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Issue 6 Library e-newsletter 23 Feb 2018

Articles - MRSA

1. Evidence summaries: Antibiotic therapy for managing MRSA in nonsurgical wounds
Khalil, Hanan
Australian Pharmacist, Vol. 33, No. 1, Jan 2014: 39
Methicillin resistant infections are a marker of penicillin’s resistance to beta-Lactam antibiotics. Abstract
: MRSA infections are also likely to be associated with resistance to other commonly prescribed antibiotics, such as erythromycin, clindamycin, gentamycin, ciprofloxacin and fusidic acid.

2. Management of multi-resistant organisms (MRO) in the perioperative environment study tour
Moore, Suellen
ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, Vol. 26, No. 2, Winter 2013: 18, 20, 22-23
: Preventing and controlling infection is a concern every day for every surgical patient. It is no secret that a bundled approach to fighting infection can lead to better patient outcomes. But what factors go into a comprehensive plan to fight infection and what new approaches can facilities, and in particular, perioperative nurses, take to reduce their infection rates in 2012, especially within the perioperative setting?

3. Role of the hospital environment in disease transmission, with a focus on 'Clostridium difficile'
Rutala, William A;   Weber, David J
Healthcare Infection, Vol. 18, No. 1, Mar 2013: 14-22
Contamination of the surface environment in hospital rooms plays an important role in the transmission of several key healthcare-associated pathogens including Clostridium difficile, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus spp. (VRE), Acinetobacter spp. and norovirus. It may cause serious disease, especially in older individuals, it may survive for long periods of time in the environment and it is relatively resistant to many commonly used antiseptics and disinfectants.

4. How quickly do hospital surfaces become contaminated after detergent cleaning?
Bogusz, Alexandra;   Stewart, Munro;   Hunter, Jennifer;   Yip, Brigitte;   Reid, Damien;   Robertson, Chris;   Dancer, Stephanie J
Healthcare Infection, Vol. 18, No. 1, Mar 2013: 3-9
: Hospital cleanliness is important for controlling infection. This study aimed to determine the effect of detergent-based cleaning on microbial load at near-patient sites on one ward over a 48 h period.

Articles – Duty of Care

5. Legal, ethical and professional aspects of duty of care for nurses
Dowie, Iwan
Nursing Standard, 12/13/2017; 32(16-19): 47-52. 6p
: Duty of care is a fundamental aspect of nursing, and many nurses consider this to be an important part of their professional duties as a nurse. This article examines the legal, ethical and professional aspects of duty of care, what these mean for nurses in practice, and how duty of care is intrinsically linked with standards of care and negligence.

6. As a midwife you must respect a woman's right to confidentiality: A Northern Ireland perspective
Duff, Hayley; Patterson, Dorothy
British Journal of Midwifery, Jan 2017; 25(1): 46-50. 5p
: Within the role of a registered midwife, the issue of maintaining confidentiality is complex. A midwife’s responsibility is outlined and governed by laws such as the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Data Protection Act 1998. The ideology of confidentiality is further reinforced by the Nursing and Midwifery Council, and should not cause the midwife undue pressure or stress; however, it often becomes a cause for concern.

7. Handwriting and a nurse's duty of care
Griffith, Richard
British Journal of Nursing, 6/9/2016; 25(11): 622-623. 2p
: The article discusses the professional duty of nurses to write clearly and highlights the financial and human cost of poor handwriting. It points out that a nurse's duty of care includes indirect elements such as information sharing, record keeping and the standard of handwriting in addition to direct care and treatment given to patients. It notes that poor handwriting is a significant risk to patient safety and nurses are duty bound to ensure the safety of their patients by writing clearly

8. Negligence and the Duty of Care: A Case Study Discussion.
Foley, Melissa; Christensen, Martin
Singapore Nursing Journal, Jan-Apr 2016; 43(1): 7-11. 5p
: Nursing practice comes with an element of risk. The obligation of the duty of care and the implications in a breach of that duty are set in every nursing's governing body's professional codes, guidelines and standards of practice. The overriding ethical principles are to do no harm (nonmaleficence) and promote only good (beneficence). To meet the needs of nonmaleficence for example, the obligation is not only to prevent harm but also not to expose the patient to unnecessary 'harmful' risk.

