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Issue 92 - 15 May 2009


1. Dementia: a cause to remember
by Kinnair, Donna. Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p3-3
The author offers insights on the newly-launched national dementia strategy from the British Department of Health. She notes that this strategy should be of interest to nursing managers, whether they are responsible for organizing care for patients in hospitals or in their homes. She says that this gives patients and their families support and autonomy and ensures that they can consider future options.

2. News in brief.
Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p4
This section offers news briefs on nursing management in Great Britain. The Florence Nightingale Foundation is calling on nurses to apply for its research scholarships for 2009 to 2010. The British National Health Service has published a briefing that promotes the benefits of equity and diversity monitoring. The guidance entitled "Inspiring Leaders: Leadership for Quality," has been released by the British National Health Service for senior healthcare staff in England.

3. Fund focuses on workforce wellbeing
Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p4
This article reports on a £1.5 million fund provided by the Scottish government for the improvement of health, well-being and welfare of the Scottish National Health Service (NHS) staff. This move was announced by Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon. With this move, NHS boards will be able to bid for a share of the Working Well Challenge Fund

4. DH publishes dementia strategy.
Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p4
This article reports on the publication of the first national dementia strategy by the British Department of Health. This strategy is calling senior staff to be identified in general hospitals and care homes to provide leadership to improve dementia care. Also, it is calling dementia advisers to help patients and their families regarding care and support system

5. 25-point malnutrition action plan calls for community screening
by Lipley, Nick. Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p5
This article presents information on a report entitled "Combating Malnutrition: Recommendations for Action," published by the British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition in Great Britain. The report suggests that three million people in Great Britain are at risk of malnutrition. It also provides recommendations for the British government on how to reduce the cost of the condition.

6. Guidance out on patient feedback.
Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p5
This article reports on a guidance entitled "High Quality Care for All," published by the British Department of Health. In the guidance, Health Minister Lord Darzi set out proposals for the routing collection of patient-reported outcome measures. Under the proposals, patients will answer the same set of questions on their quality of life before and after their operations. The data will be used to quantify improvements to their health.

7. Vantage point
by Ellis, Gemma. Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p6
The author offers insights on the danger of the abused use of mechanical and physical restraint in critical care. She sees mechanical and physical restraint as an abuse of human rights. She is worried that because of lack of clear professional support and direction, patients may be chemically restrained unnecessarily. She advises healthcare professionals to be governed by guidance and protocols in keeping patients in a state of treatment compliance.

8. On the move
Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p6
The article announces appointments in the nursing sector in Great Britain, including Kathy George as executive and registrar of the Nursing and Midwifery Council, Ros Moore as nursing director of the National Health Service's Connecting for Health and Jane Ashcroft as chair of the English Community Care Association.

9. A Question of faith.
Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p9
The article presents comments from members of the Nursing Management Expert Panel about offers of prayer by nurses and other medical personnel to patients. Wendy Jehan, director of nursing and governance at South Downs Health National Health Service Trust, emphasized the need for a distinction between genuine offers of support and risking offense. Barrie Collins, director of nursing and director of infection prevention and control at West Kent Primary Care Trust, said that a nurse's role is to deliver care, not to impose her or his beliefs.

10. Why green means clean.
by Wilson, Gwyneth & Bryant, Jennifer
Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p10-11
This article focuses on a new strategy developed by the nursing staff at Mid Essex Hospital Services National Health Service Trust in Mid Essex, England that shows their commitment to prevent hospital-acquired infections. Nursing staff at the hospital clean the bed space between the discharge of one patient and the admission of another, then places a green ribbon or tape across the turned-down top sheet on the bed with a seal, date and sign.

11. What's in a name?
by Tweddle, Vikki. Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p11
The author reflects on the re-branding of ²gether National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust in Gloucestershire, England. She says that the trust, formerly called the Gloucestershire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, is the best provider of mental health and learning disability services in Gloucestershire. According to her, the re-branding was made because members of the trust believes that it required a name that will be remembered easily.

12. Helping women break through the glass ceiling
by Aujla, Harjinder. Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p12-13
This article discusses post-registration education and training programs for female nurses in Great Britain. Despite improvement in recruitment campaigns made by the British Department of Health, there is still no assurance that women have the same access as men to senior nursing positions. Men are more likely than women to become learning disability and mental health nurses, while women are more likely to become nurse in communities, where there are limited opportunities for promotions.

13. Shining a light on care
by Young, Barbara. Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p14-16
: This article reports that the CARE Quality Commission will become the regulator of quality of health and adult social care in England. The Commission takes over the responsibility from the Healthcare Commission, the Commission for Social Care Inspection and the Mental Health Act Commission. The Commission will work closely with nurses and nursing leaders to provide the best care to the people.

