1. Opinion. Patient history and malpractice defense
by Iliff D. Family Practice Management, 2008 Sep-Oct, 15(8): p11, 13
Abstract: Good records can help defend against a meritless malpractice suit, but it takes more than good records to prevent one
2. Letters to the editor: A view from the other side... Working with insurers: a view from the dark side" by Lee Buttz, MD, MBA, in the July/August issue of FPM.
by Sanders,S P; Alexander, A; Buttz, L. Family Practice Management, 2008 Sep-Oct,15(8):p14
3. Letters to the editor: Ensuring follow-up care... "Do we have a legal obligation to ensure that our patients receive necessary follow-up care?" [Practice Pearls, April 2008]. Preview Howe, R K. Family Practice Management, 2008 Sep-Oct,15(8):p14,18
4. Letters to the editor: Dr. Ness' E/M rule... Dr. Nancy Ness'..."A multiple-service rule for E/M services" [Opinion, June 2008]
by Mikus, K P & Wiegert, H T. Family Practice Management, 2008 Sep-Oct,15(8):p18
5. Launching a community-wide flu vaccination plan
by Bechtol Z. Family Practice Management, 2008 Sep-Oct, 15(8): p19-22
Abstract: When the community took a more organized approach to providing vaccinations rather than simply reacting to public demand, everyone benefited.
6. Vaccination management: is your practice on target?
by Moore, K J et al. Family Practice Management, 2008 Sep-Oct, 15(8):p28-32
Abstract: These strategies will protect your patients and your bottom line.
7. 10 big ideas that could make your practice better
by Newbell B et al. Family Practice Management, 2008 Sep-Oct, 15(8):p33-41
Abstract: Could your practice benefit from some fresh thinking? Get inspired by these 10 ideas that have made a difference for your colleagues.
8. Coding & documentation
by Hughes C. Family Practice Management, 2008 Sep-Oct,15(8):p42
(journal article - questions and answers)
9. Practice pearls: Add insight to hiring process
by McCollum B. Family Practice Management, 2008 Sep-Oct,15(8):p45
10. Practice pearls: Be creative in finding time for retreats, meetings
by Safford B; Family Practice Management, 2008 Sep-Oct, 15(8):p45
11. Practice pearls: Reward staff for meeting productivity goals
by Garner J; Family Practice Management, 2008 Sep-Oct, 15(8):p45
12. Practice pearls: Streamline nursing home care procedures
by Sagall R; Family Practice Management, 2008 Sep-Oct, 15 (8):p45
13.The last word. Is 'busy' good?
by Antonucci J. Family Practice Management, 2008 Sep-Oct, 15 (8):p52
Abstract: One family physician thinks we should stop pretending that it is.
14. A Road Map for Universal Coverage: Finding a Pass through the Financial Mountains
by Sessions,S Y & Lee,P R. Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law, 2008 Apr 33(2): p155-97
Abstract: Government already pays for more than half of U.S. health care costs, and nearly all universal health insurance proposals assume continued government involvement through tax subsidies and other means. The question of what specific taxes could be used to finance universal coverage is, however, seldom carefully examined, in part due to efforts by health care reform proponents to downplay tax issues. In this article we undertake such an examination.We argue that the challenges of relying on taxes for universal coverage are even greater than is generally appreciated, but that they can nevertheless be met. A proposal to fund a universal health insurance voucher system with a value-added tax illustrates issues that would arise for tax-financed plans in general and provides a broad framework for a bipartisan approach to universal coverage. We discuss significant problems that such an approach would face and suggest solutions. We outline a long-term political and legislative strategy for enacting universal coverage that draws upon precedents set by comparable legislative initiatives, including tax reform and Medicare. The results are an improved understanding of the relationship between systemic health care finance reform and taxation and a politically realistic plan for universal coverage that employs undisguised taxes.
15. Governance and community benefit: are nonprofit hospitals good candidates for sarbanes-oxley type reforms?
by Alexander,J A et al. Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law, 2008 Apr, 33(2): p199-224
Abstract: Recent investigations into the activities of nonprofit hospitals have pointed to weak or lax governance on the part of some of these organizations. As a result of these events, various federal and state initiatives are now either under way or under discussion to strengthen the governance of hospitals and other nonprofit corporations through mandatory board structures and practices. However, despite policy makers' growing interest in these types of governance reforms, there is in fact little empirical evidence to support their contribution to the effectiveness of hospital boards. The purpose of this article is to report the results of a study examining the relationship between the structure and practices of nonprofit hospital boards relative to the hospital's provision of community benefits. Our results point to modest relationships between these sets of variables, suggesting considerable limitations to what federal and state policy makers can accomplish through legislative initiatives to improve the governance of nonprofit hospitals.
16. Role of budget impact in drug reimbursement decisions
by Cohen, J P et al. Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law, 2008 Apr, 33(2): p225-47
Abstract: There are three known criteria that underlie drug reimbursement decisions: therapeutic value, cost-effectiveness, and burden of disease. However, evidence from recent reimbursement decisions in several jurisdictions points to residual, unexplained variables, among which is budget impact. Budget impact refers to the total costs that drug reimbursement and use entail with respect to one part of the health care system, pharmaceutical care, or to the entire health care system, taking into account the possible reallocation of resources across budgets or sectors of the health care system. The economic and equity rationale for carrying out budget impact analyses is opportunity cost, or benefits forgone, measured in terms of utility or equitable distribution, by using resources in one way rather than another. In other words, by choosing to draw down the budget in one way, decision makers forgo other opportunities to use the same resources. Under a set of unrealistic assumptions, cost-effectiveness analysis accounts for opportunity cost while conveying to the decision maker the price of maximizing health gains, subject to a budget or resource constraint. However, the underlying assumptions are implausible, particularly in the context of pharmaceutical care. Moreover, budget impact analysis is more useful to the decision maker than cost-effectiveness analysis if the objective is not to maximize health gains subject to a budget or resource constraint, but to reduce variance in health gains. With respect to equitable distribution, budget impact analyses lay bare the individuals or groups who lose out - those who bear the opportunity cost of spending resources in accordance with one
decision rule rather than another.
