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Issue 109 - 10 Sept 2009

Library Stand - NZNO Centennial Conference
100 Years Nursing: Past, Present and Future
Date: 16 -17 September 2009
Venue: Duxton Hotel, Wellington

⇔ Come and check us out! ⇔




1. Understanding How Americans View Health Care Reform
by R.J. Blendon and J.M. Benson. New England Journal of Medicine, August 13, 2009, Volume 361, Number 7
Now that Congress has adjourned and most members are back in their own states or districts, they will be listening to what their constituents have to say about the debate over health care reform. We examined the results of 22 recent nationwide public opinion polls (see Recent Opinion Polls on Health Care Reform; polls are cited parenthetically hereafter), working with support from the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, to find out what our legislators might be hearing.

2. Poverty, Wealth, and Access to Pandemic Influenza Vaccines
New England Journal of Medicine, August 13, 2009, Volume 361, Number 7
On June 11, 2009, Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared that the status of the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic had reached phase 6 — active transmission on a global scale. Until now, the case fatality rate of this influenza has been quite low, but history teaches us that the situation could take a turn for the worse during the next wave of the pandemic. If a 1918-like pandemic were to occur today, tens of millions of people could die, the vast majority of them in the world's poorest countries.

3. New, but Not Improved? Incorporating Comparative-Effectiveness Information into FDA Labeling
by R.S. Stafford and Others. New England Journal of Medicine, August 13, 2009, Volume 361, Number 7
New technologies, including prescription drugs and medical devices, are a major driver of increases in U.S. health care expenditures, which have grown by an estimated 71% since 2000.1 The U.S. market for drugs and devices is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which scrutinizes clinical trial data for evidence of safety and efficacy. Although the FDA has been criticized for missteps and inefficiencies in its approval process, these are not the causes of increasing health care expenditures. More relevant is FDA oversight of the labeling and promotion of medical products.

4. The New Sentinel Network — Improving the Evidence of Medical-Product Safety
by R. Platt and Others. New England Journal of Medicine, August 13, 2009, Volume 361, Number 7
In 2007, Congress directed the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to create a new postmarketing surveillance system that will, by 2012, be using electronic health data from 100 million people to prospectively monitor the safety of marketed medical products.1 This new system is intended to complement existing systems of “spontaneous” adverse-event reporting. In May 2008, the FDA announced the Sentinel Initiative, which would “access the capabilities of multiple, existing data systems (i.e., electronic health record systems, medical claims databases).”

5. Managing Drug-Risk Information — What to Do with All Those New Numbers
by J. Avorn and S. Schneeweiss. New England Journal of Medicine, August 13, 2009, Volume 361, Number 7
In the late 1970s, many pharmacies and governmental and private insurers began electronically recording patient-specific data from filled prescriptions, as physicians, hospitals, and insurers began capturing computerized information on diagnoses, admissions, office visits, and procedures. By the mid-1980s, researchers began trying to use these data to relate drug exposures to adverse events.1 Since then, the volume, clinical detail, and accuracy of such information have increased dramatically, as has the sophistication of methods for discerning patterns of causality in these collections of data.

6. Severe Respiratory Disease Concurrent with the Circulation of H1N1 Influenza
by G. Chowell and Others. New England Journal of Medicine, August 13, 2009, Volume 361, Number 7
In the spring of 2009, an outbreak of severe pneumonia was reported in conjunction with the concurrent isolation of a novel swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) virus (S-OIV), widely known as swine flu, in Mexico. Influenza A (H1N1) subtype viruses have rarely predominated since the 1957 pandemic. The analysis of epidemic pneumonia in the absence of routine diagnostic tests can provide information about risk factors for severe disease from this virus.
Conclusions: During the early phase of this influenza pandemic, there was a sudden increase in the rate of severe pneumonia and a shift in the age distribution of patients with such illness, which was reminiscent of past pandemics and suggested relative protection for persons who were exposed to H1N1 strains during childhood before the 1957 pandemic. If resources or vaccine supplies are limited, these findings suggest a rationale for focusing prevention efforts on younger populations.

7. Pneumonia and Respiratory Failure from Swine-Origin Influenza A (H1N1) in Mexico
by R. Perez-Padilla and Others. New England Journal of Medicine, August 13, 2009, Volume 361, Number 7
In late March 2009, an outbreak of a respiratory illness later proved to be caused by novel swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) virus (S-OIV) was identified in Mexico. We describe the clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of persons hospitalized for pneumonia at the national tertiary hospital for respiratory illnesses in Mexico City who had laboratory-confirmed S-OIV infection, also known as swine flu.
Conclusions: S-OIV infection can cause severe illness, the acute respiratory distress syndrome, and death in previously healthy persons who are young to middle-aged. None of the secondary infections among health care workers were severe.

