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Issue 27 Library e-newsletter - 20 July 2018


Available for issue for 4 weeks to current NZNO members. Please provide your address so the books can be couriered to you.

1. National Women’s Hospital: A history
Linda Bryder
Established in Auckland in 1946, with a purpose-built building that opened in 1964, National Women’s was the home of medical breakthroughs by Sir William (Bill) Liley and Sir Graham (Mont) Liggins; of the Lawson quintuplets; and of scandals surrounding the so-called ‘unfortunate experiment’ and the neonatal chest physiotherapy inquiry.

2. Training secrets: helping adults learn
Geoffrey Moss
Unlock the secrets of successful training; Assess your training skills; Learn ways to improve and make your training fun.

3. Leadership material: How personal experience shapes executive presence
Diana Jones
Often viewed as intangible and invisible, most leaders take great care to separate their personal qualities from their professional identity. Jones, an executive coach to leaders for 30 years, argues that this is unwise. In fact, the ‘soft side’ of leadership – empathy, compassion, and authentic communication is derived from persona; experience and are essential to inspiring others and achieving results.

4. The bully at work: What you can do to stop the hurt and reclaim your dignity on the job
Gary Namie & Ruth Namie
Personal strategies such as: How to identify your allies; How to stand up to your tormentor; ways to build your confidence; When to walk away with your sanity and dignity intact

Articles – Contemporary Nurse, Volume 54, 2018

5. Editorial: Applying user-centred research design and evidence to develop and guide the use of technologies, including robots, in aged care
Wendy Moyle, Cindy Jones, Lihui Pu & Shu-Chuan Chen
Contemporary Nurse, 54(1), 1-3
: As one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, effort was put into developing technologies to provide service and care so that older people in Japan can stay longer in their own home. However, in spite of advances being made in technologies, many people oppose the use of technology and specifically when used to provide companionship.

6. Using Skype to support remote clinical supervision for health professionals delivering a sustained maternal early childhood programme: a phenomenographical study
Tracey Bruce, Fiona Byrne & Lynn Kemp
Contemporary Nurse, 54(1), 4-12
: Skype technology was implemented by the Australian Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Home-visiting (MECSH) Support Service as a tool for the remote provision of clinical supervision for clinicians working in the MECSH program in Seoul, South Korea

7. Exploring attitudes of healthcare professionals towards ICT-based interventions for nursing home residents with dementia: a mixed-methods approach
Julie Lorraine O’Sullivan, Paul Gellert, Britta Hesse, Laura-Maria Jordan, Sebastian Möller, Jan-Niklas Voigt-Antons & Johanna Nordheim
Contemporary Nurse, 54(1), 13-25
: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) could be useful for delivering non-pharmacological therapies (NPTs) for dementia in nursing home settings.
Aims: To identify technology-related expectations and inhibitions of healthcare professionals associated with the intention to use ICT-based NPTs

8. The use of Facebook for virtual asynchronous focus groups in qualitative research
Narelle Biedermann
Contemporary Nurse, 54(1), 26-34
: This paper describes the methodological approach of a research study that explored the experiences of Australian military spouses who packed up their family and home to accompany their spouse on an overseas posting. The study used Facebook as a recruitment tool and then as a data source through the conduct of an asynchronous virtual focus group.

9. ‘We don’t even have Wi-Fi’: a descriptive study exploring current use and availability of communication technologies in residential aged care
Wendy Moyle, Cindy Jones, Jenny Murfield, Toni Dwan & Tamara Ownsworth
Contemporary Nurse, 54(1), 35-43
To explore the use and availability of communication technologies for use by residents within RACFs in Queensland, Australia.

10. A social media intervention to improve hypoglycemia management at a multicenter hospital: a quality improvement pilot for clinical nurses
Filomena De Sousa, Jennifer Jackson, Ruth Knight, Edith Cloutier, Rosemary Basa, Anne Fourney & Kathleen Devecseri
Contemporary Nurse, 54(1), 44-51
: Hypoglycemia poses significant risk to inpatients. Nursing management of hypoglycemia is a challenge, despite established best practice guidelines. Social media is an effective tool for sharing information and could overcome barriers to clinical education at a multicenter hospital.

Articles – Nursing Standard, 4 July 2018

11. Why spotting suicide risk is every nurse’s concern
Nursing Standard 2018. 33(4), 39-41
: With a government target to reduce suicide, there is growing awareness that prevention is an issue for clinicians in all sorts of settings, not simply mental health. One person dies by suicide every 90 minutes in the UK. This shocking figure is one of the statistics driving a new programme to reduce suicide rates in England.

12. Role of nurses in alcohol screening and treatment interventions
Ian Webzell
Nursing Standard 2018. 33(4), 42-49
: Alcohol consumption can also place a burden on healthcare services. This article explores the trends of alcohol use, primarily in the UK, and outlines the related health effects. The author reviews the screening and brief interventions that non-specialist nurses can use, in partnership with patients.

13. Kindness is tangible in a mental health crisis
William Hanna Second-year mental health nursing student, Queen’s University, Belfast
Nursing Standard. 33(4), 42
: A nursing student reflects on the profound effect of taking time to share a meal with a patient with schizophrenia.

