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Issue 123 - 2 Feb 2010


1. Editorial. Australian Nursing Journal, Dec 2009 - Jan 2010. 17(6): p1

The ANF will continue to call on you for support in our "Because We Care Campaign" next year. In the early part of 2010 our campaign efforts will be directed at making sure the federal government ‘delivers for aged care’ in the May 2010 Budget. We want to close the wages gap for our colleagues in aged care and improve the quality of care delivered to older Australians. Visit the website ( to keep up to date with the progress of
the campaign and to see how you can participate.

2. Letter to the Editor: Don't let us down (A message to Health Minister Nicola Roxon from nurses and midwives and the
communities they care for). Australian Nursing Journal, Dec 2009 - Jan 2010. 17(6): p3

The Australian Nursing Federation, on behalf of our 175,000 members, 11,000 of whom are midwives urge you to stand firm in realising your government's vision for primary health care and midwifery services -- a vision we share. Nurse practitioners and midwives care for thousands of people every day, but are not properly funded by the federal government. Your proposed legislation allowing Medicare rebates and PBS subsidies for their services is a wonderful development for everyone in this country.

3. Letter to the Editor: Health Legislation Amendment (Midwives and Nurse Practitioners) Bill 2009.
by Holmes, B. Australian Nursing Journal, Dec 2009 - Jan 2010. 17(6): p3

I write on behalf of the NSW Nurses' Association (ANF NSW Branch) to express our disappointment at the amendment to the Health Legislation Amendment (Midwives and Nurse Practitioners) Bill 2009 which will require nurse practitioners and eligible midwives to have a collaborative arrangement with a medical practitioner. These changes will do little to improve the availability and accessibility of high quality health care for many Australians, particularly those in rural areas. We understand that the requirement to show a collaborative arrangement has been on the agenda throughout the current discussions in relation to the Health Legislation Amendment (Midwives and Nurse Practitioners) Bill 2009. However we do not agree that the legislation should be further amended to incorporate these potentially restrictive arrangements. The Bill as it stood previously represented a practical, common sense approach to helping more people throughout Australia access safe, effective health care.

4. Letter to the Editor: Surprised and concerned.
by Vallance R. Australian Nursing Journal, Dec 2009 - Jan 2010. 17(6): p3
I was a little surprised and extremely concerned to hear that the federal government has moved an amendment to the legislation giving nurse practitioners and midwives access to the PBS and MBS. I knew the AMA had been lobbying for changes to this legislation but believed the Health Minister would stand firm.

5. ANMC launches national standards. Australian Nursing Journal, Dec 2009 - Jan 2010, 17(6): p5

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) launched new national standards for the accreditation of nursing and midwifery courses at the National Press Club in Canberra last month. The launch of the national accreditation standards coincided with the appointment of the first national Nurses and Midwives Board of Australia and the implementation of a national scheme for the regulation of health professionals.

6. WHO expert visits Australia.
Australian Nursing Journal, Dec 2009 - Jan 2010. 17(6): p5

The World Health Organization is pushing to implement a draft code next year on the international recruitment of health professionals due to increased migration and a crisis shortage in developing countries. There would be a move for bilateral agreements between countries on international recruitment, visiting WHO European Observatory on Health Systems policy associate professor John Buchan said at a public lecture in Melbourne last month.

7. 2010: a decisive year for aged care.
by Bellino S. Australian Nursing Journal, Dec 2009 - Jan 2010. 17(6): p6
The because we care campaign continues to gain momentum around the country. Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon attended the ANF biennial conference recently where she confirmed that our messages were being heard by the federal government. ANF organisers continue to visit workplaces and more members are getting involved in the campaign as it moves forward. State and territory branches of the ANF are focusing on follow up visits to MPs and Senators,discussing the campaign and the need to improve working conditions and standards of care.

8. ANF message loud and clear
Australian Nursing Journal, Dec 2009 - Jan 2010. 17(6): p6
The ANF's because we care campaign is being heard by the Australian government and the message is "loud and clear", Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon said last month. The Minister's announcement that aged care would be considered in the federal budget was met with resounding applause from delegates at the ANF's biennial conference held in Sydney recently. "We are very aware of the campaign in aged care and we see people focused on the campaign", she said.

9. Gender pay gap widens.
Australian Nursing Journal, Dec 2009 - Jan 2010. 17(6): p11

Australian women are falling behind other countries in pay equity, according to global statistics released last month. Australia was ranked 20th in the World Economic Forum's global gender gap index for 2009, a drop from 15th since 2006.

10. Landmark pay equity case for low paid.
Australian Nursing Journal, Dec 2009 - Jan 2010. 17(6): p11

Tens of thousands of low paid social and community services workers may receive pay rises of more than $100 a week under the Commonwealth's first federal test case on pay equity under the new Fair Work system. The case, led by the Australian Services Union(ASU) and backed by the ACTU, is the centerpiece of a push by Australian unions to reduce discrimination against women workers.

11. New drugs program.
Australian Nursing Journal, Dec 2009 - Jan 2010. 17(6): p11

An online learning program to help health professionals assess new medicines has been developed by the National Prescribing Service (NPS), Australia's peak body which provides information on the quality use of medicines. Six interactive learning modules focus on key skills needed to make evidence-based decisions, including critical
appraisal around new medicines.

12. Detention centres appalling.
Australian Nursing Journal, Dec 2009 - Jan 2010. 17(6): p12-3

Asylum seekers are being housed in squalid, cramped and filthy conditions in many Indonesian immigration detention facilities. A report released last month highlighted cramped conditions, grossly inadequate hygiene and sanitation, rodent infestations, inadequate food, polluted water and a lack of medical care for asylum seekers.

