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1. Improving nursing by degrees
By Kinnair, Donna. Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p3
Abstract: The author discusses the need to require educational degrees from nurses in England. She notes that the commission on the future of nursing and midwifery in the country has arrived with the conclusion that the standards of pre-registration nurse education should be reflective of the changes in healthcare delivery. She mentions that midwives already observe degree-level education requirements. The benefits of degree-level education to nurses are cited which include the ability to deliver therapeutic interventions in difficult situations.
2. PM's commission calls for 'champions of change'.
By Blakemore, Sophie. Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p4
Abstract: The article focuses on the report from the Prime Minister's Commission on the Future of Nursing and Midwifery in England which contains recommendations for the nursing profession. It notes that the report has received positive reception from health organisations and is expected to elevate the status of nursing as a leader in health care. Recommendations in the report are given, one of which is to expand the role of ward sisters. Mark Hayward of Leaders in Nursing agrees with the belief of the commission that attention should be directed to leadership.
3. In a flash
Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p4
Abstract: The article focuses on the pocket-sized flash cards developed by South West Yorkshire Partnership National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust in England and designed as a tool in identifying hospital patients with mental health problems.
4. In brief
Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p5
Abstract: This section offers news briefs related to nursing in Great Britain as of April 2010, including the Open Your Mind campaign which aims to end stigma against National Health Service (NHS)employees with mental health problems, Baroness Dorothea Glenys Thornton, the new health minister, and independent nurse consultant Tom Keighley, who will become an honorary member of the American Organization of Nurse Executives.
5. Senior nurses judged crucial to success of productive ward
Nursing Management - UK, Apr2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p5
Abstract: The article focuses on the results of a review of the productive ward programme of the National Health Trust (NHS) Institute for Innovation and Improvement which emphasize the role of senior nurses in the effectiveness of such programmes.
6. Mid Staffs inquiry finds that 'lack of leadership' contributed to deaths
Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p5
Abstract: The article focuses on an independent inquiry on the unnecessary deaths of at least 400 patients at Mid Staffordshire National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust in England, results of which show that the deaths were due to a lack of leadership at ward and board level.
7. Prime minister's commission findings get mixed response
By Blakemore, Sophie. Nursing Management - UK, Apr2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p6-7
Abstract: The article focuses on the response of several senior nurses to the findings and recommendations laid out in the report "Front Line Care: The Future of Nursing and Midwifery in England," in which the future of nursing and midwifery in Great Britain was examined. According to nurse Linda Kelly, the report elucidates how the profession must develop to ensure quality care. Senior nurses are advised by consultant nurse Gemma Ellis to accept the recommendations as a tool for driving standards of care.
8. Nurse executives urged to think of different ways to improve patient care
By Blakemore, Sophie. Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p7
Abstract: The article focuses on the report "Putting Quality First in the Boardroom," by the independent healthcare charities the King's Fund and the Burdett Trust for Nursing in Great Britain, which highlights the role of nurse executives in helping boards integrate quality with finance and targets. According to the report, the most successful nurse executives have the ability to help boards interpret and examine data for clinical quality. One of the main areas that nurses need to prioritise is understanding financial reports.
9. Turbulent times
By Hamer, Susan. Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p8
Abstract: The author stresses the need for nurse managers to be aware that further changes to healthcare delivery will take place as new information technology (IT) systems are introduced and linked together, and that such changes will lead to benefits for patients and further challenges for nurses.
10. Global Nursing
By Williams, Susan. Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p8
Abstract: The article reports on the national and global leadership programmes launched by the International Council of Nurses in 2010 to allow senior nurses gather and share knowledge and skills.
11. Saving lives, saving money
By Jones, Kate; Carter, Martin. Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p9
Abstract: The authors call on National Health Services (NHS) trusts in Great Britain to continue their investment in improving patient safety amid their budget problems. One of the claims in the book "Good Hospital Guide 2009" is that patient safety standards in the country are low. They provide an overview on the leading improvement in patient safety (Lips) programme of the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement for other trusts to emulate. They add
that trusts can also have cost savings of about 1 billion pounds a year by preventing patient harm.
