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Issue 169 - 17 Feb 2011

Are you involved in Nursing Research?

Submit your research findings for consideration to Kai Tiaki Nursing Research, an internationally double blinded peer reviewed research journal. It publishes original, full length research manuscripts from New Zealand based nurse researchers (or other researchers where the research can be shown to have particular relevance to nursing in New Zealand)
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Articles - Employment Today

Feature articles
1. ON THE JOB - Sweet success
When Mars NZ first entered the annual JRA Best Workplaces awards, the company didn’t make it into the top 100—now it’s the best in the country. Nigel Carter finds out about the family structure and principles that lie behind this success. Employment Today, February 2011, Issue 153

2. Keeping talent in tough times
Many workplaces have taken their focus off managing their workforce to concentrate on day-to-day survival. Julie Saddington says they do so at their peril. Developing and implementing a sound people management strategy is critical during and emerging from a recession to ensure long-term sustainability. Employment Today, February 2011, Issue 153

3. HR  CONSULTANCY - Getting down to business
What better time than the beginning of a new year to think about a possible career change? Some of you may even be thinking about taking the plunge and embarking on life as a self-employed HR consultant. We asked a group of people who are already working as consultants for their tips on making a success of it. Employment Today, February 2011, Issue 153

4. Straight to the centre: How to make the best selection
Whether it’s for recruitment, promotion or development, a well-designed and well-executed assessment centre wins hands down over more traditional selection methods for predicting future job success, says Gus McIntosh. He examines the benefits—and why it makes sense for executive roles. Employment Today, February 2011, Issue 153

5. LEADERSHIP - The great leader
The age of dictators such as Hitler and Mussolini had lessons not just for politics but for businesses, says Gordon Davidson. He examines the cult of the ‘great leader’ and explains why a leadership team is a safer bet for business success. Employment Today, February 2011, Issue 153

6. JOB INTERVIEWING - False pretences
It’s not just job-seekers who can sometimes be economical with the truth, says Dr Joe Ungemah. Employers often conceal information too. He talks to Jackie Brown-Haysom about the importance of mutual honesty for successful recruitment. Employment Today, February 2011, Issue 153

7. Sexual harassment at work
Failure to investigate a complaint about sexual harassment leaves an employer vulnerable to a claim, say John Hannan and Natalie Shaw. They discuss some recent cases and provide some take-home lessons that will help avoid a publicity bungle. Employment Today, February 2011, Issue 153

8. IN MY OPINION - Unemployable pose a growing problem
While there are a lot of enthusiastic and reliable people looking for work, there’s also a growing number of workers who are unemployable—and it’s a problem New Zealand has to tackle, says Mike Huddleston. Employment Today, February 2011, Issue 153

9. SOCIAL NETWORKING - Facing up to Facebook
What rights does an employer have when an employee posts comments on a social networking site about colleagues or the employer? Jennifer Mills and Bridget Smith discuss a recent case which sheds light on the issue.

10. The DoL Report: The act of change
Changes to the Employment Relations and Holidays Act come into effect on 1 April this year. The Department of Labour’s chief adviser employment relations Craig Smith outlines what they may mean for you. Employment Today, February 2011, Issue 153

11. HRINZ News: Looking back and looking forward
Kristen Cooper looks back on her two years as national president of HRINZ, celebrates the enthusiasm and vibrancy of the volunteers around the country, and also muses about what’s in store for the organisation in the coming year. Employment Today, February 2011, Issue 153

12. WORKPLACE DILEMMAS: Nurturing the stars
It’s important every organisation has a talent pipeline of future leaders who are capable of performing at higher levels, says Karen Boyte. She outlines some key steps to ensure this happens and that your company is ready to meet the challenges that lie ahead. Employment Today, February 2011, Issue 153

13. RECRUITMENT: Counterfeit candidates
In today’s tight job market, it’s tempting for job seekers to embellish their CVs in order to get a role. This makes it more important than ever to have a thorough checking process in place, says Gay Barton. Employment Today, February 2011, Issue 153

14. EMPLOYER BRANDING: Talent beacons
Progressive organisations are building the profile and reputation of their managers to create beacons to draw in talent. Kate Billing explains about the pulling power of personal brand and how it works. Employment Today, February 2011, Issue 153

15. Loss of paid parental leave; Misrepresentation of skills during recruitment; frustration of contract; Workload stress claim; 90-day trial period clauses; A case for redeployment of redundant workers. Employment Today, February 2011, Issue 153

16. Public Sector: Getting it wrong
An early childhood teacher accused of assaulting a child successfully challenged her dismissal because the procedure adopted by her employer fell well short of the acceptable mark, says Paul Robertson. Employment Today, February 2011, Issue 153 

Journals - Table of Contents

JOURNAL: Nursing Economic$, Volume 28, Number 6; November/December 2010
The NZNO library holds backissues of this journal from 1992 onwards. It is also available fulltext in the Gale database - Academic OneFile.  Members can access this database by logging into the NZNO website and going to the heading Online Journals.

A vision for future health care: Where nurses lead the change. By Donna Nickitas.
18. Improving retention, confidence, and competence of new graduate nurses: Results from a 10-year longitudinal database
19. The sustainability budgeting model: Multiple-mode flexible budgeting using sustainability as the synthesizing criterion
20. Evaluation of an intervention on socio-cultural communication skills of international nurses
21. Complex home care: Part 111 - Economic impact on family caregiver quality of life and patients' clinical outcomes
22. For health care reform to survive we must stick to the facts
23. Doing what only you can do: The challenge to the promoted leader
Nursing and technology: A love/hate relationship
Evolution of the chronic care role of the registered nurse in primary care
When caring stops, staffing doesn't really matter
27. Enhancing board effectiveness


28. SAFEGUARD National Health & Safety Conference
1-2 June 2011
Venue: SKYCITY Convention Centre
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