1. Nurses' roles in NHS reform.(National Health Service)
By Donna Kinnair.
Nursing Management (Harrow). Vol 17(3) June 2010: p3
Abstract: The general election last month was arguably the most important in a generation, and the electorate's failure to award any party a majority reflects its uncertainty about the times ahead. The new administration is sure to face huge challenges and costly decisions in both the short and the long term. The NHS has been offered protection and front line staff have been given assurances about their jobs but, given the level of the national deficit, significant wage and pension cuts seem inevitable.
2. Trust boards must 'open up' to patients and practitioners: nurses claim that too many crucial board meetings in foundation trusts are being held in private. By Blakemore, Sophie.
Nursing Management (Harrow). Vol 17(3) June 2010: p4
Abstract: NHS FOUNDATION trusts operate 'behind closed doors' and do not involve staff or patients in important decision making, a report has revealed. An RCN survey of 393 nurses working in foundation trusts in England has found that almost all (49 per cent) claim that most or all board meetings are held in private. Foundation trusts are required to engage with their members when making decisions that affect service delivery, and this finding has sparked calls for them to be 'open and honest' with staff and the public.
3. Nurse-to-patient ratios can reduce numbers of patient deaths
Nursing Management [Harrow]. Vol 17(3) June 2010: p5
Abstract: THE INTRODUCTION of a nurse-to-patient staffing ratio law has reduced deaths, boosted workforce retention and enabled nurses to spend more time at the bedside, it is claimed. The results of a study of the law, two years after it was introduced in the United States, has encouraged those who seek higher nurse staffing levels in the UK.
4. Scandal-hit hospital empowers ward sisters to slash infection rates.(News)
Nursing Management (Harrow) Vol 17(3) June 2010: p5
Abstract: A HOSPITAL where Clostridium difficile was found to have contributed to the deaths of 90 patients has slashed infection rates by empowering ward sisters. Ward sisters at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust have been given protected time to lead their staff and drive through improvements demanded by the Healthcare Commission.
5. Involvement of private sector can save nurses time to care: RCN survey finds that nurses support the introduction of new technology in the NHS.(Analysis)(Royal College of Nursing)(National Health Service)
By Christian Duffin.
Nursing Management (Harrow) Vol 17 (3) June 2010: p6
Abstract: ONE OF the most infuriating experiences for nurses is being unable to find important items such as bed linen, medication or feed drips. The extent of this problem was revealed recently in a survey of almost 900 nurses conducted by Nursing Standard magazine, a sister journal of Nursing Management, and GS1 UK, a non-profit making data standardisation organisation. The survey revealed, according to its compilers, that a typical staff member spends about four weeks a year looking for medications, patient records or medical devices.
6. College votes for directors of nursing to replace general managers: Sophie Blakemore asks whether directors of nursing, not general managers, should be responsible for the line management of nurses.(Analysis).
Nursing Management (Harrow) Vol 17(3) June 2010: p7
Abstract: AT THIS year's RCN annual congress, held in Bournemouth in April, a motion was passed that directors of nursing, rather than general managers, should bear the responsibility of line managing nurses. Vice chair of the college's London region board Ian Norris argued that 'when it comes to deciding how, when and with what resources care is provided, and what education and training staff need to provide that care, directors of nursing know better than general managers'. Congress supported his view and voted overwhelmingly in favour of the motion.
7. No more heroes: Jon Willis argues that healthcare services need collegiate, not charismatic, leadership. (Opinion).
Nursing Management (Harrow) Vol 17 (3) June 2010: p9
Abstract: Who would you rather be led by: an engaging nurse or a heroic one? Is it better to be led by a charismatic visionary who is faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and can leap tall buildings in a single bound? Or by someone who creates a shared interest and facilitates the conditions for the right decisions to be made? More importantly, which type of leader is more effective?
8. Diabetes: a major threat to the brain: diabetes can cause major changes in the brain over time, and may increase the risk of vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease. (Disease/Disorder overview).
Mind, Mood & Memory Vol 6 no. 7, July 2010: p1
Abstract: A considerable body of research provides evidence of significantly higher risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD), vascular dementia, and other types of dementia among people with diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is a disorder characterized by excessively high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood and abnormalities in the body's level of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps body cells metabolize glucose for energy. Now researchers have found that individuals with diabetes who have mild cognitive impairment (MCI, memory loss that is greater than normal for an individual's age group, but does not meet the criteria for dementia) are at much greater risk of progressing to dementia than individuals who have MCI, but do not have diabetes.
9. Six brain-boosting herbs and spices: your kitchen spice rack contains antioxidants and other nutrients that can help improve brain function.
Mind, Mood & Memory Vol 6 no.7, July 2010: p3
Abstract: If your memory is getting dull with the passing years, research suggests there's a safe and delicious way to spice it up--common herbs and spices that not only add flavor to your food, but also help preserve brain health and boost cognition
10. The brain's all-important glial cells--finally getting their due: glial cells are now recognized as key partners of neurons that play a critical role in memory and other functions.
