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Issue 26 Library newsletter - 13 July 2018


Available for issue for 4 weeks to current NZNO members. Please provide your address so the books can be couriered to you.

1. Trust and betrayal in the workplace: Building effective relationships in your organization
Dennis S. Reina & Michelle L. Reina
This book is all about trust  - the power when it exists, the [problems when it doesn’t, the pain when it is lost, and the steps you can take to rebuild it, engage people, and encourage collaboration.

2. Employment relationships: Workers, unions and employers in New Zealand
Edited by Erling Rasmussen
The books looks at major issues associated with employment relations: public policy, collective bargaining, employee representation, labour market adjustments, changes in employment law and trends in employment institutions.

3. Workers in the margins: Union radicals in post-war New Zealand
Cybele Locke
This book tells the story of workers on the margins of the labour force moving in and out of employment. The history of the massive changes in the workforce begins in mid-century when urbanisation brought Māori into the cities and more women began to enter the workforce.

4. Challenges in professional supervision: Current themes and models for practice
Liz Beddoe & Allyson Davys
The book is divided into two sections: The first describes the contemporary themes in professional supervision and the second discusses the models and skills being employed to deliver it.

Articles – Burnout

5. Clinican Burnout: New Times, Old Issue
By Poghosyan, Lusine.
Nursing Economic$. May/Jun 2018, Vol. 36 Issue 3, p109-155. 2p
Abstract: The author addresses the issue of burnout among nurses. The author discusses the origin of the term burnout and the history of research studies on the topic. She also discusses the impact of nurse burnout on the overall operations of healthcare organizations and on clinicians and patients.

6. Burnout syndrome among healthcare professionals
By Bridgeman, Patrick J.; Bridgeman, Mary Barna; Barone, Joseph.
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 2/1/2018, Vol. 75 Issue 3, p147-152. 6p
Abstract: The authors convey their concerns about burnout syndrome among healthcare professionals. Topics mentioned include variation in pharmacists' job satisfaction according to practice setting, correlation of levels of burnout in Ireland with an increase in medical errors.

7.  The rise of burnout: An emerging challenge facing nurses and midwives
By: Fedele, Robert.
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. Nov 2017, Vol. 25 Issue 5, p18-23. 5p
Abstract: The article investigates the rising number of nurses and midwives in Australia who suffer from burnout. Topics discussed include the symptoms of burnout, its impact on nurses and midwives' work and family lives and the factors behind the rise of burnout among midwives and nurses in the country. Also discussed is the difference between burnout and regular stress and the habits that can help alleviate burnout.

8. Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in Emergency Nurses: A Meta-Analysis.
By: Gómez-Urquiza, Jose Luis; De la Fuente-Solana, Emilia I.; Albendín-García, Luis.
Critical Care Nurse. Oct 2017, Vol. 37 Issue 5, pe1-e9. 9p
Objective: To determine the prevalence of burnout (based on the Maslach Burnout Inventory on the 3 dimensions of high Emotional Exhaustion, high Depersonalization, and low Personal Accomplishment) among emergency nurses.

9. Extinguishing the burnout epidemic: Health systems develop strategies to counteract wide-ranging problem.
By Appold, Karen. H&HN: Hospitals & Health Networks. Jun 2017, Vol. 91 Issue 6, p14-15. 2p
Abstract: The article looks at the burnout epidemic in the health care sector in the U.S. Topics mentioned include the association between frustration and burnout, the contributing factors to nurses' frustration including their work environment, and the strategies to prevent burnout including the creation of cultures that foster camaraderie.

Articles – Health IT/Smart Devices

10. Health smart devices and applications...towards a new model of prevention?
Cambon, Linda
European Journal of Public Health, Jun2017; 27(3): 390-391. 2p
: The author conveys her concerns on the real value of smart devices and applications, or SDApps, as tools for prevention of chronic diseases. Topics mentioned include the purpose of the socio-technological quantified-self movement in the U.S., the socialization effect of SDApps, and a blind spot in the literature on the mechanisms of efficacy and process evaluation of interventions with SDApps.

11. Health smart devices and applications for prevention--a cautionary note.
Paljarvi, Tapio
European Journal of Public Health, Jun 2017; 27(3): 391-392. 2p
The author conveys his thoughts on adopting a new model for disease prevention based on smart devices and applications (SDApps). Topics covered include regulatory oversight of health SDApps, regulation of consumer products for their technical safety within the European Economic Community, and division of health technologies based on SDApps into medical and consumer technologies

12. In-Demand Devices: Increase in skin disorders, cancer will drive technology.
Hilton, Lisette
Dermatology Times, Jan2018; 39(1): 1-65. 3p
: The article predicts the growth of the dermatological and skin rejuvenation device market by 2025, according to the Grand View Dermatology Devices Market report. Topics discussed include the expected increase in demand for diagnostic imaging and treatment technologies, according to Grand View Research senior research analyst Shailendra Gaikwad, the rising prevalence of skin disorders including melanoma, and the growth of laser instruments and light therapy treatments.

