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Issue 203 - 1 Nov 2011

Selected books - NZNO Library
These books can be borrowed by members free of charge, for a period of 4 weeks.

1. Courage and complexity in chronic illness : reflective practice in nursing
By Margaret Connor
Published 2004
This book opens a new beginning of the depth of reflective practice, as revealed through the mutual storying of a one caring and one-being-cared-for within the transition and experience of chronic illness.  This work takes patients and nurses alike beyond the illness paradigm into a higher order/deeper meaning of health and caring that captures the "existential wounds" and the healing space of relationships that help to close the gap in the "in between space".

2. For-profit health care: A road paved with gold and doubtful intentions
By Marc B. Young
The Canadian  federation of Nurses Unions. Published 2008
This paper discusses the role of for-profit players in healthcare provision and funding; the private financing of infrastructure; the downloading of payment responsibility for services from provincial health plans to patients themselves (generally called de-listing); and the quest to introduce "market principles", broadly speaking into care.

3. Living with illness : psychosocial challenges for nursing
Edited by Cath Rogers-Clark. Published 2005
: Living with Illness: Psychosocial Challenges focuses on developing and strengthening understanding of the illness experience. It encourages students to critically appraise conventional approaches to understanding and caring for those who are ill, to empower readers to off true holistic care and to, where appropriate, change nursing practice in light of current research findings. Traditionally nurses have drawn on knowledge from sociology and psychology as two separate but related disciplines to nursing, leaving the beginning level nurse to relate, integrate and translate knowledge gained into nursing practice. Living with Illness combines, in a unique way, sociological and psychological perspectives to creatively represent psychosocial knowledge that is innovative and directly applicable to contemporary nursing practice.

4. Society and Politics
By Grant Duncan.Published 2004
: Society and Politics provides an introduction to the essential political ideologies and concepts that have had an enduring impact on the development of New Zealand society. The main topics covered are: sovereignty, social contract and the Treaty of Waitangi; liberalism; socialism; feminism; nationalism, imperialism and racism; neoliberalism and conservatism; and the contemporary third-way model.  Special consideration is given to: poverty and inequality; the rights of children; and superannuation. The purpose of this book is to bring political theory and social policy concepts to life for the New Zealand reader, to highlight the political importance of our intellectual and historical heritage, and to link these ideas to their European and indigenous roots. New Zealand’s political culture has often prided itself on a pioneering, pragmatic and nonideological approach. This book challenges us to rethink that view, illustrating how and why political theory is relevant to us all. The reader will gain a deeper appreciation of the significance, origins and principles of political ideologies in New Zealand, alongside the key figures who promoted these ideas, and their values and social goals.

Articles  - Nursing Economic$, 2011 Sep-Oct

5. Every Nurse Is a Nurse Economist.
By Nickitas, Donna M. Nursing Economic$, 2011 Sep-Oct; 29 (5): p229-50
: With the accumulation of national debt increasing by an astounding $3 million a minute (Cafferty,2011), an aging population, and rising health care costs, there is no time like the present for nurses and nurse leaders to understand the financial risks at hand and respond collectively with greater accountability.
Accountability must go beyond economic survival and seek sustainable nursing performance and growth.

CNE Series
6. Advanced Practice Nurse Outcomes 1990-2008: A Systematic Review.
By Newhouse, Robin al. Nursing Economic$, 2011 Sep-Oct; 29 (5): p230-51
Advanced practice registered nurses have assumed an increasing role as providers in the health care system, particularly for underserved populations. The aim of this systematic review was to answer the following question: Compared to other providers (physicians or teams without APRNs) are APRN patient outcomes of care similar? This systematic review of published literature between 1990 and 2008 on care provided by APRNs indicates patient outcomes of care provided by nurse practitioners and certified nurse midwives in collaboration with physicians are similar to and in some ways better than care provided by physicians alone for the populations and in the settings included.

