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Issue 97 - 18 June 2009


1. When the Patient and Family Are the Experts, Will the Nurses Listen?
by Cooper, Phyllis G. Nursing Forum, Oct-Dec 2008, Vol 43 Issue 4:p169-170
The article focuses on myotonic muscular dystrophy (MMD) in which the patients who live with the disease and their family/caregivers become the information and caregiving experts. This fact, according to the article, aims to alert nurses at all levels about MMD and other less common diseases. It stresses the need for the nursing practice to find out from the patient and family what works and what does not. It presents a story that emphasizes this concept.

2. Going the Extra Mile: Beyond Health Teaching to Political Involvement
by Wold, Susan J et al. Nursing Forum, Oct-Dec 2008, Vol 43 Issue 4:p171-176
Addressing community health problems through political involvement.
PURPOSE AND SOURCES OF INFORMATION. This article describes how a group of RN–BSN students completing an assigned community-assessment and health-teaching project in a small, rural, southern county exceeded course requirements to address a significant community health problem. Specifically, after documenting a high rate of dental caries among local children and consulting with state officials and other experts, these students involved themselves in local politics in an effort to persuade county officials to implement community water fluoridation.
CONCLUSIONS. These RN–BSN students successfully demonstrated their ability to move beyond a focus on individuals to embrace the concept of community as client. In the process, they honed their skills in advocacy, communication, and political involvement, and achieved all of their BSN program's objectives.

3. Feeling Misunderstood: A Concept Analysis
by Condon, Barbara Backer. Nursing Forum, Oct-Dec 2008, Vol 43 Issue 4:p177-190

TOPIC. Feeling misunderstood.
PURPOSE. The purpose of this study was to analyze the concept of feeling misunderstood to explicate the antecedents, attributes, and consequences of this phenomenon.
SOURCE. A comprehensive review of literature, from 1957 to 2005, was completed with the keywords feeling misunderstood to guide the search.
CONCLUSIONS. Three defining attributes of feeling misunderstood were identified: (a) disquietude; (b) discordant perceptions; and (c) heightened cognizance of emotions. Antecedents, including presence of an issue, communication barrier, and unexpected response from receiver, are explicated, along with the consequences, or transformations in behavior. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

4. The Prevailing Winds of Oppression: Understanding the New Graduate Experience in Acute Care
by Duchscher, Judy Boychuk et al. Nursing Forum, Oct-Dec 2008, Vol 43 Issue 4:p191-206
The experience of new graduates in acute care.
PURPOSE. The majority of newly graduated nurses make their initial professional role transition in acute care. Being socialized into the dynamic culture of today's hospitals creates significant challenges not only for the nurses themselves but also for institutions of higher education, healthcare administrators, and policy makers across this country. Demanding workloads for hospital nurses, an aging nursing workforce, and the high level of stress inherent in workplaces across North America are factors contributing to an exodus of both new and
seasoned nurses out of acute care. This article outlines the implicit and explicit factors that may be contributing to the dissatisfaction and distress in nursing graduates entering professional practice through hospital nursing.
CONCLUSION. Discussion is focused on the oppressive context in which hospital nursing continues to be situated and explores the ideological, structural, and relational aspects of domination that continue to surface in the work experiences of novice as well as seasoned nurses. Suggestions for addressing the issues that plague the acute care environment are integrated throughout the article, and a detailed framework of empowerment for this nursing context is offered

5. Loneliness: A Concept Analysis
by Bekhet, Abir K et al. Nursing Forum, Oct-Dec 2008, Vol 43 Issue 4:p207-213
. Loneliness is a universal human experience recognized since the dawn of time, yet it is unique for every individual. Loneliness can lead to both depression and low self-esteem. PURPOSE. This article explicates the concept of loneliness through the examination of its conceptual definition and uses defining attributes, related concepts, and empirical referents.
SOURCES OF INFORMATION. Literature review using hand search and database were used as sources of information.
CONCLUSION. Because loneliness is commonly encountered in nursing situations, the information provided will serve as a framework for assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation of clients. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

