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Issue 139 - 16 June 2010

Hot off the press

Copies of the newly released book
"Freed to Care, Proud to Nurse: 100 years of the New Zealand
Nurses Organisation "
are available for purchase

More information about this book:
To order a copy of this book, email:
[email protected]


JOURNAL OF NURSING REGULATION [The new official journal of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)
1. Editorial: Introducing the Journal of Nursing Regulation. Journal of Nursing regulation, Volume 1, Issue 1: p3

2. Trends and challenges in regulating nursing practice today. Journal of Nursing Regulation, Volume 1, Issue 1: p4-8.
: In this era of health-care reform, nursing regulation has never been more important - and now is an excellent time to examine its current status. To identify trends and challenges in nursing regulation, particularly as they relate to education, practice and research, the Journal of Nursing regulation asked nurse leaders in these areas for their views. This article is a summary of their responses.

3. Nurses' competence development during the first five years of practice. Journal of Nursing Regulation, Volume 1, Issue 1: p9-15
More than 2,000 practice anecdotes e-mailed by new nurses during their first 5 years of practice were analyzed to describe nurses' definitions of competence and how it developed over time. Nurses defined competence as efficient care amid complex priorities; rapid response to subtle changes in patients' conditions; seeing the big picture and working the system on patients' behalf; interpersonal warmth, respect, and authority; and a committed desire to learn and improve. Support for development of these qualities may promote nursing care quality in high-acuity practice environments.

4. Nurses with Chemical Dependency: Promoting Successful Treatment and Reentry. Journal of Nursing Regulation, Volume 1, Issue 1: p16-20
 Nurses with chemical dependency pose a threat to patient safety, their own health, and the reputation of the nursing profession. To achieve the best possible outcomes for all involved, they must be identified promptly, treated appropriately and, when appropriate, allowed to reenter the workplace with stringent monitoring. Nurses and physicians in chemical dependency treatment programs tend to show similar clinical characteristics, use comparable medical services, and function similarly at follow-up. However, nurses report more frequent and severe work-related sanctions stemming from their chemical dependency (Shaw, McGovern, Angres, & Rawal, 2004). In 1982, the American Nurses Association (ANA) first defined "impaired nursing practice" as the presence of dysfunction related to alcohol and other substance use or psychological problems that interfere with judgment and the delivery of safe care (ANA, 1982). The literature on chemical dependency in nurses lags far behind that for other health-care professionals, especially physicians. However, with nurses on the front lines of patient care, it stands to reason that their risk of chemical dependence is at least as high as that of other health-care professionals. This article draws on our 25 years of experience working with chemically dependent health-care professionals in specialty treatment and aftercare settings tailored to these professionals.

5. Resisting the Downward Pressure on Nursing Faculty Qualifications. Journal of Nursing Regulation, Volume 1, Issue 1: p21-25
 For more than a decade, the Institutes of Medicine and other organizations have exhorted health-care leaders to address performance deficiencies that lead to avoidable errors by enhancing the knowledge base, technological acumen, interdisciplinary competencies, and evidentiary transformation of practice. Yet lawmakers concerned about a shortage of bedside nurses are calling on state boards of nursing to relax faculty qualifications—a move that would undermine rather than reinforce the transfer of knowledge and skills on which effective and safe nursing practice relies. Workforce planners assert that reducing faculty qualifications would relieve the nursing faculty shortage—one barrier to graduating more nurses faster. Their emphasis on numbers alone ignores the consensus of health-care policy experts that the sophistication and complexity of nursing practice require a faculty that, at all program levels, has graduate preparation in nursing science and pedagogy. Tension between industry's demands for quantity and the demands of health-care experts for quality becomes still more trenchant in light of the emerging vision for health-care reform, which prioritizes wellness, prevention, and primary care—and places nurses center stage. This article states the case for maintaining high academic standards for nursing faculty and explains the need for innovative solutions to the faculty shortage while protecting the quality of care through direct practice and progress in nursing science.
6. Shaping Public Policy: The Nurse Regulator's Role. Journal of Nursing regulation, Volume 1, Issue 1: p26-29
Nurse regulators learn the skills of politics and policy-making through mentoring, role modeling, and practice. The information in this article assists nurse regulators in developing the strategies most likely to garner success in shaping public policy. It explores the core competencies of legislative liaisons or lobbyists and provides insight into how these roles expand the nurse regulator's knowledge and practice in policy making.
7. Continuing Education: Evidence-Based Nursing Regulation: A Challenge for Regulators. Journal of Nursing Regulation, Volume 1, Issue 1: p30-38
These are complex times for regulators on nursing boards, particularly in three areas. First, they must stay abreast of emerging practice issues emanating from technological advances, systems thinking, a more diverse patient population living longer with multiple chronic illnesses, and a national focus on patient safety and error prevention. Second, there has been a national call for the transformation of nursing education (Benner, Sutphen, Leonard, & Day, 2009; Greiner & Knebel, 2003), and nursing boards are seeing increasing numbers of substandard or fraudulent nursing education programs. This adds to the boards' workload. Third, disciplinary activity involving nurses has increased during the last 10 years (National Council of State Boards of Nursing, 2009), forcing regulators to stay on their toes regarding disciplinary action and investigation. In this challenging climate, the time is ripe to focus on evidence-based regulation as a strategy for making quality decisions related to regulation.
8. Case Study: Medication Errors and Criminal Negligence: Lessons from Two Cases. Journal of Nursing
, Volume 1, Issue 1: 39-43
: Health-care professionals who make serious errors may be subject to criminal prosecution for criminal negligence. In recent years, many states have expanded the concept of criminal negligence to the extent that health-care providers may have difficulty fully understanding what conduct could subject them to criminal prosecution. This article presents two cases in which nurses were prosecuted for criminal negligence related to medication errors.
It explores the evolving concept of criminal negligence, discusses the role of systemic and interdisciplinary factors in medical errors, and explores the collateral consequences of criminal prosecution.

