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Issue 23 - 20 July 2012

NERF Oral History Project

The Nursing Education and Research Foundation (NERF) are working with the University of Auckland to continue building the Nursing Oral History Collection held at the Alexander Turnbull Library in Wellington. The original project began in 1982 with further additions to the collection in the early 1990s.

This latest project will collect the histories of nurses who trained in the 1950s and 1960s. While the project team will not be able to speak individually to all nurses who trained during this period, they would like to encourage nurses who trained during these years to share their experiences by completing the following survey: The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete and respondents can save their submission and return to the survey at any time.


1. Priorities in nursing management
By Parker, Sheila & Hyrkas, Kristiina. Journal of Nursing Management. Jul 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 5: p567-571
An introduction to the journal is presented in which the editor discusses various reports published within the issue, including the views of newly licensed nurses in Florida on job challenges, demands and control, sickness absenteeism in relation to organizational commitment, and how nursing students' studies and exchange abroad increase future nurses' preparedness for culturally competent practice.

2. Newly licensed registered nurses' perceptions of job difficulties, demands and control: individual and organizational predictors
By UNRUH, LYNN Y.& NOONEY, JENNIFER. Journal of Nursing Management. Jul 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 5: p572-584
The authors discuss the results of their study on the views of newly licensed registered nurses (NLRNs) in Florida on job difficulties, control and demands. Most of the participants reported job difficulties 1-3 days or less every month while majority of them experienced job demands 1-2 days or more every week. There was a correlation found between self-reported good health and fewer job difficulty reports. NLRNs who work in community hospitals reported less job difficulty..

3. Leadership effectiveness and recorded sickness absence among nursing staff: a cross-sectional pilot study
Journal of Nursing Management. Jul 2011, Vol. 19
Issue 5: p585-595
The article explores the correlation between the leadership effectiveness of nurse managers at a Dutch hospital and sickness absence records of their nursing staff. No association was found between the nurse managers' leadership flexibility and sickness absence of nurses. Fewer days and shorter episodes of sickness absence were observed in nurses under nurse managers with high leadership effectiveness. Leadership effectiveness was not linked with the number of long episode of absence..

4. The influence of organizational commitment and health on sickness absenteeism: a longitudinal study
By SCHALK, RENÉ. Journal of Nursing Management. Jul 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 5: p596-600
The article explores the influence of health complaints and organizational commitment on sickness absenteeism among nurses in the Netherlands. Visits to a general practitioner and health complaints were found to be the predicting factors of absenteeism. Commitment did not predict future sickness absenteeism but it was linked with health complaints. Health complaints were also correlated with practitioners visits..

5. Group cohesion and social support of the nurses in a special unit and a general unit in Korea
By KO, YU KYUNG. Journal of Nursing Management. Jul 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 5: p601-610
The article explores and compares the level of group cohesion and social support of nurses in a special unit and a general unit in Korea. The level of cohesion among nurses on special wards is significantly higher compared to nurses on general wards. Social support levels between the two groups have no significant difference. Clinical experience, position, religion, the number of supportive superiors and peers, and job satisfaction of the nurses reportedly affect the level of group cohesion..

6. Front-line managers as boundary spanners: effects of span and time on nurse supervision satisfaction
The article explores the influence of nurse managers' staff number, time in staff contact, operational hours and transformational leadership practices on nurse supervision satisfaction in Ontario. Staff nurses have satisfaction rating of above the midpoint of the scale range on average but higher than staff in private, information and government sectors. Higher leadership scores of nurse managers were linked with higher supervision satisfaction scores..

7. Research and quality improvement experience and knowledge: a nursing survey
By FOX, JOLENE; BAGLEY, LISA; DAY, SUZANNE; HOLLERAN, RENEE; HANDRAHAN, DIANA. Journal of Nursing Management. Jul 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 5: p623-631
The article examines the knowledge, research and quality improvement (QI) experiences of nurses in western U.S. Majority of respondents at medical centres were previously and currently engaged in research and were engaged in QI. Productivity was notably lower in the non-medical centre group. The top barrier to research and QI measures involvement is time..

8. Nurses' participation in personal knowledge transfer: the role of leader-member exchange (LMX) and structural empowerment.
By DAVIES, ALICIA; WONG, CAROL A.; LASCHINGER, HEATHER. Journal of Nursing Management. Jul 2011, Vol. 19
Issue 5: p632-643
The authors discuss the results of their study on the relationship among leadership-member exchange (LMX), structural empowerment and the participation of nurses in personal knowledge transfer in Ontario. Using the hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis, they found that the combination of structural empowerment and LMX represent 9.1% of the variance in personal knowledge transfer. Only total empowerment was found to influence knowledge transfer significantly..

