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Issue 98 - 25 June 2009


1. A veritable psychological buffet
by Pachana, Nancy A. Australian Psychologist, 01/06/2009, Vol 44 Issue 2: p65-66
The article discusses various papers published within this issue, including one by Pachana and Woodward on barriers to older adults' access to mental health services and another by Bell and Mellor on the merits of clinical and statistical approaches to decision making by clinical psychologists.

2. Development of the Multicultural Mental Health Awareness Scale
by Khawaja, Nigar G. Australian Psychologist, 01/06/2009, Vol 44 Issue 2: p67-77
The present study describes the development of an instrument to assess the multicultural competencies of mental health professionals in Australia. The scale was developed to assess the effectiveness of a multicultural mental health training program. Mental health professionals from Queensland, Australia (N = 268) participated in the study by completing a questionnaire battery. Items on the new scale were generated to parallel the Queensland Transcultural Mental Health Centre (QTMHC) training program's objectives. The results describe a 35-item Multicultural Mental Health Awareness Scale. Factor analysis of the scale indicated three factors of multicultural counselling competencies: Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills. These factors were in line with the Sue et al. (1982) multicultural counselling competencies. The scale has satisfactory internal consistency, test-retest reliability, concurrent validity, and discriminant validity and can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the multicultural competency training programs in mental health.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

3. Parent Problem Checklist: Tool for assessing parent conflict
by Stallman, H M. Australian Psychologist, 01/06/2009, Vol 44 Issue 2: p78-85
This study explored the psychometric properties of the Parent Problem Checklist (PPC), a measure of parental conflict over child-rearing issues. Participants were a clinical sample of 391 parents of children aged 0-18 years presenting at a university paediatric psychology clinic for intervention in relation to their child's behavioural or emotional problems. Exploratory factor analysis was done on the PPC Extent scale. It provided support for a revised three-factor model including dimensions of consistency in discipline, child care, and family processes. Modifications that could enhance the measures are discussed. The present results have implications for examining different aspects of parent conflict, and the assessment of parenting conflict in clinical practice. The PPC provides a valid and reliable means of assessing interparent conflict about child behaviour and parenting. Directions for further research are highlighted. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

4. Attitudes towards psychological treatment among older Australians
by Woodward, Rana. Australian Psychologist, 01/06/2009, Vol 44 Issue 2: p86-93
Reasons behind older adults' under-utilisation of mental health services are complex. Barriers to access to mental health services for this group include service access and availability, attitudes of medical and mental health professionals, and attitudes of older people themselves. This questionnaire-based study sought to investigate variables that may influence attitudes towards psychological help seeking among a late mid-age-young-old Australian sample of 159 community-dwelling adults. The results suggest that attitudes towards seeking psychological help in this population were relatively positive. In addition, >50% of participants in the sample indicated that they had sought treatment for emotional or psychological difficulties in the past, with the greatest proportion of those who sought help noting that it was for “family problems” (56%). The findings suggest that negative attitudes to help seeking in this age group may not be as pervasive as previously assumed, and that help-seeking behaviours may be high among those with positive attitudes towards help seeking. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

5. Perceptions of mental health professionals and family caregivers about their collaborative relationships: A factor analytic study
by Andrew, Megan et al. Australian Psychologist, 01/06/2009, Vol 44 Issue 2: p94-104
This study investigated collaboration between mental health professionals and family caregivers by examining perceptions of their routine relationships. Independent samples of professionals (N = 240) and family caregivers of adults with severe mental illness (N = 270) responded to items developed to measure 14 facets of collaboration. Principal component analyses and standard multiple regressions were performed. Five components, accounting for 55% of the variance, were identified in professionals' perceptions of collaboration whereas two components, accounting for 56% of the variance, were identified in family caregivers' perceptions. Components capturing the behaviours and attitudes of the other party were the best predictors of both family caregiver and professional perceptions of overall collaboration. The results suggest that relatively simple collaboration models can describe routine professional-caregiver interactions, although professionals possess a more differentiated concept of collaboration than family caregivers. Unexpectedly, both professionals and caregivers tended to attribute responsibility for collaboration to the other party. Training programs in which mental health professionals and family caregivers jointly learn the best ways to work together may be valuable. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

6. Discrepancy between human resource research and practice: Comparison of industrial/organisational psychologists and human resource practitioners'
by Carless, Sally A et al. Australian Psychologist, 01/06/2009, Vol 44 Issue 2: p105-111
There is a large and growing body of research to show that human resource (HR) practices affect individual performance, organisational productivity and organisational performance. Academic findings about effective HR practices, however, have not readily been adopted by practitioners. A variety of theoretical and practical explanations have been advanced about the research-practice gap. Research by Rynes, Colbert, and Brown (2002)suggested that the research-practice gap is due to a lack of knowledge, but the extent to which these findings apply to the Australian context is unknown. The sample consisted of 102 industrial/organisational (I/O) psychologists and 89 HR practitioners. The main aim of the present study was to replicate and extend the work of Rynes et al. by examining and comparing the knowledge of I/O psychologists and HR practitioners. It was found that overall I/O psychologists were better informed about HR research than HR practitioners; in particular, they were more knowledgeable about management practices and recruitment and selection. In both groups of the five content areas examined (Management Practices; General Employment Practices; Training and Development; Recruitment and Selection; and Compensation and Benefits), the greatest gaps were in Recruitment and Selection. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