9. Analyzing nursing regulation worldwide. Journal of Nursing Regulation, Volume 1, Issue 1: p44-47
 Given the significant global variations in language, culture, legal traditions, and health systems, a clear need exists to develop an understanding of nursing regulation that supports safe global movement of nurses. Promoting clear communication and information sharing among nurse regulatory bodies is an essential step toward protecting patients worldwide. Despite nurses' increased mobility, little information is available to promote timely,
efficient evaluation of migrating nurses' educational qualifications, continuing competency, and disciplinary and work histories. The research described below was intended to enhance global information sharing among nurse regulators, aid the development of a system that efficiently validates nurses' eligibility, and thus manage risk associated with increasing nurse migration, and allow recognition of best practices.

10. Innovation: Louisiana's Approach to Criminal Background Checks of Nursing Students. Journal of Nursing Regulation, Volume 1, Issue 1: p48-
In recent years, growing concern for patient safety has led to additional requirements for health-care personnel. Prominent among these requirements is a criminal background check on all persons who provide patient care, including students. In many cases, contractual agreements between nursing education programs and health-care institutions compel faculty and students who need hands-on clinical experience to meet these requirements. But who is responsible for conducting background checks—nursing education programs, health-care institutions, or the state board of nursing? With the current focus on student privacy rights, increased Joint Commission requirements, and complex jurisdiction over nursing student regulation, this is an appropriate time to examine regulation of students on their enrollment in nursing programs and throughout the progression of their clinical course sequence. Louisiana is the only U.S. state or territory with the authority to regulate nursing students. This article discusses the issues surrounding criminal background checks of nursing students, using Louisiana as a model.

Journals Table of Contents

11. From The Journal of Nursing Administration, May 2010, Volume 40, Number 5
. Evidence-Based Management: Making Decisions With the Best Available Theory and Data
11B. Setting a Nursing Research Agenda
11C. The Effect of a Nursing Labor Management Partnership on Nurse Turnover and Satisfaction
11D. Interruptions During the Delivery of High-Risk Medications
11E. Second-Degree Prelicensure Master's Graduates and Their Transition to Practice
11F. The Relationship of Nurse Staffing, Skill Mix, and Magnet(R) Recognition to Institutional Volume and Mortality for Congenital Heart Surgery
11G. Implementing a Fatigue Countermeasures Program for Nurses: A Focus Group Analysis
11H. Medical Errors Recovered by Critical Care Nurses

12. From International Journal of Nursing Practice, Volume 16, Issue 3, June 2010

12A. Enhancing patient safety: The importance of direct supervision for avoiding medication errors and near misses by undergraduate nursing students
12B. Conducting rehabilitation groups for people suffering from chronic pain
12C. Embodied reflection in practice—'Touching the core of caring'
12D. Depression among mothers of children and adults with an intellectual disability in Turkey
12E. Chinese parents' perception of support received and recommendations regarding children's postoperative pain management
12F. Manual handling risks associated with the care, treatment and transportation of bariatric patients and clients in Australia
12G. Integrating clicker technology at nursing conferences: An innovative approach to research data collection
12H. Vaginal birth after Caesarean risk decision-making: Australian findings on the mothers' perspective
12I. Education outcomes related to including genomics activities in nursing practice in Singapore
12J. Information level of patients in discharge training given by nurses following open heart surgery
12K. Are Australian rural women aware of coronary heart disease? 
12L. Caring to death: The murder of patients by nurses 
12M. Overcrowding in medium-volume emergency departments: Effects of aged patients in emergency departments on wait times for non-emergent triage-level patients 

