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Issue 18 Library e-newsletter 7 June 2019

Hepatitis C

Many New Zealanders have hepatitis C and don’t know it. New direct-acting antiviral drug therapies are a major advancement in the treatment of hepatitis C, with high cure rates of more than 90% with 8 weeks treatment for most




1. “Doctor, I feel funny”: How to take the stress out of being in hospital
Patricia Cameron-Hill & Dr Shayne Yates
Published 1999

How to take the stress out of being in hospital for patients and visitors. Doctor, I feel funny tackles the everyday concerns of being in hospital with practical ideas and friendly advice which is easy to read and use. The cartoons and funny stories combine the facts with fun to cheer up anybody who is in need of a lift.

2. How the way we talk can change the way we work: Seven languages for transformation.
Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey
Published 2001

Why is the gap so great between our hopes, our intentions, even our decisions—and what we are actually able to bring about? Even when we are able to make important changes—in our own lives or the groups we lead at work—why are the changes so frequently short-lived and we are soon back to business as usual? What can we do to transform this troubling reality?

3. Managing mayhem: Work-life balance in New Zealand
Edited by Marilyn Waring & Christa Fouche
Published 2007

This book explores the reality of what work–life balance means in Aotearoa–New Zealand. Waring and Fouché have brought together recent research that reveals the complexities and nuances that people grapple with in their lives as they seek to balance unpaid work with paid work and still find time to live in between.

4. Revolution: The 1913 great strike in New Zealand
Edited by Melanie Nolan
Published 2005

1913 remains the most violent strike in New Zealand history. In this volume various contributors debate the strike through the eyes of the state, the police, the strikers, the militants, the moderates, the working classes and the ruling classes.

Articles – Compassion Fatigue

5. Compassion fatigue in the perioperative environment
Wakefield, Erin
Journal of Perioperative Nursing, Vol. 31, No. 2, Winter 2018: 21-[24]
: Compassion fatigue (CF) is an important issue for nursing professionals today because 'caring and compassion, which provide nurses with satisfaction and fulfilment in patient care, can contribute to the exhaustion of those emotions and lead to compassion fatigue'.

6. Fighting burnout and fatigue
O'Carroll, Shauna
Australian Midwifery News, Vol. 17, No. 1, Autumn 2017: 23
: The journey of a midwife can be stressful and demanding, involving long and heavy workloads, challenging placements and responding to traumatic events. When you don't have adequate support or self-care, this can result in compassion fatigue, which is defined as "an extreme state of tension and preoccupation with the suffering of those being helped to the degree that it can create a secondary traumatic stress for the helper" (Figley, 1995).

7. What do you know about compassion fatigue in midwifery?
Edwards, Meryn &  Anderson, Judith
Australian Midwifery News, Vol. 16, No. 4, Summer 2016: 26-28
: Compassion satisfaction is the positive experience and a sense of achievement in providing effective care and this serves as a major source of motivation to midwives. It is this unique and empathetic relationship between midwife and woman, and the nature of childbearing as a source of trauma, which places the midwife at particular risk of developing compassion fatigue (Leinweber and Rowe, 2010).

8. Beating burnout
Ries, Eric.
PT in Motion. Feb 2019, Vol. 11 Issue 1, p28-39. 11p.
: The article discusses how physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapy assistants can address burnout and reinvigorate their careers. There was the psychological toll of being outed in what therapy staff called the log of shame. The website, The Non-Clinical PT, is made for therapists seeking to leverage their degree without facing problematic elements of patient care.

9. Focusing on the Caregiver: Compassion Fatigue Awareness and Understanding.
Mattioli, Dana.
MEDSURG Nursing. Sep/Oct 2018, Vol. 27 Issue 5, p323-327. 6p.
: The article discusses some important issues that nurses and caregivers should consider when it comes to compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue is assumed to accompany another version of fatigue known as burnout. It is said that knowledge of compassion fatigue can boost awareness and lead to better implementation of preventive strategies.