Mind, Mood & Memory Vol 6 no. 7, July 2010: p4
Abstract: Have you ever wondered about the source of that old notion that people use only 10 percent of their brains? It turns out that that idea was based upon the mistaken belief, widely held until recently, that only the brain's neurons--which comprise 10 percent of the brain's tissue--were actually involved in information processing, remembering and thinking. The 90 percent of non-neuronal cells that make up the rest of the brain-- the glial cells--were thought to assume a sort of caretaker role, nourishing and cleaning up after neurons, but not contributing to cognition.
11. Maximize your mental resilience: learning to approach challenges with flexibility and optimism helps protect you from unhealthy stress.
Mind, Mood & Memory Vol 6 no.7, July 2010: p6
Abstract: Dealing with the stresses of living can be mentally and emotionally challenging, and excessive stress may even damage a person's health. This is especially true in older age, when people are more likely to face illness, increasing isolation, loss of loved ones, and other difficult issues. Having a resilient approach to life's setbacks can make coping easier and reduce the toll it takes on a person's mental and physical wellbeing, according to MGH psychologist Joel Pava, PhD.
12. A measured response.(Editorial)
By Nicky Hayes. Nursing Older People, Vol 22, no.3, April 2010: p3
Abstract: In this issue of Nursing Older People we take a look at several hot topics that have implications for the care of older people. In the current climate of financial constraint, and publication of negative reports such as the Independent Inquiry Into care provided by Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, it is vital that nurses demonstrate the outcomes and value of what they do and ensure that measures of this are appropriately identified.
13. Projects put human rights at the heart of good practice: service providers adopting a rights-based approach to care are seeing a change in culture.(Analysis).
Nursing Older People Vol 22, no.3, April 2010: p6
Abstract: WHILE SOME older people receive excellent care from the NHS or care homes, poor treatment, neglect, abuse, discrimination and ill-considered discharge continue to happen all too often. The Human Rights Act 1998 is a useful tool to challenge these undignified practices. It requires that human beings, rather than systems or targets, are placed at the heart of care. Unfortunately, awareness and understanding of human rights are limited, according to charity Age Concern and Help the Aged. The charity has found that the values older people hold dear are consistent with the concept of human rights espoused in the act: life, liberty, freedom from inhuman and degrading treatment, respect for private and family life and freedom from discrimination in relation to right.
14. Going metric: measuring quality of care is notoriously elusive, says Peter Griffiths. But focusing on a few important outcomes rather than complex systems can give a clearer picture. (Opinion).
Nursing Older People Vol 22 no.3, April 2010: p11
Abstract: THE SUMMER of 2008 saw publication of the Darzi report, which focused on a framework to ensure that the quality of care delivered throughout the NHS in England moved toward uniform excellence. Emphasis was placed on the use and publication of quality indicators by care providers. The report undertook to define and measure the quality of nursing care. In today's more austere financial climate it seems even more important that nursing is able to demonstrate quality care in terms that are recognised and valued by others. But what should we measure, and why?
15. Dementia research: why should people with dementia be included in research and how can the barriers to their involvement be addressed?(Practice question).
Nursing Older People Vol 22 no.3 (April 2010): p14
Abstract: Clare Abley, nurse consultant, vulnerable older adults, Newcastle and North Tyneside Community Health, research associate, Newcastle University and member of the nurses' and allied health professionals' special interest group, British Geriatrics Society (BGS) The publication of the National Dementia Strategy in 2009 was an important step towards providing health and social care services that are fit for the 21st century (Department of Health (DH) 2009). It focuses on three key areas: improved awareness, earlier diagnosis and intervention and higher quality of care.
16. A framework to support social interaction in care homes: Glenda Cook and Charlotte Clarke discuss ways of promoting meaningful relationships for residents. (Cover story)(Report).
Nursing Older People Vol 22 no 3, April 2010: p16-22
Abstract: Engaging in meaningful social interaction is central to quality of life and this does not diminish following the move to a care home. However, social interaction in this setting can be difficult and is not always well supported by the environment or by staff. The aim of the action learning project discussed in this article was to explore the strategies that could be adopted by staff in their daily practice to support positive social interaction in care homes. The outcome was a framework to develop practice in care homes.
17. Attitudes of primary care team to diagnosing dementia: a literature review that explored the role of GPs and practice nurses in diagnosing patients with dementia has highlighted the need for awareness training to improve care. Hywel Thomas reports on its findings. (general practitioners)(Report).
Nursing Older People Vol 22 no. 3, April 2010: p23-28
Abstract: Attitudes of primary care team to diagnosing dementia: a literature review that explored the role of GPs and practice nurses in diagnosing patients with dementia has highlighted the need for awareness training to improve care. Hywel Thomas reports on its findings.(general practitioners)(Report).
