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Issue 26 Library e-newsletter 16 August 2019


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1. Accountability: Patient safety and policy reform
Virginia A. Sharpe
Published 2004
Accountability offers a view of the complex and multifaceted problem of medical mistakes and various attempts to deal with and prevent them.

2.  Four seasons of grieving: A nurse’s healing journey with nature
A. Lynne Wagner; Foreword by Jean Watson
Published 2015
Nurses, who are exposed each day to patient trauma, end-of-life situations, and the raw grief of partners, parents, and families, may experience loss more personally than other healthcare professionals. A healthy grieving process is essential for nurses to heal and restore themselves so they can sustain a caring practice

3. Making healthy places: Designing and building for health, well-being, and sustainability
Edited by Andrew L. Dannenberg, Howard Frumkin & Richard J. Jackson
Published 2011
This book provides a far-reaching follow-up to the pathbreaking Urban Sprawl and Public Health, published in 2004. That book sparked a range of inquiries into the connections between constructed environments, particularly cities and suburbs, and the health of residents, especially humans. Since then, numerous studies have extended and refined the book's research and reporting. Making Healthy Places offers a fresh and comprehensive look at this vital subject today.

4. New Zealand Now: Women
Ministry of Womens Affairs
1998 edition
This report sheds light on the areas of women’s lives that are measured in official statistics, such as family situation, education, work and income.

Articles – Allergies

5. Allergy immunotherapy: Who, what, when... and how safe? The evidence-based answers to these and other questions will help you to update your knowledge of allergy immunotherapy.
Bright, Dellyse., Pollart, Susan M & Franko, John.
Journal of Family Practice. Jun 2019, 68(5), 270-276.

The article offers information on the use of allergy immunotherapy (AIT) in clinical practice. Topics discussed include a negative effect of moderate-to-severe food and environmental allergies on multiple organ systems; effect on quality of life and financial well-being of patients with allergic diseases; and the role of AIT in providing long-term remission of allergic disease in certain circumstances.

6. When Food fights back: Clearing up confusion over food allergies & intolerances.
Dow, Caitlin.
Nutrition Action Health Letter. May 2019, 46(4), 8-11.

The article discusses some important issues to consider about how some foods can harm the immune system. Topics covered include food allergy as an appropriate immune response to a harmless protein in a food according to physician Roxanne Oriel, the use of a skin prick test or a blood test that measures antibodies to help diagnose an allergy, and structures of certain proteins in plant foods similar to proteins in pollen.

7. Allergy: Sniffing and sneezing: Is it allergies or a cold?
Philpott, Leanne
AJP: The Australian Journal of Pharmacy, May 2019, 100(1183), 34-37

While spring is considered 'allergy season', some of the most common allergens can rear their heads in winter - causing an influx of unwanted symptoms

8. The basics of allergen management
Sherlock, Rob
Food Australia, Apr/May 2019, 71(2), 40-41

Food allergy is a significant concern for the entire food chain, whether you are an ingredient supplier, producer, retailer or food service provider. The requirement for mandatory declaration of food allergens has been in place in Australia and New Zealand since 2000 and a number of useful tools have been developed to assist in allergen management through the Allergen Bureau, FSANZ and AFGC.

9. Anaphylaxis
 Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Apr-Jun 2019, 26(6), 24-26

The following CPD extract from ANMF's Continuing Professional Education (CPE) website describes what anaphylaxis is as well as its causes and symptoms. It also discusses the diagnosis and treatment of anaphylaxis and compares it to different types of sensitivities and allergic reactions.

10. Paracetamol allergy in clinical practice
Thompson, Grace.,   Bundell, Christine &  Lucas, Michaela
Australian Journal of General Practice, Apr 2019, 48(4), 216-219
Paracetamol is a widely used analgesic to which hypersensitivity reactions are rare. Reactions to paracetamol May be due to the pharmacological effects of cyclooxygenase-1 inhibition or, more rarely, due to a selective allergy against paracetamol.

11. Disease state management: Allergic rhinitis
Gowan, Jenny;   Roller, Louis
AJP: The Australian Journal of Pharmacy, Sep 2018, 99(1176), 70-78

Allergic rhinitis, commonly referred to as hay fever, is the most common allergic disorder in Australia and New Zealand. Pharmacists should be able to identify the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and provide appropriate advice and options to manage them effectively.

12. Evidence in practice: Sedating Antihistamines - do they still have a role?
Taylor, Donna
Australian Pharmacist, Aug 2018, 7(7), 50-59

Francesca, a woman in her midthirties, has come to the pharmacy to ask for some 'Phenergan' (promethazine) 10 mg tablets to manage her allergic rhinitis. She has used promethazine in the past and it worked well, so this is what she always uses now. She is not taking any other medicines, has no other known medical conditions, and is not pregnant or breastfeeding. How would you respond to Francesca's request?