7. Clinical judgements: Research and practice
by Bell, Ian. Australian Psychologist, 01/06/2009, Vol 44 Issue 2: p112-121
This paper explores issues that are relevant to the judgements routinely made by clinical psychologists. It first considers the relative merits of clinical and statistical approaches to decision making and notes that although much of the empirical evidence demonstrates the greater accuracy of statistical approaches to making judgements (where appropriate methods exist), they are rarely routinely used. Instead, clinical approaches to making judgements continue to dominate in the majority of clinical settings. Second, common sources of errors in clinical judgement are reviewed, including the misuse of heuristics, clinician biases, the limitations of human information-processing capacities, and the overreliance on clinical interviews. Finally, some of the basic strategies that can be useful to clinicians in improving the accuracy of clinical judgement are described. These include advanced level training programs, using quality instruments and procedures, being wary of overreliance on theories, adhering to the scientist-practitioner approach, and being selective in the distribution of professional efforts and time. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

8. Prevalence of mental health problems in Australian university health services
by Stallman, H M et al. Australian Psychologist, 01/06/2009, Vol 44 Issue 2: p122-127
General practice patients report greater mental health problems than the general population, and students attending one university health service have reported greater prevalence rates at the end of the academic year. This study assessed the overall prevalence rate of mental health problems in university students using a cross-sectional survey design of 1,168 students from three large, predominantly urban, Australian university health services.
Approximately half of the students attending university health services reported elevated levels of psychological distress. The majority of severely distressed students had not sought any professional assistance for mental health problems. While there is scope for general practitioners to take a lead role in the identification of mental health problems in tertiary students, adequate treatment pathways need to be available. Implications for the role of universities in prevention work are discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

9. Still living in a war zone: Perceived health and wellbeing of partners of Vietnam veterans attending partners' support groups in New South Wales,
by Outram, Sue et al. Australian Psychologist, 01/06/2009, Vol 44 Issue 2: p128-135
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in veterans is well documented, less so the long-term impact on the health of their partners and families. The perceived health and wellbeing of women partners of Australian Vietnam veterans who were members of partners of veterans support groups is reported. This qualitative study used data from 76 participants in 10 focus groups in metropolitan, regional, and rural and remote areas of New South Wales (NSW). The data were tape-recorded, transcribed and thematically analysed using constant comparison methods. The impact of living with a partner with war-related PTSD appears to be significant and ongoing with women drawing parallels to living in a war zone. The biggest negative impact was on their mental health. They felt burdened as carers and struggled to find explanations for their husbands' problems. Support groups were very helpful. There are implications for partners of veterans who have returned from active military duty and from peacekeeping in current conflicts. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

10. Publication trends in individual DSM personality disorders: 1971-2015
By Boschen, M J. ET AL. Australian Psychologist, 01/06/2009, Vol 44 Issue 2: p136-142
Growth in personality disorder research has been documented by previous authors up to 1995. The aim of the present study was to extend this by examining publications rates for individual DSM personality disorders over the period 1971-2005, and making projections to 2015 based on these data. It was found that personality disorder research has grown in absolute terms, and as a proportion of overall psychopathology research. Research output is dominated by borderline personality disorder, with strong publication rates in other conditions such as antisocial and schizotypal personality disorders. In contrast, several personality disorders such as schizoid and paranoid personality disorder have failed to attract research interest. Based on current projections, there is expected to be no research output in 2015 for schizoid personality disorder. It was found that the rate of publications for personality disorders was not influenced by the publication of the last three revisions of the DSM diagnostic criteria. Several potential explanations such as the difficulty in conducting certain types of personality disorder research, and the validity of the current DSM diagnostic taxonomy are discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

New Books - NZNO Library collection

Books can be borrowed by NZNO members, for a period of 4 weeks. The books are couriered out to you, so please provide your street address when requesting items.

11. Conflict management in the workplace: How to manage disagreements and develop trust and understanding
by Shay & Margaret McConnon
Published 2008

