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Issue 99 - 1 July 2009


From Nursing Inquiry - June 2008
1. Leveraging nursing research to transform healthcare systems
by Edwards, Nancy C. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2008, Vol 15 Issue 2:p81-82
The article presents the author's suggestions on addressing the challenges of nursing research. The author suggests positioning of nursing research within national and international science and technology strategies. The author also suggests creation of channels for communication among decision-makers.

2.  Examining the potential of nurse practitioners from a critical social justice perspective
by Browne, Annette J & Tarlier, Denise S. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2008, Vol 15 Issue 2:p83-93
Nurse practitioners (NPs) are increasingly called on to provide high-quality health-care particularly for people who face significant barriers to accessing services. Although discourses of social justice have become relatively common in nursing and health services literature, critical analyses of how NP roles articulate with social justice issues have received less attention. In this study, we examine the role of NPs from a critical social justice perspective. A critical social justice lens raises morally significant questions, for example, why certain individuals and groups bear a disproportionate burden of illness and suffering; what social conditions contribute to disparities in health and social status; and what social mandate NPs ought to develop in response to these realities. In our analysis, we draw on lessons learned from the initial Canadian experience with the introduction of NPs in the 1970s to consider the renewed and burgeoning interest in NPs in Canada, Australia and elsewhere. As we argue, a critical social justice perspective (in addition to the biomedical foci of NP practice) will be essential to sustaining long-term, socially responsive NP roles and achieving greater equity in health and health-care. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

3. The conceptualization and operationalization of race and ethnicity by health services researchers
by Moscou, Susan. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2008, Vol 15 Issue 2:p94-105
Racial and ethnic variables are routinely used in health services research. However, there is a growing debate within nursing and other disciplines about the usefulness of these variables in research. A qualitative study was undertaken (July 2004 – November 2004) to ascertain how researchers conceptualize and operationalize racial and ethnic data. Data were derived from interviews with 33 participants in academic health centers in differing
geographic regions. Content analyses extracted manifest and latent meanings to construct categories depicting respondents' understandings of race and ethnicity in research. Race and ethnicity held several meanings but the subtext was often not clear because these terms were not operationalized. Measuring race and ethnicity quantitatively necessitated uniform classifications thus it was often necessary to impose a single racialized identity. Respondents recognized the problems with racial and ethnic variables but the majority still believed these variables were necessary and useful. Several researchers understood that racial and ethnic variables were used in ways that may stigmatize the populations studied. These respondents collected data on variables other than race and ethnicity to ascertain the causes of health differentials. The policy recommendation calls for a shift in thinking about how to use racial and ethnic variables in research. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

4. ‘Being appropriately unusual’: a challenge for nurses in health-promoting conversations with families
by Benzein, Eva Gunilla et al. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2008, Vol 15 Issue 2:p106-115
This study describes the theoretical assumptions and the application for health-promoting conversations, as a communication tool for nurses when talking to patients and their families. The conversations can be used on a promotional, preventive and healing level when working with family-focused nursing. They are based on a multiverse, salutogenetic, relational and reflecting approach, and acknowledge each person's experience as equally valid, and focus on families’ resources, and the relationship between the family and its environment. By posing reflective questions, reflection is made possible for both the family and the nurses. Family members are invited to tell their story, and they can listen to and learn from each other. Nurses are challenged to build a co-creating partnership with families in order to acknowledge them as experts on how to lead their lives and to use their own expert knowledge in order to facilitate new meanings to surface. In this way, family health can be enhanced. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

5. Praxis and the role development of the acute care nurse practitioner.
by Kilpatrick, Kelley. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2008, Vol 15 Issue 2:p116-126
Acute care nurse practitioner roles have been introduced in many countries. The acute care nurse practitioner provides nursing and medical care to meet the complex needs of patients and their families using a holistic, health-centred approach. There are many pressures to adopt a performance framework and execute activities and tasks. Little time may be left to explore domains of advanced practice nursing and develop other forms of knowledge. The primary objective of praxis is to integrate theory, practice and art, and facilitate the recognition and valuing of different types of knowledge through reflection. With this framework, the acute care nurse practitioner assumes the role of clinician and researcher. Praxis can be used to develop the acute care nurse practitioner role as an advanced practice nursing role. A praxis framework permeates all aspects of the acute care nurse practitioner's practice. Praxis influences how relationships are structured with patients, families and colleagues in the work setting. Decision-makers at different levels need to recognize the contribution of praxis in the full development of the acute care nurse practitioner role. Different strategies can be used by educators to assist students and practitioners to develop a praxis framework. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

