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Issue 188 - 6 July 2011

Celebrate Maori Language Week 4-10 July 2011

Ngā Mihi - Greetings
In Māori culture greeting others is very important. It is an opportunity for people to show respect, through the language used and its accompanying actions, and the tone for the interaction is set. Whether the greeting is written or spoken, choosing the appropriate language is important.


1. Ethical Practice
By Lewis-Hunstiger, Marty. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 2: p59-60
The article introduces various articles published within the issue, including Ronda Hughes on civility in ethical practice, Siobhan O'Mahony on addressing socioeconomic factors in disease, and Malena King-Jones on the concept of the relationship of knowledge and power by Michel Foucault

2. The Association of Civility and Ethics
By Hughes, Ronda. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 2: p61-62
The article discusses the relationship between civility and ethics. It makes reference to the book "Choosing Civility," by P.M. Forni to explore the need for civility in acting out moral values. It discusses the foundations of ethical behavior, including trust, integrity and respect. The author applies the concepts to the culture of health care delivery.

3. Social Justice Advocacy in Nursing: What Is It? How Do We Get There?
By Paquin, Siobhan O'Mahony. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 2: p63-67
: Social justice advocacy is an expectation of all nurses as expressed in the professional codes that guide nursing practice. Nursing literature reflects this shift in the focus of nursing advocacy, providing insight into the potentials and challenges associated with nursing's evolution toward a broader social justice advocacy model. This article describes the concept of social justice advocacy as currently reflected in professional codes and nursing literature and contrasts this with the individual patient-nurse advocacy model, which continues to dominate in nursing practice today. Challenges associated with movement toward a social justice advocacy model and options for addressing these hurdles are also discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

4. Principles for Establishing Trust When Developing a Substance Abuse Intervention With a Native American Community
By Lowe, John et al. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 2: p68-73
This article traces the development of a research project with a Native American community. Four principles were used to guide the development of the "Community Partnership to Affect Cherokee Adolescent Substance Abuse" project using a community-based participatory research approach. The principles suggest that establishing trust is key when developing and conducting research with a Native American community. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

5.  The Life of a Bill: A Nursing Experience
By Davis, Ellen & Mangini-Vendel, Michele. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 2: p74-79
In an effort to better understand the process of health policy to advocate for increased legislative support for the nurse practitioner (NP) role, the authors attended the Nurse in Washington Internship (NIWI) sponsored by the Nursing Organizations Alliance from March 1416, 2010. The restrictions on NP practice must be removed if we are to meet the health care needs of the populace. This article is a condensed discussion of the process of health policy. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

6.  Horizontal Violence and the Socialization of New Nurses
By King-Jones, Malena. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 2: p80-86
This article discusses research on horizontal violence in nursing, focusing on the cycle of horizontal violence within nursing education and how it impacts the socialization of newly graduated nurses. Michel Foucault's (1969,1980) work is used to provide a framework for understanding the socialization of nurses and for addressing horizontal violence experienced by nursing students, to help them prepare for the work environment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

7. Evaluating Shared Governance: Measuring Functionality of Unit Practice Councils at the Point of Care
By Fray, Beverly. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 2: p87-95
Measuring the functionality of Unit Practice Councils (UPCs) in institutions on the Magnet journey is a rare occurrence. The Jackson Health System Unit Practice Council Functionality Measurement Tool is one of the first such attempts to provide an objective way to assess whether UPCs function in the way they were envisioned to perform. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

8. Ethics at the Bedside: A Conversation With Hans-Peter de Ruiter, PhD, RN; Deborah Freeman, BSN, RN; Ronda Hughes, PhD, RN, MHS, FAAN; and Richard Sellers, MDiv, MA
By de Ruiter, Hans-Peter et al. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 2: p96-103
The article presents highlights of a roundtable discussion on ethical issues for health care providers giving direct care to patients at bedside. Topics covered role of nurses in end-stage therapies, autonomy in the nursing practice and informed consent. Resource persons include professional nursing educators Hans-Peter de Ruiter and Deborah Freeman, and Richard Sellers, director of the Alina Metro Hospitals Spiritual Care and Pastoral Education in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

9. Can We Heal Our Society With a Nursing Approach?
By Sasagawa, Masa. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 2: p104-105
The article focuses on the concept of the nursing salon for healing. According to the author, the salon is a gathering for those who acknowledge the occupational stresses of nursing, which include health care providers, educators and administrators. It discusses the trends in interest of researches in topics containing words associated with holistic healing such as compassion, empathy and soul in publications of articles catalogued in the National Library of Medicine (Pubmed).