13. In Brief: Research funding; HIV guide; Indigenous Health Institute; H1N1 rollout Asia Pacific
Australian Nursing Journal, Dec 2009 - Jan 2010.

Journals - Table of Contents

14. From The Dissector: Journal of the Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation. December 2009
Volume 37, No.3

14A. What a great team (Snippets from the PNC Conference; Financial incentive for members to write for their journal; Renewal of AdVantage Publishing contract)
The refreshing air of our National Conference
Incentive to publish in the Dissector
14D. Perioperative Nursing, an introductory text by Dr. Lois Hamlin; Mosby, 2009.
14E. Changes in Editorial Committee
Medical Imaging nurses join Perioperative Nurses College
14G. Management of temperature & major abdominal surgery
14H. 12 PNC members receive awards at AGM
"Life in Balance in Life" (this was chosen as the theme because we all agreed that to enjoy our lives to the full we needed to be balanced in all aspects - work, rest and play.
Medical imaging nurse - led paracentesis & ascites drain insertions
14K. Benefits of attending PNC conference
Process Communication Model (this paper presents the findings of clinical research focusing on behaviour, communication, motivation and conflict solving
14M. The power of touch

15. From Registered Nurse Journal, Volume 21, No.6, November/December 2009
The journal of the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario

15A. Keeping pace with H1N1
15B. Taking the long view towards meeting our goals
H1N1 reveals SARS' silver lining
Member responds to RNAO's views on physician assistants; RNs debate skill mix on front lines
Responding to H1N1; Mental health memorial; Safe surgery; Medicine cabinet clean-up; Barrie gets NP-led clinic; Climbing the ranks; Warning about flu shot dangers off the mark; Driven to succeed; Healthy body, mind and spirit
15F. Shifting communication: Bedside conversations are helping nurses get life-saving information
15G. On the front line: as H1N1 spreads across Ontario, RNs are at the epicentre of plans to keep people well
15H. Coping with cancer: RN helps families deal with the reality of life beyond chemotherapy
15I. Translating through trauma: RNs find new ways to communicate with families coping with a child's illness
15J. House calls: RNs play a pivotal role in helping seniors stay at home for as long as they can
15K. RNAO wins changes on HAPS; Practice changes for RNs and NPs; Why mental health matters
15L. Hands on evidence: Nurses are using pocket-sized devices to access volumes of evidence-based information right at their fingertips
16. From Nursing.aust, Spring 2009, Vol 10 No 3
Published by the College of Nursing

16A. Moving forward (The College held its AGM; Minister Roxon's decision to make nurse practitioners accountable to doctors
16B. Greg Rickard: Principal Nursing advisor for the Northern Territory
16C. Hope Croll portrait donated to college
16D. Thursday 22 October 6.45 am... (Matiu Bush, MPH Sexual Health Nurse Practitioner Candidate
16E. Helping new parents take the 'First Steps' in a medical emergency
16F. Anorexia Nervosa Clinical Trial (in a world first, the University of Sydney is conducting a treatment program for women over the age of 18 with longstanding anorexia nervosa (L-AN)
16G. National Rural Health Alliance
16H. What nursing students do (The experiences of Indonesian student Lies Raharjo)
16I. Wisdom at work: Retaining and recruiting older nurses
16J. World Pneumonia Day aims to save lives
16K. St Vincent's private hospital in its centenary year begins its journey towards magnet designation
16L. Diabetes Australia - NSW optimistic and upbeat about diabetes
16M. College of Nursing orator's workshop highlights magnet hospitals
16N. R U OK?: Aiming to decrease suicide rates
16O. Multicultural mental health Australia: Improving mental health care for CALD communities
16P. Library News (This article talks about the many changes that the College library has undergone since opening in 1999

Conferences, Training and Seminars

Delegates (researchers, policy makers, practitioners and consumers) will be attending this conference to present, listen, debate and learn how research, evaluation and development will improve primary health care.
Venue: Darwin, Australia
Date: 30 June-2 July 2010
More information:

News – National

18. Nurse career prospects 'ruined'
Waikato Times - 1/2/2010
A Waikato woman set upon by party-goers after she admitted attacking her cousin with a steering wheel lock has ruined her prospects of becoming a nurse, a court was told.

19. Ryall supports high salaries for Chief Executives, ignores doctors and nurses
Media release from Labour Health spokesperson Ruth Dyson
NZ Doctor - 1 February 2010

20. Feilding rest home resigns from aged care group

21. Staff being trained to help smokers
ODT - 8 December, 2009
Dunedin is not the only place where patients smoking outside hospital entrances is an issue for hospital managers. At Christchurch Hospital, some visitors and patients smoked outside the main entrance, as they did at other hospitals run by the Canterbury District Health Board, the board's smokefree manager, Vivien Daley, said.

News - International

22. Healthy adults need less sleep as they age: study
The Age - February 1, 2010
Healthy older adults need less sleep than their younger counterparts and, even with less sleep under their nightcaps are less likely to feel tired during the day, a study published Monday showed. The time spent actually sleeping out of eight hours in bed declined progressively and significantly with age, the study published in SLEEP, the official journal of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society, said.

23. Caffeine may help prevent Type 2 diabetes
Calgary Herald - 1 Feb, 2010
Study examines past research into possible benefits of the stimulant in reducing risk

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