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Issue 104 - 6 August 2009


1. Health Care Reform: The Importance of a Public Option
by Gorin, Stephen H. Health & Social Work, May 2009, Vol 34 Issue 2: p83-85
The article presents an editorial on the importance of a public plan option in health care reform in the United States. The author mentions the pledge of U.S. President Barack Obama during his 2008 campaign in which he vowed to create a national health insurance exchange to allow access to affordable health coverage for individuals and small businesses. The importance of government assurance of fair competition conditions in such a scenario is reviewed.

2. Posttraumatic Stress and Growth: The Contribution of Cognitive Appraisal and Sense of Belonging to the Country
by Dekel, Rachel & Nuttman-Shwartz, Orit. Health & Social Work, May 2009, Vol 34 Issue 2: p87-96
The study has three aims: (1) to compare the effect of the Qassam attacks in two types of communities: development town and kibbutz; (2) to examine the relationship between posttraumatic stress (PTS) and posttraumatic growth (PTG); and (3) to examine the contribution that level of exposure, cognitive appraisal, and sense of belonging to the country make to PTS and PTG. The sample consisted of 134 residents, 67 living on two kibbutzim and 67 living in the development town of Sderot. Results revealed that the development town residents reported more PTS symptoms and more PTG than did the kibbutz residents, and the association between PTS and PTG was positive. In addition, the findings show that most of the predictors contribute to either PTS or PTG, or predicted them differently. The discussion examines the results in light of the current literature on PTS and PTG. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

3. The Many Layers of Social Support: Capturing the Voices of Young People with Spina Bifida and Their Parents
by Antle, Beverley J et al. Health & Social Work, May 2009, Vol 34 Issue 2: p97-106
Young people with physical disabilities experience greater difficulty than their able-bodied peers in many psychosocial domains as they transition toward adulthood. However, firsthand knowledge of the dimensions of social support that young people with physical disabilities find useful during this stage is lacking. This qualitative study involved 50 participants (21 youths with spina bifida and 29 parents) and focused on gaining an insider's perspective on the nature of social support. Building on the work of LaGreca, themes were mapped into four broad support domains: tangible, information, companionship/belonging/mutuality, and emotional. This research indicates that parents provide substantial all-purpose support in each of the four domains. A second major finding shows that support from peers and friends follows a unique and varied path with distinctive characteristics related to the realities of living with a disability. Implications for social work practice with targeted populations and systems are considered. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] 

4. HIV-Infected African Parents Living in Stockholm, Sweden: Disclosure and Planning for Their Children's Future
by Åsander, Ann-Sofie et al. Health & Social Work, May 2009, Vol 34 Issue 2: p107-115
In Sweden, most HIV-infected parents are of African origin. The present study explored the frequency of HIV-infected African parents' disclosure of their status to their children and custody planning for their children's future to identify support needs among these families. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 47 parents (41 families).The study population included first-generation immigrants, with a total of 87 children less than 18 years of age. Only women had disclosed their HIV status, and only to eight of 59 children older than six. Half of the parents had talked to someone about future custody arrangements. These parents had more contact with a social worker at the social welfare office and with a medical social worker at the HIV clinic. Most parents (30) wanted their children to be cared for by a relative in Sweden or by their HIV-negative partner. Neither disclosure nor custody planning was associated with clinical status or antiretroviral treatment. This study highlights the low HIV-disclosure rate to children of HIV-infected African immigrant parents and the importance of support from social workers. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

5. Illness of the Mind or Illness of the Spirit? Mental Health-Related Conceptualization and Practices of Older Iranian Immigrants
by Martin, Shadi Sahami. Health & Social Work, May 2009, Vol 34 Issue 2: p117-126
The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to explore whether the way mental health is conceptualized by older Iranian immigrants can influence their mental health-related practices. In-depth interviews were conducted with 15 Iranians who had immigrated to the United States after the age of 50. The findings from this study revealed that the older Iranian immigrants were reluctant to seek mental health care services in the United States. This resistance was largely attributed to the cultural differences in mental health conceptualization (language, definitions, and terminology) and lack of trust in the effectiveness of psychotropic medications. The findings of this study have implications for health and social service professionals who provide services to older immigrants, refugees, and minority populations whose mental health conceptualization may not be consistent with the biomedical model.