13. Food allergy readiness and anaphylaxis management in early childhood education and care in Western Australia
Jacobsen, Karina Hammershaimb;   Sambell, Ros;   Devine, Amanda;   Vale, Sandra
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, Dec 2018, 3(4), 43-47

With the increase in prevalence of food allergy (FA) in young children, early childhood education and care (ECEC) providers are likely to have more enrolments of children who are at risk of anaphylaxis.

14. Anaphylaxis in general practice
Hayes, Paul
Good Practice, Dec 2016, No. 12, 14-16

GPs play a key role in the treatment and education of patients who present with anaphylaxis and other allergy related issues.

15. Comparison of the prevalence and characteristics of food hypersensitivity among adolescent and older women
Fujimori, Anri;   Yamashita, Tomomi;   Kubota, Masaru;   Saito, Hiromi;   Takamatsu, Nobue &  Nambu, Mitsuhiko
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2016, 25(4), 858-862

Although food hypersensitivity is a public health concern, its documentation among the elderly is limited. The current study aims to compare the prevalence and characteristics of food hypersensitivity among adolescent women between aged 18-24 with among older women >50 years of age.

Articles – Nursing Management (RCN), 29 July 2019

16. Teamwork in nursing: essential elements for practice
Nursing Management, 29 July 2019, 26 (4), Issue 4 doi: 10.7748/nm.2019.e1850

Successful teamwork can make a huge workload of unmanageable tasks manageable. However, unsuccessful teamwork can leave people struggling to cope. This article explores readers’ knowledge and skills related to teamwork and provides them with new skills and techniques to improve practice.

17. Nurses+QI=better hospital performance? A critical review of the literature
Jane Robinson & Leslie Gelling
Nursing Management. doi: 10.7748/nm.2019.e1858

This article critically explores the evidence base for a national nursing strategy to involve nurses in QI using a literature review. A thematic analysis shows that nurse involvement in QI has several positive outcomes, which are also included in the NHS Improvement’s Single Oversight Framework for NHS Providers.

18. Development of assertive communication skills in nursing preceptorship programmes: a qualitative insight from newly qualified nurses
Mansour Mansour & Roslyn Mattukoyya
Nursing Management. doi: 10.7748/nm.2019.e1857

To examine newly qualified nurses’ views on how nursing preceptorship programmes contribute to shaping their assertive communication skills.

19. The importance of highlighting effective practice
Parveen Ali
Nursing Management. 26, 4, 21-21. doi: 10.7748/nm.26.4.21.s11

Publishing in journals is an important responsibility of academics, researchers and practitioners. It helps us to share information about innovative and effective nursing practice. Evidence-based practice is vital to nursing, and health and social care, but research suggests it is less widespread than it should be.

Journal – Table of Contents

Singapore Nursing Journal, Vol. 46, No. 1, January – April 2019


20A. Editorial: The marking of the New Year
20B. Community nursing in the United Kingdom: Applicability to Singapore
20C. Microalbuminuria in Paediatrics Diabetes
20D. Application of Roy’s adaptation model to the management of a patient with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
20E. Birth experience in a maternity hospital: A parental insight
20F. Guide for authors


21. Wellbeing at Work Conference
A unique platform for New Zealand employers and executives to network and discuss the current opportunities and challenges when creating and implementing a healthy and inclusive workplace
Date: 14 - 15 Oct 2019
Venue: Grand Millennium , Auckland
More information:

22. PCNNZ Conference 2019
Mahi Tahi: Working together: Palliative care without borders
Date: 21 & 22 October 2019
Venue: James Cook Hotel, Wellington

23. New Zealand Society for Oncology Conference
held in conjunction with Cancer Nurses College (NZNO)
Date: 25-26 October 2019
Venue: Harbourside Function Centre, Wellington

News – National

24. Settlement agreed with NZ Resident Doctors’ Association
Monday, 12 August 2019, 3:57 pm
Press Release: All District Health Boards
Resident Medical Officers who are members of the NZ Resident Doctors’ Association have accepted a new pay settlement agreed by their union and District Health Boards.

25. Weight Watchers launches controversial weight-loss app for kids
Newshub – 15 August 2019

26. Study on young children with chest infections 'a wake-up call'
Otago Daily Times - Thursday, 15 August 2019
Better housing would slash hospital admissions for acute respiratory infections among young children by almost 20%, a new study finds. ''I certainly think it's a wake-up call'' for policy-makers, study lead author Tristram Ingham said yesterday. Dr Ingham, a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Otago, Wellington, said some doctors were seeing young children repeatedly reinfected by damp and mouldy housing.

News - International

27. I love my kid-free time, but it doesn't mean I don't love my children
Essentials Kids – 14 August 2019

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