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Issue 12 Library e-newsletter 30 April 2019

NZ Immunisation Week- April 29 to May 5 2019.
Theme: Protected Together #Immunise



These books can be borrowed by current NZNO members for 4 weeks.  Please supply a physical address so the books can be couriered out to you.

1. Facing age: A practical guide for families
Nancye Bourke
Published in 2005
''How are we to make the best of what ageing has to offer? How are we best to cope with its challenges and downsides? This book takes a no-nonsense approach to many of the personal and public issues associated with ageing.

2. Out of time: The pleasures & perils of ageing
Lynne Segal
Published in 2014
In the footsteps of Simone de Beauvoir, Out of Time looks at many of the issues facing the aged—the war of the generations and baby-boomer bashing, the politics of desire, the diminished situation of the older woman, the space on the left for the presence and resistance of the old, the problems of dealing with loss and mortality, and how to find victory in survival.

3. Practice Development in nursing and healthcare
Second edition, 2013
Edited by Brendan McCormack., Kim Manley & Angie Titchen
Practice Development in Nursing and Healthcare explores the basis of practice development and its aims, implementation and impact on healthcare, to enable readers to be confident in their approaches to practice development. It is aimed at healthcare professionals in a variety of roles (for example clinical practice, education, research and quality improvement) and students, as well as those with a primary practice development role, in order to enable them to effectively and knowledgeably develop practice and the practice of others.

4. Whole person caring: An interprofessional model for healing and wellness
Lucia Thornton
Published in 2013
Focusing on mental - as well as physical - aspects of patient healing and employee care, this book helps health care leaders recognize not only the symptoms of illness but the root causes, providing an integrative approach and holistic model to help hospitals and other health care organizations transform.

Articles – American Journal of Public Health, May 2019

5. To Prevent Child Maltreatment, Home Visiting Programs Are One Part of a Complete Response
Kim, Hyunil, PhD, MSW.
American Journal of Public Health; Washington 109(5), (May 2019): 653-655.
: The Home Visiting Evidence ofEffectiveness project launched by the Department ofHealth and Human Services has conducted an exhaustive review of the research literature regarding HV.5 The project has identified 20 evidence-based HV programs. Among them, eight programs have demonstrated at least one favorable effect on maltreatment or relevant outcomes

6. Emergency Departments as Barometers for Prescription Opioid Morbidity and Mortality
Samuels, Elizabeth A, MD, MPH, MHS.
American Journal of Public Health; Washington 109(5), (May 2019): 655-656.
: Lovegrove et al. examined opioid-related ED visits in three categories: (1) therapeutic use, including adverse reactions, allergies, medication errors, and unsupervised pediatric ingestions; (2) use for selfharm; and (3) nonmedical use, including recreational use, taking a medication prescribed to another person, taking larger doses than prescribed, and overdose without intent to self-harm.

7. What Are the Public Health Effects of Dense Breast Notification Laws?
Fedewa, Stacey A, PhD, MPH.
American Journal of Public Health; Washington Vol. 109, Iss. 5,  (May 2019): 660-661
Abstract: An estimated four in 10 women in the United States have dense breasts, with an even higher proportion (38%-57%) among women in their 40s and 50s; thus, the effect of dense breast notification laws, both favorable and unfavorable, could be sweeping.

8. Trends in Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qigong Use: Differentiations Between Practices and the Need for Dialogue and Diffusion
Vergeer, Ineke, PhD.
American Journal of Public Health; Washington 109(5), (May 2019): 662-663.

Abstract: Yoga, tai chi, and qigong (YTQ) are holistic movement practices that are commonly treated as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modalities. They are incorporated along with other CAM modalities such as acupuncture, herbal therapies, chiropractic, and homeopathy. Appreciation of what YTQ practices are and what they can potentially offer in terms of both physical and mental health benefits could be increased among a much wider field of professionals with roles relevant to public health.

