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Issue 114 - 20 October 2009



New Zealand Book Month

NZ Book Month is a non-profit initiative that has the whole book industry behind it, from writers and publishers to bookshops and libraries. Quite simply, the idea is to get more of us reading New Zealand books.

We are proud to be a nation of readers. On a global scale, Kiwis are highly literate and recent surveys show that many of us wouldn’t think about relaxing without a good book. But we want more of those books to be ones that have been written by New Zealand writers. We want to celebrate and showcase the brilliant writing talent we have, to support new and upcoming writers in our country, to tap into the pride we feel in our literary landscape and show you that whatever your taste, there’s a fantastic New Zealand book for you.
NZ Book Month is being celebrated this month - October. Keep your ears and eyes peeled for nationwide events. 

Reunion Dunedin School of Nursing
April 1965 class, 45th anniversary, to be held in Dunedin at Easter 2010. Inquiries to


1. Making men's health policy relevant for the 21st century by Keleher, Helen. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 01/08/2009, Vol 20 Issue 2: p83-84
The author focuses on the plan of the Australian government to develop a National Men's Health Policy (NMHP) in 2009. Reducing the barriers men experience in accessing health services and raising awareness of preventable health problems that affect men are some of the focus of the policy. She stresses that NMHP should not ignore men's health issues related to violence against women. She suggests that the nation will achieve better health for its citizens by coordinating NMHP with the National Women's Health Policy (NWHP).

2. The Oxford Health Alliance gives young people a voice on chronic disease
by Hersch, Fred et al. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 01/08/2009, Vol 20 Issue 2: p84-85
The article focuses on the Young Professionals Network (YPN) established by the Oxford Health Alliance in England in 2008 which aims to engage young people in the discussion about chronic diseases and their prevention. A workshop of YPN held in Sydney, New South Wales in 2008 discussed the issue of health promotion in the workplace which would lead to increased productivity of employees. Making healthy food choices and making cities that promote health were also emphasized during the workshop.

3. Concepts and new frontiers for development -- What role should health promoters play in lifestyle-based diabetes prevention programs in Australia?
by Milat, Andrew J et al. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 01/08/2009, Vol 20 Issue 2: p86-91
Issue addressed:
As the prevalence of many chronic diseases, particularly type 2 diabetes continues to increase, Australia's health system must be able to respond in an appropriate and cost-effective way. These efforts have been enhanced recently by a number of Council of Australian Governments' initiatives that have seen an increased focus on lifestyle-based secondary prevention of chronic disease, in particular for diabetes. This paper aims to stimulate interest and debate in relation to the role that health promotion practitioners can play in shaping lifestyle-based diabetes prevention programs in Australia. The paper briefly describes the chronic disease prevention policy context in Australia and defines primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. It also examines effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of diabetes prevention interventions and describes how the field can use its expertise in the areas of equity, diffusion of innovation, partnership development, participant empowerment and advocacy in order to shape the design, implementation and evaluation of lifestyle-based diabetes prevention programs in Australia.
Conclusions: State and national governments have substantially increased their investment in lifestyle-based diabetes prevention programs in Australia. If they are found to be effective and cost effective they are likely to attract additional investment and make up an increasing proportion of the prevention budget and accordingly, should not be ignored by the field of health promotion. [ABSTRACT

4. Australia's National Men's Health Policy: Masculinity Matters
by Saunders, Margo & Peerson, Anita. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 01/08/2009, Vol 20 Issue 2: p92-97
Issue addressed:
The development of Australia's first national men's health policy provides an important opportunity for informed discussions of health and gender. It is therefore a concern that the stated policy appears to deliberately exclude hegemonic masculinity and other masculinities, despite evidence of their major influence on men's health-related values, beliefs, perspectives, attitudes, motivations and behaviour.
Methods: We provide an evidence-based critique of the proposed approach to a national men's health policy which raises important questions about whether the new policy can achieve its aims if it fails to acknowledge 'masculinity' as a key factor in Australian men's health.
Conclusions: The national men's health policy should be a means to encourage gender analysis in health. This will require recognition of the influence of hegemonic masculinity, and other masculinities, on men's health. Recognising the influence of 'masculinity' on men's health is not about 'blaming' men for 'behaving badly', but is crucial to the development of a robust, meaningful and comprehensive national men's health policy. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

