children
Published in June 1998 by the Ministry of Health
Our Children’s Health: Key findings on the health of New Zealand children draws together information from disparate sources to identify patterns and trends in the health of this country’s children. The report looks at child health from population, behavioural and issue-based perspectives. It presents information on the demographic and social circumstances of children, along with patterns of mortality, morbidity and health-related behaviours among children in New Zealand. Where possible, the report identifies inequalities among sub-groups of the child population, and also compares the situation in New Zealand with that in other countries

3.  Reclaiming the future: New Zealand and the global economy
By Jane Kelsey
This book tells a different story - that globalisation is not inevitable, invincible or intrinsically good. Jane Kelsey explores the impact of globalisation on the New Zealand economy. Her account of foreign investment and free trade politics, the role of the transnationals, and the challenges posed by global agreements and networks will open the eyes of the most informed reader.

4. The woven universe : selected writings of Rev. Maori Marsden / edited by Te Ahukaramu Charles Royal
Rev. Maori Marsden (1924-1993) was a tohunga, scholar, writer, healer, minister and philosopher of the latter part of the twentieth century.    He was uniquely placed to explore and explain the frontier between pre-Christian theology, understandings of divinity and the Maori worldview and his Christian faith and vocation.  His conclusions and perspectives on these matters are widely influential and speak meaningfully to his people whose spiritual welfare he was dedicated to.


5. Changing patterns in suicide among young people
By Kirmayer, Laurence J. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal. 6/12/2012, Vol. 184 Issue 9: p1015-1016
In this article, the author presents his opinion on the article "Suicide among children and adolescents in Canada: trends and sex differences," by R. Skinner and S. McFaull which is published in this issue of the journal. He mentions that although the suicides rates have fallen among Canadian male adolescents in the recent years, but they have increased for girl and female adolescents. He informs that this increase indicates the change in methods of suicides such as hanging and strangulation

6. Suicide among children and adolescents in Canada: trends and sex differences, 1980-2008
By Skinner, Robin; McFaull, Steven. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal. 6/12/2012, Vol. 184 Issue 9: p1029-1034
Background: Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young Canadians (10-19 years of age) -- a disturbing trend that has shown little improvement in recent years. Our objective was to examine suicide trends among Canadian children and adolescents.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of standardized suicide rates using Statistics Canada mortality data for the period spanning from 1980 to 2008. We analyzed the data by sex and by suicide method over time for two age groups: 10-14 year olds (children) and 15-19 year olds (adolescents). We quantified annual trends by calculating the average annual percent change (AAPC).
Results: We found an average annual decrease of 1.0% (95% confidence interval [CI] -1.5 to -0.4) in the suicide rate for children and adolescents, but stratification by age and sex showed significant variation. We saw an increase in suicide by suffocation among female children (AAPC = 8.1%, 95% CI 6.0 to 10.4) and adolescents (AAPC = 8.0%, 95% CI 6.2 to 9.8). In addition, we noted a decrease in suicides involving poisoning and firearms during the study period. Interpretation: Our results show that suicide rates in Canada are increasing among female children and adolescents and decreasing among male children and adolescents. Limiting access to lethal means has some potential to mitigate risk. However, suffocation, which has become the predominant method for committing suicide for these age groups, is not amenable to this type of primary prevention. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

7. Social Media and Suicide: A Public Health Perspective
By Luxton, I David D.; June, Jennifer D.; Fairall, Jonathan M. American Journal of Public Health. May 2012 Supplement 2, Vol. 102 Issue S2: pS195-S200
There is increasing evidence that the Internet and social media can influence suicide-related behavior. Important questions are whether this influence poses a significant risk to the public and how public health approaches might be used to address the issue. To address these questions, we provide an overview of ways that social media can influence suicidal behavior, both negatively and positively, and we evaluate the evidence of the risk. We also discuss the legal complexities of this important topic and propose future directions for research and prevention programs based on a public health perspective. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

8. Letters to the editor: Suicide Prevention is a winnable battle
By Caine, Eric D.; Schneider, Ed; Fallon, Marie M.; Valasek, Tricia; Pomeranz, Jennifer L.
American Journal of Public Health. Mar 2012 Supplement 1, Vol. 102 Issue S1: pS4-S6

9. Involving patients who attempt suicide in suicide prevention: a focus groups study
By GHIO, L.; ZANELLI, E.; GOTELLI, S.; ROSSI, P.; NATTA, W.; GABRIELLI, F. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing. Aug 2011, Vol. 18 Issue 6: p510-518
The aim of this study is to gain insight into the individual experiences of patients who attempt suicide in order to better understand the reasons for and emotions behind a suicide attempt, thus also gaining insight, through the patients’ own input,
into the risk and protective factors which might influence possible repeat attempts and the attitude towards the assistance they receive.