9. Texting Bans, a Possibly Low-Cost and Effective Means to Help Improve Motor Vehicle Safety
Flannagan, Carol A, PhD.
American Journal of Public Health; Washington 109(5), (May 2019): 663-665
: Pickrell and Li3 reported results of annual national roadside surveys that showed that texting while driving (defined as visibly manipulating an electronic device) was done by just 0.4% of drivers in 2006 but rose steadily to 2.1% in 2016. In this issue ofAJPH, an article by Ferdinand et al. (p. 748) looks at the question of whether statewide texting-while-driving bans are effective at reducing crash-related emergency department (ED) visits. Their results suggest that the answer is a cautious.

Articles – The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, May 2019

10.  Continuing Education and Professional Development: Making the Connection
Shinners, Jean.
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing; Thorofare 50(5), (May 2019): 191-192
: Lingard described health care as a “team sport” and even though individuals who make up the team are competent, the team itself may have issues. collective competence focuses on a “constantly evolving set of interconnected behaviors” and communications that are enacted within the context of providing health care to a specific patient at a specific place in time (Lingard & Hodges, 2012)

11. Achieving Incremental Outcomes to Reach Goals
Baughman, Caroline.
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing; Thorofare 50(5), (May 2019): 193-195
: Nursing professional development practitioners often question whether a particular outcome measure is a good one for their activity. Asked by itself, there is no way to answer that question. This article identifies a strategy to develop outcome measures in context with other phases of activity, department, and organizational goals.

12. Health Care Leadership in the New Economy
Bleich, Michael R.
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing; Thorofare 50(5), (May 2019): 196-198
: Most health care organizations are designed using industrial model performance standards based on conformity and conventionality. In the new economy, marked with exponential change, convergent competition, and empowered consumers, leaders are faced with building a model that can accommodate personalized medicine, managing patient-centered expectations, and value-creating hubs to remain viable.

13. Why Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Matters in Practice
Altmiller, Gerry; Hopkins-Pepe, Loraine.
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing; Thorofare 50(5), (May 2019): 199-200.
: The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing will support QSEN competency implementation in practice through the Teaching Tips column, beginning with this issue, by sharing strategies and ideas with educators so that they may perform this work effectively. Reframing continuing education programs in the QSEN competencies supports the work of continuing education and professional development educators as they work to better highlight the critical impact of the nursing profession on quality care and patient outcomes.

14. Clinical Educator as Coach: Supporting Staff to Meet Quality and Safety Competencies
Altmiller, Gerry.
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing; Thorofare 50(5),  (May 2019): 201-204.
: This article describes a creative teaching strategy clinical educators can use to enhance the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of direct care nurses for quality and safety competencies.

15. The Admiral Nurse Competency Framework: Encouraging Engagement and Putting It Into Practice
Carter, Christine; Bray, Jennifer; Read, Kate.
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing; Thorofare 50(5),  (May 2019): 205-210.
: Admiral Nurses undertake complex work with families living with dementia. Dementia UK commissioned The Association for Dementia Studies to refresh the Admiral Nurse Competency Framework and enable Admiral Nurses to articulate and critically reflect on their own practice progression. The Admiral Nurses were involved throughout the process to refresh the framework to ensure it was evidence based.

16. An Education-Based Text Messaging Program to Improve Nurses' Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Related to Nosocomial Infections in Intensive Care Settings
Saffari, Mohsen; Sanaeinasab, Hormoz; Masoumbeigi, Hossein; Pakpour, Amir H; O'Garo, Keisha N; et al.
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing; Thorofare 50(5), (May 2019): 211-217