14. Assessing and managing communication needs in people with serious mental illness
Helen Rees., Claudia Forrest  & Gareth Rees
Nursing Standard. 33(4) 
: This article focuses on five areas of communication, speech and language – receptive language, expressive language, speech, social communication and swallowing – to increase nurses’ confidence in assessing communication needs and making appropriate referrals to speech and language therapy services. Nursing Standard. 33(4), 51-58

15. UTIs in older people: the programme reducing unnecessary prescribing
Lynne Pearce
Nursing Standard. 33(4), 60-62
: Pioneering nurse Jo McEwen is leading the way in antimicrobial stewardship, using a watch and wait approach to cut inappropriate antibiotic prescribing and improve care. When older patients have a suspected urinary tract infection (UTI), a prescription for antibiotics is the most common treatment – but what if the tests that indicate an infection are misleading and there is nothing wrong?

16. Identifying and treating urinary tract infections: NICE guidelines
Erin Dean
Nursing Standard. 33, 4, 64-64
: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) affect different parts of the urinary tract, including the bladder (cystitis), urethra and kidneys. UTIs are common and generally caused by bacteria from faeces entering the urethra.

Journal - Table of Contents

World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery, Vol 26 No. 6 July/August 2018

17A. Editorial: Gender pay gap must be closed
17B. Your priorities with the President [Martina Harkin-Kelly, INMO president]
17C. News: INMO warns of winter of discontent; Consultants settlement a welcome indication of pay as a remedy for recruitment issues; Serious concern at lack of funding for bed capacity and workforce plans; INMO defends its record on safe staffing and skill mix; May trolley numbers at record high
17D. News: Tony Fitzpatrick reports on issues discussed at the latest National Joint Council forum; INMO presses for HSE to comply with ED agreement; ICTU motion on violence against women; Young workers forego food for rent
17E. Opinion: Workplace safety and health should be top of employers’ agenda; Tipperary dispute on hold-98% vote in favour of action for more nursing staff; INMO ensuring contract continuity as mater Private changes ownership; Agreement on physical assault scheme
17F. Section News: mental health focus for TT Section; Dublin to host FOHNEU board meeting in November
17G. Legal Focus: Preparing for a full FTP hearing [Fitness to practise process for nurses and midwives]
17H. Why we need RNIDs [Delivery of services to people with intellectual disabilities (ID)]
17I. Treating fungal infection of the scalp [Tinea capitis or scalp ringworm]
17J. Quality & Safety: Introducing NOCA’s major trauma audit
17K. Breaking bad news: The best approach [ We can’t make bad news good, but we can make a huge difference to patients by the way we communicate that news]
17L. Intestinal failure: Update on management in Ireland [The need for a more centralised approach to the management of the complex health needs of people with intestinal failure]
17M. Crumlin guidelines light the way [The rationale for publishing nursing practice guidelines on the OLCHC website]
17N. Time to reflect [The importance of professional resilience in nursing]
17O. Money matters: Inheritance planning – Thinking about the future now can save you money
17P. Nurse-led clinics result in 21% drop in moderate to severe pain
17Q. Patient comfort is in the ‘squirrel bag’ – comfort packs aim to alleviate stress of unexpected hospital stays; ENSA report from meeting of student nurses in Brussels; Loneliness taskforce seeks funding of €3 million; Award presented to Crumlin nurse celebrating 40 years of service – Linda Phelan; Caredoc welcomes students on clinical placement for the first time


18. CultureShift 2018 (Strategies to Combat Workplace Bullying)
Hosts world-renowned expert Dr Gary Namie
Founder and Director of the American Workplace Bullying Institute

Date: 24/25 October 2018
Venue: Te Papa, Wellington
More information:

19. Employment Law Update 2018
A 1-day insight to ensure that you comply and are prepared for the negotiating table
Auckland: 24 September
Wellington 26 September

20. Tackling Diet-related Disease in New Zealand
Date: Tuesday, 4 September 2018, 9.00am – 4.30pm
Venue: Nordmeyer Lecture Theatre, University of Otago Wellington, 23A Mein St, Newtown, Wellington

News - National

21. ESR flu study findings a world first
ESR Media Release - 18 July 2018
Work undertaken by ESR scientists is the first in the world to show a particular and surprising immune response among people to influenza, and could help pave the way to a globally-sought universal flu vaccine.

22. Insight: Facing down loneliness for NZ's ageing population
From Insight, 8:12 am on 15 July 2018  [email protected]
The United Kingdom has recently established a Minister for Loneliness and a "Campaign to End Loneliness" is also under way. For Insight, Sally Round takes a look at how it has become a pressing issue in New Zealand as the population ages, society changes and people are expected to live longer in their own homes

News – International

23. An orange a day keeps the macular degeneration away, early research finds
ABC News – 18 July 2018
Apples have long been touted as the fruit 'to keep the doctor away' but now oranges may be muscling up on their status, as new research has shown regularly eating oranges may significantly help in reducing a person's risk of macular degeneration.

24. Change of heart? Why Australians could be wasting money on fish oil pills
The Age – 18 July 2018
For years, health professionals have urged Australians to make sure they’re getting enough omega-3 fats in their diet. We may have been wasting our money - at least when it comes to heart disease.

25. Why Alzheimer’s hits women harder than men
BBC – 12 July 2018
Sex differences in dementia are only just being recognised – but the consequences could change the way we fight the disease

26. Immediate stop to NHS mesh operations
BBC - 10 July 2018
NHS England is putting an immediate curb on mesh operations after safety concerns. It has accepted the advice of a new review looking at harm reported by women who received the treatment for stress urinary incontinence.

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