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Issue 19 Library e-newsletter - 25 May 2018


Available for issue for 4 weeks to current NZNO members. Please provide your address so the books can be couriered to you.

1. The rise and fall of National Women’s hospital: A history
Linda Bryder
Established in Auckland in 1946, with a purpose built building that opened in 1964, National Women’s was the home of medical breakthroughs by Sir William Liley and Sir Graham Liggins; of the Lawson quintuplets; and of scandals surrounding the ‘unfortunate experiment’ and the neonatal chest physiotherapy inquiry.

2. With you: The Mary Potter Hospice story
Bee Dawson
This book brings together the lives of the people who established Mary Potter Hospice: their colourful personalities, vision, creativity, energy and commitment.

3. Glimpses of Te Omanga: 100+ hospice stories
Collated by Beryl Anderson
Te Omanga hospice commenced providing service to the Hutt valley community on the 6th of September 1979. It was the first home based hospice service in New Zealand to provide a programme of total care and to offer a comprehensive education programme.

Articles – Digital Health Technology

4. Factors that influence older people’s engagement with digital health technology
Nursing Older People, November 2017. 29, 10, 27-30
: Digital health technology (DHT) encompasses a wide range of applications and interventions with the potential to address the health needs of an increasingly ageing population. Older people’s engagement with DHT depends on many factors, and this article summarises understanding of the barriers and facilitators to DHT uptake and continued use among older people.

5. Implementing digital skills training in care homes: a literature review
Nursing Older People, May 2016. 28, 4, 26-29
: In the first of two articles, Deidre Wild and colleagues look at the use of technology to increase learning, and possible barriers to its uptake by residents and staff.  This article is the first of a two-part series that informs and describes digital skills training using a dedicated console computer provided for staff and residents in a care home setting.

6. Digital skills training in care homes: achievement
Nursing Older People, June 2016. 28, 5, 31-36
: In the second of their two-part series, Deidre Wild and colleagues describe the successes and challenges of introducing training for staff with the help of ‘IT champions’. This article describes digital skills training (DST) for staff and later, residents, as part of a programme of culture change in a large care home with nursing in Glasgow

Articles –  Leadership

7. Why aren’t there more nurses at board level?
Stephanie Jones-Berry
Nursing Standard. 33, 2,19-21. doi: 10.7748/ns.33.2.19.s11.
Published in print: 02 May 2018

Abstract: Professional leaders say top-level representation is vital for patient care, but many healthcare organisations in England don’t seem to agree. Only 40% of the 15 NHS organisations running England’s health services have nurses on their decision-making boards, a Nursing Standard investigation has found.

8. Inspiration for leaders on the front line
Jennifer Trueland 
Nursing Standard. 33, 2,22-24. doi: 10.7748/ns.33.2.22.s12
Published in print: 02 May 2018
: A year-long leadership development programme gives time and space to nurses in team-leading roles who want to inspire and sustain patient-centred improvements in clinical practice

9. Leading Change
Lynne Pearce
Nursing Standard. 33, 2,26-28. doi: 10.7748/ns.33.2.26.s14
Published in print: 02 May 2018
: Political leadership and engagement isn’t just about party politics – it’s about making sure your voice is heard when the decisions are being made. While many nurses may choose to avoid politics, believing it has little to do with their working lives, engagement with political issues is increasingly viewed as a responsibility, rather than an option.

10. Nurse Manager Learning Agility and Observed Leadership Ability: A Case Study.
By Glassman, Kimberly S.
Nursing Economic$. Mar/Apr2018, Vol. 36 Issue 2, p74-82. 9p
: The article discusses a study which measured the learning agility (LA) of clinical nurse managers. The study examined the relationship of clinical nurse managers' LA between their job performance and leadership talent predictions from their nurse directors. It suggested to use LA as a vehicle for personnel management or as a conceptual grounding for nursing leadership development programs.

11. Achieving High Quality Through Transformational Leadership: A Qualitative Multilevel Analysis of Transformational Leadership and Perceived Professional Quality
Bøgh Andersen, Lotte; Bjørnholt, Bente; Ladegaard Bro, Louise; Holm-Petersen, Christina. Public Personnel Management. Mar 2018, Vol. 47 Issue 1, p51-72. 22p.
DOI: 10.1177/0091026017747270

Abstract: This article applies a qualitative multilevel comparative case design to investigate the transformational leadership-professional quality relationship for child care centers. We find that transformational leadership is positively associated with the degree of shared understanding of professional quality among professionals and that a shared understanding of quality is positively associated with high levels of professional quality.

12. Claiming the Corner Office. Social Media as a Leadership Tool for Nurse Executives.
By Flury, Christine (Gamlen).
Nursing Economic$. Sep/Oct 2017, Vol. 35 Issue 5, p272-275. 4p
: The article discusses nursing leaders' use of social media for immediate communication of their thrust to lead in healthcare transformation. Topics covered include its prudent use for interaction from the unit level to the C-suite, leaders' challenge to stay current in the healthcare world, and nurses' challenge of balancing personal and professional issues in online conversations.

13. Nurse Practitioner Leadership In Promoting Access to Rural Primary Care
Kippenbrock, Thomas
Nursing Economic$. May/Jun 2017, Vol. 35 Issue 3, p119-125. 7p
: The article discusses the research about the leadership of the nurse practitioner (NP) workforce in promoting access to health care in the rural southern states in the U.S. Topics mentioned include the difference in NP in rural and urban areas, the demographic profile of NP including work experiences and practice setting, and the strategies for resolving the shortage of physicians in rural areas including innovations in healthcare delivery and federal support of residency training

14. Women in leadership and the bewildering glass ceiling.
By Chisholm-Burns, Marie A.; Spivey, Christina A.; Hagemann, Tracy; Josephson, Michelle A.
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 3/1/2017, Vol. 74 Issue 5, p312-324.
: The authors convey their concerns on the state of women in leadership, particularly in the fields of pharmacy, healthcare, and higher education. Topics covered include gender bias as a challenge for women in the workplace, the scarcity of women corporate executives according to media outlet CNN, and career development trends in academic programs in the health professions.

Journal - Table of Contents

OT Insight: maramatanga whakaora ngangahau: Magazine of Occupational Therapy New Zealand, May 2018


15A. From the editor
15B. From the Executive Director [2018 Clinical workshop; Hand therapy; Occupation therapy CPPF/CMCE self-audit tool
15C. The WAKA model: Moving forward together: Part 1
15D. Unknotting anxiety with West Coasters: A collaborative journey
15E. Choosing Wisely takes off in New Zealand
15F. The crisis in our emergency departments
15G. Interpreting the relationship between occupational therapy and mental health frameworks
15H. A case study: Exploring the effects of poverty on a child’s patterns of occupation
15I. CPE calendar


16. Nurses for Christian Fellowship International – Pacific and East Asia Regional Conference: “For Such A Time As This”
Date: 7-11th June 2018
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
More information:

17. 2018 Australasian ethics network (AEN) conference
: Bridging the Barriers - Understanding Misconceptions
Date: 26-28 September 2018
Venue: Rydges Hotel, Townsville, Australia
More information:
To register:

News - National

18. Challenging New Zealand's harmful drinking culture
Newshub - 23/05/2018
Alcohol abuse is more harmful than meth, and the Government could do more to change the message around New Zealand's harmful drinking culture, according to a senior medical professor.
News – International

19. Motor neurone disease: 'If you were to design the cruellest of diseases, this would be it'
Australian doctors are trialling a new drug they hope will help slow the progress of motor neurone disease, which is on the rise






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