12. Doing a Literature Review in health & social care: A practical guide
by Helen Aveyard
Published 2007

13. New Zealand Employment Law Guide 2009
by Richard Rudman

14. Nurse managers: A guide to practice
Edited by Andrew Crowther
2nd edition 2008

15. The skilled helper
by Gerard Egan
Eighth edition 2007

16. Understanding health inequalities in Aotearoa New Zealand
edited by Kevin Dew and Anna Matheson
Published 2008

Journals – Table of Contents

17. From NZMJ Digest June 2009 Issue 14
Selected papers from the New Zealand Medical Journal

17A. Leap of faith: from knowledge to safe practice
17B. Kinky carotids
17C. What gets in the way of clinical contact? Student perceptions of barriers to patient contact
17D. Characteristics of University of Auckland medical students intending to work in the regional/rural setting
17E. High blood pressure advice given by natural health food stores
17F. Party pills and drug-drug interactions
17G. Cardiovascular treatment gaps: closing and slowly
New Zealand's impact on health in the South Pacific: scope for improvement?
17I. Preventing strokes: the assessment and management of people with transient ischaemic attack
17J. Ninety years' growth of New Zealand complementary and alternative medicine
17K. Pretibial injury: prevention is possible and preferable
17L. Contaminant berries in frozen vegetables
17M. A tweet a day keeps the doctor away
17N. William Norman Clay
17O. Billie Rosemary Jane Porter
17P. Victor David Morrow Jacobson
17Q. Geoffrey Bruce Kiddle
17R. Nalin Rohitha Wijeyesekera
17S. Alan Derek Fair

18. From nursing.aust Summer 2008/2009 Vol 9 No 4
18A. Moving forward
18B. The National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission Interim Report
18C. Julienne Onley takes up position with UTAS
18D. Introducing WHO Fellowship Placement recipient Elaine Faletau
18E. Volunteer medical camps in Fiji
18F. Westmead paediatric ED: New grad ed
18G. The Victorian Nurses Health Program – Nurses promoting nurses’ health
18H. Open letter to all critical care nurses in Victoria
18I. Do you want to say thank you to a special nurse?
18J. “Our patients deserve better”
18K. Clinical update
18L. And now for the news
18M. Confessions on (or near) a dance floor: Mardi Gras Medical
18N. What an experience…
18O. Add more to your career with a training qualification
18P. What’s happening in the library
18Q. Remembering Lalla Morgan
18R. Who’s who at the College

Conferences, training and seminars

19. Annual Scientific Conference - 'Myths and Realities in Primary Care'
The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners

Date: 9-12 September 2009
Venue: Duxton Hotel, Wellington
More information:

20. 35th Annual Conference of the Australian College of Mental Health Nursing - Mind to Care
Date: 29–30 Sept 09: Symposium for nurses and midwives in non-mental health care settings
Date: 30 Sept–2 Oct 09: 35th International Conference of the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses, Oration, Gala Dinner, Art Exhibition
Venue: Sheraton on the Park, Sydney
Keynotes: Professor Gail Stuart, Charleston (US), Professor Dawn Freshwater, Leeds (UK); Professor Maxwell Bennett (Sydney);
Symposium Address, Rosemary Bryant (Commonwealth Chief Nurse & Midwifery Officer)
Enquiries: Phone: 07 5528 2501; Email:
Conference program & registration on-line:

21. Carers NZ National Carers Conference 2009
Tomorrow’s Care Today!

Date: September 24th and 25th, 2009
Venue: Waipuna Events Centre in Auckland
Bookings are essential: email or phone Sara 0800 777 797

News – National

22. Flu experience full of nasty surprises
Waikato Times - 24 June 2009

As the world and New Zealand become resigned to the flu pandemic, Hamilton student Michael Fresnel found out first-hand what it's like to have suspected swine flu. I was isolated for suspected swine flu a few days ago people's responses as I walked around Hamilton on my way to isolation, with a mask covering my face, were most interesting.Think leprosy in the good old days.

23. GP's staffer under scrutiny
A staff member at embattled Hamilton GP Suresh Vatsyayann's clinic is being investigated over concerns that the person gave vaccinations, took cervical smears and inserted contraception devices without the correct qualifications or training. The Waikato Times understands the Health Ministry investigation centres around Dr Vatsyayann's wife, Subhash Vatsyayann.
Waikato Times - 24 June 2009

24. Canterbury District Health Board’s B4 School Check
Wednesday, 24 June 2009, 4:59 pm
Press Release: Canterbury District Health Board 
Canterbury District Health Board is continuing to make progress on implementing a new national programme that offers free health and development checks to four year olds.

25. Whooping cough epidemic coming
South Canterbury could soon be in the grip of two epidemics.
Medical officer of health Dr Daniel Williams said while there were still no cases of the swine flu pandemic, this year there had been seven times more cases of whooping cough, with an epidemic thought to be on its way. Immunisation against whooping cough was the best prevention.

News - International

26. Study: Weight-loss surgery cuts cancer risk in women
CNN - 25 June 2009
Weight-loss surgery can sometimes reverse type 2 diabetes and ease other obesity-related conditions. Now, new research suggests that obese women who undergo bariatric surgery experience a 42 percent drop in their cancer risk.

27. In Old Age, Friends Can Keep You Young. Really
Time - 24 June 2009
Going to the ballpark, visiting friends and playing bingo are simple diversions for many of us. But for the elderly, these social pastimes may play a critical role in preserving their physical and mental health.,8599,1906579,00.html?xid=rss-health

28. Vitamin sales fall as consumers ditch expensive health supplements
The Telegraph - 24 June 2009
Sales of vitamins have fallen as consumers ditch expensive health supplements to cut back on the cost of their shopping, research shows.




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