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Issue 36 Library e-newsletter 31 Oct 2018


These books can be borrowed by NZNO members for a 4 week period. Please provide a physical address so that the books can be couriered out to you.

1. Stand for all time: The Marquette sinking and the Nurses' Memorial Chapel
Anna Rogers
Published 2018

Backgrounds the sinking of the Marquette in 1915, with biographical notes on the ten NZANS nurses and 22 NZ Medical Corps personnel with No. 1 NZ Stationary Hospital who died in the disaster.  Lists all known survivors of the sinking. Profiles many of the nurses who survived the sinking and traces the history of the Nurses' Memorial Chapel built in Christchurch in 1927 to honour the three local nurses who died.  Describes its restoration following closure after the Christchurch earthquakes in 2010-2011, and re-opening in 2018.

2. With them through hell: New Zealand medical services in the First World War
Anna Rogers
Published 2018

Records the history of the doctors, nurses, members of the voluntary aid detachment (VAD), the Volunteer Sisterhood, stretcher-bearers, orderlies, ambulance drivers, dentists, chiropodists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, chaplains and veterinarians who cared for the men and animals of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force in World War One.

3. Headlands: New Stories of Anxiety
Naomi Arnold
Published 2018

In 2017, Ministry of Health figures showed that one in five New Zealanders sought help for a diagnosed mood or anxiety disorder, and these figures are growing. Headlands: New Stories of Anxiety tells the real, messy story behind these statistics ¬– what anxiety feels like, what causes it, what helps and what doesn’t.

4. Effective writing for health professionals: A practical guide to getting published
Megan-Jane Johnstone
Published 2004

Health professionals are increasingly expected to conduct and publish their research, apply for grants, write newsletters, liaise with the media, present conference papers and contribute articles to professional journals.  But how do you get published? Where do you start? How do you know if your writing is good enough and what can you learn to make it better?

5. Designing telehealth for an aging population: A human factors perspective
Neil Charness., George Demiris & Elizabeth Krupinski
Published 2012

The authors examine older adult capabilities and provide standards and guidelines for telehealth design, enlivened by clinical examples and tutorials on human factors methodologies. They take a systematic look at how the use of human factors principles can facilitate the successful development, deployment, and maintenance of telehealth technology to better serve the aging population

6. Acute pain management: A practical guide [Fourth edition]
Pamela E. Macintyre & Stephan A. Schug
Published 2015

Comprehensive acute pain management no longer means only caring for patients with pain resulting from postoperative and trauma-related causes—it now includes managing patients with acute pain arising from a wide variety of conditions.

7. But I changed all that: ‘First’ New Zealand women
Jan Tolerton
Published 2018

This book celebrates some of our first women: of politics and public service, business and broadcasting, the arts and academia, sport and cinema. From 1893 to 2018, from Kate Sheppard to Jacinda Ardern.

Selected Articles –
New Zealand Medical Journal, 26th October 2018


8. Preventing cardiovascular disease in New Zealand: making better use of statins but also tobacco control, changing the food supply and other strategies
Nick Wilson, Amanda C Jones, Nhung Nghiem, Tony Blakely
New Zealand Medical Journal, 26th October 2018, Volume 131 Number 1484
: Given that it is very well proven that statins reduce the risk of premature death, in this article we examine how the use of these medicines may be improved for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in New Zealand.

9. Are the benefits of aspirin likely to exceed the risk of major bleeds among people in whom aspirin is recommended for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease?
Vanessa Selak, Rod Jackson, Katrina Poppe, Andrew Kerr, Sue Wells
New Zealand Medical Journal, 26th October 2018, Volume 131 Number 1484
: The 2018 New Zealand Consensus Statement on cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk assessment and management recommends the use of aspirin in people aged less than 70 years with a five-year CVD risk >15% but without prior CVD. We determined whether the estimated number of CVD events avoided by taking aspirin is likely to exceed the number of additional major bleeds caused by aspirin in this patient population.

10. Sun protection and shade availability in New Zealand’s outdoor recreation spaces
Ryan Gage, Michelle Barr, James Stanley, Anthony Reeder, Christina Mackay, Moira Smith, Tim Chambers, William Leung, Louise Signal
New Zealand Medical Journal, 26th October 2018, Volume 131 Number 1484
: Skin cancer accounts for up to 80% of total cancer cases in New Zealand.1 Each year, there are over 2,000 incident cases and 350 deaths from melanoma,2 and over 90,000 incident cases of keratinocyte carcinomas (formerly known as non-melanoma skin cancers.