6. Competency: A Concept Analysis
by Axley, Lawrette. Nursing Forum, Oct-Dec 2008, Vol 43 Issue 4:p214-222

TOPIC. Concept analysis of competency.
PURPOSE. The purpose of this concept analysis was to further explore uses of the concept and theoretically define how important the multidimensional aspects of competency are to the professional practice of nursing.
CONCLUSIONS. Competency is essential to the profession of nursing, and providing a clear theoretical definition of competency is only the first step. The competency of all nurses and healthcare providers must be assessed to provide safe care, protect the public, and maintain the credibility of nurses.Standards must be established and adhered to both in practice and evaluation of competency. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

7. My Story: Implementing a Grief and Loss Program in a Remote Village in Zambia
by Williams, Sarah J. Nursing Forum, Oct-Dec 2008, Vol 43 Issue 4:p223-237
The purpose of this paper is to describe one nurse's experience in implementing a grief and loss program for caregivers, teachers, and guardians of orphans in a remote village in Zambia. Nursing professionals at a Texas university responded to the needs of this underserved community because of the high death rate caused by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The rewarding experience produced successful outcomes in terms of spiritual service, and continued efforts toward achieving social justice. Evaluation results proved that a distance approach to implementing grief and loss initiatives in Zambia is achievable.

8. Leading a Study-abroad Group of Nursing Students in Nicaragua: A First-timer's Account
by Christoffersen, Jean E. Nursing Forum, Oct-Dec 2008, Vol 43 Issue 4:p238-246
Readiness to lead a study-abroad group of nursing students in Nicaragua.
PURPOSE. Given the abundance of study-abroad programs now offered in colleges and universities, this first-hand account of a nursing faculty member's decision to bring a group of nursing students to Nicaragua may help other nursing faculty members considering taking on a similar challenge.
SOURCES OF INFORMATION. The author shares her thoughts and worries before agreeing to lead the 2-week trip. She then describes the day-to-day experience of being in Nicaragua with her students.
CONCLUSIONS. In the end, the rewards of the experience won over both this professor and her student nurses. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

9. Can Society Take God's Place? A Reflection on Nursing's Social Policy
by Alan Boxer, Bruce. Nursing Forum, Oct-Dec 2008, Vol 43 Issue 4:p247-249
This article is an opinion on the strength of and issues related to applying nursing's social contract.
PURPOSE. The purpose of this article is to promote discussion on the implications, use, and knowledge of nursing's social contract in a volatile healthcare environment.
This article is based on the author's opinions and Nursing's Social Policy Statement (2nd ed.) ( ANA, 2003 ).
CONCLUSION. Nurses today need to understand the history and current implications of nursing's social contract to meet society's expectations of the nursing profession. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Journals – Table of Contents

10. From Journal of Primary Health Care, Volume 1, Number 2, June 2009
From the Editor
A look at the workforce, the common cold and a handy insert on drug interactions: Something for everyone
10B. Primary care workforce planning: What's happened to the 'Logan' report?   
10C. Primary mental health care: Service delivery and the impact on the workforce
10D. Position statement: Primary health care nursing
10E. Trends for primary health care nurses
10F. Community physiotherapy workforce issues
10G. The workforce shortage disadvantages those in greatest need
Quantitative Research
Doctors and romance: Not only of interest to Mills and Boon readers
10I. General practice in urban and rural New Zealand: Results of the 2007 RNZCGP membership survey
10J. Do scores in the selection process for vocational general practice training predict scores in vocational examinations?
10K. The provision of mental health care by primary health organisations in the northern region: Barriers and enablers
Qualitative Research
10L. The Pacific primary health care workforce in New Zealand: What are the needs?
Systematic Reviews
10M. Is intranasal zinc effective and safe for the common cold? A systematic review and meta-analysis
10N. The nurse practitioner provides a substantive opportunity for task substitution in primary care
Continuing Professional Development
String of PEARLS about upper respiratory tract infections
10P. Pounamu: A recommendation from suspected cancer in primary care: Guidance for referral and reducing disparities from the NZ Guidelines Group
10R. POEMS: Patient Oriented Evidence that Matters
10S. Charms & Harms: Echinacea
10T. Cochrane Corner: Grommets effective for recurrent acute otitis media
10U. Practical Pointers: Learning to 'see' in the clinician-patient relationship
10V. Practical Pointers: Clinically important drug-drug interactions and how to manage them
In search of true autonomy
Tyneside to New Zealand
10Y. View from the edge
10Z. A type of lady's corset? Support for older people

