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Issue 13 Library e-newsletter 7 May 2019


These books can be borrowed by current NZNO members for 4 weeks.  Please supply a physical address so the books can be couriered out to you.

1. Te Marae: A guide to customs & Protocol
Hiwi and Pat Tauroa
Published in 1986
Do women have the right to speak on a marae? How should one respond to the wero? Who speaks first and last during whai korero? When do the manuhiri present their koha to the tangata whenua? These and many other questions are answered in this invaluable introduction Maori protocol for Pakehas.

2. The Woven Universe: Selected writings of Rev. Maori Marsden: Te Ahukaramū
Edited by Charles Royal
Published in 2003
The Woven Universe brings together for the first time, Maori Marsden’s substantial statements on Māori philosophy, theology and the Māori worldview. The collection includes his seminal essay, God, Man and Universe: A Māori View and an extract is also included from his final seminar delivered at Te Wānanga-o-Raukawa in Ōtaki.

3. The first-time manager’s guide to team building
Gary S. Topchik
Published in 2007
Managers will learn how to:
- Make the transition from team member to team leader
- Understand the difference between a team and a work group
- Hold team members accountable
- Make their teams more productive
- Manage challenging situations and resolve conflict within a team.

Articles – Workplace Violence

4. Violence in the NHS: why prevention and psychological care are as important as payouts
Stephanie Jones-Berry 
Nursing Standard. 34(5), 22-24. doi: 10.7748/ns.34.5.22.s13
: The measures needed to protect nursing staff from assaults at work. Nurses and other NHS staff who have been attacked at work have received compensation payouts totalling £20.4 million in England over the past three years.

5. In Harm's Way: Risk Factors for Violence Against Healthcare Workers.
Sever, Stacey
Alaska Nurse, Apr/May2019; 70(2): 10-12. 3p
: According to research that is available about workplace violence (WPV), nearly every healthcare worker has either been a victim of or knows a colleague who has been a victim of WPV. Some studies have found that up to 80 percent of nurses have reported experiencing violence from patients (Higazee MZA and Rayan, December 2017).

6. Patient Violence: It's Not All in a Day's Work.
Locke, Lori; Federspiel, Karen A.
Georgia Nursing, Feb-Apr2019; 79(1): 18-19. 2p
: This article focuses on physical violence and offers strategies you can implement to minimize the risk of being victimized.

7. Management of Aggressive Patients: Results of an Educational Program for Nurses in Non-Psychiatric Settings.
Casey, Cynthia
MEDSURG Nursing, Jan/Feb2019; 28(1): 9-21. 8p
: The article addresses management of workplace violence (WPV) toward nurses in non-psychiatric settings. Topics discussed include major implications of costs associated with WPV for the health of the workforce and the organization, research on under-reporting by nurses of aggression/violent behavior, and relationships between exposure and reporting of violence, tolerance and expectation of violence, and perceptions of safety and feasibility of interventions in reducing WPV.

8. Work Place Violence: Understanding and Dealing with It.
Kopp, Gregory S.
AAACN Viewpoint, Jul/Aug2018; 40(4): 12-14. 3p
: This column will discuss work place violence and what can be done to help keep nurses safe.

9. The Impact of 'Me Too' on Nurses.
Ward-Smith, Peggy
Urologic Nursing, May/Jun 2018; 38(3): 111-128. 2p
: The author conveys her views on the impact of the Me Too movement against sexual assault in the workplace on nurses and the nursing industry. Topics mentioned include the definition of sexual harassment in nursing, job dissatisfaction as the main reason nurses leave their job according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the need for nurses to advocate for policies, programs and practices within the healthcare environment according to the American Nurses Association.

10. Dealing with violence as a community nurse.
Mendes, Aysha
British Journal of Community Nursing, Mar 2018; 23(3): 150-151. 2p
The article discusses the role of community nurses in the management patient aggression and patients who are victims of domestic violence. Topics covered include the use of physical and pharmaceutical restraint in patients who become aggressive, the need for nurse training in restrictive interventions, and the guidelines from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) regarding domestic violence. The role of healthcare organizations in minimizing aggression among patients is also mentioned.

11. Violence and aggression in NZ emergency departments.
Richardson, Sandra
Emergency Nurse New Zealand, Jul 2017; P14-P18. 5p.
: A review of the conceptual and practical aspects associated with this topic are briefly presented, to raise awareness and stimulate further discussion. Why are nurses willing to accept so much, and how bad do things need to get before we are prepared to make changes?

Articles – Ovarian Cancer

12.  Cancer Society – Ovarian Cancer
This information has been written to provide you with information about cancer of the ovary (ovarian cancer). This page has information about the symptoms, diagnosis, staging, treatment and side effects of ovarian cancer.

