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Issue 189 - 22 July 2011

Womens Refuge National Annual Appeal
15 July – 15 August 2011

Our Street collections will take place in the all the main centres between Monday 18th July and Saturday 24th July. You can contribute to our appeal by donating to our street volunteers or donating directly from our website at from our ‘donate now’ page. You can also contribute to our appeal by visiting which has a range of exciting celebrity auctions to bid on


1. Enhancing patient safety: The importance of direct supervision for avoiding medication errors and near misses by undergraduate nursing students
By Reid-Searl, Kerry et al. International Journal of Nursing Practice, Jun 2010, Vol. 16 Issue 3: p225-232
 Medication errors have been the focus of considerable research attention in nursing; however, the extent to which nursing students might contribute to errors has not been researched. Using a grounded theory approach, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with undergraduate nursing students based in a university in Queensland to explore their experiences of administering medication in the clinical setting. Almost a third of the participants reported making an actual medication error or a near miss. Where medication errors occurred, participants described not receiving direct and appropriate supervision by a registered nurse. Medication errors by nursing students have the potential to impact significantly on patient safety, quality of health care, and on nursing students' perceptions of their professional competence. Ensuring direct supervision is provided at all times must become an urgent priority for undergraduate nursing education. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

2. Conducting rehabilitation groups for people suffering from chronic pain
By Dysvik, Elin & Stephens, Paul. International Journal of Nursing Practice, Jun 2010, Vol. 16 Issue 3: p233-240
The aim of this study was to offer guidelines for counsellors who work with rehabilitation groups of patients with chronic pain. The sample involved nine counsellors engaged in a multidisciplinary pain management programme. Two focus group interviews were conducted. Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. These indicate that main challenges facing counsellors were related to maintaining constructive group processes and being mentally prepared. The counsellors reported that knowledge concerning self-awareness, theoretical frameworks and counselling techniques was important. Personal learning included: group leadership, teamwork, grasping the inside story and obtaining supervision. The results show how important it is to have trained counsellors that are well prepared to prevent and deal with challenging group processes. Counsellors need to understand the concept of pain and be acquainted with cognitive behavioural framework and group processes. The results indicate that counsellors perceive regular supervision as supportive and is likely to promote good team functioning. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

3. Embodied reflection in practice—‘Touching the core of caring’.
By Ranheim, Albertine et al. International Journal of Nursing Practice, Jun2010, Vol. 16 Issue 3: p241-247
A study was performed with the aim of clarifying the integration of the caring act of touch with reflection on caring theory. Seven participant nurses in elderly care volunteered as ‘coresearchers’ and performed a caring act called Rhythmical Embrocation, together with reflective dialogues on caring theory. The project lasted for 6 months and at the end qualitative interviews with participants were used to evaluate the study. The findings showed an opening of awareness, embodied moments of presence and an extended ability to act creatively in caring. In this study, the movement between theory and practice was the integration of the caring act with reflection on basic caring concepts. Implications for praxis development are that implementation and reflection by teams over certain caring acts might open the door to an expanded view of one's own caring ability that in the long run will benefit the patient. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

4. Depression among mothers of children and adults with an intellectual disability in Turkey
By Sari, Hatice Yildirim & Basbakkal, Zümrüt. International Journal of Nursing Practice, Jun2010, Vol. 16 Issue 3: p248-253
The aim of this study was to determine sociodemographic factors that play a role in depression among mothers of children and adult with an intellectual disability. The research was conducted in 24 special education and rehabilitation centres in Izmir (in Turkey) provincial centre in which intellectually disabled individuals are taught. A total of 355 mothers were reached in the research. Data were collected using face-to-face interviews. Two forms were used for data collection in the research: Family Description Questionnaire Form and Beck Depression Inventory. The mothers included in the study had mean depression scores of 16.7 ± 10.06 (minimum: 0, maximum: 49). There was a significant relation between depression scores of the mothers and education level of the mothers and their spouses and financial status of the families. Mothers with insufficient income and lower education levels were found to be at risk of depression. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

