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Issue 36 Library e-newsletter 1 November 2019

Legionnaires' disease - Working safely with soil, compost and potting mix

Books – Available from the NZNO library collection

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1. The Activists handbook: A step by step guide to participatory democracy
Aidan Ricketts
Published 2012

Providing all essential practical tools, methods and strategies needed for a successful campaign and extensively discussing legal and ethical issues, this book empowers its readers to effectively promote their cause. Lots of ready-to-use documents and comprehensive information on digital activism and group strategy make this book an essential companion for any campaign.

2. Broken Silence
Anne Hunt
Published 2003

The book documents a significant sexual abuse case in New Zealand. The case concerned a claim by a middle-aged woman that she was raped by a senior health professional during therapy. The author has researched all the available data, and provides a thought-provoking discussion of an extremely sensitive subject.

3. Reclaiming conversation: The power of talk in a digital age
Sherry Turkle
Published 2015

Preeminent author and researcher Sherry Turkle has been studying digital culture for over thirty years. Long an enthusiast for its possibilities, here she investigates a troubling consequence: at work, at home, in politics, and in love, we find ways around conversation, tempted by the possibilities of a text or an email in which we don’t have to look, listen, or reveal ourselves.

4. Teaching defiance: Stories and strategies for activist educators
Michael Newman
Published 2006

Michael Newman—a two-time winner of the Cyril O. Houle Award for Outstanding Literature in Adult Education—examines the use of rational discourse, nonrational discourse, and storytelling to bring about personal and collective change. Using a powerful blend of theoretical discussion and step-by-step accounts of practice, Newman returns to what actually happens in that magical encounter between teacher and learner.

Articles – Legionnaires Disease

5. Preventing Legionnaires' Disease Through a New Learning Opportunity: A Training on Legionella Water Management Programs
Hunter, Candis M, McMullen, Shaun,  Edens, Chris,  Baddour, Liljana Johnson, McKeever, Jennifer, et al. Journal of Environmental Health, 82(3), Oct 2019, 44-46
The number of reported Legionnaires' disease (LD) cases increased by more than 250% over the past decade, with at least 8,400 cases reported in 2018 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). A recent review of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) field investigations indicates that 85% of LD outbreaks were caused by problems that could have been prevented with more effective water management.

6. PCR-based routine diagnostics uncover hidden burden of Legionnaires' disease
Pletz, Mathias W; Ewig, Santiago; Welte, Tobias.
The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 19(7), Jul 2019,  681-683.

The study by Priest and colleagues is one of several PCR-based studies that have reshaped our understanding of infectious diseases. Because culture-based testing has been the main approach in microbiological diagnostics for decades, non-growing or hard to grow organisms are often undetected in routine clinical settings.

7. The burden of Legionnaires' disease in New Zealand (LegiNZ): a national surveillance study
Priest, Patricia C; Slow, Sandy; Chambers, Stephen T; Cameron, Claire M; Balm, Michelle N; et al.
The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 19 (7), Jul 2019, 770-777.

Legionnaires' disease is under-diagnosed because of inconsistent use of diagnostic tests and uncertainty about whom to test. We assessed the increase in case detection following large-scale introduction of routine PCR testing of respiratory specimens in New Zealand.

8. Legionnaires' disease: Community, travel and health care acquisition
Levison, Matthew E, Kaye, Donald
Infectious Disease News, 28 (12), Dec 2015, 36-37.

LD can occur if contaminated water (or potting soil in the case of L. long-beachae) is aerosolized and then inhaled by susceptible individuals In Australia and New Zealand, L. longbeachae infection occurs almost as often as L. pneumophila infection and is limited to persons who have had direct contact with unsterilized potting soil or compost. L. long-beachae has been found in soil and potting mix in Australia and New Zealand and, unlike L. pneumophila, is rarely isolated from aquatic environments. Hospital acquired LD is frequently caused by Legionella other than L. pneumophila serogroup 1.

Articles –  Patient Privacy/Electronic Health Records (EHR)

9. Revisiting public health informatics: patient privacy concerns
Birnbaum, David; Gretsinger Kathryn; Antonio, Marcy G; Loewen, Elizabeth & Lacroix Paulette. International Journal of Health Governance, 23(2), 2018, 149-159
Expanding networks of data portals and repositories linked to electronic patient record systems, along with advances in information technology, have created both new opportunities in improving public health and new challenges in protecting patient privacy. The purpose of this paper is to review stakeholder perspectives and provide a framework for promoting implementation of current privacy protection improvement recommendations.

10. Health sector preaches patient privacy, but what about physician privacy?
Mercer, Caroline.
Canadian Medical Association Journal: CMAJ, 191(34), Aug 26, 2019, E949-E950.

Dr Andrew Wilner, an associate professor of neurology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, argues that physician privacy is often overlooked. Recently, for example, a patient's sister took his photo and shared it on Instagram without his consent. Patients are pulling smartphones out in emergency departments (EDs), too. A recent study by researchers at the University of Saskatchewan found that more than 80% of the 156 ED clinicians surveyed had patients who wanted to record video of their procedures

11. Google is partnering with hospitals to build better diagnostic algorithms. But is it violating patient privacy?
American Health Line. First Look, The Advisory Board Company. (Jul 1, 2019)

Google is at "the forefront" of efforts to train machines to help diagnose medical conditions based on the information contained in electronic health records (EHR), the New York Times reports.