12. Web scan
Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p11
Abstract: The article presents an update on Web sites and information resources related to nursing in Great Britain as of April 2010. The British Geriatrics Society has launched a new website to provide information on the specialty and other issues related to the care of older people. An electronic learning (e-learning) programme was launched by the Northern Ireland Cancer Network for caring of people who underwent laryngectomy. The Royal Society for Public
Health has published a guideline on health service commissioning.
13. Out for consultation
Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p11
Abstract: The article presents an update on public consultations regarding medical policies in Great Britain as of April 1, 2010, including the proposed rules for nursing and midwifery by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, rules on access of foreigners to the National Health Service (NHS) by the Department of Health, and a study being conducted by the King's Fund on how primary care trusts use external commissioning support.
By Holmes-Bonney, Kathy. Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p12-11
Abstract: An important aspect of allowing patients to take control of their health care is the introduction of new procedures for dealing with complaints. This article examines the concepts that underpin the new Department of Health regulations on complaints management and what they will mean for health and social care professionals. It also explains why these regulations focus on restorative justice rather than blame when adverse events occur.
15. Nursing and nurses: the image and the reality
By Morris, Vicky. Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p16-19
Abstract: This article describes national and regional processes, and the evidence base developed from a series of engagement and involvement events across the NHS, to develop an effective marketing campaign and a framework for regional strategies to recruit and retain nurses. The consultation and engagement process was also designed to ensure that the campaign would be supported by the workforce. It will be of interest to the independent and voluntary sectors and, while relating to English strategy and policy, it is pertinent to the whole of the UK and internationally. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
16. Do ward sisters and charge nurses have the authority to do their job?
By Sprinks, Jennifer. Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p20-22
Abstract: It has been increasingly recognised that ward sisters and charge nurses have a crucial role to play in the care of patients. Many of them believe, however, that they are not granted the appropriate authority to fulfil their roles adequately; some of them also claim that they are not paid enough. This article reports on the Nursing Standard Power to Care campaign to improve the status of ward managers. It also presents case studies of the two recipients of last year's Nurse Awards in the ward sisters and charge nurse role category. INSETS: Case study: Paul Hagan;Case study: David Tucker. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
17. What it takes to be voted RCN nurse manager of the year
By O'Kane, Carmel. Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p24-25
Abstract: This article discusses the work done by Carmel O'Kane as team leader for a community children's home care team that led to her nomination for the title of RCN nurse manager of the year at the Institute of Healthcare Management's excellence in management awards in Northern Ireland. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
18. Using discovery interviews to understand the patient experience
By Dawood, Mary & Gallini, Andrew. Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p26-31
Abstract: Ensuring and maintaining patients' dignity have been defining attributes of good nursing for the past 150 years and should be quality indicators by which nurses can measure their performance. In recent years, however, the demands for health care, rising life expectancy, and the speed of medical advances may have hindered nurses from ensuring privacy and dignity. In some cases, this has led to poor experiences for patients and there have been calls for a renewed focus on these attributes. This article reports the results of a study in which 'discovery interviews' were undertaken to examine patients' experiences of dignity in care. It also describes some changes in practice that were made in response to the findings. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
19. Workload and workforce planning: developing a learning toolkit
By Kellagher, Mairi et al. Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p32-34
Abstract: The second article in this series described the tools for which there is a consensus for use in nursing and midwifery workload and workforce planning (NMWWP) in Scotland, and the national programme of education and training support developed for the staff who would be using the tools in NHS boards. To help senior charge nurses, midwives and others support and manage their staff resources effectively, a learning toolkit has been developed by the NMWWP programme in partnership with NHS Education for Scotland. The NMWWP learning toolkit (NHS Education for Scotland 2008), described in this article, is a flexible, practical, work-based resource for use in NHS boards. Intended primarily for senior charge nurses, it can also be used by other professionals who aspire to senior charge nurse positions and by nurse managers as a knowledge-refresher. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
20. Tailored leadership
By Walsh, Debbie. Nursing Management - UK, Apr 2010, Vol. 17 Issue 1: p37
Abstract: The author describes her job as acting head of district nursing at Trafford Provider Services, part of Trafford Primary Care Trust, in England. She explains that one of her tasks was to redefine the parameters of care provided by healthcare professionals. According to the author, she found the self-belief and determination she needed to complete her tasks after being chosen to participate in the Release leadership programme, a tailored leadership course provided by external consultants.