5. A focus on health promotion and prevention through the development of the national men's health policy
by Smith, James A et al. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 01/08/2009, Vol 20 Issue 2: p98-101
Issues addressed:
The Australian Government announced its intention to develop a national men's health policy in June 2008. A focus on prevention was identified as a foundation principle that would underpin the development of this policy. This brief report provides a descriptive account of the key discussion points relating to health promotion and prevention during a National Men's Health Roundtable held in Canberra in March 2009.
Methods: Invitations to the Roundtable were extended to peak professional organisations and national health bodies with an interest in men's health. Presentations from the National Preventative Health Taskforce, the National Primary Health Care External Reference Group and National Men's Health Ambassadors were used to provoke discussion relating to men's health.
Results: The most salient issues that were raised at the Roundtable and that were specific to health promotion and prevention contexts included the need to clearly define key terms that relate to health promotion and prevention (to support a joined-up and health-in-all-policies approach); acknowledge that gender intersects with other social determinants of health; recognise that men's engagement though health promotion and primary healthcare services can be improved by using settings-based approaches more widely; a greater focus on men's health literacy; a universal funding system to support men's health promotion; clarity about the roles and responsibilities that various health professionals play in improving the status of men's health; and the need to build health equity between and within specific populations of men through action on the social determinants of health.
Conclusion: Recognising the place of health promotion and illness prevention in a national men's health policy will provide the necessary platform to build critical health literacy among men, promote equitable access to primary healthcare services and better support men's engagement within the health system.

6. Prevalence and determinants of sunburn in Queensland
by Rogers, Carla et al. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 01/08/2009, Vol 20 Issue 2: p102-106
Issue addressed:
Australia records the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world. In response to this, public education campaigns have incorporated messages about reducing sun exposure and avoiding sunburn. This study sought to describe the prevalence of and factors associated with sunburn in Queensland residents.
Methods: The Queensland Cancer Risk Study was a population-based, cross-sectional survey of 9,298 respondents conducted via computer-assisted telephone interview during 2004. Sunburn prevalence and its association with socio-demographics and skin cancer risk variables were examined.
Results: More than two-thirds (70.4%) of respondents reported at least one episode of sunburn in the past 12 months, and one in 10 respondents reported at least one episode of severe sunburn in the past 12 months. Experiences of sunburn on two or more occasions were reported more frequently by males than females (57.6% versus 46.5%, p<0.001), and by nearly two-thirds (65.8%) of those aged 20-39 years compared to 48.0% of 40-59 year olds, and 26.7% of 60-75 year olds (p<0.001). Episodes of sunburn were strongly associated with being male (OR=2.20 95%CI 1.84-2.63) and being aged 20 to 39 years compared to 60 to 75 years (OR=9.79, 95%CI=7.66-12.50). Conclusions: Sunburn remains highly prevalent among Queensland residents particularly among men and in the younger age groups. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

7. Similarity of sun protection attitudes and behaviours within north Queensland peer groups
by Woolley, Torres & Buettner, Petra. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 01/08/2009, Vol 20 Issue 2: p107-111
Issue addressed:
The study investigates whether the perceived sun protective practices of the peer group during a day-time recreational boat trip were associated with the sun protective attitudes and behaviours of individuals on the same boat.
Methods: Cross-sectional survey of recreational boat users conducted in Townsville, North Queensland, during the summer of 2003. One hundred and twenty-four of 134 boat users returning from a day trip agreed to participate, with 10 later excluded from analysis due to either being the sole person on the boat or because they were in the sun for less than an hour between 9 am and 3 pm (n=114, response rate=92%).
Results: The more positively respondents perceived the sun protective behaviours of other people on the boat, the more likely they were to report that they: did not enjoy exposing their unprotected skin to the sun (p=0.004); believed an occasional sunburn is not an acceptable risk (p=0.006); wore sunglasses on the trip (p=0.002); wore a wide-brimmed hat together with a long-sleeved shirt and sunscreen (p=0.006); and did not report reasons for neglecting to use sun protection (p=0.019).
Conclusions: The perceived sun protection practices of the peer group majority were significantly associated with the sun protection practices of the observer. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

