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Issue 11 Library e-newsletter 18 April 2019

Advice on measles vaccination from the Ministry of Health 14/3/19

For any further information, please consult the Communicable Disease Manual chapter regarding measles:


These books can be borrowed by current NZNO members for 4 weeks.  Please supply a physical address so the books can be couriered out to you.

1. Understanding health inequalities in Aotearoa New Zealand
Edited by Kevin Dew and Anna Matheson
Oxford University Press, 2008
This book uses a variety of approaches from different disciplines to explore the issues in four sections: Ethnic and Socio-economic Inequalities in Health, Understanding Inequalities, Intervention Strategies, and Intervention Experiences.

2.The nurse’s social media advantage: How making connections and sharing ideas can enhance your nursing practice
Robert Fraser
Honor Society of Nursing, 2011
Social media has reached into every profession - and nursing is no exception. Almost daily, new research and publishing methods emerge. This fast-paced, ever-changing way of disseminating information will continue to evolve, whether nurses participate or not. With the vital role that nursing plays in the health care community, nurses cannot afford to fall behind

3. Euthanasia, ethics and public policy: An argument against legislation
John Keown
Cambridge University Press, 2002
Whether the law should permit voluntary euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide is a notoriously difficult question. How cogent is the "slippery slope" objection? In other words, is it reasonable to object on the grounds that patients would be killed who did not make a free and informed request, or for whom palliative care would have offered an alternative

4. Maea te Toi Ora: Māori Health Transformations
Te Kani Kingi, Mason Durie, Hinemoa Elder, Rees Tapsell, Mark Lawrence & Simon Bennett
Huia Publishers, 2018
Māori clinicians and researchers explore the relationship between Māori culture and Māori mental health. Along with a discussion of current research into and knowledge about health and culture, the authors provide case studies from their own experiences of working with Māori to restore well-being.

Articles – Australian Journal of Child and Family Health Nursing, Dec 2017 & 2018

5. Growth faltering in children of the Kimberley: Effects of alcohol restriction
Boulton, John; Fitzpatrick, James; Garnett, Sarah P; Halim, Jocelyn; Cowell, Christopher T; Elliott, Elizabeth; Latimer, Jane; Carter, Maureen; Oscar, June
Australian Journal of Child and Family Health Nursing (2018, Dec). 15(2)
: To describe growth patterns of weight of Australian Aboriginal children from birth to 21 months living in the Fitzroy Valley in the Kimberley region before and after the introduction of alcohol restrictions in 2007.

6. The health and development correlates of screen media exposure in children 0-5yrs: An integrative literature review
Reus, Ellyse J; Mosley, Ian T
Australian Journal of Child and Family Health Nursing (2018, Dec) 15(2)
: The early years of childhood are a critical period for neural development. It is well known that screen media exposure has the potential to impact the health and development trajectories of young children. The aim of this integrative review was to explore the health and developmental correlates of screen media exposure in young children aged from birth to five years.

7. Journeying to connect: Promoting post-natal healing and relationship formation through the CONNECT group art-therapy program for distressed mothers and infants
Xeros-Constantinides, Sophia; Boland, Bernice & Bishop, Lynne
Australian Journal of Child and Family Health Nursing (2017, Dec), 14(2)
: This paper describes the CONNECT Group Art-Therapy Program, a post-natal group therapy intervention for distressed mothers and infants/toddlers. The paper reflects on pregnancy and birth as life-changing events for women-mothers, made vulnerable through gestation, parturition and the demands of relating to, and caring for, the new baby.

8. Oral health promotion in children - the use of fluoride
Australian Journal of Child and Family Health Nursing (2017, Dec). 14(2)
: Good dental health practices that begin in childhood are a crucial contributor to good overall health as the child ages and becomes an adult. Thereby, the maternal and child health nurse (MCHN), along with oral health promotion strategies, plays a large role in promoting these health practices for children under the age of five years

Articles – Racism/Migrant Nurses

9. Making and maintaining racialised ignorance in Australian nursing workplaces: The case of black African migrant nurses
Mapedzahama, Virginia;   Rudge, Trudy;   West, Sandra;   Kwansah-Aidoo, Kwamena
Australasian Review of African Studies, Dec 2018. 39(2), 48-73
: In this article we apply a sociological framework of ignorance to explore the experiences of black African migrant nurses working in the Australian healthcare system. We contend that explorations of how ignorance is constructed, maintained and utilised within workplaces are critical for a nuanced understanding of black African skilled migrants' subjective experiences of institutional racism.

10. Exploring the experiences of internationally and locally qualified nurses working in a culturally diverse environment
O'Callaghan, Cathy;   Loukas, Patty;   Brady, Michelle;   Perry, Astrid
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Dec 2018 - Feb 2019. 36(2), 23-34
: This article explores the support needs, attitudes and experiences of both internationally and locally qualified nurses working within a culturally diverse environment.

11. "Some of us pushed forward and let the world see what could be done": Aboriginal Australian nurses and midwives, 1900-2005
Best, Odette & Gorman, Don
Labour History, No. 111, Nov 2016: 149-164
: This paper locates the voices of Aboriginal nurses and midwives which only emerged in publications from the 1950s onwards. It seeks to privilege the voices of Aboriginal nurses and midwives, and recognise their contributions to the nursing and midwifery professions. It identifies two key developments in Australian history that influenced the acceptance of Aboriginal people into a career in nursing and midwifery: the gradual decline of policies of protection, segregation and assimilation, and the shift of nursing education from hospitals into the tertiary sector.

