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Issue 11 - 11 April 2012


- Whooping Cough

- Public Health Nursing, Mar/Apr 2011

1. Arm your patients against whooping cough
By Heavy, Elizabeth. Nursing, Feb 2008, Vol. 38 Issue 2: p22-23
The article discusses key issues concerning pertussis or whooping cough, a highly contagious bacterial infection of the respiratory tract that can lead to serious complications and even death if untreated. It includes information on the symptoms of whooping cough, as well as new steps to treat the disease.

2. Cough - what you need to know
By Richards, Sara. Practice Nurse, 1/27/2012, Vol. 42 Issue 1: p14-18
The article offers helpful clues to coughs that can be self-managed and those which need to be taken more seriously. It describes the classifications of coughing, such as acute, resolving and chronic and persistent, and their underlying causes and symptoms. It also discusses the importance of taking a good history, when to refer and any medication or remedy that might help to alleviate the cough..

3. Easily missed paediatric conditions
By Macdonald, Mary. Pulse, 1/25/2012, Vol. 72 Issue 3: p32-34
The article discusses aspects of easily missed conditions in children. The easily missed paediatric conditions include juvenile arthritis, cystic fibrosis, pertussis, and intussusception. Information offered includes the investigations, with details on the signs and symptoms, differential diagnosis, and management referral..

4. History, Ethics, and the Truth
By Abrams, Sarah E. Public Health Nursing, Mar/Apr2011, Vol. 28 Issue 2: p105-106
: The author explores the issue of health disparity in the U.S., and references historical cases to support the same. She discusses the unethical and racially discriminating U.S. Public Health Service (PHS)-sponsored Tuskegee research conducted in Guatemala, which was exposed by historian Dr. Susan Reverby, and mentions abuse cases brought into light during the Nuremburg trials. The author also emphasizes on the need to critically analyze historical information, rather than believe in half-truths.

5. Latina Mothers' Beliefs and Practices Related to Weight Status, Feeding, and the Development of Child Overweight
By Lindsay, Ana al. Public Health Nursing, Mar/Apr2011, Vol. 28 Issue 2: p107-118
: To examine maternal beliefs and practices related to weight status, child feeding, and child overweight in the Latino culture that may contribute to the rising rates of overweight among preschool Latino children in the United States. This 2-phase qualitative study relies on data obtained in 6 focus groups with a total of 31 primarily Spanish-speaking, low-income mothers, followed by 20 individual, in-depth interviews with women participating in a health promotion educational program. Child-feeding beliefs, practices, and weight status perceptions were elicited. The findings indicated that most respondents reported personal struggles with weight gain, particularly during and after pregnancy, and were concerned that their children would become obese. Although subjects understood the health and social consequences related to overweight, many discussed the pressures of familial and cultural influences endorsing a 'chubby child.' Education and interventions that incorporate 'culturally mediated' pathways to address mothers' feeding practices are essential for the prevention and control of childhood overweight among low-income Latinos. Nurses should be aware of the social and cultural influences on Latina mothers' beliefs and practices related to weight status and feeding practices and address these in their education approaches to prevent childhood overweight and obesity with this population group. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

6. Public Health Nurses Tailor Interventions for Families at Risk
By Monsen, Karen al. Public Health Nursing, Mar/Apr2011, Vol. 28 Issue 2: p119-128
: To use structured clinical data from public health nurse (PHN) documentation to describe client risk, to describe family home visiting interventions, including tailoring, and to assess the associations between client risk and intervention tailoring.
Design and Sample: Retrospective cohort design. A cohort of 486 family home visiting clients who received at least 3 visits from PHNs in a local Midwest public health agency (2000-2005). Measures: Omaha System variables documenting assessments, interventions, and outcomes. A risk index was created to identify low- and high-risk clients. Descriptive and inferential methods were used to describe interventions, and to assess intervention tailoring between groups. Intervention: Routine PHN family home visiting practice.
Results: The risk index meaningfully discriminated between groups. PHNs provided more visits and interventions to clients in the high-risk group, with variations in problem, category, and target by group, demonstrating that PHNs tailored interventions to address specific client needs.
Conclusions: Standardized terminologies and structured clinical data are useful tools to support PHN practice, and may be useful to advance health care quality research, program evaluation, policy development, and population health outcomes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

