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Issue 117 - 10 Nov 2009



1. Anesthesia Group Launches Patient Resource Web Site.
Critical Care Nurse, Oct 2009, Vol 29 Issue 5: p10
The American Society of Anesthesiologists has launched Lifeline to Modern Medicine (lifelinetomodernmedicine .com), a Web site that provides information about anesthesia care for patients.

2. Position Paper on Intraosseous Vascular Access.
Critical Care Nurse, Oct 2009, Vol 29 Issue 5: p10
The Infusion Nurses Society, a national organization of professionals involved in infusion therapy, convened a national task force of experts to examine the practice of RNs placing intraosseous(IO) access devices.

3. Enteral Nutrition Practice Recommendations.
Critical Care Nurse, Oct 2009, Vol 29 Issue 5: p10
The American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) has developed The Enteral Nutrition Practice Recommendations to share with multidisciplinary teams responsible for delivering enteral nutrition.

4. New Training Tool for Hospital Rapid Response Systems.
Critical Care Nurse, Oct 2009, Vol 29 Issue 5: p10
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the Department of Defense have released the evidence-based module TeamSTEPPS to help implement team training and to improve care delivery and patient safety.

5. Celebrate the digital reincarnation of critical care nurse.
Critical Care Nurse, Oct 2009, Vol. 29 Issue 5: p12-14
This issue of Critical Care Nurse represents both a culmination and celebration. After many months of diligent preparation, the October 2009 issue of CCN is the first issue in its
29-year history to be simultaneously published in both print and digital formats.

6. Continuous ST-Segment Monitoring: 3 Case Studies in Progressive Care.
Critical Care Nurse, Oct2009, Vol. 29 Issue 5: p18-27
For patients in intensive care units (ICUs) and progressive
care units (PCUs), a particular area of interest in the cardiac waveform
is the ST segment. Depression or elevation of the ST portion of the
waveform in at least 2 electrocardiography (ECG) leads that view the same surface of the heart indicates possible ischemia and resulting risk for myocardial infarction or death.

7. Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: A Nurse's Guide.
Critical Care Nurse, Oct 2009, Vol 29 Issue 5: p32-43
A broken heart classically refers to an emotional state caused by psychological pain. Current research indicates that a broken heart is a true medical condition, not just a play on words. Broken heart syndrome is due to an exaggerated sympathetic response to stress that causes a severe but reversible left ventricular failure.

8. Congenital Complete Atrioventricular Block in a Young Man: A Case Study.
Critical Care Nurse, Oct 2009, Vol 29 Issue 5: p45-57
Congenital complete atrioventricular block (CCAVB) occurs from fetal age to young adulthood in a person who has had no other cardiac arrhythmia detected before the heart block and no other history or signs and symptoms of generalized disease.

9. Intensive Care Nurses' Interest in Clinical Personal Digital Assistants.
Critical Care Nurse, Oct 2009, Vol. 29 Issue 5: p58-64
Health care information technology is being advanced to
support clinicians’ decision making. Clinical decision support from
health care information technology presents an opportunity for collaboration between clinicians within nursing informatics and critical
care nurses that could benefit the profession of nursing, improve patient care, and increase the quality and efficiency of health care.

10. Perception of Adequacy of Staffing.
Critical Care Nurse, Oct 2009, Vol 29 Issue 5: p65-71
: Perceived adequacy of staffing depends on staff nurses’ perceptions of the work environment in the unit.

11. Assessing Gastric Residual Volumes.
Critical Care Nurse, Oct2009, Vol. 29 Issue 5: p72-73
Monitoring gastric residual volumes (GRVs) to assess the safety of enteral tube feeding has been a routine practice in many intensive care units. This practice, however, has never been standardized. Protocols for monitoring have been incorporated into standards of care because high GRVs are thought to be due to delayed gastric emptying caused by intolerance to enteral formula that may result in aspiration of gastric contents.

Journals – Table of Contents

12. From Nursing Review, Vol 10 issue 7, November 2009
12A. Nursing's new tv icon {Nurse Jackie]
12B. Council defers decision on RN scope
12C. Half of nursing workforce working part time
12D. New technology tested [New Zealand's first telehealth pilot]
12E. Improvements needed for student competence assessment
12F. News brief: New DoN and loss of DoN; New Waikato nursing director; Teenage drinkers more at risk of harm; cough medicines not for under-sixes; Standardising medicines terminology
12G. Expert shares US experience on simulation for training
12H. Nurses find value in simulation
12I. Nurses gain place at the table
12J. Rest home audits tested
12K. Disciplinary notes: Court conviction; Nurses found guilty of theft
12L. Smoking and risk of death
12M. Health literacy - receiving a clear message
12N. Move over Florence [Comments on the tv drama Nurse Jackie by Jane Lawless and Michael Geraghty]
12O. Nursing support benefits rest home residents; Survey tracks change in aged care population; Sharing the best practice in Scotland
12P. Aged care under-valued by nursing schools
12Q. What are some of the challenges facing men? [Two case studies from OHML magazine]
12R. A letter to nursing [Enrolled nurses training programme]