8. Tooty Fruity Vegie in Preschools: an obesity prevention intervention in preschools targeting children's movement skills and eating behaviours
by Adams, Jillian et al. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 01/08/2009, Vol 20 Issue 2: p112-119
Preschools program in NSW Australia which addressed diet, movement skills and overweight indicators. Methods: The TFV program was a one-year intervention conducted during 2006 and 2007 in 18 preschools (matched with 13 control preschools). The study had a quasi-experimental design with pre- and post-intervention evaluation of nutrition and physical activity variables as well as anthropometric measures. Details of the program's methodological aspects such as the recruitment process, intervention strategies and evaluation instruments are described. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

9. Promoting a team ball game (Lifeball) to older people: who does this game attract and who continues?
by Green, Sue et al. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 01/08/2009, Vol 20 Issue 2: p120-126
Issue addressed:
To describe the demographic and health-related characteristics (physical activity, self-reported health status, quality of life and falls history) of older people who enroll in a team-based game, Lifeball, and examine associations between continuation and participant characteristics. Reasons for stopping, participants' perceptions of the game and changes in health-related characteristics over 12 months were examined.
Methods: Telephone surveys were conducted with a cohort of Lifeball players at: baseline, soon after commencing playing and 12 months later.
Results: At baseline, participants were aged 40 to 96 years (mean 67). Most were female (84%), in good to excellent health (86%) and reported being sufficiently (>150 minutes per week) physically active (69%). Almost half (43%) were still playing 12 months later(continuers). Continuers were more likely to perceive Lifeball had helped them to: feel fitter and healthier (91%); improve their social life (73%); and be more active (53%). No significant changes in continuers' physical activity, self-reported health status and quality of life measures were reported. The main reason for stopping playing was illness/injury unrelated to Lifeball.
Conclusions: Lifeball mainly appealed to healthy, active older people. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

10.Through the eyes of children: engaging primary school-aged children in creating supportive school environments for physical activity and nutrition
by Fitzgerald, Emma et al. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 01/08/2009, Vol 20 Issue 2: p127-132
Issues addressed:
This paper presents a qualitative study of physical activity, eating and drinking experiences of children at Wellington Public School, NSW. The study was designed and implemented to inform school programs and policies with a goal of fostering a supportive and healthy environment at the school.
Methods: The study involved use of focus groups, drawings and photovoice with 37 students from Kindergarten to Year 6 to determine problems, underlying causes and possible student-led interventions to enhance the school physical activity and nutritional environment.
Results: Students considered play as related to fun games with friends. Sport was associated with structured, competitive types of physical activity. Infants class students preferred play, while primary students reported a preference for semi-structured and structured activities. Suggestions to improve school playing areas mirrored these preferences. The children suggested strategies for increasing fruit, vegetable and water consumption during the school day.
Conclusion: The students were keen to explore ways to increase physical activity opportunities and develop a supportive nutritional environment at school. Simple, easy to implement suggestions were among the outcomes of the study, reinforcing the importance of including students' views in healthy school program and policy development. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