13. Racial disparities in treatment and survival from ovarian cancer
Hildebrand, Janet S; Wallace, Kristin; Graybill, Whitney S; Kelemen, Linda E.
Cancer Epidemiology; New York Vol. 58,  (Feb 2019): 77-82.
: Black women with ovarian cancer in the U.S. have lower survival than whites. We aimed to identify factors associated with racial differences in ovarian cancer treatment and overall survival (OS).

14. Potential of osteopontin in the management of epithelial ovarian cancer
Cerne, Katarina; Hadzialjevic, Benjamin; Skof, Erik; Verdenik, Ivan; Borut Kobal Prof.
Radiology and Oncology; Ljubljana Vol. 53, Iss. 1,  (2019): 105-115
: Osteopontin (sOPN) is a promising blood tumour marker for detecting epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). However, other clinical uses of sOPN as a tumour marker in EOC are still lacking. Since sOPN concentrations in serum are not associated with those in ascites, we compared clinical value of sOPN concentrations in the two body fluids

Articles – Nursing and Supervision

15. Supervision and assessment: the new Nursing and Midwifery Council standards
Nursing Management (2014+); London Vol. 25, Iss. 3,  (Jul 2018): 17-21.
: Approval for new standards for student supervision and assessment was granted at the NMC meeting in March 2018 (NMC 2018a). This article gives an overview of these standards and, drawing on the recommendations from a collaborative event hosted by NHS Education for Scotland and some of the findings from a rapid literature review undertaken for that event, provides nurse managers with information to help inform their discussions as they work in partnership with approved education institution colleagues to realise, support and sustain the roles outlined in the new standards

16. The importance, impact and influence of group clinical supervision for graduate entry nursing students
Sheppard, Fiona; Stacey, Gemma; Aubeeluck, Aimee.
Nurse Education in Practice; Kidlington Vol. 28,  (Jan 1, 2018): 296-301.
: This paper will report on an evaluation of group clinical supervision (CS) facilitated for graduate entry nursing (GEN) students whilst on clinical placement. The model of supervision employed was informed by Proctor's three function interactive CS model and Inskipp and Proctor's Supervision Alliance.

17. Clinical supervision in perioperative nursing education in Sweden - A questionnaire study
M-T Crafoord; A-M Fagerdahl.
Nurse Education in Practice; Kidlington Vol. 24,  (May 1, 2017): 29-33.
: A Swedish study examining recently graduated perioperative nurses' experience of clinical supervision in specialist education found that the participants experienced a gap between the theoretical part of the university and the clinical education which did not always respond to the academic level required for specialized training at an advanced level.

18. Nursing supervision: challenges and opportunities for success
Tobias, Claire; Ives, Julia Elizabeth; Garnham, Adrian Philip.
Learning Disability Practice (2014+); London Vol. 19, Iss. 6,  (Jun 2016): 33
: This article reports on the results of a review of supervision at an adult mental health and learning disability directorate at a foundation trust in London, which highlighted areas of good practice and areas for improvement.

Journal - Table of Contents

Singapore Nursing Journal, Vol.45, No.3, Sept – December 2018

19A. Editorial: Integrating reflections
19B. Exploring the perceptions of diploma nursing students on feedback: A descriptive qualitative study
19C. Hospital admissions among nursing home residents in Singapore: A retrospective study
19D. A patient advocacy dilemma: Is it theory…practice…or an ethics gap? A qualitative analysis
19E. Personal reflection: A journey through leadership in nursing


20. SOCCON 2019: New Zealand Social Sciences Conference
Theme: ‘A Sense of Place’
Date: 30 Sept – 2 October 2019
Venue: Waipuna Hotel
More information:

21. 2019 RSA Annual Conference (Renal Society of Australasia)
Theme: “Asking the hard questions!"
Date: Thursday 27 to Saturday 29 June 2019
Venue: Cordis, 83 Symonds St, Grafton, Auckland 1010
More information:

News – National

22. New Zealand needs a rural health commissioner to oversee health training hubs: NZ Rural GP Network
Stuff – 6 May 2019
Health training hubs in far-flung towns could stop rural communities struggling to get local healthcare, a rural doctors' organisation says. But it would take many groups working together to make that reality, so the NZ Rural General Practice Network wants a Kiwi rural health commissioner.

23. Nurses turn back the clock
ODT – 6 May 2019
Memories of the challenging life of trainee nurses came flooding back when members of the Dunedin nursing class of 1969 celebrated their 50th anniversary at the weekend.

24. Patients exposed to unsterilised equipment in SDHB surgeries
ODT – 6 May 2019
Up to eight patients could have been exposed to unsterilised equipment during operations at facilities run by three of the country's district health boards, including the SDHB.

News – International

25. Pink meets teal: time to raise awareness of ovarian cancer
The Age - May 5, 2019
ABC broadcaster Jill Emberson likes to talk. In the past it has been part of her job as ABC Newcastle’s Mornings presenter, but this week the Newcastle 2019 Citizen of the Year wants to talk about a matter of life and death: her own.

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