18. Prevention and control of Clostridium difficile infection.(Continuing professional development) (Report).
Nursing Older People Vol 22 no. 3, April 2010: p29-36
Abstract: This article examines risk factors, pathogenesis, symptoms and management of Clostridium difficile infection, which is the major cause of enteric infections among people aged over 65 years in healthcare settings. Symptoms range from mild to profuse watery diarrhoea, which may be accompanied by severe life-threatening inflammation of the intestine. Transmission is by the faecal-oral route, via the hands of health workers and from environmental reservoirs. Eradication is difficult because C. difficile forms spores that survive for months in dust and on surfaces. Strategies to prevent and control C. difficile include thorough hand hygiene, isolation precautions, environmental cleaning and restricted use of broad spectrum antibiotics
Journals Table of Contents
19. From The Dissector:
Journal of the Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation. June 2010, Volume 38, Number 1
19A. Change of season - Sue Morgan steps up to the plate
19B. Value your own health
19C. OR nurses to lead WHO patient safety initiative; New nursing qualification; Standards of Safe Practice now available
19D. Shona Matthews joins the Dissector team
19E. Wide range of topics covered at Ophthalmologists meeting
19F. Sister Anne Galvin November 1929 - February 2010
19G. Surgical smoke : What we know
19H. Perioperative lessons on the Oxfam Trailwalker
19I. Bad blood: Is that transfusion necessary?
19J. Family pressure during resuscitation or invasive procedures: What are the attitudes, effects and choices?
19K. Jean Koorey: Tireless in promoting our profession
20. From The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing,
July 2010, Volume 41, Number 7
20A. LACE: The Consensus Model and Implications Beyond Advanced Practice
Administrative Angles
20B. Credentialing: Achieving Quality in Continuing Nursing Education
Clinical Updates
20C. Experiences of Nurses in Transition After Hospital Closure
Teaching Tips
20D. Integrative Learning Strategies
Original Article
20E. Teaching Nursing Students and Newly Registered Nurses Strategies to Deal With Violent Behaviors in the Professional Practice Environment
20F. Mentor Program Boosts New Nurses’ Satisfaction and Lowers Turnover Rate
20G. Recognition and Support for Today’s Preceptor
20H. Using Audience Response Technology in Hospital Education Programs
20I. Continuing Education in Informatics Among Registered Nurses in the United States in 2000
Conferences, Training, Seminars
21. The Sixth World Conference on the Promotion of mental Health and prevention of mental and Behavioral Disorders
Date: November 17–19, 2010
Venue: Washington, DC, Omni Shoreham Hotel
For more information, please contact:
Ms. Anne O’Neill, Ph: 0061 7-618-2262
Email: [email protected]
22. New Zealand Sexual Health Society Conference 2010
Date: 9-11 September 2010.
Venue: James Cook Hotel in Wellington
23. University of Otago Wellington Inaugural Cancer Symposium
Date: February 13-18 2011
Venue: Duxton Hotel, Wellington
News – National
24. ‘Wrong Decision’ On Drink-Drive Limit - NZNO
Tuesday, 27 July 2010, 4:23 pm
Press Release: NZNO
The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) is disappointed the government has not lowered the drink-drive limit for those aged over 20. In a package of drink-drive measures announced yesterday, including a zero drink-drive limit for those under 20, the government has kept the current limit for those aged over 20 at 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood. “This is the wrong decision. New Zealand’s drink-drive limit is one of the highest in the world and there is sound evidence already available that lowering it to 50 mg will save lives, ” NZNO president Nano Tunnicliff said.
25. Rest home says dead man treated well
TVNZ - 27 July 2010
A rest home where an elderly man fell, and later died, is defending its practices and its standards. Eighty-year-old Gil Dean died in October 2008 in Auckland Hospital, after a fall at the Edmund Hillary Retirement Village, in Remuera.
26. Patient safety compromised
The Press - 27 July 2010
Patients and doctors are at risk because of understaffing at Christchurch Hospital, junior doctors say. The doctors have been backed by Christchurch Hospital out-of-hours clinical co-ordinators, who have written to the Canterbury District Health Board's chief executive saying shortages were compromising patient safety. Resident Doctors' Association spokeswoman Deborah Powell said there were too few junior doctors on duty over the past four weekends at Christchurch Hospital.
27. Nurses support service
ODT - 27 July 2010
The New Zealand Nurses Organisation has come out in support of retaining neurosurgery services in Dunedin, saying the implications of a Christchurch-only service for acute patients from the southern area are grim.
28. Workers win back one lost holiday
NZ Herald - 26 July 2010
Most New Zealanders will miss out on a holiday next year when Anzac Day and Easter Monday fall on the same day - but a precedent-setting agreement for metal workers has brought substitute holidays closer to reality. The agreement, the first of its kind, gives 2000 metal and manufacturing workers a one-off holiday in 2011 to make up for missed public holidays.
News - International
29. Mendoza criticises govt on mental health
Sydney Morning Herald - July 28, 2010
Labor's latest mental health funding commitment has been spread too thin, the federal government's former chief adviser on the issue says. Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced on Tuesday that a re-elected Labor government would invest $277 million into mental health services.
30. Help call for breastfeeding mothers
The Australian - 28 July 2010
BREASTFEEDING advocates have called for greater workplace support of new mothers. The call is based on a study found that babies who are prematurely weaned from breast milk have a greater chance of developing chronic disease later in life. The risk of chronic disease, such as diabetes, obesity, asthma, coeliac disease and childhood cancer, was 30 to 200 per cent higher in babies who were not breastfed, researchers at the Australian National University found.