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Issue 11 Library e-newsletter - 6 April 2018

Articles – International Journal of Nursing Practice, February 2018

1. Editorial: 2018—The year of (evidence‐based) nurse workforce planning?
International Journal of Nursing Practice, Volume 24, Issue 1, February 2018

May the nursing profession continue rising to the challenges of delivering person‐centred, evidence‐based, innovative care in every conceivable setting;
may the nursing workforce prosper in health and well‐being, and nurses be happy in their work.
And why should we not? The need for nursing has never been greater, with the ageing of populations, increasing chronic disease
prevalence, and escalating skills and technologies for successful management of ill‐health at older ages.

2. Factors contributing to managerial competence of first‐line nurse managers: A systematic review
Joko Gunawan., Yupin Aungsuroch & Mary L. Fisher
International Journal of Nursing Practice, Volume 24, Issue 1, February 2018
: To determine the factors contributing to managerial competence of first‐line nurse managers.
Background: Understanding factors affecting managerial competence of nurse managers remains important to increase the performance of organizations; however, there is sparse research examining factors that influence managerial competence of first‐line nurse managers.

3. Holistic health care: Patients' experiences of health care provided by an Advanced Practice Nurse
Irene Eriksson .,Monica Lindblad., Ulrika Möller & Catharina Gillsjö
International Journal of Nursing Practice, Volume 24, Issue 1, February 2018
: To describe patients' experiences of health care provided by an APN in primary health care

4. Smart phone accessibility and mHealth use in a limited resource setting
Shelby L. Garner., Tanya Sudia & Spurgeon Rachaprolu
International Journal of Nursing Practice, Volume 24, Issue 1, February 2018
: To determine smartphone access and use including future opportunities for mHealth and potential ethical implications among health care professionals practicing at a health care facility in Bengaluru, India

5. Perceptions of risk of coronary heart disease among people living with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Ali Ahmad Ammouri., Ahmad H. Abu Raddaha., Jansi Natarajan & Melba Sheila D'Souza
International Journal of Nursing Practice, Volume 24, Issue 1, February 2018
: Our aim is to assess perception of risk of developing coronary heart disease and to examine its associations with individuals' characteristics and health behaviours among Omani people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).

6. Conducting research through cross national collaboration
Mary K. Steinke ., Melanie Rogers., Daniela Lehwaldt & Kimberley Lamarche
International Journal of Nursing Practice, Volume 24, Issue 1, February 2018
: To explore the collaborative nature of an international research project with other advanced practice nurse researchers and critically analyse the process.
Background: Research within the nursing community is recognized internationally as important to ensure that nurses participate in cutting‐edge health care and promote evidence‐based practices, yet there is little detail found in literature on how a successful collaborative relationship is initiated and conducted in advanced practice research.

Articles – Burnout

7. The rise of burnout: An emerging challenge facing nurses and midwives
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Vol. 25, No. 5, Nov 2017: 18-23
: Stress. Physical and emotional exhaustion. Irritability. Loss of motivation. Reduced productivity. Detachment. Skipping work. Using food, drugs or alcohol to cope. Burnout is a debilitating condition which research shows is increasingly affecting nurses and midwives. Robert Fedele investigates the rise of burnout and need for key stakeholders charged with managing the workforce and sector to recognise its importance and find solutions.

8. Stress and burnout - the human body's defence mechanism
Skinner, Virginia
Australian Midwifery News, Vol. 16, No. 4, Summer 2016: 7-8
: By definition, stress that is positive is known as eustress. This type of stress provides the incentive and motivation to rise in the morning and continue on throughout the day and get up again the next morning! Stress that is negative and may cause deleterious effects is known as distress and may actually prevent and paralyse the normal motivation of eustress. Long term stress leads to burnout and the human body rejects the normal immune responses of homeostasis and allostasis.

9. Combatting staff burnout in mental health: Key managerial and leadership tasks that are fundamental to staff wellbeing and retention
Coates, D;   Howe, D
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2015: 24-32
: Mental health workers are at high risk of burnout, and this not only impacts negatively on the employee, but also on the quality of the service for clients and the functioning of organisations

10. Burnout levels in neonatal intensive care nurses and its effects on their quality of life.
Aytekin, Aynur;   Yilmaz, Fatma;   Kuguoglu, Sema
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, The, Vol. 31, No. 2, Dec 2013 - Feb 2014: 39-47
The purpose of this study was to investigate burnout levels of nurses working in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and the effects of burnout on their quality of life. Design: This was a descriptive and correlational study.

