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Issue 125 - 26 Feb 2010


1. Editorial: It Is Goodbye From Me
by Whitley, Georgia Griffith. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies & Classifications, Jan-Mar2010, Vol 21
Issue 1: p1

2. Editorial: Hello From Me
by Flanagan, Jane. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies & Classifications, Jan-Mar2010, Vol 21 Issue 1: p2

3. An Educational Strategy for Teaching Standardized Nursing Languages
by Farren, Arlene T. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies & Classifications, Jan-Mar2010, Vol 21 Issue 1: p3-13
PURPOSE. The aim of this paper is to describe an educational strategy for teaching standardized nursing languages (SNL) used in both the classroom and clinical components of a psychiatric–mental health nursing course at the associate degree level.
DATA SOURCES. Data included a review of the relevant literature, teaching experiences, and faculty and student experiences.
DATA SYNTHESIS. Enhancing associate degree student nurses' competency regarding diagnosis and interventions is essential to influence positive health outcomes. Use of diagnostic, outcome, and intervention classifications for learning nursing care promotes critical thinking, individualization of nursing care, and students' fluency with SNL. One possible teaching strategy to assist students to learn and use SNL was implemented through the use of a faculty-developed Student Nurse Documentation Packet.
CONCLUSIONS. The educational strategy provided students opportunities to enhance their experience with the SNL to plan and document care of individuals experiencing psychiatric–mental health problems.
IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING. The educational strategy used in this program was judged to be successful. Research is needed to provide empirical evidence of the efficacy of this pedagogical strategy for increasing knowledge and enhancing students' competency. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

4. Aging as a Related Factor of the Nursing Diagnosis Impaired Memory: Content Validation
by Chaves, Enaura Helena Brandão et al. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies & Classifications,Jan-Mar2010 Vol. 21 Issue 1: p14-20.
PURPOSE. The purpose of this study was to conduct a content validation for the elements of the nursing diagnosis Impaired Memory and include aging as a related factor.
METHOD. Fehring's (1987 ) model of diagnosis content validation was used, with the participation of 18 experts.
FINDING. The definition, defining characteristics, and related factors of NANDA-I were evaluated by experts, as was the proposed related factor “aging.”
CONCLUSIONS. Elements of the NANDA-I diagnosis Impaired Memory and the proposed related factor of aging were validated in the Brazilian context. A clinical validation of this related factor will be necessary to build evidence for this relationship.
IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE. NANDA-I diagnoses should be tested and validated in the elderly, in order to take their specific needs into account, thus contributing to quality nursing care for these patients.

5. A Comparison of the Concept of Patient Participation and Patients' Descriptions as Related to Healthcare Definitions
by Catrine, Ann; Ekman, Inger; Ehnfors, Margareta. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies & Classifications, Jan-Mar2010,
Vol. 21 Issue 1: p21-32
PURPOSE. To depict what patients describe as patient participation and whether descriptions of patient participation are affected by gender, age, healthcare contact, and duration of disease.
DATA SOURCES. Current patients ( n= 362) responded to a questionnaire on participation.
DATA SYNTHESIS. Patients' descriptions focused on having knowledge, rather than being informed, and on interacting with health professionals, rather than merely partaking in decision making.
CONCLUSIONS. Patients' descriptions of participation correspond with the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health's definition, which includes “being involved in a life situation.” Healthcare legislation and professionals employ a narrower concept of patient participation as defined by, e.g., Medical Subject Headings.
PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. Findings suggest that health professionals need to embrace what patients describe as participation.

6. An Interview With Marilynn Doenges, Mary Moorhouse, and Alice Murr
by Müller-Staub, Maria; Odenbreit, Matthias. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies & Classifications, Jan-Mar2010, Vol. 21 Issue 1: p33-38
Abstract: An interview with Marilynn Doenges, Mary Moorhouse and Alice Murr, authors of the "Nurses Pocket Guide," is presented. Doenges describes their vision for writing the guide. Moorhouse discusses how their collaboration started. Murr comments on the connection between the use of nursing diagnoses and the electronic health record or electronic nursing documentation.

