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Issue 105 - 14 August 2009

Did you know that Hester Maclean's 1932 book entitled "Nursing in New Zealand: History and Reminiscences" is available on the web.
Source: New Zealand Electronic Text Centre
Click on the link below for a summary of Nursing History and Legislation in New Zealand.


1. Perceptions of living alone among older adult women
by Eshbaugh, E M. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 2008 Jul-Sep; 25(3): 125-37
This exploratory study examines older women's perceptions of living alone. Older adult women (N = 53) living alone were interviewed. Findings show tremendous variability in the perceptions of this sample. Whereas some women showed significant levels of loneliness and depression, many did not. Thirteen percent of the participants (n = 7) negatively perceived living alone, 49.1% (n = 26) neutrally perceived living alone, and 37.7% (n = 20) positively perceived living alone. Participants' most enjoyed aspects of living alone were being one's own boss/being independent (51%) and keeping one's own schedule (49%). Common responses for least enjoyable aspects of living alone were lack of companionship (62%), no one to help with housework (36%), and fear of falling or getting hurt (30%). Nurses should be aware that although some have perceived older adult women living alone as a vulnerable population, one cannot make assumptions based on living arrangements.

2. Healthy eating during pregnancy: determinants and supportive strategies
by Fowles, E R & Fowles, S L. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 2008 Jul-Sep; 25(3): 138-52
This article provides a review of the determinants of healthy eating in pregnancy by synthesizing current research findings and offers strategies to promote healthy eating during pregnancy. This article is guided by the ecological model for health promotion that suggests the determinants of healthy eating as intrapersonal or collective determinants of food choices and public policies that support healthy eating during pregnancy. Community health nurses can apply this model to gain insights into identifying gaps in practice and to prioritize action strategies to guide program development and interventions designed to support healthy eating by all pregnant women.

3. Health needs of migrant and seasonal farmworkers
by Anthony M et al. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 2008 Jul-Sep; 25(3): 153-60
Migrant and seasonal farmworkers (MSFW) are a vital component of the U.S. agricultural industry. Despite their important contributions, MSFW are known to be a marginalized population who live in poverty and have poor health indicators. The purpose of this study was to gain a fuller understanding of family composition, employment, migration patterns, health issues and service needs of MSFW in 3 counties in northwest Michigan. The participants were mainly migrant (63%), and men (55%) with an average age of 34.4 years. Educational levels of the sample were low, with 56% reporting 6th grade or below, and an additional 7% reporting no formal education. The majority was originally from Mexico (75%), and Spanish was the first language of 79% of the farmworkers represented in the survey. Work-related health problems and chronic illness were the most commonly perceived health problems and the most commonly requested service was dental. This study adds to the body of knowledge related to farm worker health needs and provides direction for the provision of appropriate health care to this population.

4. A community health nursing approach to the problem of antibiotic over-prescribing
by Whyte,J IV & Davis A. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 2008 Jul-Sep; 25(3): 161-74
Antibiotic resistance due to over-prescribing is a critical problem for society. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a nurse-led quality-assurance-based program designed to decrease inappropriate antibiotic prescribing rates in patients suffering from viral upper respiratory tract infections. The study was based in a network of community health centers in the Southeastern United States. A quasi-experimental design based upon pre-and postintervention measurement via chart reviews was utilized in the study. Both the pre- and postintervention chart reviews revealed high levels of inappropriate prescribing. Following intervention, no gross decrease in prescribing rates was noted. Qualitative differences were noted postintervention that included increased rates of prescriptions for delayed antibiotic therapy and decreased rates of reflexive prescription writing for farmers. Additionally, the results reflected the decreased use of broad-spectrum antibiotics after the intervention. Although the study utilized a limited sample, it shows promise for the use of quality assurance approaches in moderating inappropriate prescribing practices.

5.  News briefs
by Koon, K A. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 2008 Jul-Sep; 25(3): 175-6
International Council of Nurses Announces Release of Scope of Practice, Standards and Competencies of the Advanced Practice Nurse; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Offers National Initiative to Develop Leaders For Community-based Nonprofit Health Organizations Serving Vulnerable Populations; Sixteenth Annual National HIV Testing Day Held on June 27, 2008

Journals – Table of Contents

6. From JONA's Healthcare law, Ethics, and Regulation, April - June 2009, Volume 11, Number 2.
6A. Legal Briefs - This column provides executive summaries of developments in legal and regulatory issues related to healthcare.
6B. Legal Issues Related to Complementary and Alternative Medicine
6C. The No Outcome-No Income Tsunami is Here: Are You a Surfer, Swimmer, or Sinker?

7. From International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, February 2009, Volume 18, Number 1

7A. Retaining our nurses: Why aren't we ahead of the pack?
Feature Articles
7B. Factors associated with seclusion in a statewide forensic psychiatric service in Australia over a 2-year period
7C. Ethical suicide research: A survey of researchers
7D. Using an adapted reflecting team approach to learn about mental health and illness with general nursing students: An Australian example
7E. Sociology and nursing: Role performance in a psychiatric setting
7F. Appreciating history: The Australian experience of direct-entry mental health nursing education in universities
7G. Evaluation of a new mental health liaison role in a rural health centre in Rocky Mountain House, Alberta: A Canadian story
7H. Advocacy for mothers with psychiatric illness: A clinical perspective
7I. Foreign-born and Swedish-born families' perceptions of psychosis care
7J. Bachelor of Nursing students' beliefs about prognosis and outcomes for people with schizophrenia: A longitudinal study

News – National

8. Call to block drink sales to 18-year-olds
New Zealand Herald - 14 August, 2009
A member of a West Auckland licensing trust wants it to become the first in the country to stop bottle store sales to teenagers.

9. Hospital staff celebrate the starchy times
Waikato Times - 13 August, 2009
Jill Edwards can remember the days at Tokoroa Hospital when strict uniform rules meant nurses had to have highly polished shoes, hems just the right length, and starched smocks and hats. And if you got pregnant, you had to resign before you outgrew the belt on the uniform.

10. Spine surgery ineffective say studies
TVNZ - 6 August 2009
A common spine operation for relieving back pain is no more effective than make-believe surgery, two teams reported in the New England Journal of Medicine. The technique, called vertebroplasty, involves injecting medical cement into a fractured spine bone to strengthen it.

News - International

11. Swine flu skivers cost firms more than virus, say employers
The Telegraph - 5 Aug 2009
Staff using the swine flu pandemic as an excuse to take time off work are causing more disruption to businesses than the virus itself, according to employers.

12. Powerful anti-cancer compound uncovered
The Age - August 14, 2009 
A new study conducted on mice has uncovered a chemical compound that effectively targets cancer stem cells - the key cells that spread malignant tumors and are usually resistant to treatment. In a study published in Thursday's edition of the journal Cell, a group of medical researchers said they had discovered that a compound called salinomycin directly targeted cancer stem cells.



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