6. Perspectives on midwifery power: an exploration of the findings of the Inquiry into peripartum hysterectomy at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda,
by Matthews, Anne & Scott, P. Anne. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2008, Vol 15 Issue 2:p127-134
The Lourdes Hospital Inquiry: An inquiry into peripartum hysterectomy at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, Ireland, of 2006 recounts in detail the circumstances within which 188 peripartum hysterectomies were carried out at the hospital between 1974 and 1998. The findings of the inquiry have serious ramifications for Irish healthcare delivery and have implications for many professional groups, including midwives. The findings prompt clear questions about the relative position or power of midwives within maternity care. These questions are examined in this article, through the analysis and application of various theoretical perspectives on power. Critical views of power focus on the socio-political nature of oppressive structures within society and seek mechanisms to address these. Stemming from structure versus agency debates, Giddens's structuration theory examines the agency-structure interaction and stresses the centrality of agents’ roles in the social reproduction of structures. Postmodernism, particularly drawing on the work of Michel Foucault, focuses on a fluid conception of power while also describing the nature of disciplinary power. It offers midwives a way of viewing power as productive and
dispersed. Drawing on different aspects of these perspectives on power, helps us to understand midwives’ relative positions and power relations and how to enhance these to prevent future tragic outcomes such as those reported in the inquiry report. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

7. An ecofeminist conceptual framework to explore gendered environmental health inequities in urban settings and to inform healthy public policy
by Chircop, Andrea. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2008, Vol 15 Issue 2:p135-147
This theoretical exploration is an attempt to conceptualize the link between gender and urban environmental health. The proposed ecofeminist framework enables an understanding of the link between the urban physical and social environments and health inequities mediated by gender and socioeconomic status. This framework is proposed as a theoretical magnifying glass to reveal the underlying logic that connects environmental exploitation on the one hand, and gendered health inequities on the other. Ecofeminism has the potential to reveal an inherent, normative conceptual analysis and argumentative justification of western society that permits the oppression of women and the exploitation of the environment. This insight will contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying gendered environmental health inequities and inform healthy public policy that is supportive of urban environmental health, particularly for low-income mothers. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

8. Enterprise bargaining: a case study in the de-intensification of nursing work in Australia
by Willis, Eileen et al. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2008, Vol 15 Issue 2:p148-157
This paper explores labour negotiations between nurses and government in the public health sector in Australia between 1996 and 2005. During this period, industrial negotiations between nurses and government in the public health sector moved from centralized wage determinations to agreements made at the level of the enterprise through the Workplace Relations Act 1996. Simultaneously, public sector nurses reported increased work intensification, a result of new public management strategies. This led to the Australian Nursing Federation negotiating enterprise agreements that included the introduction of highly specified workload algorithms in an attempt to de-intensify nurses’ labour. The irony of this strategy is that these calculations and tools operate as both a human resource mechanism for maximizing productivity as well as an industrial relations tool for reducing work intensification. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

9. Challenges in providing breast and cervical cancer screening services to Vietnamese Canadian women: the healthcare providers’ perspective
by Donnelly, Tam Truong. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2008, Vol 15 Issue 2:p158-168
Breast cancer and cervical cancer are major contributors to morbidity and mortality among Vietnamese Canadian women. Vietnamese women are at risk because of their low participation rate in cancer-preventative screening programmes. Drawing from the results of a larger qualitative study, this paper reports factors that influence Vietnamese women's participation in breast and cervical cancer screening from the healthcare providers’ perspectives. The women participants’ perspective was reported elsewhere. Semistructured interviews were conducted with six healthcare providers. Analysis of these interviews reveals several challenges which healthcare providers encountered in their clinical practice. These include the physicians’ cultural awareness about the private body, patient's low socioeconomic status, the healthcare provider–patient relationship, and limited institutional support. This is the first Canadian study to identify the healthcare providers’ perspective on giving breast and cervical cancer preventive care to the Vietnamese immigrant women. The insight gained from these healthcare providers’ experiences are valuable and might be helpful to healthcare professionals caring for immigrant women of similar ethno-cultural backgrounds. Recommendations for the promotion of breast cancer and cervical cancer screening among Vietnamese women include: (i) effort should be made to recruit Vietnamese-speaking female healthcare professionals for breast and cervical health-promotion programmes; (ii) reduce woman–physicians hierarchical relationship and foster effective doctor–patient communication; (iii) healthcare providers must be aware of their own cultural beliefs, values and attitudes that they bring to their practice; and (iv) more institutional support and resources should be given to both Vietnamese Canadian women and their healthcare providers. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

