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Issue 37 Library e-newsletter - 12 Nov 2018

Grow a Mo, save a Bro

Men experience worse longer-term health than women and die on average six years earlier. Prostate cancer rates will double in the next 15 years


These books can be borrowed by NZNO members for a 4 week period. Please provide a physical address so that the books can be couriered out to you.

1.  Hopes dashed? The economics of gender inequality
Prue Hyman
Published in 2017
What has really happened to New Zealand women’s economic and social status in recent years? In 1994 Prue Hyman published Women and Economics, an overview of the status of women in the New Zealand economy. Has the promise of equality been fulfilled in the labour market? Is unpaid domestic work being given the recognition it deserves?

2. Living with illness: Psychosocial challenges for nursing
Edited by Cath Rogers-Clark; Kristine Martin-McDonald & Alexandra McCarthy
Published 2005
Traditionally nurses have drawn on knowledge from sociology and psychology as two separate but related disciplines to nursing, leaving the beginning level nurse to relate, integrate and translate knowledge gained into nursing practice. Living with Illness combines, in a unique way, sociological and psychological perspectives to creatively represent psychosocial knowledge that is innovative and directly applicable to contemporary nursing practice

3. Stand for all time: The Marquette sinking and the Nurses' Memorial Chapel
Anna Rogers
Published 2018
Backgrounds the sinking of the Marquette in 1915, with biographical notes on the ten NZANS nurses and 22 NZ Medical Corps personnel with No. 1 NZ Stationary Hospital who died in the disaster.  Lists all known survivors of the sinking. Profiles many of the nurses who survived the sinking and traces the history of the Nurses' Memorial Chapel built in Christchurch in 1927 to honour the three local nurses who died.

4. With them through hell: New Zealand medical services in the First World War
Anna Rogers
Published 2018
Records the history of the doctors, nurses, members of the voluntary aid detachment (VAD), the Volunteer Sisterhood, stretcher-bearers, orderlies, ambulance drivers, dentists, chiropodists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, chaplains and veterinarians who cared for the men and animals of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force in World War One.

5. While you’re away: New Zealand Nurses at war 1899 – 1948
Anna Rogers
Published 2003
"These moving accounts of the New Zealand nurses who served their country during wartime shed light on the dangers they faced and the bravery they exhibited in South Africa from 1899 to 1902, in the wars from 1914 to 1918, in Spain during the Civil War, and in a far-flung variety of countries from 1939 to 1948. Drawing on diaries, letters, and interviews, this book focuses on the personal experiences of individual nurses and their memories.

Articles – Prostate Cancer

6. Combination of Prostate Cancer Antigen 3 and Prostate-Specific Antigen Improves Diagnostic Accuracy in Men at Risk of Prostate Cancer.
By Liyun Cao; Chi Hyun Lee; Jing Ning; Handy, Beverly C.; Wagar, Elizabeth A.; Qing H. Meng.
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. Sep 2018, 142(9), p1106-1112. 7p
: Prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3) is a noncoding RNA that is highly overexpressed in prostate cancer (PCa) tissue and excreted in urine in patients with PCa. Objective.--To assess the clinical utility of urinary PCA3 in men at risk of PCa.

7. Systematic Review and Thematic Synthesis of Quality of Life in Partners Of Patients with Prostate Cancer.
By Hammond, Andrew.
Urologic Nursing. Jul/Aug 2018, 38(4), p194-206. 13p.
: Prostate cancer is perceived as a "couple's disease," where diagnosis and treatment affect not only the patient and his partner, but other members of the family as well. The partner is a key determinant of the patient's quality of life in the treatment process, but the perspective of any emotionally attached individual is underrepresented in the current literature.

8. Prostate cancer: a new era.
By Liebman, Bonnie.
Nutrition Action Health Letter. Apr 2018, 45(3), p3-6. 4p
: The author discusses news and information about treatment for prostate cancer as of April 2018. Topics covered include a decrease in the number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2017, recommendation of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force in 2012 against screening for high blood levels of prostate-specific antigen, and overtreatment of prostate cancer.

Articles – Code of Conduct/Professional Standards/Ethics

9. Changes to code of conduct and code of ethics new code of conduct for midwives now in effect for all midwives
Cusack, Lynette
Australian Midwifery News, 18(1), 1 Mar 2018
All midwives in Australia now need to meet the standards of professional behaviour set out in the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Code of conduct for midwives, which took effect on 1 March 2018.

10. Legal: Risks of dual relationships in delivering care
Starr, Linda
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 26(4) (Oct 2018)
: Complaints against health practitioners generally arise from a series of complex circumstances that raise questions about the practitioner's competence to practice.

11. Don't stay silent over unsafe staffing
The Lamp, 75(9), Oct 2018: 24-25
: Violating a professional standard could expose nurse and midwives to sanctions.

