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Issue 128 - 19 March 2010



1. Publish, and be proud
by J. Ian Blenkharn
Journal of Infection Prevention 2010 , Vol 11: p32-35

2. Fungal contamination of water and water-related surfaces in three hospital wards with immunocompromised patients at risk for invasive fungal infections. Journal of Infection Prevention 2010, Vol 11: p36-41.
Studies suggest that hospital water supplies may serve as a reservoir for fungi and play a role in their spread. The objective of this study was to provide data on the fungal contamination of water, surfaces, and air of areas of water usage in three hospital wards that admit immunocompromised patients at risk for invasive fungal infection.Air, surface, and water samples were collected in patients’ rooms and water facilities of each ward. Analysis of 215 water samples show differences between wards in fungal recovery rates and isolated species, but Fusarium spp. were the predominant fungi. On the 838 surface samples, a similar fungal diversity was found and Fusarium spp. were the predominant fungi. Aspergillus spp. dominated among the moulds recovered from air. This study confirms that different moulds, mainly Fusarium spp., are present in water and surfaces and that prevention of the risk of nosocomial fungal infection should include a stringent maintenance and cleaning of water facilities.

3. Using cognitive interviews to refine a household contacts survey on the epidemiology of community-associated methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Infection Prevention 2010, Vol 11: p44-48.
Community-associated methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) infections have become epidemic in many parts of the world and are responsible for significant morbidity and mortality. In preparation for a large longitudinal CA-MRSA Household Contacts Study, we developed a survey of potential CA-MRSA risk factors. To assess the survey’s interpretation, comprehension, and cultural- and age-appropriateness, we conducted cognitive interviews which prompt respondents to reveal cues to the thought processes involved when responding, among eight patients who represented various demographic criteria and CA-MRSA risks. The interviews used a combination of face-to-face interviews and self-administered surveys. Testing the Household Contacts Study survey instrument using cognitive interviews provided insight into ways to address potentially ambiguous survey items and patient concerns. An unexpected finding that the cognitive interviews uncovered was the emotional impact that diagnosis of MRSA had on respondents. The resulting survey will lead to a better understanding of CA-MRSA pathogenesis and prevention.

4. Analysis of the impact of a new electro-chemical activation system for potable water disinfection on the Legionella pneumophila isolation rate in a Spanish hospital. Journal of Infection Prevention 2010, Vol 11: p50-54.
In a field study comparing isolation rates pre- and post-installation of an electro-chemical activation system for Legionella pneumophila disinfection of potable hot water in a Spanish hospital, a total of 250 tap samples pre-installation and 113 post-installation were collected. Chlorine levels were higher (p < 0.001) post-installation (0.55 ± 0.41 vs. 1.19 ± 0.44 ppm). Of 38.0% (138/363) samples positive for L. pneumophila, 111 (80.4%) were serogroups 2—14. Post-installation, the isolation rate was lower (46.8% vs. 18.6%; p < 0.001, odds ratio (OR) 0.26, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.15—0.44) due to significant (p < 0.001; OR 0.25, 95% CI 0.14—0.45) reduction in L. pneumophila serogroups 2—14 from 38.4% to 13.3%. Post-installation, isolation rates were lower in spring (44.4% vs. 0.0%; p < 0.001), summer (80.0% vs. 25.0%; p = 0.003) and autumn (72.0% vs. 28.9%; p = 0.018), but not in winter (18.5% vs. 11.8%; p = 0.688). The seasonal wave constructed with pre-installation data significantly decreased post-installation by decreasing isolation rates in summer and autumn to rates similar to those found in winter pre-installation.

5. The use of an e-learning infection prevention programme in the pre-registration nursing curriculum
Journal of Infection Prevention 2010, Vol 11: p55-57.
The infection prevention e-learning project initiated by the NHS University was launched in September 2005 and is now administered by the NHS Core Learning Unit. It was intended to be the definitive infection prevention programme for all NHS staff both clinical and non-clinical; however, a higher education institution saw its potential for use in the pre-registration nursing programme and trialled it in the Common Foundation Programme (CFP). This article
describes the use of the programme in the CFP and an evaluation of the students’ experience of e-learning.

6. An influenza outbreak in a regional residential facility
Journal of Infection Prevention 2010, Vol 11:p58-61.
Influenza is a highly contagious infection with the potential for outbreaks in residential facilities despite seemingly adequate vaccination levels among residents. The management of an influenza A outbreak in a residential facility for cognitively impaired residents of an Australian regional health service is described. Twenty-five of the residents of a 60-bed standalone facility were affected, with one fatality resulting. As virological confirmation of the outbreak was received late on a Friday, the initiation of antiviral treatment and prophylaxis occurred out of hours. The unanticipated consequences of this out-of-hours management are discussed. The management of an influenza outbreak in a dementiaspecific residential facility requires a specific infection control response which anticipates the ethical issues relating to the care of the cognitively impaired.