10. The Effectiveness of Guided Imagery in Treating Compassion Fatigue and Anxiety of Mental Health Workers.
Kiley, Kimberly A; Sehgal, Ashwini R; Neth, Susan; Dolata, Jacqueline; Pike, Earl; Spilsbury, James C; Albert, Jeffrey M.
Social Work Research. Mar 2018, Vol. 42 Issue 1, p33-43. 11p. DOI: 10.1093/swr/svx026.
: Mental health professionals' exposure to clients' traumatic experiences can result in elevated stress, including compassion fatigue and burnout. Experiencing symptoms of these types of stress can hinder workers' ability to provide effective services. If a tool can reduce these symptoms, there is potential benefit for workers as well as those receiving their services. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of prerecorded guided imagery (GI) on compassion fatigue and state anxiety

11. Confronting Compassion Fatigue: Assessment and intervention in inpatient oncology.
Zajac, Lisa M.; Moran, Katherine J.; Groh, Carla J.
Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2017, Vol. 21 Issue 4, p446-453. 8p. 5 Charts. DOI: 10.1188/17.CJON.446-453.
: A notable variation among patient satisfaction scores with nursing care was identified. Contributing factors were examined and revealed significant negative correlations between the unit death rate and surviving patients' satisfaction scores. Compassion fatigue (CF) was hypothesized to be a major contributing factor.

12. Compassion Fatigue: Exploring early-career oncology nurses' experiences.
Finley, Brooke A. & Sheppard, Kate G.
Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Jun 2017, Vol. 21 Issue 3, pE61-E66. 6p. 1 Chart.
DOI: 10.1188/17.CJON.E61-E66
: Oncology nurses have a higher risk and rate of compassion fatigue (CF) compared to professionals in other specialties. CF exhibits tangible negative outcomes, affecting nurses' health and professional practice.

13. Running on Empty: Compassion Fatigue in Nurses and Non-Professional Caregivers.
Lanier, Jan & Brunt, Barbara
ISNA Bulletin, May-Jul 2019; 45(3): 10-15. 6p
: This independent study has been developed to help nurses better recognize compassion fatigue in nurses and non-professional caregivers and how to manage it.

14. Compassion fatigue: the cost of caring.
Hamilton, Suzanne
Emergency Nurse New Zealand, Aug 2018; 6-7. 2p
: Compassion is a prerequisite for those entering the caring professions. It is expected by patients and the medical profession, and is central to effective clinical practice. It is worth noting that empathy is the ability to feel the distress experienced by our patients, while compassion is going a step further and attempting to do something to alleviate that distress.

Articles – Hand Hygiene

15. A multimodal intervention to improve hand hygiene compliance via social cognitive influences among kindergarten teachers in China
Liu, Xiaona; Zhao, Zhiguang; Hou, Wanli; Polinder, Suzanne; van Beeck, Ed F; et al.
PLoS One; San Francisco Vol. 14, Iss. 5,  (May 2019): e0215824.
: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a multimodal intervention at changing kindergarten teachers’ HH behavior and social cognitive factors that influences HH behavior in China.

16. Stethoscopes: Far dirtier than you think they are
Patient Safety Monitor Journal; Marblehead Vol. 20, Iss. 5,  (May 2019): 11-13
:  According to a study published December 12, 2018, in Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, the journal of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA), stethoscopes carried by healthcare practitioners are loaded with diverse bacteria, includ¬ing some that can cause healthcare-associated infections.

17. Newly admitted patients' hands commonly contaminated with MDROs, including MRSA
Stulpin, Caitlyn.
Infectious Disease News; Thorofare Vol. 32, Iss. 5,  (May 2019): 48
: Nosocomial The hands of newly admitted patients are commonly contaminated with multidrug-resistant organisms, or MDROs, including MRSA, leading to contamination of high-touch room surfaces, such as call buttons and tray tables, according to study findings.