Articles – Nurse Practitioners

11. Descriptive, cross-country analysis of the nurse practitioner workforce in six countries: size, growth, physician substitution potential
Maier CB, Barnes H,Aiken LH, et al
: Many countries are facing provider shortages and imbalances in primary care or are projecting shortfalls for the future, triggered by the rise in chronic diseases and multimorbidity. In order to assess the potential of nurse practitioners (NPs) in expanding access, we analysed the size, annual growth (2005 - 2015) and the extent of advanced practice of NPs in 6 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries.
Open Access:

12. Ward staff perceptions of the role of the advanced nurse practitioner in a ‘hospital at day’ setting.
Halliday, Stuart; Hunter, David J.; McMillan, Laura
British Journal of Nursing, 1/25/2018; 27(2): 92-97. 6p
: to examine ward staff perceptions on the role of the ‘hospital at day’ advanced nurse practitioner (ANP). This term is used locally to refer to a model first introduced into ‘hospital at night’ teams, in response to changes in working patterns of junior doctors, where an advanced nurse practitioner is based on the ward—the model was subsequently rolled out to daytime teams.

13. Lessons Learned from Nurse Practitioner Independent Practice: A Conversation with a Nurse Practitioner Entrepreneur.
Hahn, Joyce A.
Nursing Economic$; Jan/Feb 2018; v.36. n.1, 18-22. 5p
: An interview with Wesley Cook, nurse practitioner (NP) entrepreneur and owner and president of District Primary Care LLC, is presented. Among the issues he discussed include what led him to establish the company as an independent NP, the lessons he learned in establishing and maintaining a sustainable business model, and whether he considers himself as an agent of change or a pioneer in the marketplace.

14. An Outcome Analysis of Nurse Practitioners in Acute Care Trauma Services.
Holliday, Anna
Journal of Trauma Nursing, Nov/Dec 2017; 24(6): 365-E2. 8p
: The department of trauma at a Level 1 trauma center sought to improve outcomes by enhancing the continuity of care for patients admitted to trauma services. Departmental leadership explored opportunities to improve this aspect of patient care through expansion of existing trauma nurse practitioner (NP) services. The restructured trauma NP service model was implemented in September 2013.

15. Cultural competence training for primary care nurse practitioners: An intervention to increase culturally competent care
Debiasi, Laura B.; Selleck, Cynthia S.
Journal of Cultural Diversity, Summer 2017; 24(2): 39-45. 7p
: This project sought to improve NPs' ability to provide culturally competent care through training. Measures included client surveys and NP self-assessment. NPs (n=13) completed a Cultural Competence Assessment pre- and post- training using the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence. Clients completed the Clinicians' Cultural Sensitivity Survey pre- and post- NP training. Post-training, there was a significant increase in NPs reporting cultural assessment documentation and decreases in stereotyping.

Journal – Table of Contents
The Outlet: New Zealand Stomal Therapy Nurses, March 2018

16A. Chairpersons report [Bronney Laurie]
16B. Your Executive committee members
16C. Editor’s report [Jackie Hutchings]
16D. Policy for Bernadette Hart Award; Application form for Bernadette Hart award
16E. Omnigon poster competition
16F. Set your sails: Tentative programme
16G. Registration form: NZNO College of Stomal Therapy Nursing conference
16H. Ostomy New Zealand Stomal Therapy Nurse survey 2018
16I. Code of Conduct [Nursing Council]
16J. The Liberty NZ Stomal Therapy ‘publishing excellence’ award
16K. Best published article entry form
16L. Writing in The Outlet
16M. The time has come the walrus said [Jenny Coulson]
16N. Low anterior resection syndrome (LARS: A nursing review of the literature]

Conferences & Workshops

17. 15th NZCOM Biennial National Conference
One Voice – Women and Midwives
Date: 24 – 25 August 2018
Venue: Energy Events Centre, Rotorua
More information:

18. All Together Better Health
Transforming the Landscape of Healthcare
Date: 3-6 September 2018
Venue: AUT City Campus - Sir Paul Reeves Building (WG)
More information:

News - National

19. Opinion: Nurses are stretched to capacity - we deserve more than a 2 percent pay rise
Newshub - 27/03/2018
We know that the public health service is creaking with the strain of high demand, the complexities of an ageing population and a climate of funding neglect. But we are a workforce that needs looking after, so that we can look after others.

20. Nursing strikes and safe staffing: a brief history
Nursing Review editor Fiona Cassie looks at the historical context of why many nurses are reporting their patience is stretched – and their patients missing out – nearly 15 years on from requesting a safe staffing model and receiving their last pay “jolt”. Back in 2004 nurses withdrew a claim for mandated nurse-to-patient ratios to help win an historic pay ‘jolt’. In place of ratios they were promised a committee of inquiry to develop a national safe staffing model with the aim for implementation to be underway “no later than July 2006”. More than a decade later most public hospital nurses are still waiting for that safe staffing model to make a difference to the number of nurses on their ward (see full timeline below).

News International

21. Guilty: Health Department breached privacy laws publishing data of 2.5m people
Sydney Morning Herald – 29 March 2018
The federal Department of Health "unintentionally" breached privacy laws when it published de-identified health records of 2.5 million people online, Australia's Privacy Commissioner has ruled. About 1½ years ago, the department published de-identified health data of 10 per cent of the population from the Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS) and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) on the government's open data website for "research purposes.

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