7. Impact of the Economic Downturn On Nursing Schools.
By Terry, Allison J.& Whitman, Marilyn V.; Nursing Economic$, 2011 Sep-Oct; 29 (5): p252-64
The challenges posed by the economic downturn on baccalaureate nursing schools in the southeast as it relates to their perceptions of changes in the number of applicants,
acceptance rates, employer recruitment efforts, and student clinical and job placement were explored. Responses from deans and program directors indicated nursing schools are experiencing negative effects of the economic downturn in the form of graduates having difficulty finding employment, decreased recruitment efforts from prospective employers, difficulty
locating clinical placements for students, and no change in faculty applicants despite an increase in undergraduate student applicants as well as graduate student applicants

8. Working with Nurse Educators' Collective Wisdom: Implications For Recruitment and Retention.
By Cash, Penelope al. Nursing Economic$, 2011 Sep-Oct; 29 (5): p257-64
Very few studies have been undertaken to consider the impact of nurse education environments on faculty retention and recruitment at a time when numbers of nursing faculty are
falling to significantly low levels. The purpose of this article is to deconstruct nurse educators’ experience, illuminate what nurse educators think is important to a quality work environment,
and offer some critical questions that lead to the potential for change. The findings of this study suggest recruitment and retention of nurse educators are best addressed by a critical reexamination of organizations

9. Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Population-Specific Telehealth Nursing Services.
By Vinson, Mary al. Nursing Economic$, 2011 Sep-Oct; 29 (5): p265-77
An implementation project was conducted to introduce a structure for telehealth nursing practice (TNP) which would address the specific needs of complex endocrinology patients in a hospital-based clinic. Outcomes of the pilot study include analysis of 727 advice calls, survey responses from a sample of 101 patients, and feedback from 9 providers. Results support current evidence that disease management needs of chronically ill patients include prescription refills, medication and symptom management, lab results, and patient education. 81.2% of patients rated satisfaction with telehealth nursing services as very high or high.

10. Staffing Unleashed. What Every Nurse Executive Should Know About Staffing And Scheduling Technology Initiatives.
By Douglas, Kathy. Nursing Economic$, 2011 Sep-Oct; 29 (5): p273-5
Staffing in hospitals has a history of being based in opinion and tradition, not evidence. In recent years, for many, staffing practices have spun out of control creating chaos in overtime, the use of incentives, entitlement behaviors, dissatisfaction and frustration among nurses, and has opened doors for such things as staffing ratio legislation. Unprecedented pressures around budgets and financial performance have no doubt compounded this situation. We are in a new day, where technology can help us more than ever in a move towards staffing excellence and staffing practices based on evidence. Highly successful implementations of new technologies are the result of good leadership. The effectiveness of staffing and scheduling has significant business, safety, and quality implications that sit at the heart of the nurse executive’s role.

Journals - Table of Contents

11. From L.O.G.I.C, The official Journal of The New Zealand College of Primary Health Care Nurses, Vol 10 - No. 3, October 2011
Guest Editorial
Lessons from Geese: Are we honking in unison [Marion Guy]
Nursing Leadership for better sooner more convenient health services [Jane O'Malley]
Co-Editor's Report
. Feedback, feedback and more feedback [Brenmda Bruning]
Chair's Report
. NZCPHCN Update [Rosemary Minto]
11E. Nursing Leadership: Creating connections [Debbie Davies]
11F. The pathway to nurse practitioner in primary health care [Sue Dawkins]
11G. Thousands of nurses trained to give nicotine replacement therapy [Grace Wong]
11H. Prophylaxis treatment to prevent recurrence and complications of acute rheumatic fever in Counties Manukau [Annette Olsen]
. Injection sites for immunisation of infants [Karen Green]
. Integrated anticoagulation: Everyone's a winner [Andrew Orange]
11K. On the trail of diabetes [Debra Burton]
11L. Helping women protect their pelvic floor: How nurses can help [Trisha Coombes]
11M. Weight loss on the web: The body of knowledge healthy weight programme and the impact of financial incentives [Lorraine Hogan]
11N. The current picture of District Nursing in NZ: Workforce, services and the patient profile [denise White & Emma Hickson]
11O. Stroke - Act FAST [Pauline Owens]
11P. The NZNO Library: Resources for nurses on leadership

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