9. Ethical guidance for disaster response, specifically around crisis standards of care: A systematic review
By Leider, Jonathon P.; DeBruin, Debra; Reynolds, Nicole; Koch, Angelica; Seaberg, Judy.
American Journal of Public Health. Sep 2017, Vol. 107 Issue 9, pe1-e9. 9p
: Terrorism, disease outbreaks, and other natural disasters and mass casualty events have pushed health care and public health systems to identify and refine emergency preparedness protocols for disaster response. Ethical guidance, alongside legal and medical frameworks, are increasingly common components of disaster response plans. Objectives. To systematically review the prevalence and content of ethical guidance offered for disaster response, specifically around crisis standards of care (CSCs).

Journal - Table of Contents

From Canadian Nurse, November/December 2017, Vol. 113, No. 6

10A. From the Ceo: Directional shifts
10B. President’s Message: Reflection and intention
10C. Perspectives: NAFTA renegotiations
10D. Perspectives: How long can humans live?; Accelerating drug development with yeast; Pumping up seniors’ strength and muscle mass; Your social class is written all over your face; Protein shows promise in treating heart failure
10E. November is Radon action month
10F. Nurses’ perceptions of two tools for assessing patients with alcohol withdrawal [The modified Richmond agitation sedation scale –Alcohol withdrawal and the revised clinical institute withdrawal assessment for alcohol scale]
10G. Preparing a publishable research manuscript: Practical guidelines
10H. Vaccines an aid in tackling AMR
10I. Plein sevrage: A community-based project on drug withdrawal management
10J. Determined to make a difference in the lives of young mothers [Susan Jack’s career transition from public health practice to public health research]
10K. A call to follow through on relationship building

Conferences & Workshops

11. 2018 Women's Studies Association/ Pae Akoranga Wāhine (WSA/PAW) Conference
Feminist Engagements in Aotearoa: 125 Years of Suffrage and Beyond

Hosted by Victoria University of Wellington/Te Whare Wānanga o Te Ūpoko o Te Ika a Māui
Dates: Friday 21st - Sunday 23rd September, 2018
Venue: Rutherford House, Victoria University Pipitea Campus, Wellington, New Zealand

News National

12. Funding in Auckland health sector not keeping up with population growth, politicians told
Stuff – 22 February 2018

The resilience of Auckland's district health boards has been "exhausted" due underfunding and a "tsunami of patients" seeking urgent medical care, Auckland's outgoing health boss says. At a Health Select Committee on Wednesday Auckland district health board bosses (DHBs) presented on the state of Auckland's health sector.

13. Midwife shortage in the Waikato remains
Waikato Times - February 16 2018

The Waikato midwife shortage remains a problem, though a crisis at Christmas was avoided. The shortage was first raised in May last year and interim plans were put in place by Waikato Hospital and the New Zealand College of Midwives (NZCM) to compensate for it.

14. National homelessness forum in Tauranga about 'reconnecting people', organiser says
Bay of Plenty times – 19 Feb 2018

Organisations working on the front line of homelessness will meet in Tauranga for a forum aimed at addressing the issue throughout Aotearoa. "The governmental departments are going to have the luxury of sitting in the audience and listening and we'll be up on the stage giving them what we believe are the solutions to homelessness," Tommy Kapai Wilson, director of Te Tuinga Whanau - Support Services Trust, said.

News International

15. Surgical sponges left inside woman for at least 6 years
By Mark Lieber, CNN, February 21, 2018

wo surgical sponges were left in a woman's abdomen for at least six years, according to a new report in the New England Journal of Medicine. The unidentified 42-year-old went to a primary care clinic in Japan, saying she had experienced bloating for three years, according to the report, published Wednesday

16. Sharing stories of miscarriage helps women grieve, fight for change
By Elissa Strauss, CNN, February 22, 2018

Miscarriage holds the unusual position of being both very common and routinely avoided in polite conversation. According to the American Pregnancy Association, miscarriage occurs in 10% to 25% of known pregnancies. This means anyone who knows at least 10 women of childbearing age -- a category that includes, hopefully, all of us -- most likely knows someone who has had a miscarriage.

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