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Issue 190 - 3 August 2011

Meningococcal Disease in New Zealand

Meningococcal disease is a serious bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria meningitidis, known as a meningococcus. It causes severe illnesses including:
- Meningitis (an infection of membranes that cover the brain)
- Septicaemia (blood poisoning).


1. Increased incidence of measles spurs drive to promote MMR vaccine
Primary Health Care, Jul 2011, Vol. 21 Issue 6: p4

2. Measles outbreaks in Europe
Weekly Epidemiological Record, 4/29/2011, Vol. 86 Issue 18: p173-174
The article reports on the outbreak of measles in Europe. It states that a total of 6,500 measles cases has been conveyed from several countries in the region including Belgium, France and Bulgaria as of April 18, 2011. It further cites the increase in measles outbreaks in Germany, Switzerland and Great Britain. Recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) to prevent the proliferation of the said disease is also offered.

3. Monitoring progress towards measles elimination
Weekly Epidemiological Record, 12/3/2010, Vol. 85 Issue 49: p490-495
The article focuses on monitoring the progress in the global measles elimination program of the World Health Organization (WHO) as of 2010. It stresses that the success of measles elimination can only be accomplished in the presence of a surveillance system which are the integrated epidemiological and laboratory-based surveillance. It also presents the descriptions of the recommended core indicators and targets of the WHO for the worldwide measles elimination.

4. Use of Combination Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella Vaccine
MMWR Recommendations & Reports, 5/7/2010, Vol. 59 Issue RR-3: p1-11
This report presents new recommendations adopted in June 2009 by CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) regarding use of the combination measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccine (MMRV, ProQuad, Merck & Co., Inc.). MMRV vaccine was licensed in the United States in September 2005 and may be used instead of measles, mumps, rubella vaccine (MMR, M-M-RII, Merck & Co., Inc.) and varicella vaccine (VARIVAX, Merck & Co., Inc.) to implement the recommended 2-dose vaccine schedule for prevention of measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella among children aged 12 months-12 years. At the time of its licensure, use of MMRV vaccine was preferred for both the first and second doses over separate injections of equivalent component vaccines (MMR vaccine and varicella vaccine), which was consistent with ACIP's 2006 general recommendations on use of combination vaccines (CDC. General recommendations on immunization: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices [ACIP]. MMWR 2006;55;[No. RR-15]).

5. Consequences of an unrecognized measles exposure in an emergency department
By Bowen, Asha C. et al. Emergency Medicine Australasia, Dec 2009, Vol. 21 Issue 6: p491-496
A recent measles case in a paediatric hospital ED resulted in 111 individuals (patients, family members and health-care workers) potentially being exposed to measles. This report documents the efforts taken to contact trace and provide best practice care for all those exposed to the index case. It also provides a snapshot of community prevalence information on immunity to measles. One hundred per cent of contacted children ( n= 24) eligible for vaccination were immunized, whereas 96% of adults surveyed or tested ( n= 44) had assumed or proven immunity. However, six infants aged between 6 and 9 months were exposed and might have been a sufficiently large reservoir to facilitate the ongoing spread of measles in the community, if contact tracing and preventative measures had not occurred. This scenario also highlights the need to consider measles in the ED, particularly among travellers, with urgent isolation of suspected cases in the ED according to guidelines discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

6. Signs, symptoms and management of bacterial meningitis
By Donovan, C.; Blewitt, J. Paediatric Nursing, Nov 2010, Vol. 22 Issue 9: p30-36
This article describes the common causes of bacterial meningitis, signs and symptoms, and management. It summarises the 2010 guideline on bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia produced by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

7. GPs fail to recognise symptoms of meningitis and septicaemia
Emergency Nurse, Jul 2010, Vol. 18 Issue 4: p4
The article highlights a Menignitis Research Foundation (MRF) report which found that more than half of individuals with meningitis and septicaemia were advised to go home by the general practitioners (GPs).

8. Test for meningitis
By Davie, Sue. Emergency Nurse, Sep 2010, Vol. 18 Issue 5: p6
A letter from Meningitis Trust chief executive Sue Davie regarding the trial of a meningitis test being undertaken in the emergency department of the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children in Northern Ireland is presented. The test was developed to be able to detect meningococcal DNA and provide a rapid diagnosis of meningococcal disease. Davie also urges readers to remain vigilant to the symptoms of the disease and to seek urgent help if concerned.