12. A multi-cultural nursing workforce: Views of New Zealand and internationally qualified nurses
Walker, Leonie;   Clendon, Jill;   Johnson-Bogaerts, Hilda
Kai Tiaki Nursing Research, Sep 2012. 3(1), 4-11
: The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) conducted an overarching project in 2012, surveying members who had joined the organisation within the previous five years, to examine their experiences in the workplace and views on a range of topics of interest to NZNO. This paper reports a subset of that data: the experiences and views of both New Zealand qualified nurse (NZQN) and internationally qualified nurse (IQN) newer members of NZNO, focusing specifically on the increasingly multicultural nature of the health workforce.

Journal - Table of Contents

Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal,
Vol. 26, No.6, Apr-Jun 2019


13A. Editorial: ANMF Aged Care Campaign
13B. News Bites: Evidence in support of midday napping; Videos launched to help patients and practitioners during notifications; Exercise to shift body clock; Seven to 13 alcoholic drinks a week linked with high BP; nationwide political protests to change the rules; ANMF takes the stand at Aged Care Royal Commission
13C. No place for political spin… Why the Medevac Bill matters
13D. ANMF calls on political parties to commit to priorities
13E. Mentoring matters [Mentoring in nursing and midwifery offers meaningful rewards for both parties]
13F. Blowing the whistle [What drives nurses and midwives to turn whistleblower and report wrongdoing outside their organisation?]
13G. The Aged Care Royal Commission: What does it mean for the ANMF?
13H. Seasonal influenza immunisation for older adults in Australia: vaccine options for 2019
13I. A hospital is the place to heal a ravaged body, but what about the wounded spirit?
13J. Anaphylaxis
13K. MBS changes proposed for nurse practitioners
13L. Avoiding an avoidable adverse outcome [Working with patients who have a high or imminent risk of suicide is complex]
13M. Nurses in politics: Advocacy and leadership
13N. Leaders in person-centred care through practice and research
13O. International Nurses’ Day 12 May 2019 [Celebrating nurse-led models of care]
13P. Nurse practitioners filling in the gaps in care delivery
13Q. International Day of the Midwife: 5 May 2019
13R. Anzac Day [Celebrating Australian WW1 nurses: but do weapon manufacturers funding the Australian War Memorial preserve their honour?]
13S. Community Health: WACHS Kimberley population health graduate nurse program; A nursing workforce education program to support Australia’s Hepatitis C elimination goal; Key findings for community health to create a positive ageing experience; The future of chronic disease management is here… We just need to fund it
13T. Mental Health: Mental health assessment-Who decides?; Cross disciplinary knowledge transfer-the experience of student to RN; Experts by experience sharing personal knowledge to enhance the learning of undergraduate nursing students
13U. Mental Health: Should there be a separate emergency department for clients with mental illness?; Youth the focus of new model of care; Preventing refugee and asylum seeker suicide; Borderline personality disorder-Carers need compassion and collaboration when seeking emergency care for their loved one
13V. Drugs & Alcohol: The alcohol harm paradox-Rethinking the factors that cause harm; Driven to drink-Australian-first study sheds more light on factors influencing youth drinking; Opiods and Benzodiazepines-The risk of death; Exploring undergraduate nursing students’ knowledge and attitudes of the management of patients with a drug and/or alcohol substance use disaorder-An Australian Perspective


14. Australasian Nurse Educators conferences
Navigating the future of nursing together through education and practice
Date: 18-20 November 2019
Venue: The Dunedin centre
Further information: Conference Secretariat, Otago Polytechnic School of Nursing, Forth Street, Private Bag 1910, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand
Ph: 0800 762 786
Email: [email protected]

15. 2019 HiNZ Conference
Date: 19-22 November 2019
Venue: Claudelands, Hamilton, New Zealand
More information:

News – National

16. ChalkTalks: Nurses must be at centre of decisions about end of life choice, says NZNO
New Zealand Nurses’ Organisation’s Kerri Nuku was a panel member of Health Central’s ChalkTalks panel discussion on the End of Life Choice Bill and said nurses must be included in any legislation and conversation that involves end of life care

17. Global measles cases soar in first three months of 2019, WHO says
Stuff – 16 April 2019
Global measles cases are rising for the third year in a row, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said, reporting that recorded cases between January and March were 300 per cent higher than in the same period last year.In the first quarter of the year, 170 countries reported some 112,000 infections, up from 28,000 in the first quarter of 2018

News – International

18. Health system needs to be protected from climate change: doctors
Sydney Morning Herald – 15 April 2019
Hospitals across Australia will struggle to cope more frequently in the future unless more is done to offset the effects of climate change, a group of seniors doctors argue. In an opinion paper published in the Medical Journal of Australia on Monday, the experts advocate for the entire health system to be made more agile and resilient to meet increasing demand

19. The number one drug addiction driving Australians into treatment
Sydney Morning Herald – 17 April 2019
More than 130,000 Australians were treated for alcohol or drug problems in 2017-18 at publicly funded clinics, amounting to one in every 166 people, the latest national data shows

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