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1. Temporal artery thermometry as accurate as rectal
Critical Care Nurse, Jun 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3: p10
Abstract: The article reports on the findings of the study published in the "Journal of Pediatric Nursing," which revealed the accuracy of temporal artery thermometry in measuring temperature in children younger than 24 months.
2. Healthcare 411 en Español evidence-based consumer information
Critical Care Nurse, Jun 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3: p10
Abstract: The article offers information on the new audio series Healthcare 411 en Español, an evidence-based audio reports produced by the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) that help Spanish speakers prevent diseases, compare the effectiveness of medical treatments, and obtain safe health care.
3. Use of antibiotics in sepsis and septic shock
Critical Care Nurse, Jun 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3: p10
Abstract: The article reports on the findings of the study published in the October 2009 issue of "Critical Care Clinics," which recommended that optimal antibiotic therapy must be administered always within the first hour of recognizing severe septic and sepsis shock.
4. Palliative care guidelines
Critical Care Nurse, Jun 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3: p10
Abstract:The article reports on the availability of clinical practice guidelines at the National Guidelines Clearinghouse Web site.
5. Expanding our understanding, and perhaps our empathy, for a patient's pain
By Alspach, Grif. Critical Care Nurse, Jun 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3: p11-16
Abstract: The author reflects on the occurrence of pain in human experience, which represents one of the clinical problems that critical care nurses share with their patients. He mentions the efforts of critical care nurses in attempting to detect, prevent, and manage their patients' pain. He emphasizes that the ability of nurses to accurately capture and fully understand the patients' pain is inherently difficult even when patients are able to express detailed explanations.
6. Improving communication using a daily goals sheet
By Hartjes, Tonja. Critical Care Nurse, Jun 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3: p18
Abstract: A letter to the editor is presented in response to the article "Enhancing Outcomes in a Surgical Intensive Care Unit by Implementing Daily Goals Tools," by Peggy Siegele in the December 2009 issue.
7. Understanding patients with VADs.
By Scaparo, Melissa L. Critical Care Nurse, Jun 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3: p18-19
Abstract: A letter to the editor is presented in response to the article "Edgar Allan Poe, 'The Pit and the Pendulum,' and Ventricular Assist Devices" in the December 2009 issue.
8. Intensivists in our ICU
By Bitanga, Marina E. Critical Care Nurse, Jun 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3: p19-20
Abstract: The article reports on the intensivist program implemented by a group of intensive care physicians in their medical intensive care unit (ICU) at Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood, Florida. It indicates the responsibility of intensivists, physicians who have received board certification in a medical specialty, to deliver optimized patient care in the ICU. Other responsibilities of intensivists also include inserting central catheters in patients with poor peripheral venous access.
9. No Interruptions Please: Impact of a No Interruption Zone on Medication Safety in Intensive Care Units
By Anthony, Kyle et al. Critical Care Nurse, Jun 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3: p21-29
Abstract: The article reports on the findings of a pilot study which evaluates the impact of a No Interruption Zones (NIZ) on interruptions during medication preparation in the intensive care unit (ICU). The study was conducted at the University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio. It showed 31.8% of interruptions
before the NIZ was implemented, and 18.8% after the NIZ was implemented. Also noted is the aspect of medication errors as a significant cause of morbidity in hospitalized patients.
10. Night time Lighting in Intensive Care Units
By Dunn, Heather et al. Critical Care Nurse, Jun 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3: p31-37
Abstract: The article reports on the findings of a descriptive study conducted in a 12-bed surgical intensive care unit (SICU) of a regional medical center in Midwestern U.S., which examines the use of nighttime lighting in SICU. The study revealed the association between blood samples collection for laboratory test and the amount of nighttime exposure to light in ICU. Further, it showed the importance of using nighttime lighting for minimizing the use of other disruptive light sources.
