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Issue 7 - 12 March 2012

Books held by the NZNO Library

These books can be borrowed by staff and members for a period of 4 weeks.

1. Contexts of Nursing [2nd edition]
By John Daly; Sandra Speedy & Debra Jackson.
Published 2008, Elsevier Australia
This book introduces nursing themes from and Australian and New Zealand perspective and is supported by research and illustrative examples. It includes discussions on history, culture, ethics, law, technology and professional issues within the filed of nursing.

2. Teaching and Assessing Nurses: A handbook for preceptors
By Robert Oliver & Colin Endersby, Reprinted in 2000
A resourceful and comprehensive handbook. Features a refreshing and innovative style that emphasizes real and pertinent issues, rather than dry and theoretical concepts. The text is interspersed with many learning activities and references, and several helpful appendices are also included

3. Nurse as Educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice [2nd edition]
By Susan Bastable. Published 2003
This book is a useful resource for nursing students and professional nurses for whom patient education is an essential component of practice. The needs and characteristics of the learner are addressed and appropriate instructional approaches are discussed. This edition includes a new chapter on the role of technology in education.

Articles -Paediatric and Child Health Nursing Journal

4. Guest Editorial - Standards for neonatal intensive care nursing education in Australia: Bring it on!
By Victoria Kain. Neonatal, Paediatric and Child Health Nursing, Volume 14 Number 3, November 2011  

5. Maternal–infant synchrony: an integrated review of the literature
By Brenda Baker & Jacqueline M McGrath. Neonatal, Paediatric and Child Health Nursing, Volume 14 Number 3, November 2011
A critical review of the literature was conducted to identify current science related to maternal–infant synchrony including: (a) definitions; (b) contributing factors; (c) measurement, and (d) how maternal–infant synchrony contributes to the continuum of the mothering experience.
Methods: Using the search terms maternal–infant synchrony, maternal–infant interaction and maternal–infant attachment, databases were searched including Medline, CINAHL, and PsychINFO. Only English language research and integrated reviews published after 1985 and applicable to maternal populations and infants less than one year of age were included. Studies specific to multiple gestations or infants with congenital anomalies were excluded. Research comparing term and preterm infants was included as prematurity provides a context to study the emergence of neurobehavioural development and effects of dysregulation on maternal–infant synchrony. Based on the inclusion criteria, 23 published articles were included in this review.
Results: Numerous overlapping definitions of maternal–infant synchrony were found. Findings clearly identify several positive newborn outcomes related to maternal–infant synchrony, including development of attachment relationships, development of infant language skills and social-emotional competence. Most research on maternal–infant synchrony has been conducted within the context of the behavioural sciences and/or in laboratory settings employing videotaping, analysis and coding of behaviours. Tools to specifically measure maternal–infant synchrony are limited.
Conclusion: Synchrony is a dynamic, timed relationship that benefits both mother and infant. Synchrony reflects an appropriate fit between maternal and infant behaviour that develops from responsive and sensitive mothering and fosters infant attachment and ultimately social, emotional and self-regulatory growth and trust.

6. The trial and evaluation of a clinical pathway for parents with substance use issues
By Robyn Penny, Jan Pratt. Paediatric and Child Health Nursing, Volume 14 Number 3, November 2011
This study aimed to identify if a clinical pathway plan of care (SUPa) had the potential to improve outcomes for infants in families affected by substance use issues.
Background: Internationally, approximately 10% of children live in homes where there is some form of alcohol or other drug abuse or dependence. This places children at increased risk of poorer health outcomes including abuse and/or neglect. Traditionally, services such as child health have had limited capacity and knowledge to work with families with drug use issues. While many studies have focused on supporting parents in drug treatment, little has been done to examine preventive work with families presenting to universal community child and family health services.
Design: This prospective, quasi-experimental study was conducted in Queensland, Australia. Participants included women with substance use issues and child health service staff (child health nurses and early intervention parenting specialists). Data was collected by chart audit and focus groups.
Results: SUPa is a useful tool to develop evidence-based practice, improving teamwork and staff knowledge and skills. Service engagement with parents and safety planning for parenting also improved. Further evaluation is needed to assess other child health outcomes.
Implications for practice: Implementing clinical pathways in practice is a significant change that requires ongoing support. While structured care plans are an important evidence-based practice tool, they can be tailored to individual client need using sound clinical judgement. SUPa has the potential to improve outcomes for infants in families affected by substance use issues.