6. Understanding Rape Survivors' Decisions Not to Seek Help from Formal Social Systems
by Patterson, Debra et al. Health & Social Work, May 2009, Vol 34 Issue 2: p127-136
Few rape survivors seek help from formal social systems after their assault. The purpose of this study was to examine factors that prevent survivors from seeking help from the legal, medical, and mental health systems and rape crisis centers. In this study, 29 female rape Survivors who did not seek any postassault formal help were interviewed about why they did not reach out to these systems for assistance. Using qualitative methodology, this study found that survivors believed that formal social systems would or could not help or would psychologically harm them. Specifically, survivors thought that systems would not help because survivors themselves believed that they were unworthy of services or that their rape experience did not match stereotypical conceptions of rape. Survivors did not see how the systems could help or protect them from their assailants. Finally, survivors anticipated that systems personnel would cause them further psychological harm by not believing they had been raped or not caring about them. Survivors feared that system assistance would have intensified their painful feelings beyond their coping skills. Therefore, survivors who do not seek help may be attempting to protect themselves from perceived psychological harm. Implications for social work practice are discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

7. The Influence of Religiosity on Depression among Low-Income People with Diabetes
by Kilbourne, Barbara et al. Health & Social Work, May 2009, Vol 34 Issue 2: p137-147
People with diabetes experience depression at a significantly higher rate than do their nondiabetic counterparts. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of multiple dimensions of religiosity on depression among a lower income population of people with diabetes. Using a cross-sectional design, the study focused on a combined clinical and community sample of people with diabetes from low-income neighborhoods. On the basis of previous studies and confirmatory factor analyses of study data, five distinct dimensions of religiosity emerged: religious belief, reading religious materials, prayer, religious attendance, and engaging others in religious discourse. Bivariate correlation and hierarchical linear regression revealed robust and inverse associations between four of the five dimensions of religiosity and level of depression. Prayer, religious reading, religious attendance, and religious belief proved protective against depressive symptoms. Although it correlated with the other measures of religiosity, engaging in religious discourse was not distinctly associated with levels of depression. The analyses suggest that religious resources increase psychological resiliency among those managing the chronic stress of diabetes. Pedagogical and practice implications are discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

An international journal of worldwide nutrition issues, including experimental and clinical nutrition research, dietetics, food science, nutrition in medicine and food and nutrition legislation and policy.

8.Soy phytoestrogens: impact on postmenopausal bone loss and mechanisms of action
by Poulsen, Raewyn C.; Kruger, Marlena C. Nutrition Reviews, Jul 2008, Vol 66 Issue 7: p359-374
Due to their ability to mimic the actions of mammalian estrogens, soy phytoestrogens have been proposed as potential therapeutic agents to aid in preventing postmenopausal bone loss. In vitro, phytoestrogens promote osteoblastogenesis and inhibit osteoclastogenesis. Although a relatively large number of intervention studies have been undertaken in animals and humans, the efficacy of phytoestrogens as bone-protective agents in vivo remains unclear. Differences in the bioactivities of individual phytoestrogens, differences in phytoestrogen metabolism and bioavailability within different study populations and imprecise reporting of the dose of phytoestrogens administered in intervention studies may have contributed to the disparity in study findings. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

9. Intentional weight loss and mortality among initially healthy men and women
by Simonsen, Mette K et al. Nutrition Reviews, Jul 2008, Vol 66 Issue 7: p375-386
Most prospective observational studies suggest that weight loss increases the risk of premature death among obese individuals. This is surprising because clinical studies show that weight loss generally leads to overall improvements in cardiovascular risk factors. It is sometimes argued that the increased mortality observed with weight loss must depend on confounding or poor study designs. This review was conducted to summarize results from studies on intentional weight loss and mortality among healthy individuals, while carefully considering the designs and problems in these studies. Evaluation criteria with a rating scale were developed. Of the studies evaluated, two found decreased mortality with intentional weight loss, three found increased mortality, and four found no significant associations between intentional weight loss and total mortality. Thus, it is still not possible for health authorities to make secure recommendations on intentional weight loss. More studies designed to specifically address this issue are warranted. [ABSTRACT FROM

10. Nutrition and Crohn's disease: an update of print and Web-based guidance
by Moorthy, Denish et al. Nutrition Reviews, Jul2008, Vol 66 Issue 7:p387-397
This article reviews the role of nutrition in Crohn's disease, one of the inflammatory bowel diseases. In addition to presenting a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-evidence on nutritional risks and nutritional therapies in Crohn's disease, and making specific nutrient recommendations, this article includes a list of Web-based resources, including websites, blogs, newsletters, and multimedia podcasts that can be utilized by patients and healthcare providers alike to learn more about the etiology, pathophysiology, and nutritional management of Crohn's disease. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

11. Zinc as an adjunct for childhood pneumonia – interpreting early results
by Natchu, Uma Chandra Mouli et al. Nutrition Reviews, Jul 2008, Vol 66 Issue 7:p398-405
Zinc supplementation has been consistently shown to reduce the incidence of childhood pneumonia, but its effect on the course of pneumonia when administered as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy is still unclear. Three trials published to date have shown mixed results, and a recent trial from India raises the possibility that zinc may be detrimental in some circumstances. Study sites and designs differ, particularly in the timing of zinc treatment and in determining recovery from pneumonia, which can explain the differences in study findings. Serum zinc concentrations are unreliable indicators of zinc status, particularly during acute infectious illnesses. Subgroup analyses, especially using serum zinc levels, must be cautioned against. Future studies are needed that are large enough to be sufficiently powered to accommodate larger treatment failure rates, an issue that ongoing trials will hopefully address.

