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Issue 15 Library e-newsletter 23 May 2019


NZNO Members - These books can be borrowed for 4 weeks.  Please provide a physical address so we can courier them to you.

1. Nurse Managers: A guide to practice
Edited by Dr Andrew Crowther
2nd edition, 2008
Nurses in this first decade of the twenty-first century are facing previously unconsidered challenges. Global workforce shortages are critical: the rate of nurses leaving the profession is accelerating combined with a growing difficulty in attracting new nurses. Nursing care is increasing in its technological complexity with a consequent rise in occupational stress

2. Advanced & Specialist Nursing Practice
Edited by George Castledine and Paula McGee
Published in 1998
As the roles of advanced and specialist nurses become more established throughout the nursing arena, practitioners will require a greater understanding of these roles, how they have developed and how they can work together and what developments are possible in the future.

3. Evidence for nursing practice
Mary Courtney
Published in 2005
"Evidence for Nursing Practice" is a unique text written by an expert from Australia and provides clear and practical step-by-step guidance on finding, appraising and using appropriate evidence for everyday use in a health care setting. This book takes a how-to approach and offers sound advice and information to assist nurses in a range of key areas within their clinical practice

4. Palliative Care: The nursing role
Edited by Jean Lugton & Rosemary McIntyre
2nd edition, 2005
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. Palliative Care: The Nursing Role is an introductory text for nurses and other health care professionals who deliver palliative care across a range of settings. It lays a clear foundation of knowledge focusing on the needs and perspectives of patients and families who face the challenge of advanced, incurable illness

Articles – Drugs & Driving

5. Marijuana and Driving: Implications for Drug Education.
By Sharma, Manoj; Mohata, Manoj K.
Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education. Dec 2018, Vol. 62 Issue 3, p3-7. 5p.
: The authors discuss the role of drug education in addressing the public health problem of cannabis use and driving. Some of the challenges of establishing causal linkages between cannabis use and impaired driving are mentioned. The process of change is divided into initiation and sustenance or maintenance of the behavior. Changes in physical environment pertain to obtainability, accessibility, and availability of resources that support the behavior change.

6. Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana Laws and the Public's Health: Public Health and the Law
By Turnbull, David; Hodge, Jr., James G.
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. Summer 2017, Vol. 45 Issue 2, p280-283. 4p
: The article discusses various aspects of state laws governing driving under the influence of marijuana (DUIM) and public health in the U.S. as of 2017, and it mentions California's legalization of medical marijuana in 1996, as well as support for the legalization of recreational marijuana across America. Driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) laws are addressed, along with due process rights, the psychoactivity of marijuana, and a balanced standard for DUIM laws.

7. Driving After Drug or Alcohol Use by US High School Seniors, 2001-2011.
By: O'Malley, Patrick M.; Johnston, Lloyd D.
American Journal of Public Health. Nov 2013, Vol. 103 Issue 11, p2027-2034. 8p
: We examined prevalence, trends, and correlates of driving or riding after use of drugs or alcohol among US high school seniors from 2001 to 2011. Methods. Data come from Monitoring the Future, an annual survey of nationally representative samples of high school seniors.

8. The effects of cannabis intoxication on motor vehicle collision revisited and revised.
Rogeberg, Ole; Elvik, Rune
Addiction, Aug 2016; 111(8): 1348-1359. 12p
: To determine whether and to what extent acute cannabis intoxication increases motor vehicle crash risk. Design Study 1 replicates two published meta-analyses, correcting for methodological shortcomings. Study 2 is an updated meta-analysis using 28 estimates from 21 observational studies.

Articles – Safe Staffing

9. What do you want from safe staffing legislation?
Theresa Fyffe
Nursing Standard, 01 May 2019 | Vol 34, Issue 5
t: Now is our chance to create a culture change that benefits the whole of the UK. A few years ago, I was not convinced that legislation to ensure staffing for safe and effective care was needed. But I changed my mind.

10. Staffing for fairness
The Lamp, Volume 75 Issue 9 (Oct 2018)
: Campaigns for safe staffing of hospitals and nursing homes are part of the union movement's overall campaign for a fairer society, says Australian Council of Trade Unions Secretary Sally McManus.

11. Things are aligning on safe staffing – and that’s where I’ll start as RCN President’: Anne Marie Rafferty knows she has a tough road ahead in her new role – but she has a plan
Nursing Standard; London Vol. 34, Iss. 1,  (Jan 9, 2019): 8.
Professor Rafferty has just been elected RCN president. She takes up her role at an extremely difficult time for the college, which is reeling from a leadership crisis. In her pitch to be president, she promoted herself as ‘fearless in tackling difficult issues’, and she knows she has her work cut out.

Articles – International Nursing Review, Volume 66, Issue 1, March 2019

This journal has all articles accessible free of charge this month so click on the links to download any that are of interest

12. A global call to action: cultivating a safety mindset
Gwen Sherwood PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF
International Nursing Review, Volume 66, Issue 1, March 2019, 1-3

Preventing unintentional patient harm is a concern in every country and has been a focus of the International Council of Nurses (ICN). First adopted in 2002 and updated in 2012, ICN issued a position paper taking a strong stance on the importance of patient safety and the role of nursing in assuring quality care (ICN, 2012).