13. Nursing in the 21st Century – Challenging its values and roles
Judith C Bruce, PhD (Professor and Head, School of Therapeutic Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand) Correspondence to: Prof Judith Bruce, email: [email protected]
Professional Nursing Today 2018; 22(1): 44-48.

Abstract: The centrality of caring in nursing is undisputed in the literature. Its meaning is elusive but caring is one of the main factors that distinguishes nursing from other professions.

Articles – Leadership

14. Allied health leadership in New South Wales: a study of perceptions and priorities of allied health leaders
Bradd, Patricia, Travaglia, Joanne, Hayen, Andrew
Australian Health Review; Collingwood Vol. 42, Iss. 3,  (Jun 2018): 316-320

Abstract: The aim of the present study was to investigate the opinions and perceptions of senior allied health (AH) leaders in relation to AH leadership, governance and organisation from an Australian public health perspective.

15. Nurse Manager Learning Agility and Observed Leadership Ability: A Case Study
Glassman, Kimberly S; Withall, Jennifer.
Nursing Economics; Pitman Vol. 36, Iss. 2,  (Mar/Apr 2018): 74-82

Executive Summary * Successful nurse leaders produce the best outcomes. *Identifying potential nurse leaders in existing nursing management teams becomes a critical task for the future growth and development of the organization.

16. What style of leadership do women in STEMM fields perform? Findings from an international survey
Nash, Meredith; Davies, Amanda; Moore, Robyn.
PLoS One; San Francisco Vol. 12, Iss. 10,  (Oct 2017): e0185727.
: It is widely acknowledged that women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) fields are underrepresented in leadership globally

17. Developing nurses' transformational leadership skills
Fischer , Shelly Ann.
Nursing Standard (2014+); London Vol. 31, Iss. 51,  (Aug 16, 2017): 54.
: Historically, it was thought that only nurses in management roles required leadership skills; however, the ability to influence change is a requirement at all levels of clinical practice. Transformational leadership competencies provide nurses with the skills to contribute to improvements in the quality and safety of patient care, while enhancing their career satisfaction.

Journal - Table of Contents

The Outlet: New Zealand Stomal Therapy Nurses, July 2018

18A. Your Executive Committee members
18B. Chairperson’s report [Bronney laurie]
18C. Editor’s report [Jackie Hutchings]
18D. Set your sails – Tentative NZ College of Stomal Therapy Nursing conference programme
18E. Nomination form for NZNO College of Stomal Therapy nursing executive committee
18F. Application for Bernadette Hart award
18G. Vann’s ostomy challenges
18H. Accepting that not all things are fair or fixable
18I. Phosphate enema through colostomy
18J. Magic Max: A case study in the use of convexity in babies with an ostomy
18K. Those troublesome stomas!


19. Pacific International Health Symposium: "Strengthening Partnerships for Pacific Health"
Date: 29th & 30th November 2018
Venue: Hutton Theatre, Otago Museum, Dunedin
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20. Council of International Neonatal Nurses 2019
Theme: Enriched Family – Enhanced Care

Date: 5-8 May 2019
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand
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21. All Together Better Health IX (ATBH IX)
Under the direction of The World Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Coordinating Committee.
9th ATBH conference. Transforming the Landscape of Healthcare - Ohomairangi te Hauora Manaaki.

Date: Monday 3 Sept – Thurs 6 September 2018
Venue: AUT, Auckland, New Zealand
Get more information

News - National

22. Nurses' deal: How does it compare?
Stuff - 10:34, July 11 2018
Up to 30,000 nurses and healthcare workers around the country will stop work for 24 hours on Thursday. You study for three years, and take out a student loan. You agree to work antisocial shifts and deal with some of the less pleasant aspects of the human condition. And you earn ... about the same as a bank teller. Read the article

23. Nurses feeling undervalued, not just underpaid
ODT - Wednesday, 11 July 2018
To borrow a line from Peter Finch in the movie Network, nurses are as mad as hell and they aren't going to take this any more. The decision by New Zealand Nurses Organisation members to strike tomorrow shows just how strong discontent is in the nation's hospital wards and birthing suites. Read the article

News – International

24. Flying high: kids in the UK are wild about energy drinks - but how harmful are they?
The Guardian - 9 July 2018
When Red Bull launched in the UK in 1994, with its odd, cough-linctus flavour and novel billing as an “energy drink”, students and clubbers went mad for the stuff. The brand quickly became a cheap and legal staple for staying up all night. Read the article

25. Seven ways to avoid urinary tract infections
The Guardian – 9 July 2018
About a fifth of all women will have a UTI in their life, with many experiencing recurring infections. Here are steps you can take to reduce the risk of getting one. Read the article

26. Nightshifts disrupt rhythm between brain and gut, study shows
The Guardian – 9 July 2018
Blood tests on participants show profound impact work pattern has on hormones. Read the article

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