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Issue 127 - 12 March 2010


JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration

Health Facility Design
1. Predesign and Postoccupancy Evaluation
by Stichler, Jaynelle F. Journal of Nursing Administration. 40(2), February 2010: p49-52.

The predesign process identifies key stakeholders, evidence, benchmark hospitals, and design philosophies and goals that provide the foundation for a new healthcare facility and the framework for the postoccupancy evaluation. This recurring department expands nurse leaders' knowledge and competencies in health facility design and enables them to lead in design efforts. In this article, the predesign and postoccupancy evaluation processes are described as opposite ends of a continuum, but both are critical elements of the evidence-based design process.

Managing Organizational Complexity
2. Diamonds in the Rough: Positive Deviance and Complexity
by Clancy, Thomas R. Journal of Nursing Administration. 40(2), February 2010: p53-56

As systems evolve over time, their natural tendency is to become increasingly more complex. Studies in the field of complex systems have generated new perspectives on management in social organizations such as hospitals. Much of this research appears as a natural extension of the cross-disciplinary field of systems theory. This is the 12th in a series of articles applying complex systems science to the traditional management concepts of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling. This article focuses on the idea of positive deviance and how it can be applied in developing elegant solutions to complex problems.

Evidence and the Executive
3. Clinical Guidelines for Nursing Practice: Are We There Yet?
by Newhouse, Robin P. Journal of Nursing Administration. 40(2), February 2010: p57-59

In this department, Dr Newhouse highlights hot topics in nursing outcomes, research, and evidence-based practice relevant to the nurse administrator. The goal is to discuss the practical implications for nurse leaders in diverse healthcare settings. Content includes evidence-based projects and decision making, locating measurement tools for  quality improvement and safety projects, using outcome measures to evaluate quality, practice implications of
administrative research, and exemplars of projects that demonstrate innovative approaches to organizational problems In this article, the author explores nursing's readiness to engage in guideline appraisal and development and offers suggestions to prepare for accelerated involvement.

JONA Articles
4. Creating an Organizational Model to Support Advanced Practice
by Ackerman, Michael H et al. Journal of Nursing Administration. 40(2), February 2010: p63-68.

The growing number of advanced practice providers in hospital systems has necessitated the establishment of centralized coordinating centers to manage core functions related to regulatory requirements and credentialing and to provide resources for research and evidence-based practice and practice model innovation. The Margaret D. Sovie Center for Advanced Practice was created at the University of Rochester Medical Center to meet these demands of more than 350 nurse practitioners. The authors describe the structure and functions of the center.

5. The Nurse Leader as Logistician: Optimizing Human Capital
by Fitzpatrick, Therese A & Brooks, Beth A. Journal of Nursing Administration. 40(2), February 2010: p69-74.

Many traditional approaches to planning and deploying human capital have not been effective. Staffing offices are chaotic, budgets are overrun, staffing is frequently misaligned, a growing number of state legislatures are mandating nurse staffing levels, and dissatisfaction with work schedules abounds. The authors explores methodologies used in the science of logistics management, namely, systems theory and mathematical optimization modeling, which, when applied to human capital planning and deployment, can significantly improve business results.

6. Decreasing the Costs of Constant Observation
by Rausch, Danielle LaPage & Bjorklund, Pamela. Journal of Nursing Administration. 40(2), February 2010: p75-81.

A performance improvement project employed a bachelor's-prepared psychiatric liaison nurse (PLN) to reduce one-to-one (1:1) constant observation (CO) on all medical patient-care areas of a large, metropolitan hospital. The project succeeded in cutting the costs of CO in half. It showed that PLNs can safely facilitate large reductions in CO without associated increases in falls or restraint prevalence, yielding significant cost savings for hospitals.

7. Understanding Nurse Manager Stress and Work Complexity: Factors That Make a Difference
by Shirey, Maria R et al. Journal of Nursing Administration. 40(2), February 2010: p82-91.

Objective: This study provided insight into nurse manager stress and coping experiences.
Background: Overwork and stress have been implicated in today's nursing shortage. Although nurse managers play a pivotal role in creating work environments that retain staff nurses, little is known about nurse manager work.
Methods: This qualitative descriptive study used a sample of 21 nurse managers to determine what situations contribute to their stress, individual coping strategies, and health-related outcomes. Content analysis identified 3 study themes.
Results: People and resources, tasks and work volume, and performance expectations affect nurse managers' perceptions of stress. When comparing novice nurse managers with experienced nurse managers, experienced nurse managers (especially co managers) used more effective (problem focused) coping strategies and had fewer negative health-related outcomes.
Conclusion: Findings from this study suggest that to impact stress, coping, and complexity in the nurse manager role requires a combination of strategies that address individual and organizational factors.

8. Nursing Research Fellowship: Building Nursing Research Infrastructure in a Hospital
by Latimer, Renee & Kimbell, Jennifer. Journal of Nursing Administration. 40(2), February 2010: p92-98

The largest private hospital in Hawaii was recently awarded Magnet Recognition, partly due to its exemplary nursing research culture. The hospital fostered and sustained a strong research environment through the establishment of a nursing institute, nursing research council, and, most recently, a nursing research fellowship. The authors describe the fellowship that was designed to educate nurses on the research process and enable nurses to lead research projects.