14. A guide to setting up social enterprises
by Dawes, David. Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p18-20
This article presents tips for primary care personnel on setting up social enterprises to deliver services, which is suggested on a report entitled "NHS Next Stage Review," published by British Health Minister Lord Darzi. The report also suggests primary care trusts to consider staff right-to-requests and support the development of the social enterprise. Primary care staff should examine some facts and figures about social entrepreneurs, particularly nurses.

15. Case management for long-term conditions.Preview (cover story)
by Thomas, Deborah. Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p22-27
This article reports on claims made by the World Health Organization regarding the need for healthcare systems to prevent or manage long-term conditions. The organization claimed that the focus of health care must move away from episodic care of critically ill patients in hospitals towards continuous care by teams that combine specialist expertise and generalist capabilities. Case management is a method of proactive care delivery in the community that involves identifying people who are at high risk of unplanned admission.

16. Haemodialysis: a self-care service
by Tibbles, Rosamund et al. Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p28-34
This article focuses on the implementation of a hospital-based haemodialysis self-care patient education program by a group of primary care trusts with Guy's and St. Thomas' National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust and King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in Great Britain. This initiative involves haemodialysis units led by physicians. The program is designed to empower patients to make choices about their treatment and to offer them greater flexibility in deciding when and where to undergo dialysis.

17. Have your say
Nursing Management - UK, Mar 2009, Vol 15 Issue 10:p37
The article presents information on regulatory proposals on healthcare in Great Britain. These proposals will be reviewed by the Care Quality Commission. A legislative framework was proposed by the British Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety for new mental capacity legislation and modernized mental health legislation in Northern Ireland

Journals - Table of Contents

18. From Journal of Advanced Nursing, Volume 65, Number 6, June 2009

18A. A decision theory perspective on why women do or do not decide to have cancer screening: systematic review (p 1130-1140)
18B. Prevention and treatment of incontinence-associated dermatitis: literature review (p 1141-1154)
18C. Contraception and women over 40 years of age: mixed-method systematic review (p 1155-1170)
18D. Qualitative case study methodology in nursing research: an integrative review (p 1171-1181)
18E. Intermediate-acting vs. long-acting insulin for type 1 diabetes mellitus; Printed educational materials: effects on professional practice and healthcare outcomes; Absorbent products for moderate–heavy urinary and/or faecal incontinence in women and men; Debridement for surgical wounds (p 1182-1186)
RESEARCH PAPERS - Original Research
18F. Nurse and parent partnership during children's vaccinations: a conversation analysis (p 1187-1194)
18G. Research use in clinical practice – extent and patterns among nurses one and three years postgraduation (p 1195-1206)
18H. Nurse prescriber–patient consultations: a case study in dermatology (p 1207-1217)
18I. Evidence-based practice-focused interactive teaching strategy: a controlled study (p 1218-1227)
18J. Bone mineral density and perceived menopausal symptoms: factors influencing low back pain in postmenopausal women (p 1228-1236)
18K. Comparison of two different oxygen delivery methods in the early postoperative period: randomized trial (p 1237-1247)
18L. Midlife African-American women's protective and risky practices related to HIV (p 1248-1258)
18M. Medication errors in an intensive care unit (p 1259-1267)
18N. Position of peripheral venous cannulae and the incidence of thrombophlebitis: an observational study (p 1268-1273)
18O. Rotating shift-related changes in hormone levels in intensive care unit nurses (p 1274-1282)
18P. Emergency department nurses' understanding and experiences of implementing discharge planning (p 1283-1292)
18Q. Evaluation of contextual influences on the medication administration practice of paediatric nurses (p 1293-1299)
18R. A caring relationship with people who have cancer (p 1300-1308)
Research Methodology
The Internet as a research site: establishment of a web-based longitudinal study of the nursing and midwifery workforce in three countries (p 1309-1317)
Learning for holistic care: addressing practical wisdom (phronesis) and the spiritual sphere (p 1318-1327)
18U. Knowing in nursing: a concept analysis (p 1328-1341
18V. Social isolation in older adults: an evolutionary concept analysis (p 1342-1352)