Journals Table of Contents
21. From International Nursing Review, Volume 57, Number 2, June 2010
Official Journal of the International Council of Nurses
21A. Reproductive health needs to be front and centre in development
21B. Nursing and disaster preparedness
21C. Shaping the future: role models and situated learning
21D. ICN establishes fund to assist with rebuilding nursing in Haiti
21E. ICN member associations support education of girls in sub-Saharan Africa
21F. Three countries launch projects to promote healthy workplaces
21G. Erratum
21H. Evaluation of patient self-management outcomes in health care: a systematic review
21I. Presence of nursing information on hospital websites in five countries: a review
21J. Global Government Health Partners' Forum 2006: eighteen months later
21K. Collaborative nursing leadership project in the People's Republic of China
21L. Associations between work schedule characteristics and occupational injury and illness
21M. Work and non-work social support and intent to stay at work among Jordanian hospital nurses
21N. Growing together: a qualitative study of leading nurse scholars in Thailand
21O. Cancer incidence among male Danish nurses, 1980–2003
21P. Chinese nurses' experience in the Wenchuan earthquake relief
21Q. Primary health care nurses' promotion of involuntary migrant families' health
21R. The evaluation of nurses and nursing activities through the perceptions of inpatients
21S. Evaluation of an elderly care training programme for women
21T. Life experiences after stroke among Iranian stroke survivors
21U. Vasectomy within the public health services in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
21V. Behaviours used by HIV-positive adolescents to prevent stigmatization in Botswana
21W. Development of community nursing in Zhejiang Province, China: a report of the driving measures
21X. Depressive symptoms among community-dwelling, post-stroke elders in Hong Kong
22. From New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, May 2010
22A. The place of research in the quality and safety of midwifery care
22B. Being a delivery suite co-ordinator
22C. Informed consent and midwifery practice in New Zealand: lessons from the Health and Disability Commissioner
22D. A review of psychosocial predictors of outcome in labour and childbirth
22E. The vaginal examination during labour: Is it of benefit or harm?
23. From Contemporary Nurse, Volume 34, Number 1, December 2009/January 2010
23A. Researching with people you know: Issues in interviewing
23B. Development and validation of the Nursing Workplace Satisfaction Questionnaire (NWSQ)
23C. Nursing assessment of obstructive sleep apnea in hospitalised adults: A review of risk factors and screening tools
23D. Preceptors and patients – the power of two: Nursing student experiences on their first acute clinical placement
23E. Patients' experience pain after cardiac surgery
23F. Symptoms and diagnostic delay in ovarian cancer: A summary of the literature
23G. Community Child Health (CCH) nurses’ experience of home visits for new mothers: A quality improvement project
23H. 'I wanted desperately to have a natural birth': Mothers' insights on vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC)
23I. Outcomes of a home-based pulmonary maintenance program for individuals with COPD: A pilot study
23J. Australian men's long term experiences following prostatectomy: A qualitative descriptive study
23K. Challenging behaviour: An action plan for education and training
23L. Nurse education regarding agitated patients and its effects on clinical practice
Conferences, Training, seminars
24. PHA Conference 2010
Date: 22-24 September
Venue: Turangawaewae Marae, Ngaruawahia, Waikato
More information:
25. Strengthening Midwifery... Strengthening Families
11th Biennial national Conference
Date: 3-5 September 2010
Venue: Rotorua Events Centre
More information:
26. Latest news from Ministry of Health
4 Jun: Seroprevalence of the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic in New Zealand
3 Jun: Review of pharmacy recalls
3 Jun: Methodology Report for the 2007/08 New Zealand Alcohol and Drug Use Survey
News – National
27. $1.2m study into safety of flax baskets for babies
ODT - 10 Jun, 2010
Two Dunedin researchers will provide the sleep analysis expertise for a $1.2 million study focused on determining the safety of wahakura (woven flax baskets) for babies to sleep in.