7. Nurse Anesthetist Follow-up of an Adolescent Female With Gunshot Trauma: A Case Study
by Johnson, Carolyn Y. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies & Classifications, Jan-Mar2010, Vol 21 Issue 1: p39-42.
PURPOSE. This case study was written to demonstrate the usefulness of standardized nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions in nurse anesthetist care of an adolescent trauma patient.
DATA SOURCES. Literature reviews using Academic Premier, Google Scholar, and CINAHL databases were done to find current, relevant articles concerning evaluation and support of female African-American adolescents living in socially vulnerable and economically exploited environments.
DATA SYNTHESIS. A case is presented and evidence from current publications is analyzed to support the diagnosis, outcomes and interventions.
CONCLUSION. The investment in extra time, care, and effort sometimes required for the full development of a treatment plan for teenagers who live where they are at high risk for violence and other consequences of stressful environments is a worthwhile one, even if results may require contact over an extended time period.
PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. Nurses of all specialty backgrounds need to be concerned with the progress of their patients. Sometimes nurses can best serve their patients by stepping away from the physiological event and focusing instead on responses in the domain of coping and stress tolerance as the root of difficulties. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

8. Nanda International News
by Herdman, T. Heather et al. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies & Classifications, Jan-Mar2010, Vol 21 Issue 1: p43-46.
Abstract: The article presents updates on NANDA-International(NANDA-I) as of January 2010. According to a report issued in October 2009, the responsibilities of the executive director of the nursing organization include managing all contracts with affiliated organizations and responding to inquiries from members and nonmembers. The NANDA-I board is working on questions related to credentials, online setup and program content for an online certification program.

9. News From Around the Globe
by Moorhead, Sue & Flanagan, Jane. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies & Classifications, Jan-Mar2010, Vol 21 Issue 1: p47-48.
Abstract: This section offers news briefs related to nursing, including the activities planned for the 9th Institute on Nursing Informatics & Classification to be held in Iowa from July 9 to 11, 2010, the highlights of the annual meeting of the Center for Nursing Classification and Clinical Effectiveness Fellows on October 2, 2009 and the appointment of Cindy Scherb as a postdoctoral fellow for the Center for the academic year 2009 to 2010.

Journals - Table of Contents

10. From Journal of Law and Medicine, Volume 17, Number 3, December 2009
10A. Doctor-patient privilege - Ian Freckleton
10B. Review of the New Zealand's Health and Disability Commissioner Act and Code of Rights - Joanna Manning
Ecstasy: As harmful as heroin? - Russ Scott
Withdrawing treatment at the direct or indirect request of patients or in their best interests: HNEAHS v A; Brightwater CG v Rossiter; and Australian capital territory v JT
Sovereignty and international politics in the negotiation of the avian influenza Material Transfer Agreement
10F. Making public health policy: What place for the alcohol-dependent? - Sheila AM McLean
10G. Public policy on alcohol in the United Kingdom: Towards a safety net for the alcohol-dependent - Laura Williamson
10H. Drugs, discrimination and disability - Frances Gibson
10I. Developing an equivalent to the National Medicines Policy for medical devices - Matthew W Smith and Thomas A Faunce
10J. Can we prevent doctors being complicit in torture? breaking the serpent's egg - Mike O'Connor
10K. Necessity to palliate pain and suffering as a defence to medical homicide - Rodney Syme
10L. Regulating preimplantation genetic diagnosis: A criminal model versus a professional model - Kerry Petersen

Conferences, Training and Seminars

11. RCNA 2010 Nursing Summit 26-28 May 2010
Minds converging to inspire, progress and promote the profession of nursing

Date: May 2010
Venue: Canberra, Australia

News – National

12. Chief nurse uses public cash to charter yacht
NZ Herald - 26 February 2010
The Ministry of Health's former chief nurse who quit after racking up a massive travel and expenses bill used tax payer money to charter a yacht it has been revealed. Mark Jones would be asked to pay back $1250 after chartering the yacht without ministry approval, Fairfax Media reported.

13. Interval training can cut exercise hours sharply
NZ Herald - 26 February 2010
LONDON - People who complain they have no time to exercise may soon need another excuse. Some experts say intense exercise sessions could help people squeeze an entire week's workout into less than an hour. Those regimens - also called interval training - were originally developed for Olympic athletes and thought to be too strenuous for normal people.

News - International

14. Sunscreen's zinc factor ends up in blood
The Australian - 25 February 2010
PEOPLE who use a lot of sunscreen could be at risk of having "larger than normal" quantities of zinc in their bloodstream, with new evidence showing zinc particles penetrate the skin and are absorbed into the body. Geochemist Brian Gulson, of Sydney's Macquarie University, has provided the first conclusive evidence that zinc oxide nanoparticles - which appear in many translucent sunscreens - can be absorbed by the body and remain there for extended periods of time.


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