11. From Collective Thinking, Issue 72, May 09

11A. Co-editor Jack Dragicevich wants to spark debate
Local News
11B. HIV diagnoses in 2008 highest ever; AIDS Foundation's Hamilton centre in new location; Peer support organisations struggle for funding in recession
11C. Burnett Centre opens sexual health clinic for men; HIV Treatments Update Seminar; Human rights leader Richard Tankersley to receive NZAF Life Membership
11D. Wellness Fund annual report; Influenza immunisation is your best defence
11E. The positive health service's current and future growth survey
International News
11F. Hepatitis needs more attention, says lobby group; Half of under 25's in UK don't use condoms; 2010 International AIDS Conference will be in Vienna
11G. Russia "not ready'for tough HIV prevention; South African HIV positive soldiers sue government; Suicidal thoughts common in people with HIV
11H. Glaxo and Pfizer join forces to increase HIV drug market share; New female condom approved by Food and Drug Administration in US; Kaletra as your sole
drug still looks good - Spain
Young, gay, Positive... Where do I find support?
11J. "HIV still affects my life, every single day"
Regional Roundup
Regional support groups - missing in action?
11L. Greater involvement of people living with HIV and/or AIDS1 (GIPA)
11M. The body positive HIV positive men's retreat
11N. Positive women family hui straight arrows dinners
11O. Treat yourself right [A new resource produced by Positive Women, which provides up-to-date information on health and wellbeing for women living with HIV or AIDS]]

12. From Commonwealth Nurse, Issue 40 January 2009
From the President
Working together to strengthen the CNF
12B. Changing of the guard [At the 2007 CNF Biennial meeting in Malaysia, Michael Stubbings and Douglas Beattie announced their retirement
12C. Commonwealth people's forum 2007
12D. Commonwealth health ministers meeting 18 May 2008
12E. Victorian nurses health program
12F. CNF Caribbean workshops October 2008
12G. CNF European region conference
12H. CNF conducts workshop at South Pacific Nurses Forum Fiji October 2008
12I. Commonwealth Asia symposium on the international migration of health workers
12J. The migration of nurses: From brain drain to brain gain

Conferences, training and seminars

13. INC 2009 - The 7th International Nursing Conference
29-30 October 2009
Venue: KOFST/Seoul, KOREA
More information:

14. SPINZ Symposium - September 2009
Suicide Prevention Information New Zealand
10-11 September 2009
Venue: Wellington

15. National Digital Forum 2009 Conference
Being online now: culture, creativity and community
Monday 23 – Tuesday 24 November 2009
Venue: Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington

News – National

16. Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu
Information Sheet Ministry of Health - 18 June 2009

17. Containment the key, says Adamson
Wairarapa Times-Age - 17 Jun 2009
DHB boss Tracey Adamson said the DHB was continuing to work with Regional Public Health to prevent or contain the spread of H1N1.

18. Witt poised to close if swine flu worsens
Taranaki Daily News - 18 Jun 2009
More than 3500 students and almost 350 staff will be shut out of Taranaki's primary tertiary institution if the country's swine flu situation worsens.

19. Swine flu calls swamp 0800 Healthline
New Zealand Herald - 17 Jun 2009
Public concern over swine flu has swamped the Healthline advice call centre and St John's is being roped in to help out, Health Minister Tony Ryall said today.

20. Legal advice sought after 5-year-old made to clean toilets
Otago Daily Times - 17 Jun 2009
A mother is seeking legal advice after her 5-year-old son was made to clean toilets by a caregiver at Chipmunks as punishment for supposedly hitting a girl in the face with a ball. Oriwa Pehi-Livapulu says her son, Noble, could have become sick and she has complained to Child, Youth and Family, which funds the after-school care programme in Rotorua, known as Oscar.

News - International

21. £3bn cost of alcohol to NHS every year
The Telegraph - 17 Jun 2009
The NHS spends £3 billion a year treating alcohol-related sickness, according to new figures.

22. Inquiry call over 3,000 NHS staff in Scotland on long-term sick leave
The Telegraph - 17 Jun 2009
Scottish ministers have been urged to hold an immediate inquiry after it emerged that more than 3,000 NHS staff in Scotland are on long-term sick leave.

23. Drug hope for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers
As many as 250,000 rheumatoid arthritis sufferers could benefit from a drug - MabThera - that can halt the disease in its tracks.
The Telegraph - 16 Jun 2009


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