Journal - Table of Contents

American Journal of Nursing, May 2019, Volume 119, Number 5


18A. Editorial: The unwavering courage of nurses – courage can take many forms
18B. When is it time to leave nursing?: A nurse perceives a possible decline in her own cognitive abilities
18C. News: Is a medical mistake an error or a crime?; Intervention reduces racial disparity in care of lung cancer patients; Subacromial decompression surgery is no longer advised; Allowing organs from donors with hepatitis C may reduce the transplant wait list.
18D. Psychiatric advance directives [They can enhance the lives of patients with mental illness, but multiple obstacles impede their implementation]
18E. Cochrane Corner: Mechanical vs. manual chest compressions for cardiac arrest
18F. Drugwatch: New drugs for preventing migraines; FDA warns of hidden prescription drugs in dietary supplements
18G. Work-related stress and positive thinking among acute care nurses: A cross-sectional survey
18H. Poem: What we do
18I. Assessing a child’s pain: A review of tools to help evaluate pain in children of all ages and levels of cognitive development
18J. Nursing and the sustainable development goals: From Nightingale to now
18K. What would you do if you weren’t a nurse
18L. Leading the effort to promote bleeding control in our communities [Nurses can prepare the public to save lives following a mass casualty event]
18M. Advocating for Janetta [A Red Cross nurse’s experience provides a unique look at how nurse volunteers support those going through a crisis]
18N. Ensuring a successful preceptorship [Tips for nursing preceptors]
18O. Journalwatch: Inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics remains widespread; Aspirin for primary prevention reduces cardiovascular events, increases bleeding risk; Statins reduce major vascular events in all age grouos; bag-mask ventilation benefits critically ill adults undergoing tracheal intubation
18P. A nurse in the house [Freshman congresswoman Lauren Underwood brings nursing and health care policy experience to the table]
18Q. The other side [As her father’s hospital stay is prolonged, a nurse struggles with a newfound sense of helplessness]


19. Action for Wellbeing: The theory & practice of promoting mental wellbeing -...
Mental wellbeing is deeply connected to wider wellbeing in our society. We need to embed this understanding in everything we do – within our mental health and addiction system, our wider health and social system, and at every level of society. He Ara Oranga – Mental Health and Addiction Inquiry - by TaylorMade Training & Consulting
Date: Wed., 11/09/2019, 9:00 am – Thu., 12/09/2019, 4:30 pm
Location: Grand Mercure Wellington
345 The Terrace Wellington, Wellington 6001

20. SOCCON 2019: New Zealand Social Sciences Conference
: ‘A Sense of Place’
Date: 30 Sept – 2 October 2019
Venue: Waipuna Hotel
More information:

21. 11th Health Services and Policy Research Conference
: 4 to 6 December, 2019
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand

22. 34th Industrial and Employment Relations Summit
3 - 4 Mar 2020
Venue: Crowne Plaza, Auckland

News – National

23. Choose words carefully if dealing with suicide
ODT - Thursday, 6 June 2019
Every time I hear the phrase ''committing suicide'' it feels like someone has sucker-punched me in the stomach. It's hideously common to hear these two words thoughtlessly strung together in a sentence

24. UK test may predict breast cancer's return
Newshub - 03/06/2019
A new blood test could help predict whether women with breast cancer will respond to treatment before it begins. Scientists at London's Institute of Cancer Research said the "liquid biopsy" can detect genetic changes in the tumours of patients and indicate if they are less likely to respond to a new targeted drug.

25. There's a free cure for hepatitis C, but thousands of the infected don't know it
Ruth Nichol, 16 March, 2019
As many as 30,000 Kiwis don’t know they have the hepatitis C virus – and that there’s now a free cure. Ed Gane has been instrumental in helping to find a cure for hepatitis C, a blood-borne virus that affects 170 million people worldwide and is a leading cause of liver cirrhosis, liver cancer and liver transplants.

News – International

26. Bluetooth your bladder: the hi-tech way to beat incontinence
The Guardian – 2 June 2019
Urinary leakage affects millions of women, who have often suffered in silence. That may change with Elvie, a new way to strengthen the pelvic floor – involving an app.

27. How to wash your hands properly
The Guardian – 2 June 2019
The bad bacteria we pick up on our fingertips can lead to infection, but we often miss them when washing. An expert from the Royal College of Nursing advises on how to maintain good hygiene. wo types of bacteria live on our hands: resident bacteria, which are rarely implicated in infection and are good for the skin, and transient bacteria, which we pick up on our fingertips when we touch surfaces. The latter are the ones we want to remove.

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