5. Chinese parents' perception of support received and recommendations regarding children's postoperative pain management
By He, Hong-Gu et al. International Journal of Nursing Practice, Jun 2010, Vol. 16 Issue 3: p254-261
The aims of this study are to describe Chinese parents' perceptions of informational and emotional support received from nurses and their recommendations for improvement in the management of their child's postoperative pain. Data were collected using a questionnaire survey completed by 206 parents of 6- to 12-year-old child hospitalized in 12 wards in five provincial hospitals in Fujian Province, China, in 2004. Findings indicated that parents experienced negative feelings such as worry (91%) and anxiety (59%). Most of them reported they had received sufficient information on outcomes of surgical procedure (85%) and postoperative recovery process (84%), but fewer reported they had received sufficient information on pain medication (51%) and non-pharmacological pain-relieving methods (59%). Parents made some recommendations, which centred mainly on nurses' use of non-pharmacological methods. Findings suggest that parents need more information related to pain management and their understanding of the information should be ensured. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

6. Manual handling risks associated with the care, treatment and transportation of bariatric patients and clients in Australia
By Cowley, Stephen P. & Leggett, Susan. International Journal of Nursing Practice, Jun 2010, Vol. 16 Issue 3: p262-267
To gain an understanding of the factors that affect the risks and the adoption of risk control measures during the care of bariatric patients, focus groups were conducted in rural and metropolitan locations in Australia. It was found that the manual handling injury risk to carers is influenced by the design of the environments within which patient movement is undertaken; the limited range of handling equipment available for use with bariatric patients; and the efficacy of organizational procedures and training. Adoption of risk controls is hampered by the absence of a standard definition of the term ‘bariatric’ and limitations in the use of weight and body mass index in definitions. There are gaps in information flow during the bariatric patient journey through the health-care system and a lack of knowledge about how to safely manage the unique needs of bariatric patients. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

7. Integrating clicker technology at nursing conferences: An innovative approach to research data collection
By Solecki, Susan et al. International Journal of Nursing Practice, Jun 2010, Vol. 16 Issue 3: p268-273
A pilot demonstration of integrating an audience response system, that is, ‘clickers’ at a nursing education conference as an engaging tool for using the research process for learning through immediate research results is presented. A convenience sample of nursing conference attendees were surveyed using clicker technology before a panel presentation on the ‘Impaired Health Professional'. The 208 subjects who used the clickers were mostly women (93%) and were nurse educators (81%) with at least 20 years of nursing experience (75%). The ease of data collection, real-time analysis, the active engagement of both participant and presenter were all findings of this study. The utility of this tool as a stimulus for discussion and learning was also reported. Pilot testing the clicker at an education conference for data collection and educational purposes was an important goal and positive outcome of this study. Researchers and educators are advised on the planning steps required to make this a successful experience. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

8. Vaginal birth after Caesarean risk decision-making: Australian findings on the mothers' perspective
By McGrath, Pam et al. International Journal of Nursing Practice, Jun 2010, Vol. 16 Issue 3: p274-281
The purpose of this paper is to explore, from the mothers' perspective, the decision-making experience with regard to subsequent birth choice for women who had previously delivered by Caesarean section. A qualitative methodological approach was taken to the exploration of mothers' knowledge of the risks of vaginal birth after Caesarean (VBAC) or elective Caesarean following a prior birth by Caesarean section. This paper presents the insights provided by the four women who chose VBAC. The health professionals' attitude to birth, and thus the support they offer to mothers, is predominantly pro-Caesarean. In view of the declining numbers of VBACs and the fact that the clinical literature documents risks for both elective Caesarean and VBAC, it is important for health professionals to be very sensitive and balanced in the information and support offered for the VBAC birth option. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