7. Don’t get lost in translation: nursing children as medical tourists
By Ellen Ben-Sefer, Chaya Balik, Orna Friedman & Linda Shields. Paediatric and Child Health Nursing, Volume 14 Number 3, November 2011 
Medical tourism is a growing trend in health care as families seek more affordable options in medical care and treatment for their children. Children who require care outside their home country present special challenges, dilemmas and issues for nurses who must provide that care. Culture, language and social support must all be considered in a family-centred care approach. This paper explores the emergence of medical tourism as a health care phenomenon, and explores the essential skills of an experienced paediatric medical tourism nurse in Israel.

8. Using the Delphi technique to develop standards for neonatal intensive care nursing education
By Trudi Mannix. Paediatric and Child Health Nursing, Volume 14 Number 3, November 2011
The purpose of this study was to use the Delphi technique to determine the first draft of national standards for neonatal intensive care nursing (NICN) education. The Australian College of Neonatal Nurses (ACNN) endorsed the project and assisted in the selection of members for a panel of 13 NICN and education experts from all Australian states that conducted NICN education programmes. These experts were consulted over a period of seven months using the Delphi technique. The researcher initially developed a set of questions to guide the expert panel. Over a series of three iterations and using a consensus level of 75% agreement, most standards were agreed to. Areas addressed were programme requirements, prerequisite requirements, programme leadership, theoretical programme structure and content, clinical education programme structure and content and educator support. Subsequent work will finalise the standards for publication and subsequent use by NICN educators and clinicians across Australia. Throughout this paper, the terms ‘neonatal intensive care nursing’ and ‘neonatal nursing’ are used. The use of the word ‘nursing’ in these phrases refers to the provision of care to the infant in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Both nurses and midwives provide this care.

Articles - Aging Health Journal
Source: Academic OneFile Database

9. A collaborative expert literature review of pain education, assessment and management.
By Cary Brown, Thomas Hadjistavropoulos, Pat Schofield, Beatrice Sofaer-Bennett, Daniel Weissbrod, Dagmar Westerling, et al.
Aging Health. 8.1 (Feb. 2012) p43
The number of older people will be at an all time high by the year 2050, rising from 7.4 to 16.4% of the population, with the number of people over 85 years old more than tripling. Pain is common among older people, with persistent pain affecting between 50 and 80% of community-dwelling older adults. The latter (80%) representing long-term care facilities . A variety of pain conditions are experienced by older people including musculoskeletal syndromes, such as osteoarthritis, spinal cord stenosis, fibromyalgia and neuropathic pain syndromes, such as postherpetic neuropathy.  Pain in older people has negative impacts on all domains of quality of life including decreased physical function, psychological distress and social isolation

10. Can optimism decrease the risk of illness and disease among the elderly?
By Eric S Kim, Nansook Park, & Christopher Peterson.
Aging Health. 8.1 (Feb. 2012) p5
Since its introduction to common parlance in Voltaire'âs 18th century novel Candide to the present day, optimism has been viewed skeptically. Much of this skepticism has been due to a misunderstanding. Optimism is sometimes seen as pollyannaism, a naively rosy view of the world coupled with a 'don't worry, be happy attitude'. However, optimism the way researchers study it encompasses two related psychological traits: a disposition to perceive and emphasize what is positive about ongoing experience, and an expectation that the future will entail more positive events than negative ones

11. Minimally invasive surgery for aortic stenosis in the geriatric patient: where are we now?
By Lawrence H Cohn and R Scott McClure.
Aging Health. 8.1 (Feb. 2012) p17
The concept of minimally invasive aortic valve surgery originated more than 15 years ago. Based on the principle that surgical excellence could be maintained in light of modifications to the traditional sternotomy approach, minimal access techniques have aimed to reduce surgical trauma as a catalyst for improved patient outcomes, reduced hospital stay and reduced cost. Although the term 'minimally invasive'â remains ill defined encompassing a conglomerate of surgical techniques (e.g., smaller sternal incisions, port-access , robotics and apicoaortic bypass, the unifying philosophy remains the same, that less surgical trauma facilitates improved patient outcomes.

12. The elderly inflammatory bowel disease patient and osteoporosis.
By Seymour Katz and Stuart Weinerman.
Aging Health. 8.1 (Feb. 2012): p31
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory condition subdivided into Crohn's disease (CD), which is capable of affecting the entire GI tract, although usually favors the ileocolonic and perianal areas, and ulcerative colitis, which is limited to the colon. The diagnosis is based on cumulative accepted criteria of endoscopic, biopsy, imaging and serologic studies. Elderly patients with IBD such as CD and ulcerative colitis, as well as other GI tract disorders such as celiac disease, are at risk of developing osteoporosis and fractures. Although all these diseases are very different, they share risk factors for bone disease.