11. Alcohol Withdrawal: Development of a Standing Order Set
By Evanthia, Riddle et al. Critical Care Nurse, Jun 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3: p38-47
Abstract: The article reports on the findings of studies which examine the development of an evidence-based standing order set for the treatment of patients experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Findings revealed that the amount of order set used varied between the critical care and non-critical care groups. In addition, studies recommended the use of benzodiazepines for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal.
12. Nursing Considerations for Children Undergoing Delayed Sternal Closure After Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease
By Pye, Sherry & McDonnell, Michelle. Critical Care Nurse, Jun 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3: p50-61
Abstract: The article outlines nursing considerations for children with congenital heart disease undergoing an open sternotomy through using a systems approach for critical care nurses. It discusses the pathophysiology for the surgical technique of open sternotomy and delayed sternal closure (DSC) in children that facilitates postoperative recovery in intensive care unit (ICU). A literature review outlining the use of DSC in children is also provided.
13. Nursing Considerations for Children Undergoing Delayed Sternal Closure After Surgery for Congenital Heart
Disease. Critical Care Nurse, Jun 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3: p62
Abstract: The article discusses the need of nursing care for children undergoing an open sternotomy after surgical treatment of congenital heart disease. These nursing care includes hourly respiratory assessment, cardiac arrest assessment, and monitoring of patients for adequate pain control and sedation. It recommends critical care nurses caring for children with open chest to assess the physiological and hemodynamic status of their patients.
14. Nurses' Role in Clarifying Goals in the Intensive Care Unit
By Martin, Beth & Koesel, Niki. Critical Care Nurse, Jun 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3: p64-73
Abstract: The article discusses the role of critical care nurses in establishing goals of care in the intensive care unit (ICU). It mentions the capability of nurses to use evidence-based knowledge related prognosis and disease trajectory to advocate effectively for critically ill patients and their families. Moreover, it suggests the need for nurses to have clinical skills as well as being proficient in communication skills.
15. Standards for Frequency of Measurement and Documentation of Vital Signs and Physical Assessments
By Schulman, Christine S. & Staul, LuAnn. Critical Care Nurse, Jun 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3: p74-76
Abstract: The article provides an answer to question of what is the standard for frequency of measurement and documentation of vital signs and physical assessments in progressive care, telemetry, and critical care units.
16. Developing a Protocol for Intensive Care Patients at High Risk for Pressure Ulcers
By Racco, Marian & Phillips, Beverly. Critical Care Nurse, Jun 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3: p77-80
Abstract: The article discusses the potential contributors to the development of protocol for an obese patient in the Hunterdon Medical Center's intensive care unit (ICU) in New Jersey who had a unit-acquired stage III pressure ulcer. These contributors include morbid obesity, mechanical ventilation requiring the head of patient's bed to be elevated at least 30 degrees, and high vasopressor requirement. Findings of a literature review regarding the case of the said patient is also provided.
Journals Table of Contents
17. From Canadian Nurse, May 2010, Volume 106, Number 5
17A. Something to celebrate [National Nursing Week - Nursing: You can't live without it!]