28. Poor wages and training concerns in aged care
ODT - 9 Jun, 2010
Sue Kedgley Poor wages and a lack of training were two key concerns raised at an aged-care investigation meeting in Dunedin yesterday
29. Jab no surefire protection from cervical cancer
New Zealand Herald - 8 Jun, 2010
The HPV vaccination could have the unintended consequence that more women with cervical cancer will not be diagnosed, the Ministry of Health has warned. The ministry's national screen unit is concerned that young women believe they are protected from the disease once they are immunised.
30. Third of kiwis 'immune' to swine flu
TVNZ - 4 June 2010
Close to a third of New Zealanders were immune to swine flu by March this year, according to a major new scientific study. The study commissioned by the Ministry of Health and conducted by Environmental Science and Research (ESR) estimated that of the 1.26 million people who were immune, about 480,000 people had some immunity prior to last year's pandemic wave, mostly in the older age groups.
31. Energy 'shots' not good for young teens
TVNZ - 3 June 2010
Energy "shots" and energy drinks which contain high levels of caffeine are not suitable for children, young teenagers, pregnant women and people sensitive to caffeine, food safety officials say. The New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) today underscored its existing advisory on caffeine, after commissioning a new risk profile. It warns that when consumed in high doses caffeine can lead to irritability, anxiety, tremors, dizziness and insomnia.
News - International
32. Bowel cancer biggest killer in rural NSW
Sydney morning Herald - June 10, 2010
Bowel cancer is killing more people in rural NSW than anywhere else in the country, new data shows. The local government areas of Jerilderie and Balranald recorded the highest number of deaths caused by the disease during 2002-2006, followed by Gayndah in Queensland, and Boyup Brook in WA.
33. Dozens of genetic mutations linked to autism in children discovered
The Telegraph - 9 June 2010
A new test for autism in children has come a step closer after the world's largest study into the disability discovered a number of genetic links to the condition. Dozens of rogue genes have been found in more than 1,000 children suffering from autism, researchers found. They said the findings come closer to helping identify the root cause of the disability that affects more than half a million people in Britain - and could hasten the development of the first ever genetic test for the condition.
34. Depression risk for nurses in crowded hospitals higher: study
Calgary Herald - 9 June 2010
Nurses who work in hospital wards that are usually filled to capacity may have a higher risk of depression than their counterparts in less-crowded hospitals, Finnish researchers suggest. Their new study found that hospital staffers who worked in the most crowded wards were twice as likely to take sick leave for depression as staff who
worked in wards with "optimal" numbers of patients. The large majority of workers in the study -- 93% -- were nurses. The findings, published online May 4 in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, don't prove that hospital overcrowding contributed to the nurses' depression.
35. Sleep deprivation linked to depression in teens
CNN - June 9, 2010
Sleep-deprived high school students who doze off in class aren't just risking the wrath of their teachers. They're also three times more likely to be depressed than their alert classmates who get enough sleep, a new study has found. "Sleep deprivation and depression go hand in hand among teenagers," says the study's lead author, Mahmood Siddique, D.O., a sleep medicine specialist at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, in New Brunswick, New Jersey. "Instead of giving them medications, I'd rather give them a chance to sleep better, and more."
36. The mental health workout - how exercise soothes the mind
The Age - June 9, 2010
We know by heart the physical benefits of exercise – that it’s one of our best defences against weight gain, diabetes and heart disease. But we hear less about its power to buffer us against another common problem – depression, which is the fourth most common problem managed in general practice.
37. Mental health reform vital, says McGorry JEFF TURNBULL
The Age - June 8, 2010
The federal government's national health reform will not succeed without boosting support for mental health care, says Australian of the Year Professor Patrick McGorry. Prof McGorry told a Senate committee inquiring into the health and hospital reforms, that mental health care in Australia has just moved out of the 19th Century and is struggling to get a hold in the 21st Century.