13. From tqm (The Queensland Nurse), Vol. 28, No 5, October 2009
13A. Bringing about change [Attendance by Desley Geraghty-Rudd at the ANF Federal Council meeting]
13B. Building on our experiences [award modernisation process]
13C. Steeping up to the challenge [Developments in nursing and midwifery in NSW]
13D. Toowoomba ENs fight for ENAP upgrade; QH compulsory Christmas/new year closure - concessional leave arrangements
13E. New uniform for QH employees; Queensland Children's Hospital update
13F. The gender pay gap widens; Not-for-profit super funds best performers
13G. Nurse practitioners must be part of general practice teams; Doctor-free clinic chain to open nationally
13H. Never too old to feel young in America; have you relocated from overseas to Australia for work? [Couples coping with international job relocations research project]
13I. Thousands of QNU members support aged care campaign
13J. Taking the journey with breast cancer patients [Amanda Finlay - McGrath Breast Care Nurse]
13K. Save and win with Union Shopper
13L. Health reform presents opportunities for the future [National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission's Final Report]
13M. National registration about to become a reality
13N. Consultation and cooperation makes good sense; Bargaining in private hospitals
13O. What you need to know about social networking [Simple rules that nurses and midwives should follow]
13P. The latest on H1N1
13Q. What you need to know about workers' compensation; Workers send powerful safety message at nationwide rallies
13R. New QNC requirements for RN midwives
13S. The stolen wages campaign
13T. Many possibilities for mental health nursing

News – National

14. 2008 New Zealand Tobacco Use Survey: Quitting Results
Date of publication (online): November 2009
New Zealand Tobacco Use Survey 2008: Quitting results, focusing on the quitting behaviour of current smokers, is the second report based on the New Zealand Tobacco Use Survey 2008 (NZTUS 2008) data.

15. My skills are no longer needed, says rural GP
Dominion Post - 10 November 2009
Gratian Perera has delivered thousands of babies, attended countless farm accidents and more car crashes than he cares to remember. Now Ohakune's doctor of a almost four decades is standing aside, saying his wide range of skills – invaluable in a sole rural practice – are no longer needed.

16. ACC to rein in medical scan costs
Stuff - 9 November 2009
ACC says they will move to rein in the cost of medical scans, which has blown out to $97m in the last year. "The cost of these scans (such as MRI and CT) has risen 120 percent in five years. That's a far greater rise than you would expect from inflation, claim numbers or any other factor," ACC director of health purchasing Gail Kettle said.

17. Health Research Council - Research Initiatives
H1N1Influenza:  Rapid Response Request for Research Proposals
The HRC has developed a rapid response Request for Proposals (RFP) to initiate an urgent funding round for research into the H1N1 pandemic in New Zealand. The fund will support applicants to undertake research that will increase the understanding of the spread of the disease, epidemiology and the effect of the various public health responses.
For information: Suzanne Rolfe, Project Coordinator, DDI: 0064 9 303 5085 or email: [email protected].

18. Insurer: Health bills out of control
Sunday Star Times - 1 November 2009
Rising healthcare costs have reached crisis point, pushing families to give up their health insurance and fall back onto the straining state system, says Ian McPherson, chief executive of Southern Cross Medical Care Society. The not-for-profit insurer saw claims rise by $61 million in the year to June and McPherson said factors behind the claims blowout included the amount private surgeons earned and costly new medical technologies with little or no proven clinical benefit.

News - International

19. 8 common diabetes questions answered
CNN - November 9, 2009
Nearly 24 million Americans have diabetes; another 57 million have prediabetes, a precursor to the disease. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that if the diabetes epidemic continues, one in three Americans will develop it in his or her lifetime.

20. TV turns tots aggressive
The Australian November 07, 2009
TODDLERS who don't watch much television, after research showing they are less aggressive than their goggle-eyed counterparts.

21. Unsafe sex also in older adults: poll
The Age - November 9, 2009 - 11:29AM
Almost all sexually active Australians say they have had unprotected sex, and yet more than half say they have never had a test for a sexually transmitted infection (STI). A poll of more than 1,000 people aged 18 to 40 also found "unsafe sex" was reported right through the group and not just among young people.

22. GPs back push for super clinics 
The Age -  November 9, 2009
It is critical that the federal government continues to move away from a hospital-based health system by "re-empowering" general practice, the nation's peak body representing 110 general practices says.

23. Lower cholesterol may lessen risk of some cancers
CNN - Ray Hainer,
November 9, 2009

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