13. Do anticholinergic drugs contribute to functional and cognitive decline?. Malaz Boustani, Chris Fox, Cornelius Katona, Ian D Maidment, and David G Smithard.
Aging Health. 8.1 (Feb. 2012): p57
Old age is not a disease - it is strength and survivorship, triumph over all kinds of vicissitudes and disappointments, trials and illnesses. Recent publications have, however, highlighted one age-related adversity that has until recently been relatively overlooked. Medications that block muscarinic cholinergic receptors may be associated with functional and cognitive decline. Areas of deficit highlighted in elderly cohort studies include error proneness and psychomotor speed and executive function. These studies, among others, have highlighted the fact that older people are at particular risk

14. Nutrition in aging and disease: update on biological sciences.
By Rozalyn Anderson, Holly Brown-Borg, Peggy St. Jacques, Roger McCarter, John Morley, Nicolas Musi, et al.
Aging Health. 8.1 (Feb. 2012): p13
Gerobesity: the coming epidemic. The global epidemic of obesity has reached into every socioeconomic strata in every nation. The problem is not just adult-onset obesity that began decades ago contributing to the high prevalence of adult obesity; there is a second wave of obesity that has emerged among children that does not bode well for future generations of middle aged and older persons. With medical technology improving to save the lives of people who suffer from the complications of obesity, humanity faces the potential for an explosive increase in the number of people who reach older ages having been obese for decades.

Journals - Table of Contents

15. From The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, February 2012, Volume 43, Number 2
Loving Evidence for Our Prejudices
Patricia S. Yoder-Wise, RN, EdD, NEA-BC, ANEF, FAAN
.The Real World Is Becoming Clickable
Lynore D. DeSilets, EdD, RN-BC
. Preparing for the Future: What Nurses Need to now
Maureen T. White, MBA, RN, NEA-BC
Recommendations of The Future of Nursing Report
Karren Kowalski, PhD, RN, CNAA-BC, FAAN
Correlating Novice Nurses’ Perceptions of Nursing Orientation and First-Year Support With Direct Preceptor Interventions
Joyce L. Nelson, MS, RN; Michelle Arjes, RN; Katie Bushman, BSN, RN; Marny Carlson, MS, RN; Laurie Czaplewski, MS, RN; Kelly Derby, MSN, RN; Krista Godman, BSN, RN; Diane Horton, RN; Turie Stansfield, BSN, RN; Hing Paul Tan, RN
Correlating Novice Nurses’ Perceptions of Nursing Orientation and First-Year Support With Direct Preceptor Interventions
Charge Nurses as Front-Line Leaders: Development Through Transformative Learning
Patricia L. Thomas, PhD, RN, FACHE, NEA-BC, ACNS-BC, CNL
15H. Meeting Tomorrow’s Health Care Needs Through Local and Global Involvement
Jackline G. Opollo, RN, MSN, MPH; Mary Lou Bond, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN; Jennifer Gray, PhD, RN; Vivian J. Lail-Davis, BA
15I. The Effectiveness of Nurses’ Ability to Interpret Basic Electrocardiogram Strips Accurately Using Different Learning Modalities
LeeAnna Spiva, PhD, RN, PLNC; Kimberly Johnson, MSN, RN-BC, CHFN; Bethany Robertson, DNP, CNM; Darcy T. Barrett, MSN, RN, CNRN; Nicole M. Jarrell, MSN, RNC; Donna Hunter, MS, RN-BC, ACNS-BC, ANP-BC; Inocencia Mendoza, BSN, CCRN, CNRN
15J. Nurses’ Orientation Toward Lifelong Learning: A Case Study of Uganda’s National HospitalJoshua Kanaabi Muliira, RN, BSN, MA, MSN, DNP; Charles Etyang, RN, BSN; Rhoda Suubi Muliira, RN, BSN, MSc; Irene Betty Kizza, RN, BSN, MSN

News - National

16. Kiwi kids miss out on vital play time
NZ Herald - 12 March 2012
New Zealand children risk weight and brain development issues as a new study shows nearly half of Kiwi kids are not playing every day. The Milo State of Play report, released today, shows 46 per cent of New Zealand children aged 8 to 12 are not playing every day. It warns that a generation of Kiwi kids will remember their childhood as one of computer games and other sedentary activities, rather than afternoons spent playing outside with friends.

17. Work sliding into home life: survey
Stuff - 12 March 2012
More than half of employees say their work life and private life have become intertwined, with a third expected to be available to their employer at all hours, a survey says. Randstad's quarterly Workmonitor survey showed that 56 per cent of employees handled work related matters in their private time and 59 per cent received work related phone calls or emails outside of regular office hours.

News - International

18. Gambling is rife among 17-year-olds, says report 'delayed' by charity's merger with gaming industry group
The Observer - 11 March 2012

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