Conferences, Training, seminars

13. Waikato Health and Disability Expo.
Date: Friday 17 and 18 September 2010. Information will be available on services and support available. Entry is free. The venue is Claudelands Events Centre, Hamilton
For more information:
[email protected]

14. New Zealand Council of Social Services Conference.
New Zealand Council of Social Services (NZCOSS) is calling for abstracts for their national conference, which will be held in Dunedin 17-19 November 2010. The conference themes are “Family and Community Sustainability” and “Organisation and Sector Sustainability”. There are options of making an address, running a workshop or a combination of the both. Abstracts must be received by Friday 2 July 2010.
For more information:
Contact:   Jill Turquest
Phone:  04 472 3364
Fax          04 472 3964
[email protected]

15. Family Planning Conference.
 15-17 October 2010.
Venue: Wellington  They are calling for extracts from academics, clinicians, health promoters, policy makers and researchers. Submission of abstracts close 1 July 2010.
For more information:

16. Midwifery Today International Conference
Birth is a human rights issue
29 September - 3 October 2010
Venue: Strasbourg, France
Email: [email protected]

17. National Digital Forum 2010
Linking data, linking people

18. Latest news from Ministry of Health

Tatau Kahukura: Māori Health Chart Book 2010, 2nd Edition - 15 Jun 2010

Seroprevalence of the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic in New Zealand - 4 Jun 2010

Review of pharmacy recalls - 3 Jun 2010

Methodology Report for the 2007/08 New Zealand Alcohol and Drug Use Survey - 3 Jun 2010

News – National

19. Proud to nurse
The Gossip - latest news from FINSEC - 14 June, 2010 

The New Zealand Nurses Organisation has released a book to mark 100 years of their organisation. Freed to Care, Proud to Nurse was written by Mary Ellen O’Connor and the story of the nurses’ union includes cut-and-thrust politics, strategic manoeuvering, and gender and pay equity concerns

20. Survey to get health 'snapshot'
The Nelson Mail - 15/06/2010
The largest survey of GP patients ever commissioned in New Zealand and Australia will try to find out how Nelson and Tasman people feel about their health. The anonymous two-page survey has been sent out to 10,000 people in Nelson and Tasman. It asks them a series of questions about how they feel about their health, creating an overall health score for each person.

21. Blood donor slump leads to recruitment drive at universities
NZ Herald - 14 June 2010
The number of new blood donors has slumped by nearly 20 per cent, creating anxiety over the future of the life-saving service and prompting a campaign to recruit more young donors. More than 42,000 people a year need blood or blood products for their health care, necessitating the collection of 3000 donations a week.

22. Mixed messages on babies in bed
NZ Herald - 14 June 2010
Calls for mothers to stop sleeping with their newborn children are being ignored by some hospitals and birthing centres, with staff at one saying it's better to teach mothers how to do it safely than ignore the popular practice

News - International

23. Vitamin B6 may play anti-cancer role
CNN - June 15, 2010
A new study suggests vitamin B6 may play a role in preventing cancer. A study in the latest edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association found adults with higher levels of vitamin B6 in their blood were half as likely to develop lung cancer as those with low B6 levels. "This doesn't mean that if you take vitamins and eat well, cigarette smoking is safe," explains Dr. Norman Edelman, chief medical officer for the American Lung Association. The study included almost 400,000 adults from 10 European countries who were either current smokers, former smokers or had never smoked. Researchers looked at the differences in vitamin B6 levels between those who developed lung cancer after five years and those who did not.

24. Technology could be a pain in teen necks
ABC Science - 15 June 2010
Teenagers who spend several hours a day in front of a screen are boosting their chances of developing aches and pains, say Scandinavian researchers. An international team of researchers from Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland found a strong association between watching TV, computer and gaming screens, and backaches and headaches in teenagers.

25. Workers' mental health worrying bosses
Sydney Morning Herald -  14 June 2010
Employers concerned about their workers' welfare are seeking advice on mental illnesses in increasing numbers, new figures show. Analysis of calls to SANE Australia's national helpline found a growing number were workplace-related inquiries over the past year

26. Lax Practices Found at Same-Day Surgery Centers
New York Times - June 8, 2010
A new federal study finds many same-day surgery centers have serious problems with infection control. Failures to wash hands, wear gloves and clean blood glucose meters were among the reported breaches. The findings, appearing in Wednesday’s Journal of the American Medical Association, suggest that lax anti-infection practices may pervade the nation’s more-than-5,000 outpatient centers, experts said.

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