Journal - Table of Contents

American Journal of Nursing, April 2019, Volume 119, Number 4

17A. Editorial: Improving the work environment, step by step
17B. The small talk matters: Improving patient care with multilingual health care providers
17C. News: U.S. Women’s health falls behind that of other high-income countries; Study of reported sexual misconduct by nurses finds gaps in disciplinary action; Black lung disease resurges in Appalachian coal miners; The number of uninsured Americans is on the rise again; Win-Loss scoreboard – recent U.S. health care trends
17D. America’s problem with opioid abuse takes its toll on nursing, Too: Clinicians contend with a crisis of addiction as solutions remain elusive
17E. Drugwatch: New warning for fluoroquinolone antibiotics; Implantable pumps require specific medications to prevent pump failure
17F. Errors in postoperative administration of intravenous patient-controlled analgesia: A retrospective study
17G. Poetry: Cat-a-tonic
17H. A historical review of nurse-physician bedside rounding: How the nurse’s role in this hospital practice has evolved
17I. Sustaining nursing grand rounds through interdisciplinary teamwork and interorganizational partnership: A variety of clinical topics engage both military and civilian health care providers
17J. Prosthetic mesh for the prevention of parastomal hernias
17K. EBP 2.0 From strategy to implementation: A new series showcases exemplars of evidence-based practice change
17L. Best of the Blog: Reexamining resilience
17M. Nurses and climate action: Opportunities to lead national efforts
17N. Journal Watch: radical prostatectomy has substantial benefit for otherwise health men; Evaluate penicillin allergy before deciding against penicillin use; Tele-triage may be safe and effective approach for patients with chest pain; Nursing empowerment intervention reduces inpatient sleep disruptions
17O. Finding joy in the workplace: Four steps to restoring purpose and meaning in health care
17P. Another day in the OR: Collapsing the insulating distance of global health


18. New Zealand Medico-Legal Congress
Analysing the latest medico-legal issues and their implications for the health and medical sector
Date: 1 - 2 Jul 2019
Venue: Novotel Auckland, Ellerslie, Auckland
More information:

19. Injury 2019 Conference
: From Research to Rehabilitation – The Full Journey
Date: 8 August 2019
Venue: Eden Park | Kngsland | Auckland
More information:

20. Australasian Nurse Educators conference
Navigating the future of nursing together through education and practice
Date: 18-20 November 2019
Venue: The Dunedin centre
Further information: Conference Secretariat, Otago Polytechnic School of Nursing, Forth Street, Private Bag 1910, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand
Ph: 0800 762 786
Email: [email protected]

21. 2019 HiNZ Conference
: 19-22 November 2019
Venue: Claudelands, Hamilton, New Zealand
More information:

News – National

22 DHB, union relationship at historic low - senior doctor
Radio New Zealand – 30 April 2019
The lack of trust between junior doctors and their employers has never been worse than it is now, a senior doctor says.

23. NZ's heart-breaker: rheumatic fever rates on the rise
From Insight, 8:10 am on 31 March 2019
Every year, up to 200 New Zealanders die from heart damage caused by rheumatic fever - an illness wiped out in many other wealthy countries. And despite a five-year campaign to tackle the disease here, rates are once again on the rise. Philippa Tolley reports.

24. Pharmac to be clearer about declining medicines as part of overhaul
Stuff - Apr 30 2019
Pharmac is set to become more transparent about its funding decisions by taking the step of formally rejecting medications it decides aren't worth it, rather than leaving them open in the application process. The change will not mean medicines are permanently ruled out of contention for funding, but it is designed to give patients and drug companies clarity.

25. Skin cancer: Why it's not just melanoma you need to worry about
Stuff – 30 April 2019
Skin cancers are the most-common type of cancer in New Zealand – in fact they account for about 80 per cent of all new cancer diagnoses each year

News – International

26. US measles outbreak hits 25-year-high, driven by misinformation
The Age – 30 April 2019
New York: The number of measles cases in the United States has reached a 25-year peak, propelled by the spread of misinformation about the vaccine that can prevent the disease, federal health officials said on Monday. The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention reported 704 cases as of April 26, a 1.3 per cent increase since the most recent tally of 695 reported on Wednesday. The vast majority of cases have occurred in children who have not received the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, which confers immunity to the disease, officials said

27. Metro South Hospital and Health Service boss sacked
Sydney Morning Herald – 29 April 2019
The boss of one of Brisbane's biggest health services has been sacked. Stephen Ayre, the CEO of Metro South Hospital and Health Service, was sacked by the health service's board on Monday afternoon.

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