10. Shift in power during an interview situation: methodological reflections inspired by Foucault and Bourdieu
by Aléx, Lena & Hammarström, Anne. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2008, Vol 15 Issue 2:p169-176
This paper presents methodological reflections on power sharing and shifts of power in various interview situations. Narratives are said to be shaped by our attempts to position ourselves within social and cultural circumstances. In an interview situation, power can be seen as something that is created and that shifts between the interviewer and the interviewed. Reflexivity is involved when we as interviewers attempt to look at a situation or a concept from various perspectives. A modified form of discourse analysis inspired by subject positioning was used to reflect on power relations in four different interview situations. The analyses indicate that reflection on the power relations can lead to other forms of understanding of the interviewee. The main conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that power relations are created within an interview situation and therefore it is important to be aware of dominant perspectives. Researchers and nurses face the challenge of constantly raising their level of consciousness about power relationships, and discursive reflexivity is one way of doing this. Thus, reflexivity is an important part of the qualitative research process. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

From Nursing Education Perspectives Mar/Apr 2009

11. BEYOND THE REALITIES OF CURRENT PRACTICE: Preparing Students to Provide Safe and Effective Care
by TAGLIARENI, M. ELAINE. Nursing Education Perspectives, Mar/Apr2009, Vol 30 Issue 2:p69-69
The author discusses the use of simulation for preparing nursing students to provide safe and effective patient care. She refers to a study by nurse researcher Pamela R. Jeffries that was conducted to build the science of the use of simulation in nursing education. She explains that students are often given limited opportunities to practice clinical judgment because the acuity of patient care situations is intense and faculty are overextended.

12. Dreams for the Future for Clinical Simulation
by JEFFRIES, PAMELA R. Nursing Education Perspectives, Mar/Apr2009, Vol 30 Issue 2:p71-71
The author discusses research and development in clinical simulation. She explains that clinical simulation offers students authentic clinical experiences in a safe, nonthreatening environment. She believes that more evidence will be disseminated on the use and implementation of clinical simulation in the nursing curriculum. The author believes that the future for clinical simulation is promising.

13. Faculty MATTERS: Angie.
Nursing Education Perspectives, Mar/Apr2009, Vol 30 Issue 2:p72-72
The article looks at associate professor at the Indiana University School of Nursing, Angela H. McNelis. The author explains that nursing education research is a major focus for McNelis. Her work as director of the Practice Education Partnership initiative and her involvement in clinical education are also discussed.

14. HIGH-FIDELITY SIMULATION: Factors Correlated with Nursing Student Satisfaction and SELF-CONFIDENCE
by SMITH, SHERRILL J & ROEHRS, CAROL J. Nursing Education Perspectives, Mar/Apr2009, Vol 30 Issue 2:p74-78
While available research suggests positive outcomes when using high-fidelity simulation in nursing education, little is known about factors associated with these outcomes. This descriptive, correlational study examined the effects of a simulation experience on two outcomes (student satisfaction and self-confidence) as well as factors correlating with these outcomes. This was accomplished by both descriptive statistical analysis (mean and standard deviation) in addition to correlational statistical analysis using bivariate statistics (Spearman's rho) and multiple linear regression. Results indicate that design characteristics, especially clear objectives and an appropriately challenging problem to solve, were significantly correlated with student satisfaction and self-confidence. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