12. Genetic polymorphisms as determinants for disease-preventive effects of vitamin E.
by Zingg, Jean-Marc et al. Nutrition Reviews, Jul 2008, Vol 66 Issue 7:p406-414
Polymorphisms in genes involved in vitamin E uptake, distribution, metabolism, and molecular action may be important determinants for the protective effects of vitamin E supplementation. The haptoglobin 2-2 polymorphism is associated with increased production of oxygen free radicals and reduces levels of vitamin E and C; the consequent elevated risk for cardiovascular disease can be prevented by vitamin E supplementation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

13. Conjugated linoleic acids: why the discrepancy between animal and human studies?
by Plourde, Mélanie et al. Nutrition Reviews, Jul 2008, Vol 66 Issue 7:p415-421
Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) are positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid. In animals, CLA consumption reduces body fat but results in humans are less conclusive. This review of the literature on CLA and loss of body fat or body weight in humans was conducted to explore the reasons for the discrepancy between animal and clinical trials. It indicates that the incongruity between human and animal data is largely related to methodological
differences in the experimental design, including age and gender and, to a lesser extent, to CLA dose and isomers. The relatively unknown metabolic fate of CLA in humans may also be a contributing factor that helps explain the lack of consistency for CLA efficacy across studies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

14. Nutrition Updates
by D'Anci, K. E. Nutrition Reviews, Jul 2008, Vol 66 Issue 7:p422-424
The article presents nutrition updates including the effects of breastfeeding and sociodemographic factors on visual outcome in childhood and adolescence. Another examines the effects of folic acid and B vitamins on risk of cardiovascular events and total mortality among women at high risk for cardiovascular disease. Another research focuses on the components of the Mediterranean-type food pattern and serum inflammatory markers among patients at high risk for cardiovascular disease and risk of mortality.

15. Prostate cancer survival: is there a dietary connection?
by Holick, Michael F. Nutrition Reviews, Jul 2008, Vol 66 Issue 7:p425-426
A letter to the editor is presented regarding the implications of plant-based diets to human nutrition.

Journals – Table of Contents

16. Australian Nursing Journal (ANJ), August 09 Volume 17 Number 2
Editorial [Election of only the third Australian president to the International Council of Nurses]
16B. Letters to the editor [Frustrated in aged care; Support for ANF campaign; Who will care for me?]
Australia's chief nurse elected ICN president; Pandemic (H1N1) Update - the role of nurses]
We can and must make a difference
16E. Whooping cough epidemic alert for Australia; Indigenous health: act don't delay; Practice nurses vital - study
VIC - Swine vaccine enormous logistics; TAS - Lack of nurse input on a new National Nursing and Midwifery Board and National Medical Board of Australia
16G. QLD - Nurses and midwives accept offer; VIC - Registered workforce best for public
16H. NSW - Community nurses underpaid; SA - Nurses rally over proposed privatisation of counselling service; ACT - Staff shortages on the rise
Australian nurse to lead ICN; Looking to the future - nursing informatics congress; Heavy workloads and understaffing take toll on patients
Nurse led project improves refugee immunisation
16K. A journey in nursing: making the connection; Keep up CPE points
16L. Paid parental leave - a long and winding road
16M. Subtle but significant changes [Draft of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law 2009 - known as Bill B]
Mental health: A long way to go
Border health on the Pacific Dawn
16P. Refusal of treatment - the need for better communication [A daughter's story about trying to carry out her mother's wishes at the end of her life]
16Q. The management of nipple pain and/or trauma associated with breastfeeding
16R. Educating midwives for vision and change; Birthing on country 'strengthen community ties'
16S. Technology boost for midwives; Helping nurses return to work
16T. Infertile couples encouraged to look at lifestyle; Online training module helps in reducing chlamydia
16U. Put a little spring in your step - a program designed to increase the health literacy of women around menopause; A tale of strength - women's experience
of a hysterectomy following a severe postpartum haemorrhage
16V. Let women express themselves - breastfeeding study
16W. Digital storytelling at the mater Mothers' Hospitals in Brisbane; Evolving role of a women's health nurse
16X. Calendar of events [Conferences, workshops]
16Y. TASTE - Grilled pork and gnocchi salad
16Z. GED [Gerardine Kearney travelled to South Africa last month to the ICN Congress]