Journals - Table of Contents

10. From Contemporary Nurse, Volume 37, Number 1, January 2011
Special issue: Advances in Contemporary Indigenous Health Care
Editorial: Closing the Gap: Nurses and midwives making a difference
10B. Editorial: Nurses and midwives closing the gap in Indigenous Australian health care
10C. Editorial: How can nursing and midwifery help close the gap in Indigenous health indicators?
10D. Putting Indigenous cultural training into nursing practice
10E. Closing the Gap: Cultural safety in Indigenous health education
10F. Understanding culture in practice: Reflections of an Australian Indigenous nurse
10G. Editorial: Naming and framing Indigenous health issues
10H. Tjirtamai - 'To care for': A nursing education model designed to increase the number of Aboriginal nurses in a rural and remote Queensland community
10I. Tackling tobacco: A call to arms for remote area nurses
10J. Identity matters: Aboriginal mothers' experiences of accessing care
10K. Experiences of nurses in caring for circumcised initiates admitted to hospital with complications
10L. Students' Corner: Exploring Indigenous health using the clinical reasoning cycle
10M. Students' Corner: The best bang for our buck: Recommendations for the provision of training for tobacco action workers and Indigenous health workers
10N. Indigenous community participation: How does it relate to student-centered learning and embrace primary health care philosophies?
10O. Two Aboriginal registered nurses show us why black nurses caring for black patients is good medicine
10P. Indigenous higher degree research students making a difference to the Indigenous health agenda


11.  SIOP 2011, 43rd Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology
28 to 30 October 2011
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand

12. 3rd Palliative Care Nurses New Zealand conference
10 to 11 November 2011
Venue: Wellington, New Zealand

News - International

13. Banning "light" on cigarette packs does little
Calgary Herald - 27 June 2011
More and more nations are banning the words “light” and “mild” from cigarette packs, but this may not be enough to dispel smokers’ misbeliefs that the products are safer, according to a study.
In the study, published in “Addiction,” researchers found that after the UK, Australia and Canada banned the terms as deceptive, there was a dip in the number of people who mistakenly believed that cigarettes marketed as “light” or “mild” carried fewer health risks — but the decline was only temporary

14. Heart risks lower in men who get enough vitamin D: Study
Calgary Herald - 5 July 2011
Read more:
Men who consume the recommended amount of vitamin D are somewhat less likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke than those with low vitamin D, according to a U.S. study.
The study, which followed nearly 119,000 adults for two decades and was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that men who got at least 600 IU of vitamin D per day, the current recommended amount, were 16 per cent less likely to develop heart problems or stroke than men who got less than 100 IUD per day.
Read more:

15. Call for answers as research puts environment in the autism mix
The Australian - 6 July 2011
AUSTRALIAN experts have called for an urgent acceleration of autism research in the wake of a US study suggesting the devastating condition may be far more due to environmental factors than previously thought.
Earlier studies have found 90 per cent of autism is due to inherited genetic factors, but the new study of nearly 200 sets of Californian twins -- the largest population-based study of autism -- suggests environmental factors may explain 55 per cent of the risk, instead of just 10 per cent.

16. Plain packaging draft laws for cigarettes goes to parliament
The Australian - 6 July 2011
THE federal government believes there is disquiet in opposition ranks about forcing tobacco companies to plain package their products. The government is introducing what it calls "world-first" draft laws to parliament later today. Health Minister Nicola Roxon says she has noticed "a few" Liberal Party backbenchers "out attacking" her plan. "There does seem to be disquiet in the Liberal Party for what is a really exciting public health initiative," she told ABC TV.

17. Get Some Sleep: Why do we have REM?
CNN Health - 5 July 2011
Lisa Shives, M.D., is the founder of Northshore Sleep Medicine in Evanston, Illinois. She blogs on Tuesdays on The Chart. It seems that the public is just as fascinated with REM sleep. So are sleep physicians and researchers. But fascination often leads to confusion and controversy, and a lot of both surround the subject of REM sleep. First, to give a brief history lesson, it is important to understand that REM, or rapid eye movement sleep, was discovered and described only in 1953, so it makes sense that there is still much to learn. One key aspect of REM sleep is that all physical characteristics studied to date are different in REM when compared with non-REM. In fact, REM sleep more closely resembles the waking state. That is likely why people are more alert when they are awakened out of REM compared with other sleep stages.

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