12. How are medical students using the Electronic Health Record (EHR)?: An analysis of EHR use on an inpatient medicine rotation
Chi, Jeffrey; Bentley, Jason; Kugler, John; Chen, Jonathan H.
PLoS One,  14(8), Aug 2019, e0221300. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0221300

Physicians currently spend as much as half of their day in front of the computer. The Electronic Health Record (EHR) has been associated with declining bedside skills and physician burnout.   Student responsibilities for EHR documentation will likely increase as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) most recent provisions now allow student notes for billing which will likely increase the role of medical student use of the EHR over time.

13. Optimization Sprints: Improving Clinician Satisfaction and Teamwork by Rapidly Reducing Electronic Health Record Burden
Sieja, Amber, Markley, Katie, Pell, Jonathan, Gonzalez, Christine, Redig, Brian, et al.
Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 94(5),  May 2019, 793-80
Objective: To evaluate a novel clinic-focused Sprint process (an intensive team-based intervention) to optimize electronic health record (EHR) efficiency.

14. Using an Acuity Tool that Interfaces with the Electronic Health Record to Balance Nursing Workload
Hawkins, Mary; Messier, Amber; Myers, Kimberly; Nihsen, Ashley & Kniewel, Marla.
i-Manager's Journal on Nursing, 9(2), May/Jul 2019, 36-42
The purpose of this project was to discover the effects of utilizing an acuity tool that interfaces with the Electronic Health Record (EHR) to accurately assess patient acuity and balance the nurse patient workload.

Journal –  
Australian Nursing & Midwifery journal, Volume 26, No.8, Oct-Dec 2019


15A. Editorial: [The annual delegates conferences of the ANMF’s State and Territory Branches]
15B. News bites: Poor water quality link to sugary drink consumption in Aboriginal infants; Pollution associated with higher risk of dementia; Nurses to help improve cardiac rehab in rural and remote; Eating nuts can reduce risk of heart attack and stroke; Twins and triplets at increased risk of errors in NICU; Red wine good for gut health; Sea snail compound reduces cancer risk
15C. Have you considered introducing a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) at your workplace?
15D. The Coroner’s Court: Extracting tips for improved documentation (part 2)
15E. Mindfulness app in Aboriginal communities helps improve mental health
15F. Freeze frame: The portrayal of nurses in popular culture
15G. Closing the gap: A new partnership [A partnership agreement committed to by federal, state and territory governments and a coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Bodies]
15H. Ensuring Integrity Bill 2019: The real threat to unions and workers’ rights
15I. The use of safety engineered medical devices to prevent needle stick injuries in the clinical setting
15J Super in an ethical fund can drive action on climate change
15K. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurse and midwife research
15L. Reflection: Health recruitment learning from challenges and success
15M. Assessing pain in residents experiencing dementia in residential care
15N. Professional: Reflections of my nursing career
15O. Best practice guidelines: Integrating person and family centred care and client centred learning into practice in a nurse-led eczema clinic
15P. Anxiety disorders tutorial
15Q. Medical/Surgical Nursing: Graduate nurses’ experience of reporting clinical incidents: What we don’t know; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), is it more than smoking related disease?; Accuracy of PRE-DELIRIC (PREdiction of DELIRium in ICU patients) delirium prediction model: A systematic review and meta-analysis; Make way for the weigh chair
15R. Maternal, Health and Midwifery: Healthy happy beginnings: A co-designed model of group pregnancy care; The Exploring Student Midwives’ Experiences (ESME) project – NSW; Contemporary child, family & community nursing education at La Trobe University; Immersive sensory experience during labour; The prevalence and aetiology of distress experienced by women with primary breast cancer upon commencement of neoadjuvant chemotherapy compared to first-line surgical intervention and those commencing adjuvant chemotherapy; Exploring infant feeding amongst women in Illawarra and Shoalhaven
15S. Education: Clinical success: A new approach to clinical remediation of under-graduate nursing students; Improving evidence based policy for national nursing education reform; Contributing to the Australian nursing workforce: One nurse at a time; Maintaining clinical currency: A risk management strategy for undergraduate nursing students; The experience of under-graduate students in patient safety education


16. Standards and Accreditation Seminar for Health and Disability Sector agencies
IANZ, JAS-ANZ, MBIE and Standards New Zealand

Date: Wednesday 13 November 2019
Time: 3-4.30pm
Venue: Ground floor, MBIE, 15 Stout St, Wellington

17. Goodfellow Symposium
“Skills for next Monday”
Date: March 28-29 2020
Venue: Vodafone Events Centre
More Information:

News – National

18. NZ the Legionnaires' capital of the world, study finds
Brittney Deguara and Jody O'Callaghan, Jun 11 2019
New Zealand has the highest reported incidence of Legionnaires' disease in the world, a new study has found. The country's first national study into the burden of the respiratory infection, a form of pneumonia, found three times the number of cases than previously reported.

19. Otago scientists’ discovery leads to greater understanding of Alzheimer’s disease
Otago scientists have made an important discovery in understanding the role a particular protein plays to impair memory in Alzheimer’s disease, which could lead to more effective treatment in future.

News – International

20. 'Tied up like a wild animal': Aged care report highlights a broken system
The Age - October 31, 2019
Margaret Daly is still paralysed by flashbacks of visiting her husband, John, at the nursing home where he was admitted in 2012 with dementia, epilepsy and depression. The use of chemical restraints is one of three areas identified for immediate action in the Royal Commission on Aged Care's interim report, released on Thursday.

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