Journals - Table of Contents

9. From Nursing Economics, Volume 28, Number 1, January/February 2010
CNE Series

9A. The Diabetes Disease State Management Exemplar [Are specific methods of course content delivery more or less effective at training practitioners to provide diabetes-related disease state management (DSM)? The major implication of this study is that all three forms of content delivery - in-class, at-home study packets, and online modules - are all equally effective at enhancing diabetes DSM knowledge.
9B. Characteristics of Internationally Educated Nurses in the United States: An Update from the 2004 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses  [With the worsening U.S. nurse shortage, it is likely that internationally educated nurses (IENs) will continue to come to the United States in increasing numbers and proportions in search for employment opportunities and a better life. IENs are playing an increasingly important role in the care of Americans. The characteristics of IENs have implications for recruitment, retention, and U.S. nurse workforce planning and policy].
9C. Key Elements of Large Survey Data Sets [Secondary data analysis of large data sets is a cost-effective research method that is underutilized by nurses and by nurse executives, even though the data are low-cost, easy to access, and represent national or state populations. The importance of nurse researchers conducting secondary analyses of large data sets and the steps that they must take to avoid jeopardizing the integrity of the data findings are discussed].
Highlights from 3rd Annual Nurse Faculty/ Nurse Executive Summit
Secure Your Seat at the Table: An Invitation for Nurse Leaders
9F. Supporting Nursing Residency Programs
9G. CNE Answer/Evaluation Form: Earn 1.4 Contact Hours - The Diabetes Disease State Management Exemplar
9H. Nursing Economics Foundation Awards 2009 Scholarships
Sensible Compromise: Will There Be Health Care Reform?
9J. Health Care Payment Reform: Implications for Nurses
The Human Side of Staffing
Development of the Role of Director of Advanced Practice Nursing

10. From International Journal of Nursing Practice, Volume 16, issue 1, February 2010
Scholarly Papers

10A. A systematic review: Students with mental health problems—A growing problem
10B. Consumer participation: Ensuring suicide postvention research counts for end users
Research Papers
10C. Prevalence of frailty on clinical wards: Description and implications
10D. Ethical values in caring encounters on a geriatric ward from the next of kin's perspective: An interview study 
10E. Bedside nursing handover: A case study
10F. The influence of a health education programme on healthy lifestyles and practices among university students
10G. Associations between psychosomatic symptoms in adolescence and mental health symptoms in early adulthood
10H. 'Caring? It's the little things we are not supposed to do anymore'
10I. Caregiver burden of family members of persons living with HIV in Thailand
10J. Elderly persons' experiences of striving to receive care on their own terms in nursing homes
10K. Experiences of the new role of advanced practice nurses in Swedish primary health care—A qualitative study
10L. An analysis of narratives to identify critical thinking contexts in psychiatric clinical practice 
10M. What is the matter with crushing pills and opening capsules? 

Conferences, Training and Seminars

11. Optimising Budget and Contract Management for Enhanced Health Outcomes
Meeting the challenge of capturing savings to channel into improvement of frontline services
26-27 May 2010
Venue: Rydges Hotel, Auckland

12. Operating Theatre Management Conference
30-31st March 2010
Venue: Stamford Plaza,Auckland
More information: 

News – National

13. Youth will suffer - Bagshaw
The Press - 12 March 2010
The closure of Christchurch's youth health centre will mean more drug and alcohol problems, teen pregnancies and suicides, a doctor warns. Dr Sue Bagshaw said she feared the rise in social problems could be replicated nationwide, with all youth health centres on "tenuous funding".

14. Petition condemns cut to aid
Southland Times - 12 March 2010
Elderly Southlanders crammed into a Southland District Health Board meeting yesterday to protest proposed cuts to domestic help services. Many of the 40-strong group were upset and uncertain how the proposed changes would affect them, including 70-year-old Gill Smith, who said she could not manage without the help she received.

15. Enough is Enough
Thursday - 11 March 2010
Press Release: Grey Power New Zealand 
NZ Grey Power members have had enough of the direction this Government is reviewing National Health Care. It has become very obvious that true observations of Community needs have not been taken into consideration.

16. Jury retires for night in caregiver manslaughter trial
Radio New Zealand - 9 March 2010
The High Court jury in the trial of two caregivers accused of killing an intellectually disabled woman has retired for the night. The body of Patricia Joseph, 37, was found dumped in the Wairoa River in Clevedon in January 2008. Here Teinakirai and Joseph Proude face a number of charges at the High Court in Auckland in relation to her death, including manslaughter by way of assault.

News - International

17. Sunscreens could damage your health, researcher warns
Sydney Morning Herald - 12 March 2010
Nanoparticles used to make some sunscreens transparent may also be toxic, according to Australian research. A study by Amanda Barnard, of the CSIRO, found the nanoparticles that provided the best transparency and sun protection also had the highest risk of producing free radicals.

18. Health plan put at risk by Brumby
The Age - 12 March 2010
Premier John Brumby has threatened to scuttle a federal deal on health reform next month if he is refused access to secret federal plans to overhaul the tax system, as Prime Minister Kevin Rudd prepares to pledge thousands of extra hospital beds to sweeten his reform push.

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