15. OUTCOMES of Clinical Simulation for Novice Nursing Students: Communication, Confidence, Clinical Judgment
by BAMBINI, DEBORAH et al. Nursing Education Perspectives, Mar/Apr2009, Vol 30 Issue 2:p79-82
The use of clinical simulation in nursing education provides many opportunities for students to learn and apply theoretical principles of nursing care in a safe environment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate simulated clinical experiences as a teaching/learning method to increase the self-efficacy of nursing students during their initial clinical course in a prelicensure program. An integrated, quasiexperimental, repeated measures design was used. A sample of 112 students completed surveys, indicating their confidence in various skills necessary for postpartum and newborn nursing, both before and after the simulation experience. Results indicated that students experienced a significant increase in overall self-efficacy (p < .01). Students also experienced an increase in confidence in assessing vital signs (p < .01), breasts (p < .01), the fundus (p < .001), and lochia (p < .001), and in providing patient education (p < .001). Three themes that emerged in the qualitative results were communication, confidence, and clinical judgment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

16. The CASE for Group Planning in Human Patient Simulation
by ELFRINK, VICTORIA L.; NININGER, JAMI; ROHIG, LISA; LEE, JODELLE. Nursing Education Perspectives, Mar/Apr2009, Vol 30 Issue 2:p83-86
This evaluation research focused on ways to improve the simulation learning experiences of prelicensure nursing students participating in a high-acuity nursing course. Based on the findings of a paper-and-pen midterm formative evaluation, focus groups were held to learn more about student attitudes regarding their simulation experience. Two themes emerged: 1) students felt unfairly "singled out" during simulation and perceived that their apprehension interfered with their learning, and 2) collaborative learning could be a potential strategy for dealing with feeling singled out. In response to
these concerns, faculty included a group-planning experience for each remaining simulation. Students immediately reported that their anxiety lessened and that they learned more from their simulation experiences. In their final evaluations, students identified group-planning sessions as the most helpful component of the simulation experience. These findings suggest that group care planning may be an important simulation design component. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

17. SIMULATION as a Means to Foster Collaborative Interdisciplinary Education
by DILLON, PATRICIA M.; NOBLE, KIM A.; KAPLAN, LAWRENCE. Nursing Education Perspectives, Mar/Apr2009, Vol 30 Issue 2:p87-90
The purpose of this study was multifaceted: to initiate an interdisciplinary collaborative relationship between nursing and medical students; to determine the usefulness of an interdisciplinary approach using simulations as an educational strategy; and to analyze students' perceptions of collaboration. A pre/post test design was used to assess students' perceptions of interdisciplinary collaboration with a mock code experience using a high-fidelity simulator. Openended questions provided another perspective of interdisciplinary collaboration. A convenience sample of fourth-year nursing students and third-year medical students from a large urban university participated in the study. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) were seen in medical students' post test scores for two factors, collaboration and nursing autonomy. The narrative responses revealed that nursing students' perceptions of the nurse-physician relationship became more collaborative after the simulation experience. Both medical and nursing students described the experience as one that should be continued. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

18. Learning Advanced Cardiac Life Support: A Comparison Study of the Effects of Low- and High-Fidelity Simulation
by HOADLEY, THERESA A. Nursing Education Perspectives, Mar/Apr2009, Vol 30 Issue 2:p91-95
To increase cardiopulmonary arrest survival, the American Heart Association developed basic and advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) courses that expose participants to realistic learning situations. This experimental study compared results of two ACLS classes on measures of knowledge (content exam) and resuscitation skills (performance exam). Both the control and experimental groups consisted of physicians, nurses, emergency medical technicians, respiratory therapists, and advanced health care providers. The control group used low-fidelity simulation (LFS); the experimental group was exposed to enhanced realism via highfidelity simulation (HFS). The findings showed a positive correlation between enhanced practice and learning but no significant correlation between posttest and skills test scores for the LFS and HFS groups. The HFS group did score higher on both cognitive and behavioral tests, but the difference was not statistically significant. Participants from both groups indicated satisfaction with their forms of simulation experience and course design. In addition, participants' self-confidence to care for a victim of cardiopulmonary arrest was increased after completing their course; profession and
work experience had no effect on responses. The largest difference noted was in verbal responses to course satisfaction. The experimental group stated that learning using HFS was enjoyable and adamantly recommended that ACLS should only be taught using HFS. Further study is required to assess if practicing beyond the course enhances short- and long-term retention of ACLS techniques. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

