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Issue 108 - 3 Sept 2009


1. Editorial - The Berlin Declaration. Journal of Infection Prevention 2009 10: 150-152  
2009 sees the 50th anniversary of the appointment of the first infection control nurse in England, an event being particularly celebrated by the Infection Prevention Society (IPS) at their annual conference this month. The precursor to the IPS, the Infection Control Nurses Association (ICNA), grew out of the need of infection control nurses throughout the British Isles to exchange information and expertise with their colleagues and to promote best practice in health care as a whole. As the specialty of infection prevention developed the ICNA became the IPS, in part to extend that network beyond the traditional boundaries of the specialty. At the time of writing, the influenza pandemic is demonstrating conclusively that infections do not recognise national borders. It is therefore an appropriate time for the Journal of Infection Prevention to celebrate the creation of a new, international, network for infection prevention and control.

2. Storytelling: its place in infection control education. Journal of Infection Prevention 2009 10: 154-158.
It is generally accepted that hand hygiene is the single most effective measure to prevent health care associated infection. Similarly, education is thought to be the cornerstone of effective practice. While common sense supports the notion that hand hygiene compliance would be enhanced by producing a well informed health care worker, traditional didactic methods of teaching are often poor at invoking and sustaining behaviour change. Storytelling is gaining popularity as an educational activity as it is said to stimulate thought, reflection and enhance the learning experience. This paper, describes one way in which storytelling may be used within a hand hygiene improvement strategy.

3. Using students on a short educational placement with an infection prevention team to assist in implementation of universal MRSA screening: achieving educational outcomes and identifying policy compliance. Journal of Infection Prevention 2009 10: 160-165.
This article describes how an infection prevention team (IPT) used an interprofessional group of student healthcare professionals on a short placement to audit meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) screening policy compliance in the run-up to implementation of a new national MRSA screening target in England. It highlights the resource required by the IPT to support the group, the process of the audit and results, the experience of the students, and the policy and learning outcomes from both the audit and the experience of the placement. Other teams may find a similar approach beneficial for their organisations.

4. Indulging curiosity — researching infection prevention. Journal of Infection Prevention 2009 10: 166-170.
A key objective in the IPS research and development strategy is to increase research capability and capacity among the Society’s membership. This article summarises the recent work of the IPS Research and Development Group. On the fiftieth anniversary of the appointment of the first infection control nurse the IPS are launching annual research awards to encourage research active practitioners to build and improve their research skills and make a significant contribution to evidence based practice in the specialty.

5. Can education and training for domestic staff increase awareness of infection control practices and improve cleanliness within hospitals?
Journal of Infection Prevention 2009 10: 171-177.  
Patients and the public are rightly concerned about cleanliness in hospitals. In response to these concerns a review of current infection prevention and control education and training for domestic staff was investigated. This review elicited a project that analysed whether education and training for domestic staff can increase awareness of infection control practices and improve cleanliness. A series of methods were introduced to gather information pre- and post-training. The project highlighted significant awareness deficiencies of the basic principles of infection prevention and control; it also showed that many domestic staff received little introduction to infection prevention and control practices when starting employment and updates were seldom followed up. The introduction of the Infection Prevention and Control Workbook for Domestic Staff improved domestic staff awareness of infection prevention and control practices on the wards. The workbook was tailored to the particular working practices of the organisation and the infection prevention and control team felt the workbooks were a great way to learn. This project highlighted that only by providing education and training in infection prevention and control can we be assured that domestic staff deliver a service that is safe and correct.

6. Debating the appropriateness and effectiveness of regulation as a mechanism to manage and control the risk to health from tattooing and body piercing activities. Journal of Infection Prevention 2009 10: 180-183.  
There is currently an overwhelming trend towards the implementation of more stringent measures to govern tattooing and body piercing practices, with state-controlled regulation being targeted most frequently as the current strategy of choice. The aim of this type of regulation within the tattooing and body piercing industry is predominantly to introduce consistent controls, which can then assist in the management and reduction of associated risk to health from such activities. This third of three articles on the topical issue of tattooing and body piercing considers the appropriateness and effectiveness of state controlled regulation as a mechanism for implementing these tighter controls, and ultimately for managing and reducing the associated risk to health from tattooing and body piercing.