11. Qualitative data analysis: conceptual and practical considerations
by Liamputtong, Pranee. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 01/08/2009, Vol. 20 Issue 2: p133-139
Qualitative inquiry requires that collected data is organised in a meaningful way, and this is referred to as data analysis. Through analytic processes, researchers turn what can be voluminous data into understandable and insightful analysis. This paper sets out the different approaches that qualitative researchers can use to make sense of their data including thematic analysis, narrative analysis, discourse analysis and semiotic analysis and discusses the ways that qualitative researchers can analyse their data. I first discuss salient issues in performing qualitative data analysis, and then proceed to provide some suggestions on different methods of data analysis in qualitative research. Finally, I provide some discussion on the use of computer-assisted data analysis. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

12. Revealing the wood and the trees: reporting qualitative research
by Blignault, Ilse & Ritchie, Jan. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 01/08/2009, Vol 20 Issue 2: p140-145
Qualitative research methodologies, which are oriented to better understanding of the context, meaning and experiences of people's lives, have much to contribute to health promotion. For researchers trained in quantitative methods, writing up qualitative research for a peer-reviewed journal can be a challenge, especially keeping within the prescribed word limits. How well you explain and disseminate your research will influence how others evaluate its quality; this has implications not only for what you write and the terminology you use but for how you structure your article. This paper provides a general guide to presenting qualitative research for publication in a way that has meaning for authors and readers, is acceptable to editors and reviewers, and meets criteria for high standards of qualitative research reporting across the board. We discuss the writing of all sections of an article, placing particular emphasis on how you might best present your findings, illustrating our points with examples drawn from previous issues of this Journal. Overall, we emphasise that reporting qualitative research involves sharing both the process and the findings, that is, revealing both the wood and the trees. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

13. "We would have got it by now if we were going to get it…" An analysis of asthma awareness and beliefs in older adults
by Andrews, Kelly L.; Jones, Sandra C.. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 01/08/2009, Vol 20 Issue 2: p146-150
Issue Addressed:
Asthma affects more than two million Australians, and of growing concern for the Australian health system is asthma in the over 65+ age group. Between 1997 and 2001, 61% of all deaths attributable to asthma occurred in people aged over 65 and mortality in this group remains higher than the rate for all other groups. Methods: An investigation of older Australians' perceptions of asthma prevalence and impact was conducted in the Illawarra region of New South Wales. Eight focus groups with the target audience were conducted to explore their attitudes, knowledge and skills with regard to asthma symptoms, prevalence, diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, 12 in-depth interviews were conducted with a broad range of health professionals to ascertain their opinion of the target audience's asthma knowledge and understanding.
Results: Results indicate that these older Australians are unaware of the prevalence and severity of asthma in their age group, have limited understanding of symptoms and treatments, and associate the condition with children. Health professionals reported that older people minimise respiratory symptoms as a natural part of ageing.
Conclusions: Qualitative analysis using the Health Belief Model, suggests that heightened knowledge and awareness is necessary to bring about voluntary behaviour change in order to reduce asthma mortality and morbidity in the 65+ age group. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

14. Building capacity for evidence-based practice in the health promotion workforce: evaluation of a train-the-trainer initiative in NSW
by Lloyd, Beverley et al. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 01/08/2009, Vol 20 Issue 2: p151-154
Issue addressed:
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is essential for effective health promotion practice, but not all health promotion staff have the required skills. In New South Wales this issue was addressed by implementing an EBP train-the-trainer (TTT) program to build workforce capacity.
Methods: The success of the program was assessed through surveys completed by EBP-TTT participants and AHS participants of the disseminated EBP training activities.
Results: Ten formal EBP training activities were delivered in five of the eight NSW Areas, reaching a total of 133 practitioners. Participants
reported significant improvements in their EBP knowledge and skills, and that these had been incorporated into their practice. A range of informal activities were also conducted. Barriers to delivery of training activities in the three remaining areas included resource restrictions, staff movement and organisational change, and insufficient confidence.
Conclusions: The EBP-TTT program was an effective means of disseminating EBP knowledge and skills when the local 'training-team' felt sufficiently prepared and the Area Health Service was able to support local training activities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