19. STUDENT SATISFACTION with High-Fidelity Simulation: Does It Correlate with Learning Styles?
by FOUNTAIN, REBECCA A.; ALFRED, DANITA. Nursing Education Perspectives, Mar/Apr2009, Vol 30 Issue 2:p96-98
The purpose of this study was to explore how learning styles correlate with student satisfaction when high-fidelity human simulation is used in a baccalaureate nursing program. Seventy-eight undergraduate students enrolled in an advanced medical-surgical course completed the Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning scale after participating in an experiental learning lab activity that included high-fidelity human simulation-enhanced cardiac case scenarios. Data were then correlated with learning styles identified by a nurse entrance test. Analyses of the data revealed positive relationships between the social and solitary learning styles and student satisfaction with simulation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

20. A COLLABORATIVE PROJECT to Apply and Evaluate the Clinical Judgment Model Through Simulation
by DILLARD, NANCY et al. Nursing Education Perspectives, Mar/Apr2009, Vol 30 Issue 2:p99-104
As use of simulations increases in nursing education, nurse educators are challenged to evaluate students' clinical judgment skills. The purpose of this article is to describe faculty development in the use of the Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric (LCJR); faculty application of LCJR in evaluating students clinical judgment skills during a simulation scenario; and faculty and students' perception transference from the simulation to the clinical setting. Tanner's Clinical Judgment Model was used in an assigned adult health simulation. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected from faculty and student evaluations and students' reflective statements. Findings support the importance of simulation's contribution to clinical judgment development. However, more work remains to improve the integration of clinical judgment and use of a conceptual framework and evidence-based rubric. For longterm change, both faculty and students need ongoing practice and encouragement in applying the clinical judgment framework to clinical and simulation experiences. For application of the model, a recommendation is to incorporate the clinical judgment language into course syllabi, course assignments, and evaluations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Journals – Table of Contents

21. From New Zealand Doctor, 3/6/2009
21A. Statistician tries to figure workforce [Commentary on Len Cook's analysis of the health sector/workforce planning]
21B. Ex-prisoners get help to see GP.
21C. GPs not aware of advice change.
21D. Textbook service still underfunded.
21E. Finalist in Qantas Awards.
21F. Budget 2009 uncovered.
21G. Recession discounts for Queenstowners.
21H. Maternity funding mixed blessing.
21I. DHBs hamper workforce progress.
21J. PHO proposal debated behind closed doors.
21K. More tests for Down syndrome in pipeline.
21L. Timaru GPs keen to quit graveyard shift.
21M. Dermatologists in the clear.
21N. New Zealand not out of the (swine flu) woods yet.
21O. GP board director resigns in frustration.
21Q. By the way, we've got a few things on [Proposals to merge a PHO with a rural hospital and a shared services agency]
21R. Rural health meeting brings Wellington and Crete closer.
21S. $750,000 cost for Rhys Cullen case.
21T. No birthday present for union centre.
21U. GP in dark over section 8 fees.
21V. GP contests tribunal decision on morphine prescribing.
21W. Patient disenrolment -- proceed with care.
21X. Conference offers poetic kick-start.
21Y. Fixing maternity services: Ryall says he's onto it.
21Z. I think my child's allergic to….

22. From Nursing Economics, May/June 2009 Volume 27 Number 3
22A. Nurse Residency Programs: An Essential Requirement For Nursing
22B. Patterns of Knowing: Proposing A Theory for Nursing Leadership
22C. Evaluation of a Nurse Practitioner-Led Care Management Model in Reducing Inpatient Drug Utilization And Cost
22D. What Nurses Want: The Nurse Incentives Project
22E. Predicting Factors Related to Nurses’ Intention to Leave, Job Satisfaction, And Perception of Quality of Care In Acute Care Hospitals
22F. Churn: Patient Turnover And Case Mix