Journals – Table of Contents

7. From the Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, Vol 40, No 8, August 2009
What Nurses Do. Patricia S. Yoder-Wise RN, EdD, NEA-BC, ANEF, FAAN)
Administrative Angles
The “Connection” Between Continuing Education and Quality. Sarah D. Cheesman MS, RN, BC
Clinical Updates
7C. Treating Ventricular Tachycardia - Marjorie McDonough RN, EdD
Teaching Tips
. Situations in Which Questions Are Valuable (Karren Kowalski PhD, RN, CNAA-BC, FAAN)
Original Article
7E. Development of a Competency Framework for Nurse Managers in Ireland (Geraldine McCarthy RGN, RNT, MEd, MSN, PhD; Joyce J. Fitzpatrick RN, MBA, PhD, FAAN)
7F. Implementation of the 6-Week Educational Component in the Res-Care Intervention: Process and Outcomes (Barbara Resnick PhD, CRNP, FAAN, FAANP; Jeanne Cayo MS; Elizabeth Galik PhD, CRNP; Ingrid Pretzer-Aboff PhD, RN)
7G. Applied Epidemiology for Public Health and Community-Based Nurses (Elizabeth S. Fayram PhD, RN; Laura Anderko PhD, RN)
7H. Voices of Experience: Reflections of Nurse Educators (JoEllen Dattilo PhD, RN; M. Kathleen Brewer PhD, ARNP, BC; Linda Streit RN, DSN)
7I. Effect of an Acute Care Geriatric Educational Program on Fall Rates and Nurse Work Satisfaction (Jean Lange PhD, RN, CNL; Meredith Wallace PhD, ANP-BC, Sally Gerard DNP, RN; Kathleen Lovanio MSN, ANP-BC; Nina Fausty MSN, ANP; Susie Rychlewicz MSN, RN-BC)
7J. Lessons Learned While Conducting a Clinical Trial to Facilitate Evidence-Based Practice: The Neophyte Researcher Experience (Carla B. Brim MN, PHCNS-BC, CEN; Heather D. Schoonover MN, PHCNS-BC)

8. From Nursing.aust, Autumn 2009, Vol 10, No 1
8A. A voice to be heard (Judith Cornell AM)
8B. Review: Nurses ON TV (Ian Steep)
8C. What nurses do (Gabbie Scarfe, RN, MMid)
8D. Profile: Kathy Baker (Director of the Board)
8E. Moving forward
8F. Notice of 2009 Annual General Meeting
8G. Profile: Kathy Baker, Director of the Board
8H. A voice to be heard ...
8I. Volunteer medical camps in Fiji
8J. 'Our patients deserve nurse practitioners'
8K. Exploring men's mental health
8L. What nurses do
8M. The importance of being counted in the First World War
8N. 'Practical dreamer': Doreen Norton OBE
8O. Australian hospital statistics 2007–08
8P. Clinical update: The psychological impact of haemopoietic stem cell transplant
8Q. Scandal, crimes and corruption – how we became who we are
8R. Our shared world
8S. An unexpected donation
8T. Review: Nurses on TV
8U. Scholarships 2009
8V. Who's who at the College

Conferences, training and seminars

9. 2009 Respiratory Educators Conference
24 and 25 September, 2009
Venue: Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington
The theme this year is breathless and will focus on breathlessness - Asthma, COPD and other conditions that may cause a person to feel breathless - and will present practical ways for health professionals to manage this distressing symptom.
More information:

10. National Immunisation Workshop 2009
19th November, 2009
Venue: University of Auckland Business School, Owen G Glenn Building, 12 Grafton Road, AUCKLAND
To register: [email protected]

11. National Immunisation Conference 2009
Date: 20-21 November 2009
Venue: University of Auckland Business School, Owen G Glenn Building, 12 Grafton Road, AUCKLAND
To register: [email protected]

12. VALA2010 - 15th Biennial Conference and Exhibition
Theme: CONNECTIONS CONTENT CONVERSATIONS. This theme focuses on the processes, applications and technologies used to connect content, as well as collaborative and social networking services, with our patrons and fellow professionals. In attending VALA2010, you will be treated to presentations on the use of open source solutions, services delivered on portable devices, the strategic use of social networking to build online communities, eBooks, discovery layers, digitisation, repositories, and much, much more.
Date: 9-11 February 2010    
Venue: Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
More information:

News – National

13. Study exposes extra risk for heart patients
New Zealand Herald: Thursday Sep 03, 2009
About three in 10 New Zealanders admitted to hospital with heart failure for the first time die within a year. Many people with heart failure are not getting effective treatment and so face an increased risk of dying, an international study led by University of Auckland researchers has found

14. Smart-card proposal to combat NZ obesity
New Zealand Herald - Thursday Sep 03, 2009
Hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders would receive taxpayer subsidies to buy healthy foods under a new system proposed in research commissioned by the Ministry of Health.

News - International

15. Take-home pay order available: Emerson
Sydney Morning Herald - September 3, 2009 
Workers unfairly disadvantaged by the award modernisation process will be able to apply for a take-home pay order, Small Business Minister Craig Emerson says The Australian Industrial Relations Commission has conceded some award conditions will increase and others will decrease, leading to potential disadvantage
for employees.

16. Tourism 'should tap into medical market'
Sydney Morning Herald - September 3, 2009 
Australia should evolve its tourism mindset to capitalise on South-East Asia's $12 billion health tourism market and open up the country to a new, big-spending type of traveller, a conference has been told.

17. Sentenced to death on the NHS
Patients with terminal illnesses are being made to die prematurely under an NHS scheme to help end their lives, leading doctors warn today. In a letter to The Daily Telegraph, a group of experts who care for the terminally ill claim that some patients are being wrongly judged as close to death. Under NHS guidance introduced across England to help doctors and medical staff deal with dying patients, they can then have fluid and drugs withdrawn and many are put on continuous sedation until they pass away.


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