Selected articles – Primary Health Care journal [RCN], 2018

11. Migraine in primary care: myths, management and medication overuse
Katy Munro
Primary Health Care, 26 September 2018, Vol 28, Issue 6
doi: 10.7748/phc.2018.e1391
: This article is aimed at primary care nurses and covers the presentation of migraine across the whole lifespan. It reminds the reader that migraine is a genetic condition, and gives an overview of presentation, phases of migraine attacks, triggers, treatment strategies and situations that may be seen in primary care

12. Managing cow’s milk protein allergy in primary care
Boardman A, Gaventa J, Biggs A et al
Primary Health Care, 26 September 2018, Vol 28, Issue 6
: Allergy to cow’s milk protein represents a significant burden for babies, their families and the healthcare system. Primary care practitioners are ideally placed to address the gap in service provision for people affected by these allergies

13. Early detection of inherited cardiac conditions in primary care.
Bueser T 
Primary Health Care 25 July 2018, Vol 28, Issue 5.
doi: 10.7748/phc.2018.e1452
: Inherited cardiac conditions are a leading cause of sudden death in those under 40. A thorough family history taken in the primary care setting will enable early detection through cardiac screening or predictive genetic testing of at-risk family members through a prompt referral to a specialist centre.

14. Why immunisation training matters
Helen Donovan, Laura Craig
Primary Health Care. 25 July 2018, Vol 28, Issue 5.
doi: 10.7748/phc.2018.e1440
: Vaccines are highly effective at reducing infectious disease and are recognised by the World Health Organization as second only to clean water at effectively controlling disease (Andre et al 2008). The success of any vaccine programme relies on enough people being vaccinated to control or stop the spread of infections.

15. Complete knowledge of caseloads at your fingertips
Julie Penfold
Primary Health Care. 25 July 2018, Vol 28, Issue 5, 22-23.
doi: 10.7748/phc.28.5.22.s22
: An award-winning and user-friendly caseload review tool is helping to improve patient care and workforce efficiency. District nurses at Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent NHS Partnership Trust (SSOTP) are benefiting from the introduction of a district nurse caseload review tool.

16.  How to ensure optimal care for people living with dementia
Patricia Pope
Primary Health Care. 25 July 2018, Vol 28, Issue 5, 24-26.
doi: 10.7748/phc.28.5.24.s23
: There are 106 types of dementia and they affect the brain in different ways. Front-line nurses can help to support people with dementia – as well their families – with a number of coping strategies.

Journal - Table of Contents

American Journal of Nursing, October 2018

17A. Editorial: Something for Every Nurse
17B. In the news: Fraught times for womens health; Proposal to cut USPHS commissioned corps includes nursing positions; ‘Age-Friendly’ Health Systems for Older Adults; At-Home Hospital Care Reduces Readmissions and Length of Stay, Enhances Patient Satisfaction
17C. AJN reports: Ambulatory Surgery Centers: Are They Safe?
17D. Cochrane corner: Antioxidant Supplements to Prevent Age-Related Macular Degeneration
17E. Continuing Education: The Use of Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta in Treating Hemorrhagic Shock from Severe Trauma
17F. Acute pain management for people with opioid use disorder
17G. Journalists’ experiences with using nurses as sources in health news stories
17H. Legal clinic: Workplace violence – How if affects health care, which providers are most affected, and what management and staff can do about it.
17I. Workplace violence training using simulation
17J. Birthing by the numbers: A pregnant nursing professor well versed in health disparities takes a path less travelled


18. New Zealand Respiratory Conference 2018
Date: 22-23 November 2018
Venue: Pullman Hotel | Auckland
More information:

19. HealthyWork Conference 2018
Date: 27 November 2018
Venue: Skycity Convention Centre, Auckland
More information:

News – National

20. One Year On: The cost of accessible healthcare
Radio New Zealand - 29 October 2018
Karen Brown, Health Correspondent
@RNZHealth [email protected]
The coalition government has been in power for a year, how has our healthcare system changed?

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