9. Acute Bacterial Meningitis
By Marchiondo, Kathleen. MEDSURG Nursing, Mar/Apr2010, Vol. 19 Issue 2: p129-130
  A quiz regarding the nursing treatment considerations for a patient with acute bacterial meningitis is presented

10. Meningococcal Meningitis: An Emerging Infectious Disease
By Strunk, Julie A & Rocchiccioli, Judith Townsend. Journal of Community Health Nursing, Jan-Mar2010, Vol. 27 Issue 1: p51-58
Meningococcal meningitis is a potentially fatal disease which can affect many 15- to 24-year-olds and those that are affected could have been protected from the disease if they had received the vaccination. The number of reported cases has increased during the past decade and account for many preventable deaths. Adolescents and young adults account for nearly 30 percent of all cases of meningitis in the United States. According to the American College Health Association, approximately 100 to 125 cases of meningococcal disease occur on college campuses each year and at least 60% of these cases are potentially preventable by vaccination. Therefore, it is important to understand the disease process, surveillance and diagnosis of the disease, and the need for vaccination as a form of prevention. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Journal - Table of Contents

11.  From Journal of Advanced Nursing, Volume 67, Number 8, August 2011

11A. Clinical interventions that increase the uptake and success of vaginal birth after caesarean section: a systematic review (pages 1646–1661)
11B. Non-clinical interventions that increase the uptake and success of vaginal birth after caesarean section: a systematic review (pages 1662–1676)
11C. Measures assessing spirituality as more than religiosity: a methodological review of nursing and health-related literature (pages 1677–1694)
11D. Professional boundary work in the face of change to generalist working in community nursing in Scotland (pages 1695–1704)
11E. Towards better measures of research utilization: a collaborative study in Canada and Sweden (pages 1705–1718)
11F. Palliative sedation at home in the Netherlands: a nationwide survey among nurses (pages 1719–1728)
11G. Correlates of care relationship mutuality among carers of people with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease (pages 1729–1738)
11H. Nurses’ perceptions of attempting cardiopulmonary resuscitation on oldest old patients (pages 1739–1748)
11I. Primary caregiver stress in caring for a living-related liver transplantation recipient during the postoperative stage (pages 1749–1757)
11J. Experiences of doctors and nurses implementing nurse-delivered cardiovascular prevention in primary care: a qualitative study (pages 1758–1766)
11K. Unique perspectives of women and their partners using the Prenatal Psychosocial Profile Scale (pages 1767–1778)
11L. Sociodemographic differences in stressful experience and coping amongst adults with chronic kidney disease (pages 1779–1789)
11M. Strategies for the relief of burden in advanced dementia care-giving (pages 1790–1799)
11N. How do healthcare professionals perceive themselves after a mentoring programme? A qualitative study based on the reflective exercise of ‘writing a letter to yourself’ (pages 1800–1810)
11O. Nurse management of ‘same day’ consultation for patients with minor illnesses: results of an extended programme in primary care in Catalonia (pages 1811–1816)
11P. How much teamwork exists between nurses and junior doctors in the intensive care unit? (pages 1817–1823)
11Q. Group sequential and adaptive designs: a novel, promising tool for nursing research (pages 1824–1833)
11R. Suboptimal care of the acutely unwell ward patient: a concept analysis (pages 1834–1845)
11S. Keeping patients safe in healthcare organizations: a structuration theory of safety culture (pages 1846–1855)


12. The New Zealand Respiratory Conference
September 1 and 2
Venue: Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington
More information: [email protected]

News - National

13. Food addicts thought similar to alcoholics
ODT - 1 Aug 2011

Obesity is so commonplace, many see it as normal. Reducing it will take comprehensive measures similar to those needed to reduce alcohol harm, Prof Doug Sellman says. He told the recent New Zealand Medical Association's annual South General Practice Conference and Medical exhibition in Dunedin treatment alone was not enough

14. Mosgiel woman wins 'historic' Supreme Court case against ACC
ODT - 1 Aug 2011

The Supreme Court has upheld a Mosgiel woman's ACC appeal in a strongly worded landmark decision concerning fitness for full-time work. The decision, in favour of Karen McGrath, came after three years of unsuccessful appeals.

15. Hot Desking - Hot or not?
Stuff - 1 Aug 2011
Once upon a time, an employee's desk was a home away from home. Adorned with paraphernalia of hobbies and interests and obligatory family photos, it was as much a statement of identity as it was a place to perform a job. But this cosy space is slowly being taken away. Hot-desking is the culprit. Otherwise known as 'hotelling', it's a practice whereby employees don't have a permanent place to sit.

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