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Issue 33 Library e-newsletter 1 Oct 2018

Setting NZ's health research priorities - consultation 

The Health Research Council of New Zealand (HRC), Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment invite your feedback on the Strategic Investment Areas (SIAs) that the new research priorities will fit into. 
Online survey: 4 September 2018 until 12 October 2018.
More information:'s-health-research-priorities---consultation-now-open


1. Four seasons of grieving: A nurse’s healing journey with nature
A. Lynne Wagner
Foreword by Jean Watson
Nurses, who are exposed each day to patient trauma, end-of-life situations, and the raw grief of partners, parents, and families, may experience loss more personally than other healthcare professionals.

2. Cultural Safety in Aotearoa New Zealand [Second edition]
Edited by Dianne Wepa
Foreword by Paul Spoonley
Thoroughly revised to incorporate the latest methods and research, this edition reflects updates in government policies and nursing practices, and features new chapters on ethical considerations when working cross-culturally, as well as the legislative requirements of the Nursing Council of New Zealand. Each chapter includes key terms and concepts, practice examples.

3. In sheep’s clothing: Understanding and dealing with manipulative people
George Simon
A co-worker may quietly undermine your efforts while professing to be helpful, or your boss may prey on your weaknesses.  Manipulative people have two goals: to win and to look good doing it.

4. Conflict 101: A manager’s guide to resolving problems so everyone can get back to work
Susan H. Shearouse
We all know conflict is unavoidable…especially in the workplace. Whether it’s a fight over resources, a disagreement about how to get things done, or an argument stemming from perceived differences in identities or values, it’s a manager’s role to navigate relationships, and build compromises and collaborations.

Articles  -  Loneliness

5. Profile of ethnicity, living arrangements and loneliness amongst older adults in Aotearoa New Zealand: A national cross-sectional study
Jamieson, H A., Gibson, H M., Abey-Nesbit, R., Ahuriri-Driscoll, A., Keeling, S
& Schluter P J
Australasian Journal of Ageing. March 2018, 37(1), 68-73. doi: 10.1111/ajag.12496.
: To explore the patterns of living arrangements, ethnicity and loneliness amongst older adults (aged 65+ years) living at home.

6. Loneliness Is a Problem of Epidemic Proportions, for Affecting Millions from All Walks of Life. but While Its Roots Are Complex, Remedies May Be within Reach.
By Latson, Jennifer.
Psychology Today. Mar 2018, 51(2), 47-57. 11p
: The article explores the prevalence of loneliness among people around the world. It references the book "Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community" by Robert D. Putnam. The connection of societal changes with new levels of isolation and alienation is discussed, as well the distinction of the effects of loneliness from those of depression.

7. The Toxic Well of Loneliness
By Russo, Francine.
Scientific American. Jan 2018, 318 (1), 64-69. 6p
: The article talks about how isolation from other people could lead to a wide range of illness and death focusing on the issue of social disconnection. Topics include evidences in the field of epidemiology and psychology, research into loneliness, and interventions of solitude. Also discussed is public health concerns due to isolation and poor relationships.

8. Staying connected can improve your health.
Harvard Women's Health Watch. Dec 2017, 25(4), p1-7. 2p.
: The article discusses the impact of social isolation on the health of an individual. Topics discussed include statement of Dr. Nancy J. Donovan on the same; risk factors associated with loneliness such as depression, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive decline; and making social connections for increasing one's life span.

9. Solutions For the Solitary: Loneliness requires courage and altered perception to escape, but it is possible.
Winch, Guy.
Psychology Today. Aug 2017, 50(4), p32-34. 3p.
: The article explains loneliness, the health risks associated with it, and tips on how to overcome it. Topics mentioned include the findings of a study reported in the journal "Personality and Individual Differences" on the link between loneliness and perceptual distortions, the importance of re-evaluating actions of caring and commitment, and the ways to reignite feelings of connection including revisiting favorite places.

Articles – Multi Morbidity/Comorbidities

10. Why we need to tackle the global phenomenon of multi-morbidity
Nick Evans - Freelance writer
Nursing Older People. 31 May 2018, 30(4),8-9. doi: 10.7748/nop.30.4.8.s7
: Multi-morbidity rates continue to rise, so a change is needed in our approach to give whole-person care rather than treating conditions in isolation. It goes without saying that growing numbers of people are living with long-term conditions.