19. From Employment Today May 2009, Issue 137
Doing what we do
19B. Light shone on safety [With daylight saving over, the Department of Labour is reminding employers and employees to be alert to the extra risk created by deteriorating light conditions]
19C. Hiring expectations down; Management trick or strategic business practice?
19D. Big idea for jobs; Storing details of job candidates may breach Privacy Act; Skills shortage remains a global growth obstacle
19E. Green cleaning brings savings; Employees split over Kiwisaver contributions
19F. Work notes; World at work
19G. The money or the bag?
19H. Alan Davis [Assistant Vice Chancellor, Massey University, PALMERSTON NORTH]
19I. Reinforcing the front line
19J. Money's too tight to mention
19K. People problems
19L. The best outcome [This year marks the 100th anniversary of employment mediation in New Zealand]
19M. When opportunity knocks, open the door [The recession provides an opportunity to tackle some infrastructure issues]
19N. Career conservations
19O. The pain of redundancy
19P. Licensed to counsel
19Q. Managing market forces [Remuneration market trends]
19R. Change afoot at work [Employment lawyers Andrew Scott-Howman and Stephen Langton went head-to-head at a recent Auckland conference on industrial relations]
19S. I can see clearly now [Clarification rather than change is what's needed for our employment laws, says James Wilson]
19T. The power of NO [Rejection management]
19U. When enough is enough [Are you busy being busy? Do you work to live or live to work?]
19V. Physical Smarts [Why is it some people understand their body's warning signs and can avoid injury while others are injury-prone?]
19W. Feast or Famine [Retaining staff through economic turbulence]
19X. Use your noodles ['2 minute noodles' approach to productivity and motivation]
19Y. Employment Case Notes [Drug possession; Lettuce theft; Unfair allegations; Mixed results; Failed drug testing]
19Z. Erratic behaviour leads to dismissal

Conferences, training and seminars

20. 2nd Annual Clinical Governance for the NZ Health Sector
29 & 30 July 2009
Venue: Rendezvous Hotel, Auckland
Programme - Practical ‘how to’ topics including:
• Actually implementing a clinical governance framework
• Collaboration between sectors
• Bridging the divide between clinicians and management
• Motivating and getting the support of those frontline staff ‘working at the coalface’   
• Effectively measuring clinical governance
More information:

21. Health Promotion Forum Symposium
15 & 16 July 2009
Venue: Wellington
More information:

22. Public Health Association Conference 2009: The Underpinnings of Public Health Practice: Research and Values
2 - 4 September 2009
Venue: Dunedin/Otepoti  
More information:

News - National

23. Nurses Disappointed Govt Disregards Fairness
Press Release: New Zealand Nurses Organisation 
Thursday, 14 May 2009

24. Pay equity still a big issue for women: unions
ODT - Thursday, 14 May 2009
The Government's decision to scrap the Department of Labour's pay and employment equity unit shows a lack of commitment to addressing equal pay for work of
equal value, the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) says.

25. Celebration For Nurses
Press Release: Whitireia Polytech
Thursday, 14 May 2009, 11:27 am
Nurses, students and staff at Whitireia celebrated International Nurses Day yesterday with an afternoon tea, marking Florence Nightingale’s birthday in a celebration shared amongst nurses worldwide. New Zealand has a proud history of nursing - the first hospital was built in Auckland in 1845; the first training school began in Wellington in 1884 and state registration of nurses began in 1901.

26.Elizabeth Plant: Pharmacists step up as drug therapies get more complex
New Zealand Herald - Thursday May 14, 2009
Medication is an increasingly complex area and is growing all the time. In the lifetime of a 50-year-old, the number of medication choices able to be prescribed and dispensed has risen from about 250 to more than 4000. Every year there are new and increasingly complex medications being developed.

27. Security of job brings more back to nursing
New Zealand Herald - Wednesday May 13, 2009
New Zealand's chronic nursing shortage is almost over - thanks to the recession. District health boards say vacancy rates have fallen as former nurses return to make up lost family income and young people turn to nursing for secure jobs.

News - International

28. Workers 'forced to sign away conditions'
Sydney Morning Herald - May 15, 2009 
Childcare workers at defence department-owned centres are being forced to sign away their unfair dismissal protection, the childcare workers' union says. The Brisbane-based B4Kids group won government contracts in April to take over defence's 21 childcare centres following the collapse of the industry giant ABC Learning.

29. Democrats move towards employer health-insurance mandate
The Age - May 15, 2009 
US employers would have to provide health insurance to full-time workers or pay a percentage of their payroll to the government under a health-care overhaul being considered by House Democrats.

30. Risk of dementia rises with heavy drinking, say doctors
Brain damage caused by drinking alcohol is set to rise in future generations, according to medical experts. They claim that heavy drinking could be responsible for as many as one in four cases of dementia.
The Telegraph - 10 May 2009

31. Living with allergies




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