17. From The Outlet (New Zealand Stomal Therapy Nurses) July 2009
Welcome; Chairperson's report July 2009
17B. Follow-up after colorectal cancer: does it meet the patients needs? A review of the current guidelines and alternatives
17C. History of the Bernadette Hart Award
17D. 37th Australian Association of Stomal Therapist Conference - Perth
17E. The World Council of Enterostomal Therapists
17F. The meaning within the Stomal Therapy Section brand

18. From The Tube, Volume 24, Issue 2, June 2009
Journal of the NZNO Gastroenterology Nurses Section Volume 24, Issue 2, June 2009

18A. From the Chair [by Sandra Burton]
18B. Editor's desk
18C. From Australia - GENCA [by Jeff Bull]
18D. Articles of interest by Jeff Bull [Bariatric Surgery: a history of empiricism, a future in science; Radiofrequency ablation vs. resection for hepatic colorectal metastasis]
18E. Auckland Gastro Nurses Meeting
18F. Westmead endoscopy symposium [by Penny Fox - Gastroenterology Day Unit, Christchurch Hospital]
18G. Endoscopy - A change of heart [by Lucy Petty]
18H. Olympus Corner
18I. Use of histoacryl [by Megan Buckley, RN, Tauranga Hospital]
18J. NZGNS Committee Meeting - Friday 24 April 2009 [Urgent meeting called to address the concern that registered nurses who assist with the insertion of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) tubes were currently working outside their registered scope of practice
18K. Calendar of Events 2009
18L. The Annual Australasian Hepatology Association Summit, 2009 [by Janice Duxfield]
18M. Report on the Christchurch Gastroenterology Nurses quarterly forum
18N. Australian Credentialling exam for gastroenterology nurses 2008
18O. Additional Pharmac funding for Hepatitis B & C Treatment
18P. Tube writing guidelines

Conferences, Training and Seminars

19. New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology - Annual Scientific Meeting 2009
Nov 11-13, 2009
Venue: Te Papa, Wellington
More information:

20.General Practitioner Conference & exhibition
13-15 November 2009
Venue: Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
More information:

21. International Workshop on Mechatronics in Medicine and Health MMH'09
7 to 8 December 2009
Venue: Wellington, New Zealand
More information:

22. Suicide Intervention Skills Workshop
Oct 15-16, 2009
Venue: L2 James Smith Building, 49-55 Cuba Street
More information:

News – National

23. Nurse amazing advocate for kids
Well-known Sister Scho dies aged 74
Taranaki Daily News - 4 Aug 2009

24. Nurses' healthy ambition
Kapi-Mana News - 4 Aug 2009
Helping other people is 17-year-old Mahia Malone's passion and she can't wait to make it her profession. She is one of 31 students who started Whitireia Polytechnic's Bachelor of Nursing (Maori) last week.

25. Spread of measles a risk for unimmunised children
Scoop - Tuesday, 4 Aug 2009, 5:31 pm
Press Release: Auckland Regional Public Health Service 
Spread of measles in Auckland region is a risk for unimmunised children. As the number of measles contacts rise Auckland Regional Public Health Service (ARPHS), Clinical Director, Dr Julia Peters is advising parents to get their children immunised now. “Measles is a highly infectious and potentially serious disease”, said Dr Peters Even minimal contact with a measles case can be a risk for anyone who is not immune and we are particularly concerned about any child under five who has not been immunised.”

26. Fresh Future Children’s Hospital Appeal Returns
Scoop - Monday, 3 August 2009
Press Release: Southland District Health Board 
Southland Hospital Children’s Services is welcoming the return of the Fresh Future Children’s Hospital Appeal with an official launch this Wednesday, and hopes the Southland Community will again show excellent support for the fundraising venture.
News - International

27. CT scans raise risk of cancer in young
The Australian - 5 August 2009
DOCTORS are endangering patients' health through gross over-ordering of chest CT scans, which pack in so much radiation that one patient in 2500 can expect to develop a fatal cancer afterwards. Because the danger is age-related, the consequences are much more serious for children, among whom the risk "may be as
high as one in a few hundred", health experts warn.,25197,25884518-23289,00.html

28. Outbreak contained as infected pigs on the mend
The Australian - 4 August 2009
AN outbreak of swine flu at a central NSW piggery has been contained.However authorities have urged farmers to remain alive to the danger posed by the highly contagious disease. The 2000-animal piggery at Dunedoo, in the state's central west, was quarantined on Friday after tests confirmed that several pigs had
caught the A H1 virus, believed to have been transmitted to them by staff.,25197,25877366-23289,00.html



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