13. In times of great need, great leaders emerge – the shining voice of nursing leaders
D. Stewart RN, BN, MHM & B. Halpin BBus (Public Relations) (Hons), GradDipEd (Secondary), GDipPolScIR
International Nursing Review, Volume 66, Issue 1, March 2019, 4-6

At the World Health Assembly in 1977, it was agreed that the major social goal of governments and the World Health Organization (WHO) would be, for all people, the attainment of health that would permit them to lead a social and productive life. The strategy of ‘Health for All by 2000’ was unanimously adopted by the Assembly in 1981.

14. Celebrating 120 years at the ICN Congress
Howard Catton RN, MA, BSc (Econ)(Hons)
International Nursing Review, Volume 66, Issue 1, March 2019, 7-8

The idea of forming an international council of nurses was first proposed by Ethel Gordon Fenwick, a member of the suffragist movement in Britain, a nurse and an admirer of Florence Nightingale and her ideals ideals.

15. A nursing shortage – a prospect of global and local policies
M. Marć., A. Bartosiewicz.,J. Burzyńska & Z. Chmiel
International Nursing Review, Volume 66, Issue 1, March 2019, 9-16

The article addresses selected determinants of the nursing shortage in Poland and other countries in the face of employee ageing

16. Shaping nursing profession regulation through history – a systematic review
A. Stievano.,R. Caruso., F. Pittella., F.A. Shaffer., G. Rocco & J. Fairman
International Nursing Review, Volume 66, Issue 1, March 2019, 17-29

An in‐depth examination of the different factors that moulded regulatory changes over time is pivotal to comprehend current issues in nursing

17. Case management effectiveness for managing chronic illnesses in Korea: a systematic review
J.Y. Joo & M.F. Liu
International Nursing Review, Volume 66, Issue 1, March 2019, 30-42

This systematic review identifies and synthesizes recent evidence of case management's effectiveness in managing chronic illnesses among adults in Korea.

18. Perceived benefits and barriers of implementing nursing residency programs in Jordan
R.F. AbuAlRub & M.G. Abu Alhaija'a
International Nursing Review, Volume 66, Issue 1, March 2019, 43-51

To explore the challenges that face Jordanian nurses in the first year of employment; and understand the benefits and barriers of implementing a Nursing Residency Program from the perspectives of nurses and key informants.

19. Factor analysis and Mokken scaling of the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire in nurses
M. Al‐Yami., P. Galdas., R. Watson
International Nursing Review, Volume 66, Issue 1, March 2019, 43-51, 52-60

The nursing workforce in Saudi Arabia is undergoing a process of Saudization but there is a need to understand the factors that will help to retain this workforce.

Journal - Table of Contents

Australasian Emergency Care, Volume 21, Number 4, Pages 111-170

20A. Research paper: Implementation of guidelines for sepsis management in emergency departments: A systematic review
20B. Nurse-performed focused ultrasound in the emergency department; A systematic review
20C. Pragmatic evaluation of an observational pain assessment scale in the emergency department: the pain assessment in advanced dementia (PAINAD) scale
20D. ‘It’s turned out world upside down’: Support needs of parents of critically injured children during Emergency Department admission – A qualitative inquiry
20E. Enhancing the training of trauma resuscitation flash teams: A mixed methods study
20F. Development and preliminary testing of an online software system to facilitate assessment of accuracy and consistency in applying the Australasian Triage Scale


21. Quality Improvement Scientific Symposium 2019
: 10 Oct 2019
Venue: Te Papa
More information:

22. SOCCON 2019: New Zealand Social Sciences Conference
: ‘A Sense of Place’
Date: 30 Sept – 2 October 2019
Venue: Waipuna Hotel
More information:

News – National

23. Online or offline: Keeping older Kiwis informed either way
HealthCentral – 20 May 2019
In light of the Government’s newly announced digital literacy initiatives for older New Zealanders which include giving the SuperGold card a digital revamp, Eldernet’s Esther Perriam discusses the realities of digital engagement of older people and the importance of making information accessible to all.

24. Two-in-one asthma inhaler hailed as a 'game-changer'
ODT - Monday, 20 May 2019
The New Zealand-led study of mild asthma in adults found that patients instructed to use the Symbicort combination medication "as needed" had half as many asthma episodes of breathing difficulties - called "exacerbations" - as those using a Ventolin reliever

25. Fit for Life
ODT – Monday, 20 May 2019
We’ve never had more reasons to get fit. Studies show physical activity is surprisingly beneficial to every aspect of our wellbeing, writes Bruce Munro.

News – International

26. 'Just a female doctor': women surgeons battle 'worthless' biases
The Age – 20 May 2019
Women surgeons are being dismissed as 'just female doctors' or 'pretty faces', 'off having babies' amid a constant barrage of gender discrimination and harassment. The female medicos have described the litany of gender biases that disparage motherhood, erode their credibility, objectify their bodies and shoehorn them into stereotypical “empathetic” roles (and high heels).

27. Destructive body shame has crossed the gender divide
The Age – 20 May 2019
he sometimes-complex relationship women have with body image has been well documented, but a recent campaign from UK men’s health platform, Manual, revealed a disturbing development: body-shame has spread to men.

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