17B. In the public interest [The social contract that nurses have made with Canadians to act in the public interest]
17C. McGill's nurse practitioner programs get a boost
17D. Nova Scotia nurses celebrate proud history [Includes a brief history of the College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia]
17E. Nursing care partnership program: project summaries
17F. Medical marijuana for pain: an emerging field
17G. In times of transition, seize the opportunity
17H. Report on fatigue recommends actions at many levels
17I. Nurse leader brings fight on behalf of the World's poor to Ottawa; Highlights from the 2009 CRNE data
17J. CNF campaign passes $1-million mark; e-lexicon marks its debut on NurseOne; Certification program shows strength in
17K. Nurse to nurse: A word from the wise... [For National Nursing Week, canadian Nurse asked a number of well-known nursing leaders to share one piece of advice they would give to other RNs and students about the profession and their career]
17L. The Nursing History crossword challenge
17M. Nightingale's pen pals, passions and pets
17N. Always ready to answer the call
18. From Safeguard, May/June 2010, Issue 121
18A. No low hanging pine cones [Safety culture is being applied to New Zealand’s forestry industry, with an initial focus on hazardous breaking-out operations. Angela Gregory talks to some of the key players, and takes a first-hand look at the challenges]
18B. Saw the forest for the trees [The application of a safety culture plan was a winning move for two Tokoroa forestry companies]
18C. Steep demands [Angela Gregory visited a logging breaking-out in action, to see first-hand the tough challenges posed by this hazardous operation]
18D. The human factors [The ‘human factor’ in safety analysis and incident investigations should never be underestimated, say psychologists Dr Hillary Bennet and Ronny Lardner]
18E. Here, but not hear [We take our hearing and eyesight for granted, until they are irreversibly harmed. Angela Gregory and Jackie Brown-Haysom talk to two workers whose hearing and sight have been damaged due to unsafe workplace practices]
18F. Stretching to attention [The 40-years plus brigade is often uncharitably referred to as over the hill, yet for the NZ Army you’re more likely to find that age cohort running up the hill. The army has instigated a wellness project for its mature-aged military personnel, with positive results]
18G. No cover, can sue [Changes to the ACC scheme could see legal action taken against employers for some cases of noise-induced hearing loss, says Ben Thompson]
18H. Making a wave [Chris Ellis says if New Zealand’s business leaders work together they can clear the path for the army of OHS practitioners behind them, to achieve significant improvements in health and safety]
18I. NZ Health and Safety Awards finalists 2010
18J. Sound advice [ACC’s Dr Keith McLea and John Wallaart look at noise-induced hearing loss]
18K. Hi-Vis [Kirsten Bendix Olsen, Massey University]
18L. Incident investigation [Asbestos exposure]
18M. Safety rules at any height [Proposed best practice guidelines to prevent falls from height will tackle the 3m misconception, says Maarten Quivooy]
18N. CPD launched with a bang [The special guests couldn’t make it, but the NZISM successfully introduced its new professional grades and CPD system, report Neville Rockhouse and Paul Jarvie]
18O. The missing link [Psychological “first aid” should be offered at the workplace, says Jon Everest]
18P. The Forum: feature question [If an employer allows staff to borrow equipment for use at home – ladders, power tools trailers – then what is the employer’s responsibility or liability with regard to health and safety?]
18Q. Monkey Business: Uneasy rider [In which our anonymous columnist makes observations which may or may not pertain to
the state of health and safety in New Zealand]
18R. Work death toll for the year starting July 2009 [We list details of the most recent work fatalities investigated by DOL]
18S. Leaky plant [A coolstore company ignored multiple warnings – including from a neighbouring business – about ammonia leaks until some employees collapsed. Seven workers were taken to hospital as a result of the leak at Aotearoa Coolstores Ltd in Feilding in November 2007. The company was fined $42,000 and ordered to pay reparations of $1500 to each victim].
18T. Safety efforts backfire [A man was badly injured when a machine designed to improve safety fell on him. Genera Ltd was fined $38,000 and ordered to pay reparations of $40,000 after being charged under s6 of the HSE Act].
18U. Once burned, twice safety shy [A teenager who refused to wear safety overalls was burned after his clothing caught fire – yet when he returned to work three weeks later he still refused to don the protective gear].
Conferences, Training, Seminars
19. First International Youth Mental Health Conference
Heads up
This conference will showcase research and evidence based best practice presentations across the key areas of youth well-being and mental health. It will include youth health and mental health, education and vocational issues, health promotion, service reform, and drug and alcohol streams. The conference will also focus on youth participation in health settings and the importance of innovative technologies such as e-technology to support youth engagement. Supporting the health needs of particular populations, the conference will include consideration of the needs of indigenous, refugees, CALD and GBLTI youth.
Date: Jul 29 2010 - Jul 30 2010
Location: Melbourne VIC
Phone: 03 9645 6311
Email: [email protected]
20. Organisation Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service
New Zealand Wide Initiative
Date: 1 July, 2010
On Thursday 1 July, advocates from the Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service will be out on the streets and in key places around the country providing information to the public about consumer rights when using a health or disability service. The Health and Disability Commissioner’s Act was passed in Parliament in 1994 and the Code of Health & Disability Services Consumers’ Rights came in to effect on 1 July 1996. This is the only Code of Rights of its kind in the world with 10 legal rights for consumers and matching duties for providers to respect these rights - so is highly valued by New Zealand consumers.