Journals - Table of Contents

7. From Journal of Clinical Nursing, Mar 2009, Vol 18 Issue 6
7A. Editorial: Bring back the veil! [The author reflects on the move of several hospitals to adopt to the generational changes in the workforce by modernising the nursing image as shown in the uniform of nurses].
7B. A review of hand-washing techniques in primary care and community settings
7C. Views of xerostomia among health care professionals: a qualitative study
7D. Nursing staff's understanding of oral health care for patients with cancer diagnoses: an intervention study
7E. Attitudes toward dementia-related aggression among staff in Japanese aged care settings
7F. Chinese female nurses’ perceptions of male genitalia-related care – Part 1
7G. Chinese female nurses’ perceptions of male genitalia-related care – Part 2
7H. Nurses values, attitudes and behaviour related to falls prevention
7I. The constitution of ‘lavender families’: a LGB perspective
7J. Discharge Planning of Stroke Patients: the Relatives’ Perceptions of Participation
7K. A nine-month intervention programme focusing on empowerment; caregivers’ descriptions of changed behaviour and increased room for acting
7L. Managing infant feeding practices: the competing needs of bulimic mothers and their children
7M. The demography of nurses and patients on acute psychiatric wards in England
7N. Factors influencing Macao nurses’ intention to leave current employment
7O. Development and psychometric testing of the Nursing Workplace Relational Environment Scale (NWRES)
7P. Preparing nurses for practice: A phenomenological study of the new graduate in Australia
7Q. Psychometric testing of the Chinese version of nursing practice environment scale

8. From the Journal of Palliative Medicine, Dec 2009, Vol 12 Issue 12
8A. In this issue
8B. News and Views
8C. The Good News about Bad News and Oncologists
8D. Is It Reliable To Use Cellular Phones for Symptom Assessment in Palliative Care? Report on a Study in Patients with Advanced Cancer
8E. Is the Principle of Equal Access for All Applied in Practice to Palliative Care for the Elderly?
8F. The Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Meditation Therapy on Anxiety, Depression, and Spirituality in Japanese Patients with Cancer
8G. Surges of Electroencephalogram Activity at the Time of Death: A Case Series
8H. Support Needs of Informal Hospice Caregivers: A Qualitative Study
8I. Culture of Death Denial: Relevant or Rhetoric in Medical Education?
8J. Long Hours, Luck, and a Cast of Thousands
8K. Compassionate Silence in the Patient–Clinician Encounter: A Contemplative Approach
8L. Are We Training Our Fellows Adequately in Delivering Bad News to Patients? A Survey of Hematology/Oncology Program Directors
8M. Creation and the Empirical Validation of the Dignity Card-Sort Tool To Assess Factors Influencing Erosion of Dignity at Life's End
8N. Effect of a Pediatric Palliative Care Program on Nurses' Referral Preferences
8O. Physician and Nurse Perceptions of a New Inpatient Palliative Care Consultation Project: Implications for Education and Training
8P. Associations between United States Acculturation and the End-of-Life Experience of Caregivers of Patients with Advanced Cancer

News – National

9. Public defibrillators save lives
TVNZ - 19 March 2010
Widespread use of automated external defibrillators throughout Japan more than doubled the percentage of people who survived heart attacks, researchers reported. The finding reinforces the growing evidence that the devices, which allow untrained people to deliver shocks to a stopped heart, can save lives.

10. Health Ministry announces job cuts
ODT - 17 March 2010
One hundred and thirty jobs may be lost at the Health Ministry, Director-General of Health Stephen McKernan said today. The announcement comes the same day the Government released updated figures showing nearly 1500 jobs had gone across the state sector.

11. Trauma system aims to save lives
Waikato Times - 17 March 2010
A newly established trauma system headed by Waikato District Health Board is expected to save about 21 lives a year and provide a blueprint for other trauma centres around the country. The Midland Regional Trauma System will see Waikato DHB join forces with Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Tairawhiti and Lakes DHBs to take a collaborative approach to patient care after major trauma.

News - International

12. Democrats unveil $940 billion compromise health care plan
CNN - 18 March 2010
Washington (CNN) -- Democratic congressional leaders unveiled a long-awaited $940 billion compromise health care plan Thursday, setting the stage for a final legislative showdown on President Obama's domestic priority.

13. Antidepressants can help people with physical ills
Reuters - 17 March 2010
Antidepressants such as Eli Lilly's Prozac or GlaxoSmithKline's Paxil can help depressed patients with physical illness, and doctors should consider them more often, researchers said on Wednesday. While around 10 percent of patients with physical diseases are thought to suffer from depression, studies suggest doctors are less likely to prescribe antidepressants because they are not sure if the medicines will work well.


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