9. Education outcomes related to including genomics activities in nursing practice in Singapore
By Pestka, Elizabeth et al. International Journal of Nursing Practice, Jun 2010, Vol. 16 Issue 3: p282-288
The purpose of this study was to describe the impact of a genomic educational intervention by measuring the extent participants could apply the class content to practice. A sample of 76 nurses employed by Singapore Health Services, Singapore, participated in a nursing genomics seminar in 2008 and completed a survey form with a response rate of 89%. Every respondent was able to identify use of a genomic assessment or intervention item with a patient from their clinical practice. The mean use of genomic assessment and intervention items was 5.8 out of a possible 10. The most frequently used items were assessment of family history information, environmental factors and genomic physical findings. Findings provide evidence that nurses are able to include genomic assessments and interventions in their practice following targeted education. This study highlights how informed nurses are able to apply genomic assessments and interventions to individualize patient care. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

10. Information level of patients in discharge training given by nurses following open heart surgery
By Ozcan, Hacer et al. International Journal of Nursing Practice, Jun 2010, Vol. 16 Issue 3: p289-294
Providing discharge information following a surgery is one of the most common nursing approaches. Patients should be given discharge training after open heart surgery in order to eliminate or reduce physical and emotional problems. The study aims to assess the information level of patients in discharge training provided by nurses following open heart surgery. The study is a prospective study including 50 patients who underwent open heart surgery. The information level of patients who received discharge training was assessed before training and 1 month after the training. Data were collected using the personal information form, and pretest and post-test questionnaires. Data were assessed by using percentage, McNemar chi-squared, Wilcoxon signed ranks and stepwise linear regression analysis tests. Results indicated that patients were well informed following discharge training ( Z = -6.166, P < 0.05), and that age and marriage variables affected the information level ( P = 0.032, P = 0.045, respectively). Discharge training following open heart surgery increases the knowledge of patients and should be given to patients in a planned manner. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

11. Are Australian rural women aware of coronary heart disease?
By Crouch, Rosanne & Wilson, Anne. International Journal of Nursing Practice, Jun 2010, Vol. 16 Issue 3: p295-300
Heart disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Australian women. In 2005, 109 000 women died of heart disease and 27 000 women died of breast cancer. The reported study sought to assess rural women's level of awareness of heart disease as the leading cause of death. A self-enumerated questionnaire designed to collect information on rural women's perception and awareness of heart disease was distributed to women attending a women's health clinic in a regional hospital. Of 65 participants, 13% ( n = 8) identified heart disease as the most significant health problem. Sixty-four per cent of women participating in the study reported that breast cancer claims more lives than heart disease. The authors concluded that women do not perceive heart disease as a substantial health concern. Programmes directed at young women to improve their perception of risk for heart disease and to encourage them to make healthy lifestyle choices are required to reduce overall heart disease morbidity and mortality. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

12. Caring to death: The murder of patients by nurses
By Field, John & Pearson, Alan. International Journal of Nursing Practice, Jun 2010, Vol. 16 Issue 3: p301-309
Beyond the initial ‘shock-horror’ reaction in the mass media, little attention is paid by nurses or the public to nurses who murder patients. This study used discursive inquiry to uncover social constructions of this phenomenon and their implications for the definition and treatment of such murders. The mass media and professional literature were searched for commentary on cases of nurses who had been convicted of murder between 1980 and 2006. The retrieved texts were subjected to discursive analysis. Discursive constructions included the profile of murderous nurses; types of murders; contexts in which murder occurs; factors that aid detection and apprehension; legal processes and punishment; and reactions of the public, profession, regulators and families. The findings imply that murder of a patient by a nurse might occur in any setting in which nurses care for vulnerable patients—the old, the young, the sick and the disabled. Trust in nurses assists a nurse to murder. Nurses have a responsibility to understand how their workplaces can form crucibles in which murder can take place. The profession needs to acknowledge the possibility of nurses who murder patients and to commence a discussion about what might be done to limit the harm they do. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