10. Meningococcal B disease: assessment and management
By Willcox, Adrienne. Nursing Standard. 2/29/2012, Vol. 26 Issue 26: p50-55
Serogroup B meningococcal disease is the last main cause of bacterial meningitis and septicaemia in the UK. There is currently no vaccine against this serogroup. This article outlines the nature of meningococcal disease and highlights recent guidance from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence on recognising and managing the disease in primary and secondary care. An update on progress towards a preventive vaccine is also discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

11. Meningococcal disease in children: case studies and discussion
By Paul, Siba Prosad; Wellesley, Amanda; O'Callaghan, Claire. Emergency Nurse. Jul 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 4: p24-29
This article is based on two case studies in which children with suspected meningococcal disease were brought to the author's emergency department. It examines the signs and symptoms of the disease, and discusses its management. Emergency practitioners should understand and recognise the signs and symptoms of serious meningococcal disease and refer children to paediatric services immediately. INSET: Implications for practice. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

New Zealand Qualifications Authority

12. Pasifika Strategy 2012-2015
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority's Pasifika Strategy for 2012-2015 has been released. The Pasifika Strategy outlines NZQA's strategic framework to support the aspiration that Pasifika learners become highly skilled and highly qualified, and thereby contribute to their own, and to New Zealand's, economic and social prosperity. Download a copy of the Pasifika Strategy 2012-2015 (PDF, 930KB).

13. UCOL review findings released
04 Sep 2012
A review into Universal College of Learning (UCOL)'s Bachelor of Nursing pathway for internationally-registered nurses has been completed and resolutions for affected students found. NZQA Deputy Chief Executive Quality Assurance, Tim Fowler, said the review team made five findings:
1. Student information provided by UCOL in relation to the Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Nursing (RN-BN) pathway was clear;
2. Degree regulations were consistently applied;
3. No concerns were raised regarding NZQA’s gazetted programme approval criteria;
4. Students who complete the RN-BN pathway are awarded the Bachelor of Nursing and the pathway is not separately accredited.  In this regard, the students did not meet the graduate outcomes of the Bachelor of Nursing;
5. The processes used by UCOL to conduct its international student admissions, and to recognise the previous education and clinical experience of the internationally-registered nurses it was enrolling into the RN-BN pathway, were not comprehensive enough nor were they based on good practice.

14. PHA News - August 2012
Accessible free on the web - click on this link

Journal - Table of Contents

15. Selected articles - Safeguard, July/August 2012, Issue 134
Legal Viewpoint
From mossy path to slippery slope [Employers need to guard against even the most mundane risks, including protecting employees from themselves]
15B. Nurses cover safety too [Terry Buckingham on the wide range of skills and experience occupational health nurses bring to the safety aspects of their roles
15C. Proof: Men earn more [the pay gap between men and women working in OHS in New Zealand is revealed in this analysis
15D. Securing your next role [Alison Gill looks at the market for HSE practitioners and offers a few tips for employers and applicants alike

News - National

16. Major revamp of hospitals on way
The Press - 4 Sept 2012

A major revamp of Christchurch and Burwood hospitals, expected to cost half a billion dollars, looks set to go ahead. Prime Minister John Key, who is visiting the city today, is this afternoon expected to make an announcement on the biggest single hospital redevelopment in the city. Before the earthquakes, the Canterbury District Health Board was planning a $1b redevelopment of the two hospitals. A business case was presented to the Government in September 2010

17. Woman awarded more than $16,000 after unjustified dismissal
By Tracey Roxburgh - Mon, 3 Sep 2012

A woman has been awarded more than $16,000 after the Employment Relations Authority found she was unjustifiably dismissed by NZ Shopping.Com Company Ltd. Following a hearing in Queenstown, Gaynor Hillary was awarded $5107.12 as recompense for wages lost resulting from her dismissal, $8000 as compensation for humiliation, loss of dignity and injury to feelings and a further $3114.30 as restitution for holiday pay and wages either "improperly deducted or simply not paid".

18. Naturopath fails to warn patient of cancer
TVNZ - 3 Sept 2012

A natural health practitioner treated a woman with a lesion on her head for 18 months, even though the practitioner recognised from the beginning that the lesion "looked cancerous". By the time the woman sought hospital treatment, the lesion was 10 x 11cm and some underlying bones were damaged, the Health & Disability Commissioner (HDC) said

19. Shroff wary of Govt data in 'cloud'
NZ Herald - 3 Sept 2012

Privacy Commissioner Marie Shroff has highlighted risks around "cloud computing" just days after the Government announced it would push ahead with a "cloud computing strategy" to improve services and cut costs. The strategy may see personal information about New Zealanders gathered by the Government held in storage by private sector companies, in some cases overseas, where it may be examined by foreign governments.

20. Common cold: just give us the facts
New Zealand Listener

It is the most common disease that affects humans, and you will be well familiar with the symptoms: the runny nose, the need to sneeze, the blocked sinuses, throbbing head and the throat that feels like it has swallowed sandpaper. The symptoms of a cold are usually at their worst in the first few days, which is also when you are at your most infectious.

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