8. Practicing Medicine in the Age of Facebook
by Sachin H. Jain, M.D., M.B.A. New England Journal of Medicine, August 13, 2009, Volume 361, Number 7
In my second week of medical internship, I received a "friend request" on Facebook, the popular social-networking Web site. The name of the requester was familiar: Erica Baxter. Three years earlier, as a medical student, I had participated in the delivery of Ms. Baxter's baby. Now, apparently, she wanted to be back in touch. Despite certain reservations, I clicked "confirm," and Ms. Baxter joined my list of Facebook "friends." I was curious to hear about the progress of her baby girl, but I wondered about the appropriateness of this interaction. Was Ms. Baxter simply a grateful patient interested in sharing news about her child — as a follow-up to our professional interaction — or did she have other motives that weren't apparent to me? In confirming this patient as my "friend" on Facebook, I was merging my professional and personal lives. From my Facebook page, Ms. Baxter could identify and reach anyone in my network of friends, view an extensive collection of personal photographs, read my personal blog, and review notations that others had left on my "wall." The anxiety I felt about crossing boundaries is an old problem in clinical medicine, but it has taken a different shape as it has migrated to this new medium.

9. Time to deliver for aged care in Budget 2010.
Australian Nursing Journal, 01/09/2009, Vol 17 Issue 3:p1
The author comments on the launch of the because we care campaign of the Australian Nursing Federation (ANF). He points out that it consists of postcards addressed to key ministers and senators to ensure the allocation of increased funds for the elderly from the Budget 2010. He thinks that the campaign is important to promote wage parity and safe staffing levels and skills mix for nursing and assistants in nursing colleagues in elderly care. The author also talked about the Australian Labor Party (ALP) conference and the topics within the issue.

10. Inadequate response in aged care.
by Adams, Pat. Australian Nursing Journal, 01/09/2009, Vol. 17 Issue 3:p3
A letter to the editor in response to a writing about the inadequate quality care for the aged is presented.

11. Enlightened experience in aged care.
by Hopwood, Jeni. Australian Nursing Journal, 01/09/2009, Vol 17 Issue 3:p3
A letter to the editor narrating her experience in aged care is presented.

12. Barriers to employing young nurses in aged care
by Maslen-Shepherd, Elaine. Australian Nursing Journal, 01/09/2009, Vol 17 Issue 3:p3
A letter to the editor commenting on the scarcity of nursing positions available in aged care is presented.

13. Disasters no excuse for euthanasia.
by Triffett, Maree. Australian Nursing Journal, 01/09/2009, Vol 17 Issue 3:p3
A letter to the editor in response to "Health Care Disaster Ethics: A Call to Action," by Megan Jane Johnstone, published in the July 2009 issue is presented.

14. Serious condition misunderstood
Australian Nursing Journal, 01/09/2009, Vol. 17 Issue 3:p5
The article discusses the insights of Alison Copley, project coordinator and health promotion officer with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Australia, regarding the treatment of health professionals on ME/CFS. She asserts that these professionals like nurses must study the serious nature of the incurable disease because it can kill people. She points out that it is about managing the symptoms of people with such disease.

15. Health professionals learn together. Australian Nursing Journal, 01/09/2009, Vol 17 Issue 3:p11
The article focuses on the views of Professor Debra Humphris of the University of Southampton concerning health care education in Australia. During a public lecture in August 2009, Humphris stated that the primary health care workforce in Australia lags behind the rest of the world in its use of teamwork approaches. She stressed the need for health professionals to learn in collaboration. Also described is University of Southampton's program wherein 11 health professions with different requirements complete units together early on in their studies.

16. Nurse education overhaul
Australian Nursing Journal, 01/09/2009, Vol 17 Issue 3:p15
The article reports on the plan of Queensland Health to overhaul clinical education for nurses and students in an attempt to boost recruitment. According to chief nursing and midwifery officer Pauline Ross, the global nursing shortage was a huge problem. An additional 1,500 hospital beds are planned for the next five to six years to meet demand. Ross said they need to attract school leavers into the nursing profession and that a shortage of clinical placements is the biggest barrier to increasing numbers.

17. 12-hour shift win
Australian Nursing Journal, 01/09/2009, Vol 17 Issue 3:p17
The article reports on the campaign by New South Wales (NSW) mental health nurses to work 12-hour shifts. A trial of a 12-hour work will start in the acute psychiatric ward at Shellharbour Hospital. It will allow nurses to work 12-hour shifts instead of eight and seven shifts a fortnight instead of 10. According to Angela Pridham of the NSW Nurses' Association, the shifts provided better continuity of care for patients and better work/life balance for nurses.

18. Strategies to reduce medication errors in older adults.
Australian Nursing Journal, 01/09/2009, Vol 17 Issue 3:p30-33
The article recommends several strategies that medical practices can adopt to reduce medication errors in older adults. It provides an overview of the prevalence of medication errors in the U.S. and the cost of medication errors in Australia annually. It proposes the use of computerised physician order entry (CPOE) to reduce the risk of misreading medication error in prescriptions. It suggests the use of bar codes by nurses at the point of care information system. It emphasizes the value of having pharmacists around to double check medication orders.