12. Professional standards apply to nurse managers too
The Lamp, 75(9), Oct 2018: 25
: Nurse managers should resist pressure from above to force nurses and midwives to comply with unsafe practices, Brett Holmes told conference

13. Nursing, ethics and the meaning of life
Johnstone, Megan-Jane
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 25(7), Feb 2018: 26
:  Questions concerning the meaning and purpose of life are fundamental to the profession and practice of nursing in several ways. They underscore the need to explore and understand what it is nurses should care about and why eg. what goals the profession should pursue, why the ethical responsibilities of nurses matter.

14. Nurses Address Ethical Issues in Health Care
Robbins, Karen C.
Nephrology Nursing Journal; Pitman Vol. 45, Iss. 2,  (Mar/Apr 2018): 215-219
: An overview of the six articles on ethics that were published in the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing (OJIN). Pervasive themes throughout the articles are ethical awareness, moral agency, an awareness of the potential ethical issues, the need to be proactive, and moral distress (i.e., knowing and/or wanting to do the right thing, but unable to do so for a host of reasons.

15. Nursing care and maintaining professional boundaries
Mendes, Aysha
British Journal of Community Nursing, Aug 2017; 22(8): 407-408. 2p
: The article examines the challenges of providing compassionate care to all patients on a daily basis for community health nurses. The author goes on to detail how nurses should avoid excessively worry about a patient and letting professional responsibilities interfere with personal lives

16. Evolving Ethical Standards in the Digital Age
Reamer, Frederic G.
Australian Social Work, Mar 2017; 70(2): 148-159. 12p
: Social workers’ increasing use of digital technology poses novel and unprecedented ethical challenges pertaining to privacy, confidentiality, informed consent, professional boundaries, conflicts of interest, documentation, client abandonment, and professionalism, among others. The article outlines emerging ethical standards designed to help social workers manage ethical challenges in the digital age.

Journal - Table of Contents

The Tube: NZNO Gastroenterology Nurses’ College
Volume 44, Issue 9, September 2018


17A. Chairperson’s Report: Karen Kempin
17B. Editor’s Report: Karen Clarke
17C. Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) 2018: It’s almost time
17D. Hybrid APC: What is Barrett’s Oesophagus; What causes Barrett’s oesophagus?; What is the recommended treatment for Barrett’s oesophagus?; What is hybrid APC?
17E. Understanding colorectal cancer
17F. Unconfirmed Minutes of the AGM of the NZNO Gastroenterology Nurses College
17G. Writing Guidelines for The Tube
17H. Gastroenterology units in New Zealand

Conferences and Workshops

18. eAllied Health 2018
A one day event is run in collaboration with the HiNZ Conference, New Zealand's largest digital health event. It is supported by Allied Health Aotearoa New Zealand (AHANZ).
Date: Wednesday 21 November 2018
Venue: TSB Arena in Wellington

19. PEG, Balloon Tube & Enteral Nutrition Workshop
Date: 20 November 2018
Time: 2pm – 5.30pm
Venue: The Dunedin Centre/Town Hall, The Octagon, DUNEDIN

20. Cancer care at a crossroads conference
Date: 31 January - 1 February 2019
Venue: Te Papa, Wellington
The University of Otago (Wellington) and Cancer Society of New Zealand, in partnership with the Ministry of Health and New Zealand Society for Oncology.
More information

News – National

21. Volunteers create health centre
ODT - Monday, 12 November 2018
By Jono Edwards
Te Kaika could offer lessons for the Dunedin Hospital rebuild as volunteers create a Brockville community health and social services hub from scratch in 10 weeks. The new clinic, in the Brockville Community Church, was officially opened at an event on Saturday.

22. Movember campaign inspired by ad guy's mental health struggle
NZ Herald - 2 Nov, 2018 10:20am
The 2018 Movember campaign was years in the making - at least it was for one of the ad guys who worked helped develop the idea. Ryan Jordan, the strategy director at ad agency Barnes, Catmur & Friends Dentsu, hasn't suffered from any of the physical illnesses most often associated with Movember but he has long struggled with his mental health, living for years with both depression and anxiety.

News - International

23. Unlocking the cause of rising allergy rates
National Post – April 17, 2018
Are we too clean for our own good? Definitely, say proponents of the hygiene hypothesis that is the most popular explanation of why the rate of allergic reactions is increasing, particularly in the western world.

24. Scientists may have found the key ingredient for a universal flu vaccine, and it comes from llamas
Los Angeles Times - Nov 02, 2018
llamas have a far less appreciated feature: They make an array of immune system antibodies so tiny they can fit into crevices on the surface of an invading virus. That feat could one day protect humans from entire families of flu viruses that bedevil scientists with their unpredictable and shape-shifting ways

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