7. Self-Reported Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Immigrants and Swiss Nationals
By Grossmann, Florian al. Public Health Nursing, Mar/Apr2011, Vol. 28 Issue 2: p129-139
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the prevalence of self-reported cardiovascular risk factors differs between immigrants and Swiss nationals. This study is a secondary data analysis of the Swiss Health Survey 2002, a cross-sectional survey. In total, 19,249 individuals living in Switzerland were included. The prevalence of hypertension, high cholesterol level, smoking, diabetes, overweight, low fruit and vegetable intake, and physical inactivity were calculated for major immigrant groups and Swiss nationals. Demographic data were used to control for age and socioeconomic status. Major immigrant groups were people from Italy, Germany, former Yugoslavia, Spain, Portugal, France, and Turkey. Compared with Swiss women, women from former Yugoslavia were more likely to have hypertension, and women from Germany were more likely to have high cholesterol levels. Women from Italy, former Yugoslavia, Spain, Portugal, and Turkey were more likely to show physical inactivity and (except Turkish women) to be overweight. Men from these countries (except Spanish men) were more likely to be overweight than Swiss men. Differences exist in the prevalence of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors between Swiss nationals and many of the immigrant groups. Age and socioeconomic status could only partly explain the differences. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

8. Use of the Program Explication Method to Explore the Benefits of a Service for Homeless and Marginalized Young People
By Bamberg, John al. Public Health Nursing, Mar/Apr2011, Vol. 28 Issue 2: p140-149
Maintaining the alignment between the dynamic development of health and social services and the rapidly advancing scientific evaluation literature is a central challenge facing service administrators. We describe 'program explication,' a consulting method designed to assist services to identify and review implicit program logic assumptions against the evaluation literature. Program explication initially facilitates agency staff to identify and document service components and activities considered critical for improving client outcomes. Program assumptions regarding the relationship between service activities and client outcomes are then examined against available scientific evidence. We demonstrate the application of this method using an example of its use in reviewing a service for homeless young people operating in Melbourne, Australia, known as the Young People's Health Service (YPHS). The YPHS involved 21 activities organized within 4 components. The intended benefits of each of the activities were coherently articulated and logically consistent. Our literature search revealed moderate to strong evidence for around 1 quarter of the activities. The program explication method proved feasible for describing and appraising the YPHS service assumptions, thereby enhancing service evaluability. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

9. Public Health Nurse Perceptions of Empowerment and Advocacy in Child Health Surveillance in West Ireland
By Cawley, Teresa; Mannix McNamara, Patricia. Public Health Nursing, Mar/Apr2011, Vol. 28 Issue 2: p150-158
The objective of this study was to analyze public health nurses' perceptions of empowerment and advocacy within a child health screening and surveillance program in West Ireland. This study combined both qualitative and quantitative research methods. A purposive sample of 9 public health nurses (PHNs) (phase 1) participated in 2 focus groups and a purposive sample of 43 clients attending the child health screening service completed a questionnaire (phase 2). Focus groups and Questionnaires were used. Thematic content analysis revealed that PHNs in the study did not perceive themselves to be empowered in their work. They attributed this to workload, lack of professional advocacy, and restricted access to power and opportunity, while also identifying the need for continued managerial support and feedback. The results suggest that PHNs need to be empowered in order to facilitate client empowerment. PHNs struggled with empowerment and client advocacy. There is a need for professional development for PHNs in order to support them to more critically engage with empowerment and self-efficacy in their work. This needs to be done within organizational structures that support PHNs to critically analyze the role of advocacy and empowerment in their practice. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