19. The art of mental health nursing.
by Ward, Louise. Australian Nursing Journal, 01/09/2009, Vol 17 Issue 3:p46-47
The article discusses research which examined the experiences and practices of mental health registered nurses working in an acute mental health facility in New South Wales in order to determine the elements contributing to a safe and healthy workplace setting for mental health nurses. Four methods utilized in the study included focus groups, individual interviews, reflective journaling and creative expression. It discusses the significance of the paintings created by the researcher which depicted the concerns of mental health nurses.

Journals – Table of Contents

20. From Registered Nurse Journal, Volume 21, No 4, July/August 2009
(Registered Nurse Association of Ontario)
Editor's Note

20A. Tell us your story
President's view
20B. Bringing advocacy to the forefront on the national scene
20C. Ringing alarm bells on changing models of care delivery
20D. RNs take on prime time [TV drama called Nurse Jackie]
Nursing in the News
20E. H1N1 in Ontario; Combatting the nursing shortage
20F. Bringing primary care to communities; Fewer visits for new moms; Canoe race in the Yukon marks a milestone
20G. Providing care overseas; Equal pay for equal work
20H. Life after disaster strikes
Reflections on Nursing
Probing for answers [by Alliah Over, R.N. Ontario Health Study Call Centre, Mississauga]
20J. Where do I start? [by Heather Masson, R>N, Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre
20K. Health care without borders [by Jennifer Stirrat, Staff Nurse, Trauma/Neurosurgery, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto]
20L. Research begets solutions [by Heather Edwards, R>N. Hamilton Health Sciences Centre]
20M. Boots & ladders [by Kathy Hardill, Primary Health care Nurse Practitioner, Bancroft]; The voice on the line [by Karen Manning, Telepractice Nurse, North Bay]
20N. Strength inside sorrow [by Joanne Jones, Clinical Education Leader, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Science, Whitby]; high stakes nursing [by Kate Langrish, Emergency Room Staff Nurse, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto]
20O. Emergency Rescue [by Bianca Carter, former outpost nurse in Northwest Territories, the Yukon and northern Ontario]
20P. A foot in the door [More new grads are working full time, but some say the program that's helped them get jobs still needs fine tuning]
20Q. Team building 101
20R. AGM 2010
Policy at work
20S. Everyone deserves a home; Nurses tell Premier save smoking cessation program; Province's regulations fail to ensure safety

Conferences, training and seminars

21. NZNO Centennial Conference
100 Years Nursing: Past, Present and Future
16 September 2009
Venue: Duxton Hotel, Wellington, New Zealand
More information:

22. LegalSafe 2009
This one day conference will cover topical issues relating to health and safety and employment law.

Date: 22 September 2009, SKYCITY Convention Centre
23 September 2009, Copthorne Hotel, Oriental Bay
24 September 2009, Millennium Hotel
Register Online:

23. Cartwright Comes of Age?
One day seminar which marks the 21st anniversary of the release of the Cartwright report and aims to provide a forum for critical and consumer perspectives
on the major theme and recommendations from the Cartwright Inquiry.

6th November 2009
Venue: Waipuna Hotel & Conference Centre, Auckland
Further information:

24. Women's Suffrage Breakfast - 'The Little Health of Ladies'
To celebrate 25 years of Women's Health Action Trust, founder Sandra Coney will reflect on more than 25 years of Women's health activism
Friday 25th September 2009
Time: 7.00am - 9.00am
Venue: Newmarket Room, Ellerslie Events Centre, Ellerslie Racecourse, AUCKLAND
To book:

News – National

25. Iodine deficiency stunts intelligence
TVNZ - September 8, 2009
New research shows the intelligence of many kids in the past generation of New Zealand children may have been stunted. In the first study of its kind, Otago University researchers have now shown that giving children a little more iodine to correct a mild deficiency in their diet measurably boosts their intelligence

26. Sex with clients counsellor 'serious risk'
New Zealand Herald - 8 September 2009

News - International

27. Suzanne Gordon
Suzanne Gordon is an award-winning journalist and author. She has written for the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, the Atlantic Monthly, the American Prospect, the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star and others.

28. Finally, hospitals' unsung heroes carry the show
2009 - Globe Newspaper Company
Since the birth of television, Hollywood has given doctors a permanent starring role in prime-time hospital dramas. But most doctor shows have relegated the nation’s largest healthcare profession - nursing - to the status of bit players.

29. Nurse Jackie Ends Tonight
From Suzanne Gordon's Blog
August 24th, 2009 Tonight is the last episode of the first season of Nurse Jackie and I, for one, will be very sorry to see it go.  As critics have pointed out, this is the one of the best, if not the best, shows on television and it’s about a nurse.

30. Nursing Crisis Is a Threat to Health [By Suzanne Gordon, Suzanne Gordon writes about health care and nursing].
Los Angeles Times - October 24, 2002
Anyone who has watched a hospitalized child, parent or friend pound uselessly on a call button understands the problem: As nurses have to care for more and sicker people, the death and accident rate among patients goes up. For years, however, as nurses complained about the harm to patients from staff cuts, hospital managers and executives dismissed such worries as "anecdotal" or as disguised complaints about increased workloads.



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