15. The vitamin debate goes on ... and both sides are right.
Women's Health Letter (September 2009)

16. Smallpox vaccine warning.
Nutrition Detective, Women's Health Letter (September 2009)

17. Ask Dr. Nan. [Answers are provided to both of these questions]
Q: I have been using an NSAID for my arthritis pain. It helps, but not much. My doctor wants me to take it along with acetaminophen, but that drug is toxic to the liver. Are there any effective natural pain products that won't harm me?
Q: Medicare has declined my treatment for prolotherapy three times, yet in your Healing Secrets book you say it is covered. Can you tell me where I can get more information?--
Women's Health Letter (September 2009)
18. Why some dairy causes heart disease and diabetes and some doesn't.
Women's Health Letter (September 2009)
19. Three reasons to avoid this "anti-aging" therapy.
Women's Health Letter (September 2009)

Journals – Table of Contents

20. From New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, number 41, October 2009

20A. Twenty years on: where to from here
20B. Warkworth Birthing Centre: exemplifying the future
20C. Report on mapping the rural midwifery workforce in New Zealand for 2008
20D. Midwives care during the third stage of labour: an analysis of the New Zealand College of Midwives Midwifery database 2004-2008
20E. The cost of healthy eating for pregnant and breastfeeding women in Otago
20F. To suture or not to suture second degree lacerations: what informs this decision?
20G. The midwives guide to key medical conditions in pregnancy and birth

21. From Australian Nursing Journal (ANJ), October 2009, Volume 17, Number 4

21A. Fixing some of the problems in the aged care sector continues to be a major focus for ANF.
21B. Lifting standards in end-of-life care; proud of the ANF aged care campaign; Offended by AMA in health kids checks debate
21C. Time to deliver in aged care; Closing the gap is a human rights issue - CATSIN
21D. Nurse led innovation in aged care leads to top award (Pages 6 & 7)
21E. ANF joins union climate change campaign; Practice nurse scholarships now open
21F. H1N1 and the use of multi-dose vials in mass vaccination
21G. Nationwide rallies over OHS; E-health coalition formed
21H. SA: BloodSafe e-learning package goes live; Nursing redundancies hit NSW; RCNA launch new facility; More back-pay owed. NSW: New agreement in aged care improve conditions. QLD: Nurses first in neonatal eye health
UK nurses take on binge drinking; South African nurses union fights roster changes; Burma activists visit Australia
An opportunity for national law reform?
21K. EDUCATION: Go online now to access free tutorial. PROFESSIONAL: Driving change
21L. PROFESSIONAL: National regulation is moving forward, but aged care nurses wages are not! INDUSTRIAL: The new Fair Work Act
21M. Mixing it up: The future of assistants in nursing
21N. A career of caring - Frank Musombi; Student nurses as AINs - the Victorian experience
21O. Working in the NT: A rich and challenging adventure
Music as an intervention in hospitals
21Q. Infection control measures sorely lacking; Infection control from the ground up.
Includes information on hand hygiene; health care worker immunisation; A clean environment; strategies to improve HCW immunisations
21S. Dotty for infection control [Posters at the Alice Springs Hospital designed by medical students are being used to take the infection control message to patients and visitors]; ANTT clinical competencies for nursing students
21T. Infection control in nursing education
21U. Calender of upcoming events
21V. Sizzling Yam Pancake Stacks
21W. New tricks

Conferences, training and seminars

22. New Zealand College of Midwives Conference 2010
Stengthening Midwifery... Strenghtening Families

He Rata Ki Te Kohanga. He Kura Tangata Ki Te Ao
Date: 3-5 September 2010
Venue: Rotorua
Further information: Confab Conference & Event Consultants (

23. 2009 International Conference on Successes and Failures in Telehealth
Date:  10 to 11 November 2009
Venue: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Further information:

24. Reforming Australia's Health Workforce Conference
Promoting national collaboration and coordination in health workforce development and training

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