11. A clinical evaluation of a community-based rehabilitation and social intervention programme for patients with chronic pain with associated multi-morbidity
Wright, Ellen., Zarnegar, Roxaneh., Hermansen, Ingrid & McGavin, David.
Journal of Pain Management 2017; Hauppauge 10(2), 149-159.
: Multi-morbidity, low mood and social isolation are common among patients suffering chronic pain and can inhibit effective self-management. We have developed the novel approach of a charity working alongside a community pain clinic to provide highly individualised therapy, support and social activities towards encouraging de-medicalisation, independence and personal development

12. Comorbidities, risk factors and outcomes in patients with heart failure and an ejection fraction of more than or equal to 40% in primary care- and hospital care-based outpatient clinics.
By Eriksson, B.; Wändell, P.; Dahlström, U.; Näsman, P.; Lund, L. H.; Edner, M.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. Jun 2018, Vol. 36 Issue 2, p207-215.
: The aim of this study is to describe patients with heart failure and an ejection fraction (EF) of more than or equal to 40%, managed in both Primary- and Hospital based outpatient clinics separately with their prognosis, comorbidities and risk factors. Further to compare the heart failure medication in the two groups.

Journal - Table of Contents

American Journal of Nursing, August 2018, Vol. 118, Number 8

13A. Editorial: Closed borders, closed hearts: Shameful treatment of immigrants needs our collective outcry
13B. Nurses’ voices matter in decisions about dismissing vaccine-refusing families
13C. News: Suicide among nurses-Poorly documented and unacknowledged; Commonwealth Fund tracks U.S. health care trends
13D. Study of U.S. veterans links mild traumatic brain injury to dementia risk; Higher than optimal nurse workloads increase the odds of patient mortality; Depression diagnoses surge nationwide
13E. The labyrinthine workings of the nursing home business: A look inside an opaque industry that often puts profits over patient care
13F. Health care policy update: New Medicaid work requirements, pre-existing conditions at risk, the drug cost crisis [High-stakes debates about access and affordability as midterm elections approach]
13G. Drugwatch: Overview of drugs used to treat opioid use disorder; New maintenance treatment for recurrent ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer; New approved use for Blinatumomab; New warning for Lamotrigine
13H. Pain in nonverbal children with medical complexity: A two-year retrospective study [Findings reveal the importance of including childhood ailments as potential pain sources]
13I. Poetry: Home hospice
13J. A review of the revised sepsis care bundles
13K. Nursing practice and particulate matter exposure [Structuring healthy environments for those at greatest risk]
13L. From the AJN Archives: Dust and fume as foes of industry
13M. Retired nurse volunteers: A valuable and untapped resource
13N. Journalwatch: Overtime negatively affects nurses’ collaboration with co-workers; Youth hospitalizations for suicidal ideation and attempts have steadily increased; Additional screening tool may improve dementia screening; Some anticholinergics linked to increased dementia risk
13O. Best of the Blog: The quandary of scheduling vacation time for nurses
13P. Emerging Infections: Multidrug-resistant organisms and contact precautions [Most nurses know when to start precautions, but for how long should they continue?]
13Q. Cataract surgery in patients with age-related macular degeneration
13R. Reflections: The crazy aunt or the nurse [After a nephew’s overdose, the author finds little refuge in her professional identity]


14. New Zealand Respiratory Conference 2018
Date: 22-23 November 2018
Venue: Pullman Hotel | Auckland
More information:

News – National

15. Study reveals dental care concerns
Otago Daily Times - Monday, 1 October 2018
Lack of dental care for Dunedin’s resettled Syrian refugees is causing them pain, worry and embarrassment — with some afraid to smile, a University of Otago study has found.

News – International

16. Hospital staff slam 'malfunctioning' medical error reporting system
Sydney Morning Herald - 30 September 2018
An incident reporting system designed to capture adverse events such as patient falls, medication errors and wrong-site surgeries in NSW hospitals is plagued by "flaws" and "significant" upgrade delays, a parliamentary inquiry has found.

17. ACT 'heavily reliant' on public health funds
Sydney Morning Herald – 29 September 2018
The ACT is far more heavily reliant on government health funding compared to the rest of the country, a new report has revealed. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare's recently released report, Health expenditure Australia 2016–17, showed that national health spending grew more in 2016–17 than at any time in the past 5 years.

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