21. 4th International Asian Health and Wellbeing Conference - A Holistic Approach to Asian Health
University of Auckland - Centre for Asian Health Research and Evaluation (CAHRE)
Date: 5-6 July, 2010
Venue: University of Auckland, School of Population Health, Tamaki Campus, North Entrance (Gate No: 1) 261 Morrin Road, Glenn Innes, Auckland.
The conference will focus on the following themes:
1.Traditional health practices and innovative services to build healthy communities
2. Access to health care services: primary health care and screening services
3. Mental health, family violence and gambling
4. Life style issues: related to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and injuries prevention
Keynote Speakers:
•Professor Leighton Ku, George Washington University
•Dr Sukanya Ray, Suffolk University
•Associate Professor Samson Tse, University of Hong Kong
•Professor Kamlesh Khunti, University of Leicester
For more information visit:
22. The 2010 RACGP Annual Conference
GP10 - Shape Our Future? The Royal Australian College of GP's
Date: 6-9 October, 2010
Venue: Cairns Convention Centre
More info:
23. Latest news from Ministry of Health
Close-contact infectious diseases in New Zealand: Trends in ethnic inequalities in hospitalisations (24 Jun, 2010)
Tatau Kahukura: Maori Health Chart Book 2010, 2nd Edition (15 Jun, 2010)
News – National
24. Where can people get lists of community organisations?
While there is no single master list of all 97,000 non-profit organisations in New Zealand, there are several potential public sources of information available – including, which provides a simple method for searching, modifying or updating information online.
25. US health debate exposes NZ fees
Sunday Star Times - 20 June 2010
New Zealanders are paying more for common medical procedures than patients in other countries, according to a previously unpublished international comparison conducted by private health insurers. The research on the comparative costs of procedures such as hip replacements and cataract removals was carried out last year by the International Federation of Health Plans (IFHP) in a bid to support US President Barack Obama's healthcare reforms.
26. $900,000 shortfall; clinic losing 10 staff
ODT - 29 June 2010
Dunedin's Ashburn Clinic is losing nearly 10 full-time equivalent staff, combining two inpatient wards and mothballing a hostel to make up a $900,000 funding shortfall. Business manager Lindsay Smith said yesterday the clinic had lost ACC referrals for sexual abuse sufferers, a Ministry of Health eating disorder contract, and had fewer DHB referrals and self-referrals.
News - International
27. Hundreds of nurses have been punished by other states while maintaining California licenses
LA Times - 28 June 2010
The state's Board of Registered Nursing has discovered that some 3,500 of its nurses have been punished for misconduct by other states — hundreds even had their licenses revoked — while maintaining clean licenses in California. As many as 2,000 of these nurses now will face discipline in California, officials estimate. That's more registered nurses than the state has sanctioned in the last four years combined.,0,2650096.story
28. Touch affects how people feel
ABC Science - 25 June 2010
Carrying a heavy bag, or leaning against the rough bark of a tree can subconsciously affect the way we feel about other people and the decisions we make about how to act in completely unrelated situations, suggests a new study.
29. Blood test may be able to predict menopause
CNN - 27 June 2010
( -- A simple doctor's-office blood test may one day be able to predict when a woman will start menopause, possibly even in women in their 20s. Pending validation in future studies, the test could help women make reproductive decisions, say the authors of a study that will be presented Monday at the annual meeting of the
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Rome.
30. Washing hands makes tough choices easier
ABC science - 7 May 2010
Washing our hands after making a decision is both literally and figuratively cleansing, according to a new study, suggesting that sensory experiences often reflect abstract feelings. Scientists report that when people wash their hands immediately after making a decision, they are less likely to rationalise its merits - possibly making them less content with the decision but more objective about the option they rejected.