Journals - Table of Contents
17. From Journal of Law and Medicine, Volume 16, May 2009
17A. Vexatious litigant law reform
17B. Prevention of suicide: Police powers, parliamentary intent and judicial interpretation
17C. Support of victims of offenders with mental illness
17D. Whose best interests? Advance directives and clinical discretion
17E. The impact of nursing numbers and skills mix on patient outcomes
17F. Recent legal developments and the authority of the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration
17G. Genetic discrimination in the workplace: Towards legal certainty in uncertain times
17H. Competency and capacity: The legal and medical interface
17I. Emerging legal concerns with chronic diseases in the Australian workplace: Pre-employment medicals, functional capacity evaluations, workers' compensation and disability discrimination
17J. Assessing the safety and cost-effectiveness of early nanodrugs
17K. Hindsight bias and outcome bias in the social construction of medical negligence: A review
17L. Is there any role for health care professionals at the mediation of clinical negligence claims?
17M. Assault in medical law: Revisiting the boundaries of informed consent to medical treatment in South Africa
17N. New Zealand law's protection of drug trial participants
17O. Psychiatric advance directives: the new frontier in mental health law reform in Australia?
18. The Dissector - Journal of the Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation, March 2009, Volume 36, Number 4
18A. It has been two years. [Kathryn Fraser reflects on her two years as journal Editor]
18B. Device Technologies - Nelson Conference Platinum Sponsor; National campaign needed to make hospitals safer
18C. Mercy Ships needs Perioperative Nurses
18D. Overcoming medical errors
18E. Hypertension & management of cardiac risk
18F. Clinical scholarship in nursing practice
18G. An instrument of giving: The contribution of the Registered Nurse in theatre
18H. Sedation for endoscopy
18I. The definitive perioperative nurses trauma care course
18J. Anne Johnston - Theatre profession by default
18K. Plan your retirement
Conferences, training and seminars
19. Bioethics and Health Law Conference “Future Offers, Future Threats
Date: Thursday 9th - Sunday 12th July 2009
Venue: Rydges Lakeland Resort Queenstown
More information:
20. “Celebrating Nursing Research: Opening Doors”
Date: Friday 20th & Saturday 21st November 2009
Venue: Duxton Hotel, Wellington
• Dr Margaret Southwick, Chair, Nursing Council of New Zealand
• Dr Jenny Carryer, Clinical Chair of Nursing, Massey University
• Professor Rhonda Griffiths, University of Western Sydney, Australia
More information: [email protected]
or 04 499 1882
21. Forging Links - New Zealand Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting
Date: 23-26 July 2009
Venue: Rotorua
News - National
22. Health inefficiency 'dumb'
ODT - 22 May 2009
Health workers travelling long distances in rural areas in separate cars to serve the same people is "just dumb", combined Otago and Southland District Health Boards committees were told this week.
23. Gore Health buys out general practice
Southland Times - 22nd May 2009
Gore Health Ltd has bought one of Gore's long-standing general practices, a move that would ensure sufficient GP numbers to service Eastern Southland for many years to come.
24. Surgical milestone
Otago Daily Times - 22nd May 2009
The mobile surgical bus service will perform its 10,000th operation when it visits Oamaru Hospital next week.
25. Children's allergy to milk to be studied
Otago Daily Times - 21st May 2009
The extent and effect of allergy to cow's milk in children will be researched in a study announced today, during allergy awareness week.
26. Gore nurse pleased to be award nominee
ODT - 21 May 2009
Caring for people and applying plenty of common sense have been at the heart of Gore practice nurse Marilla Park's 40-year career.
27. Maori nursing students gather at UCOL Wairarapa
Press Release: Universal College Of Learning
Scoop - Thursday, 21 May 2009
News - International
28. SA students treated over swine flu case
Sydney Morning Herald - May 22, 2009 - 9:59AM
About 40 year 10 students at Adelaide's Eynesbury Senior College will be treated with a course of anti-viral drugs after South Australia's first confirmed case of swine flu. The college has been shut down for a week after health authorities confirmed a 15-year-old girl had tested positive to the virus.
29. Aged-care provider Kendalle's own goal
The Australian - May 22, 2009
EMERGENCY accommodation is being sought for 56 elderly nursing home residents after the major shareholder of an aged-care provider used its finances to prop up her soccer team. Residents of Gracedale Manor, at Ringwood in Melbourne's east, were told late on Wednesday that their home would be shut down by the administrators of its operator, Kendalle Pty Ltd.,25197,25520735-23289,00.html
30. Vioxx played 'substantial role' in heart attack, says US cardiologist
The Australian - May 22, 2009
A LEADING US cardiologist has testified that the anti-arthritis drug Vioxx played a "substantial contributing role" in the heart attack of a 58-year-old Australian former navy officer. Douglas Zipes, from Indiana University, told the Federal Court yesterday he "strongly believed" the drug was a substantial factor in the 2003 heart attack of Graeme Peterson. But the class action against the US manufacturer of Vioxx, Merck & Co and its Australian subsidiary Merck Sharp and Dohme also heard from other experts that there was no physical "footprint" in the body to prove Vioxx caused the heart attack.,25197,25519952-23289,00.html