9. Stress relief or practice development: varied reasons for attending clinical supervision
By KOIVU, AIJA; SAARINEN, PIRJO I.; HYRKAS, KRISTIINA. Journal of Nursing Management. Jul 2011, Vol. 19
Issue 5: p644-654
The article explores whether stress relief or practice development is the reason why nurses at Kuopio University Hospital in Finland attend clinical supervision. Stress relief was the motivating factor for nurses on medical units to attend clinical supervision. Reasons related to practice development influence nurses on surgical units to take clinical supervision. Surgical nurses tend to regard their jobs as more demanding and feel they receive less superior support..

10. Exploring confidentiality in the context of nurse whistle blowing: issues for nurse managers
Issue 5: p655-663
The article explores the concept and experiences of Australian nurses on confidentiality in relation with whistle blowing. The four themes relating to the confidentiality experience of the respondents include confidentiality as creating a rumour, as enforced silence, and in the context of the right of the public to know. Whistle blowing participants who are advised to keep their silence reportedly feel distress because they could not explain themselves..

11. Perception of budgetary control: a study of differences across managers in Swedish public primary healthcare related to professional background and sex
By NYLINDER, PIA. Journal of Nursing Management. Jul 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 5: p664-672
The article examines the correlation between perceptions of nurse managers in Swedish public primary healthcare on budgetary control and their personal characteristics. Non-physicians such as nurses view the budgetary control as tight than physicians. Both female and male nurses described the budgetary control as tighter while female physicians share the same view than male physicians. Both nurses and physicians share similar views on the emphasis on meeting the budget..

Journal Table of Contents

12. From Employment Today, Issue 166 July 2012
Smart transitions [Can a business maintain its reputation as an employer of choice during restructuring? Jude Manuel explains how using career transition services can produce positive results for all concerned]
12B. Testing times [Lorraine Rowlands explains why, how and when to use psychometric testing in the workplace—and how to choose the right one for you]
12C. Coaches in on the act [Coaching is a powerful tool for personal and professional development, but there are times when employees want more than development from their coaches. Iain McCormick discusses an exciting new approach for in-house coaches working with staff who are troubled by frustrations and unwanted thoughts]
12D. The generation game [Lucy Townend, a Gen Y professional just starting out in the world of work herself, talks to Tania Gough and Lygia Bing from Savvy at Work about the challenges and opportunities she may face entering the multi-generational workplace]
12E. Giving feedback: a help or a hindrance? [It’s supposed to help learning, but our emotionally charged responses to feedback mean the message may not be heard. Ruth Donde and Graham Hart say feedback is often misapplied. They explore the difference between what science knows and what business does]
12F. New tricks [Old dogs can learn new tricks—and plenty of them. Julie Middleton reports on new EEO Trust research that busts common myths about mature workers and offers advice on how to make the most of their experience and wisdom]  
12G. No laughing matter [There are times when the joke is not funny—especially when it lands the sender in trouble. Jennifer Mills and Christie Hall outline guidelines for managing and enforcing computer and internet use policies]
12H. Holiday law abroad [How different is employment law in other countries? Angela Atkins, who trains many HR people new to New Zealand on employment law, outlines the differences]
12I. Aitchison’s HR: Who cares? [A really good manager knows that when their team takes wing and soars, they too will soar. But being a good manager is a tall order, says Neville Aitchison. It takes guts. He urges managers to reach deep down and find a way of caring]
12J. Recruitment: Fancy a date? [Having the right people in the right roles will ensure your organisation reaches its full potential—but how do you get the best match? John Bellamy outlines the dating agency approach to recruitment and what hiring managers can learn from it]
12K. Remuneration Remedies: The real deal with tool-of-trade vehicles [The benefit value of vehicles as part of an organisation’s remuneration and reward offerings is often debated, says Susan Doughty. She takes a close look at the issue]
12L  HRINZ News: Career progression—what next? [Have you ever thought of being an HR consultant? Don’t be put off by thinking you don’t have the experience. James Martin tells how he made the move to consulting after three years in an internal role]
12M. Public Sector: Suing employees [When an employer ends up being out of pocket when an employment relationship ends, can it bring a claim in the Employment Relations Authority? Paul Robertson discusses two recent cases and their outcomes]
12N. Last Laugh: Psychometric testing the Kiwi way … DIY! [Psychometric testing seems like such a great idea, but surely, says Terry Williams, there’s a way of doing it quickly, cheaply and effortlessly. He takes time from examining the length of his fingers to explain]

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News - National

14. Half of NZ population sloth-like: Survey
By Martin Johnston. NZ Herald - Friday Jul 20, 2012
New Zealanders, among the world's fatter populations, have now been revealed as among the less active. About 31 per cent of adults worldwide do less than the minimum recommended physical activity a week. "Activity" can be related to leisure time, your job, transport - such as biking to work - and housework

15. Big tobacco fights to beat NZ's rules
NZ Herald - 20 July 2012
A multinational cigarette company has started an aggressive fightback against laws and price rises intended to make people quit the habit. A series of tax rises - with more on the way - has made New Zealand cigarettes among the most expensive in the OECD.

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