Conferences, training and seminars

23. Positive End-of-Life Care
A one day seminar on understanding, exploring and addressing some of the most prevalent issues of our time. Following on from the successful “Changing Minds” Seminar in October 2007   (Positive End-of-Life Care for People with Dementia), a further seminar is being offered which will focus on other chronic illnesses as well as dementia. The seminar will address many of the issues raised by participants at the 2007 seminar.
Date: 28 August 2009
Venue: Little Theatre, Lower Hutt
To register: Email: [email protected]
or Phone: 04 499 1882
More Information:

24. The Forum on Healthcare Leadership is the premier national conference targeted to nurse executives, nurse managers, and other nurse leaders sponsored by Cross Country University and Nursing Economic$, the Journal for Health Care Leaders
Date: August 20-25, 2010
Venue: Washington, DC.
More information:

25. Annual Queenstown Update in Anaesthesia
21-22 August 2009
Venue: Millenium Hotel, Queenstown
More information:

26. Leading in Care - Soaring in Practice
College of Emergency Nurses New Zealand NZNO and New Zealand Flight Nurses Association Annual Conference 2009
27-29th August 2009
Venue: Grand Chancellor Hotel, Christchurch
More information:

27. Matariki Festival 2009: Nga Korero Tataki
Nga Korero Tataki is a three-part sustainability symposium exploring the concept of sustainability through traditional and contemporary Maori thinking, July 14th - 16th at the Waitakere City Council Chambers

More information:

28. National Digital Forum 2009
Monday 23 – Tuesday 24 November 2009
Venue: Te Papa in Wellington.
More information:

29. Australasian Nurse Educators Conference 2009
30 September – 2 October 2009
Venue: Christchurch Convention Centre, New Zealand

30. Refugee Health & Wellbeing Conference - Looking back and moving forward
18 - 21 November 2009
Venue: AUT University, New Zealand and Refugee Council of New Zealand

News – National

31. Celebrating National Enrolled Nurses' Day
Monday, 29 June, 2009 
The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) is delighted to be celebrating Enrolled Nurses' Day on 30 June 2009. This is the 5th time this day has been celebrated in New Zealand.

32. Alice Fieldhouse: Pioneer nurse revamped care and training
Stuff - 29 June 2009
Alice Fieldhouse was one of the great nurses of her era, a major figure in reshaping New Zealand's nursing education system, and was among the pioneers who helped revolutionise the way hospitals dealt with mums, babies and children.

33. Whare Oranga health centre opens doors to primary care services
Media release from ProCare Health Limited - 29 JUNE 2009. A community health care centre that provides marae-based GP and other clinical services officially opened Saturday on the Oraeroa Marae in Port Waikato, Franklin

34. Smoking could cost you 15 years of life – NZMA
Media release New Zealand Medical Association - 27 JUNE 2009
The New Zealand Medical Association (NZMA) is warning that smoking could cut your life short by 15 years.

35. Isolation key to controlling swine flu
Timaru Herald - 30 June 2009
South Canterbury now has six confirmed cases of swine flu but the spread of the virus is probably greater because the health authorities have stopped testing. Medical officer of health Daniel Williams said the number of confirmed cases did not indicate the total number of cases of swine flu in the district

News - International

36. Tourists should wear masks: minister
Sydney Morning Herald - June 30, 2009 
Indonesia is planning to ask all people arriving from swine flu-affected countries to wear face masks for at least three days, the health minister said Monday. The presence of the A(H1N1) virus was confirmed in Indonesia only last week and so far four of the eight known cases have been foreigners.

37. Air traffic patterns used to predict H1N1 spread -Mon,Jun 29 2009
Canadian researchers have developed a new system that can accurately predict the spread of the H1N1 flu virus. Physicians at Toronto's St. Michael's Hospital say that by quickly evaluating air traffic patterns around the world, they can predict how the virus will spread globally.

38. Cuddle count eases angst of working mums
The Australian - June 30 2009
WORKING mothers can shed some of their "mother guilt", after a new study found their babies received just as much time being nurtured as the babies of stay-at-home mums.,25197,25710533-23289,00.html

37. Sydney Uni drops radiation therapy course
Sydney Morning Herald - 22 May 2009
THE University of Sydney will drop its undergraduate course in radiation therapy from next year, raising fears of a shortage of trained workers. The university will continue with a qualification in radiation therapy at postgraduate level, which means students first must complete a three-year undergraduate qualification, such as a science degree.





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