10. Friere's Dialogic Concept Enables Family Health Program Teams to Incorporate Health Promotion
By Heidemann, Ivonete T. S. al. Public Health Nursing, Mar/Apr2011, Vol. 28 Issue 2: p159-167
The study analyzes the possibility of incorporating health promotion measures into the work processes of Family Health Program teams at a primary health care clinic in Brazil. We used the participatory research concept developed in 1968 by Freire. The study sample comprised the end-users of the health care system, together with 3 multidisciplinary teams. A total of 77 health care users and 55 health professionals participated in the study. Culture circles composed of health care professionals, and users from different areas investigated generative topics, encoded/decoded topics, and engaged in critical probing for clarification. Topics affecting quality of life and health were heuristically evaluated. Although most topics were related to changing the focus of health care facilities, some were related to subsidizing community-based interventions, improving environmental strategies, individual skills, and public policies. Incorporating the novel health promotion measures and creating an expanded full-treatment clinic are important steps toward that goal. Topics that can stimulate dialogue among the members of the culture circles include creating an environment of closer cultural contact, with repercussions for work processes, family health models, and general health models, as well as the inclusion of social aspects in the decision-making processes related to health issues that affect the living conditions of the population. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Journal - Table of Contents

11. From Journal of Infection Prevention, Volume 13, Issue 2, March 2012
. Infection prevention and control – on being a detective
11B. Successive outbreaks of Group A streptococcus (GAS) in care of the elderly settings; lessons learned
11C. HOUDINI: make that urinary catheter disappear – nurse-led protocol
11D. Clinical systems improvement: it’s all about the project boundaries
11E. Motivation and job satisfaction of cleaning staff in the NHS: a pilot study
11F. Hospital outbreaks
11G. Evaluation of a suspected peri-prosthetic infection by joint aspiration using a novel technique

12. From Canadian Nurse, January 2012, Volume 108,
12A. Checking your vitals? There's an app for that
12B. NPs - Gains and Hurdles; Exposure to bacteria may prevent allergies; Surge in numbers of male nursing students; Quebec nurses vote for higher educational standards; Overweight people don't die prematurely; Assessment tool predicts which patients will become violent
12C. Bed sharing and SIDS: Understanding the risks
12D. Listening from province to province; Embracing social media
12E. NP campaign gains steam; SNNNAP partners build communication skills; Mapping the outcomes [Canadian Health Outcomes for Better Information Project]
12F. Info in your pocket
12G. Blogging the nursing life
12H. Introducing handheld computers into home care
12I. Recovering from mergers, uprooting resistance; How do I handle a "houseplant" staff member who refuses to get off his butt and help out?
12J. Life's turning points shape a career - or two [As a behaviourist at a weight management clinic, Cathy Poirier draws on her nursing experience]
12K. Broadband access equals better connections

News - National

13. Whooping cough is rampant in capital
A national outbreak of whooping cough has intensified in the Wellington region with cases of the highly infectious disease eight times worse than last year and likely to continue for months.
In the Wellington and Hutt regions there have been 527 suspected or confirmed cases since the start of October. A further 13 have been recorded in Wairarapa over the past two months.
Spread by coughing and sneezing, the bacterial infection – known clinically as pertussis – can last for up to three months, which is why it is also called the `100 day cough'.

14. Diabetics fear 'return to the stone age'
The fight against Pharmac is ramping up as people throughout New Zealand join forces to protest at planned changes to testing equipment which one diabetic says would be a return to prehistoric days. More than 200,000 diabetics would be affected by the provisional sole-supply agreement which would mean all testing meters and strips would be the Korean-manufactured CareSens brand and supplied by Pharmaco NZ

15. Cancer test failed mum - family
Breast cancer victim given wrong result. The failings of a breast cancer screening programme contributed to a Southland woman's death, her daughter believes. Jennie Spriggs said her mother, Colleen Spriggs, died in 2009 after she was initially told her mammogram showed no evidence of cancer in 2008. Delays for 28 women in the BreastScreen Aotearoa programme in the Southern District between 2007 and 2010 are still being investigated by the Ministry of Health, which has yet to identify how many of the women are from Southland, how many from Otago, and the consequences of each delay.

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