13. Overcrowding in medium-volume emergency departments: Effects of aged patients in emergency departments on wait times for non-emergent triage-level patients
By Knapman, Mary; Bonner, Ann. International Journal of Nursing Practice, Jun 2010, Vol. 16 Issue 3: p310-317
Effects of aged patients in emergency departments on wait times for non-emergent triage-level patients This study aims to examine patient wait times from triaging to physician assessment in the emergency department (ED) for non-emergent patients, and to see whether patient flow and process (triage) are impacted by aged patients. A retrospective study method was used to analyse 185 patients in three age groups. Key data recorded were triage level, wait time to physician assessment and ED census. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the strength of association with increased wait time. A longer average wait time for all patients occurred when there was an increase in the number of patients aged = 65 years in the ED. Further analysis showed 12.1% of the variation extending ED wait time associated with the triage process was explained by the number of patients aged = 65 years. In addition, extended wait time, overcrowding and numbers of those who left without being seen were strongly associated ( P < 0.05) with the number of aged patients in the ED. The effects of aged patients on ED structure and process have significant implications for nursing. Nursing process and practice sets clear responsibilities for nursing to ensure patient safety. However, the impact of factors associated with aged patients in ED, nursing's role and ED process can negatively impact performance expectations and requires further investigation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Journals - Table of Contents

14. From Nursing Times, 5-11 July 2011

14A. Whistleblowing hits record high; Specialist roles suffer most in training cuts
14B. Scottish jobs being lost faster than ever; Doctors call for HCA regulation
14C. Fraud unit "targets" black staff
14D. Better staffing means hospices give better care than hospitals; Review calls for 24/7 palliative home care
14E. Indicators for A&E deferred; Heather Lawrence - We need to understand that the right to care is a privilege
. Assistants have a heavy workload in care homes; Scrap targets for emergency care
14G. Hospital doctors should wear uniforms; Focus on staffing levels, not rounds; Mark radcliffe - Why does the glass always have to be half empty for nurses?
14H. Depression after stroke may be missed - nurses can spot it; Acute care needs nurse prescribing
14I. Air embolus
14J. Nutritional support: how to reduce the risk of harm
14K. Does non-medical prescribing make a difference to patients?
14L. The effectiveness of nurse prescribing in acute care
14M. Common mental health disorders
14N. Mental health and long-term conditions 2: managing depression

News - Ministry of Health

15. Draft Supportive Care Implementation Plan- for sector feedback
21 July 2011

The Ministry of Health published the document Guidance for Improving Supportive Care for Adults with Cancer in New Zealand (the Guidance) in March 2010.  The Guidance provides clear objectives and best-practice approaches for all organisations involved in funding, planning, policy and programme development, and delivery of cancer supportive care services. The Ministry of Health contracted with Health Outcomes International (HOI) in April 2010 to develop a plan to implement the Guidance.
Submissions close: 5 August 2011

16. Proposal that Traditional Chinese Medicine Become a Regulated Profession under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003
7 July 2011

Invitation to submit comments on the proposal to regulate traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)

News - International

17. Get off the net and get more sleep, says new health guru
Sydney Morning Herald - 16 July 2011

Amid contemporary anxiety about the way the connected world is stealing into our lives, particularly with young people, the new top preventive health adviser, Christine Bennett, has nominated sleep as a national health issue. Dr Bennett, whose appointment as the chairwoman of the advisory council to the new Australian Preventive Health Agency was to be announced today, said studies have shown Australians tend to work longer and may sleep less than people in other developed nations.

18. Birth control should be fully covered under health plans, report says
By Madison Park, CNN July 19, 2011
(CNN) -- Contraceptives, sterilization and reproductive education should be covered by health insurance plans with no cost to patients under the health care reform law, a new report recommends. The birth control methods, services and education should be available "so that women can better avoid unwanted pregnancies and space their pregnancies to promote optimal birth outcomes," according to a report from the Institute of Medicine, an independent, nonprofit organization that gives advice to decision makers and the public.

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